Jared Leisek of Adventures With Purpose charged with child rape

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I'm new to this case as I found it only yesterday.

I don't understand his blaming Mormon background for the crime - I'm not an expert but I always assumed that this Church doctrine bars sexual activity outside of heterosexual marriage.

It boggles my mind that he claimed that he and his cousins were groomed to this kind of pervert behaviour.
What kind of family was that??? o_O
It is beyond sick :mad:

What this poor then a 9 year old girl had to endure!!! :(

I hope Justice will be served in this disgusting case.

Sad to see Mike King supporting this vile rapist. The last of his credibility just went out the window.

Sad to see this about MK, as well. Dont want to click on video (giving him support) link so if possible could you explain briefly why MK is supporting him? TIA
MK considers JL a friend. They collaborated on a few AWP projects. MK's main defense is that JL was a juvenile at the time and, if prosecuted back then, he would have got away lightly and/or without much publicity. He is also complaining about the statute of limitations being abolished in Utah.
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MK considers JL a friend. They collaborated on a few AWP projects. MK's main defense is that JL was a juvenile at the time and, if prosecuted back then, he would have got away lightly and/or without much publicity.
He also considered that other guy a friend, and started PE with him. He seems like a really nice guy but he also doesn't seem like a great judge of character.

In this case, if his defense is "but he was a juvenile when he raped his fellow juvenile relative" is the best he's got, then I don't even know what else to say.
From the article: "These allegations are serious. What allegedly happened 30 years ago should not take away from the amazing work the team has done in this world over the past two years. The [courts] will write the ending of this story. The parties involved will have their voices heard," Bishop said."

You don't get to come back from that and hang your hat on all the "good" you did.
While I agree, Jared shouldn't get to "hang his hat on all the good he did"... I view the comment from the article differently than some. The part that wasn't bolded in the OP's post (underlined now by me above) is what that sentence was trying to convey. That what Jared did shouldn't take away from the amazing work the team has done.

He seemed to have been a troubled youth.
Dropped off from high school, was homeless, etc.
(According to a link up thread)

Even now, he was described as "restless" - hurrying from one place to another while with AWP.
I first heard about this rescue group while following KR thread and was full of admiration for these guys.

So he is married, with a daughter(!)
(From the link up thread)

I cannot imagine the shock they must have experienced hearing the news.
Geez, getting to know dad was (an alleged) rapist of a 9 year old girl!!! :oops:

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I'm new to this case as I found it only yesterday.

I don't understand his blaming Mormon background for the crime - I'm not an expert but I always assumed that this Church doctrine bars sexual activity outside of heterosexual marriage.

It boggles my mind that he claimed that he and his cousins were groomed to this kind of pervert behaviour.
What kind of family was that??? o_O
It is beyond sick :mad:

What this poor then a 9 year old girl had to endure!!! :(

I hope Justice will be served in this disgusting case.


I don't think we are allowed to discuss religion in here, so I won't, but I might encourage you to Google the subject matter at the same time as researching his particular religion.

As for Liesek and justice, sadly I think we are all going to be disgusted and disappointed at the outcome of these charges. Fame and money shout way louder than innocent victims can, and they also drown out voices and replace them with victim blaming rhetoric that is all anyone ends up hearing.
I would love to see justice for his victims (yes, I meant that to be plural) but I'm not holding out any hope for it.
Wow. I used to respect Mike King. Now I feel nothing but disgust. JL admitted it all in emails. There is no gray area in this situation.
At yesterday's preliminary hearing JL pleaded not guilty to the child rape charge. It seems strange that no media were present. Pretrial conference is scheduled for February. It will be broadcast via Webex.

JL is also suing one of his former employees for copyright infringement. IMO he's trying to stifle competition. He can afford multiple lawyers.
Thank you that’s all I need to know, I won’t view or listen.
I'm done with him if he's supporting that ahole. You either support applying the law or don't change it in the first place. If his claim to fame is having been a cop for a zillion years before becoming a youtube jockey then he should support the law in general, that he is using for self claimed fame.

Actually no big loss to MK, he doesn't show up in my algorithm anyway. Probably since I banned that other jerk his ex partner who violated all social media decency by publicly accusing some random online person (on twitter?) of being Brian Laundrie.

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At yesterday's preliminary hearing JL pleaded not guilty to the child rape charge. It seems strange that no media were present. Pretrial conference is scheduled for February. It will be broadcast via Webex.

JL is also suing one of his former employees for copyright infringement. IMO he's trying to stifle competition. He can afford multiple lawyers.
IMO, JL is known to me only because of his involvement in the Kiely Rodni case and my participation on Websleuths. Unless you are a crime sleuth (either on this site or others), I doubt most people would recognize his name.

The organization itself, AWP has done some very valuable volunteer work in helping to find sunken cars. Their help has given many familys' closure.

What he is accused of doing as a juvenile is reprehensible and I hope he is prosecuted to the full extent of the law for the alledged crime. But I really wouldn't expect much press coverage for his current court case. It is unfortuneate that MK has chosen to align himself with JL. I agree with you all though, MK has lost all credibility over his decision.

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IMO, JL is known to me only because of his involvement in the Kiely Rodni case and my participation on Websleuths. Unless you are a crime sleuth (either on this site or others), I doubt most people would recognize his name.

The organization itself, AWP has done some very valuable volunteer work in helping to find sunken cars. Their help has given many familys' closure.

What he is accused of doing as a juvenile is reprehensible and I hope he is prosecuted to the full extent of the law for the alledged crime. But I really wouldn't expect much press coverage for his current court case. It is unfortuneate that MK has chosen to align himself with JL. I agree with you all, MK has lost all credibility over his decision.

Same here, I actually bought a AWP sweatshirt and watched a bunch of their case videos after they found KR.
It's a shame JL ruined the organization's future - you're right the team did some amazing things for families of the missing.

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