Japan - Andrew Lathrop, 20, American, Hakodate, 15 Aug 2005

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I hate saying this but I wonder if he drowned. I didn't see anything about anyone finding clothes or anything like that. Prayers and good thoughts for the family and Andrew.
So sad. Such a promising young man. I wish he hadn't decided to go hiking alone. I wonder about that last message "I decided to stay in Hakodate". I wonder what he meant by that?
Do they think he got lost in the National Park?
They had a Benefit for him today. Donations for searching. I imagine its quite expensive and even more stressful being in a foreign country.

Unfortunatly if he hasn't been found by now then I'm sure foul play has occured, unless maybe he got lost. I was really hoping he was off exploring or something. I just don't understand why he would text his girlfriend though and say he was staying. From what I've read he is very responsible. Why would he just leave her when he was supposed to meet up with her. Especialy in an unfamilure country.
Its so hard to believe that there is nothing new on this case. I so wish he would be found safe and sound. What in the world could have happened?
RPPaolin said:
Its so hard to believe that there is nothing new on this case. I so wish he would be found safe and sound. What in the world could have happened?

It sure doesn't sound good does it? I wonder if it was him that actually sent the text message? He could have told whoever that if he wasn't back at a certain time to meet his girlfriend that she would contact LE and so.. whoever... made him send a text message...that is if there was foul play.

I wonder if his parents have even been able to go to Japan to help took for their son? I wouldn't be able to go because financially there is no way I could do it. That is the trouble with things like this happening in a foreign country.
As we know...the laws are different....they are different...if you can't afford to go stay there you have no idea what is being done and what isn't. I know LE here isn't alway that great but I'll take US LE any day.

I hope this young man shows up...alive I hope. His mom and dad need their questions answered and they need to be able to bring their boy home if something happened to him.
SpongeBathHotPants said:
I hate saying this but I wonder if he drowned. I didn't see anything about anyone finding clothes or anything like that. Prayers and good thoughts for the family and Andrew.

His clothes were in the swimming locker at the park.

I agree, it sounds like he drowned. I wonder what the beach is like there - we went swimming on a beach in Bermuda, and I was dang near killed - the rip tides at this beach are horrific, and there are very sharp lava rocks below the surface that will cut you to ribbons even if you're a strong swimmer. I wonder what the conditions were like in that cove.
Heres an awesome article regarding what Andrew did before he went missing, it's very detailed, which I like!

This is a snippet from the article, the rest is at the link:


Ariel Smoke spent the rest of the day exploring more of Hakodate, and then got to the ferry a little after 4 p.m. At 4:09 she sent Andy a text message: "I'm at the station."

Lathrop did not respond, nor did he appear at 4:30, the time he had suggested to meet. Hours passed. Finally, at 10 p.m., Smoke phoned Shanti Laird in Tokyo. Laird is a coordinator with the Labo International Exchange Foundation, which had arranged Lathrop's teaching position in Japan.

"Call the police," Laird said.

The authorities give a missing person 48 hours to show up; in the meantime, Laird flew to Hakodate.

She and Smoke searched and found nothing, nor did the police once they became involved.
If he drowned, where is his phone? He was seen sitting on a rock eating and text messaging, later seen emerging from the water after a swim. I'm assuming he would leave his phone on the rock while he swam or somewhere - he wouldn't take it into the water with him. I hope they have tried combing the beach while calling his phone in hopes of hearing it ring?
SpongeBathHotPants said:
I hate saying this but I wonder if he drowned. I didn't see anything about anyone finding clothes or anything like that. Prayers and good thoughts for the family and Andrew.
hi SBHP...famil's website said clothes were found in swimming locker....

any mention of finding red bag with cell, ipod and camera...?
LButler said:
If he drowned, where is his phone? He was seen sitting on a rock eating and text messaging, later seen emerging from the water after a swim. I'm assuming he would leave his phone on the rock while he swam or somewhere - he wouldn't take it into the water with him. I hope they have tried combing the beach while calling his phone in hopes of hearing it ring?
yes, family sounds like they have done everything right..divers, searchers in caves..etc.

My prayers and thoughts are with family. Hope they find Andrew soon.
Any updates on this case? Andy's website does not seem to have been updated since October.

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