Jared Leisek of Adventures With Purpose charged with child rape

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
What an odd thing to say in a bio? Hopefully AWP can reorganize, maybe change their name and continue doing the work they do to find the missing. The organization is a worthy one- I'd hate for future families to miss out on an opportunity to get their loved ones back.
Maybe a name change isn’t what they need, maybe just Jared stepping away and Bishop taking over would be a better method, they have so much stuff branded with the name that would be expensive and difficult to change suddenly. I have always enjoyed watching them and wanting to help someway locally too.
Maybe a name change isn’t what they need, maybe just Jared stepping away and Bishop taking over would be a better method, they have so much stuff branded with the name that would be expensive and difficult to change suddenly. I have always enjoyed watching them and wanting to help someway locally too.
I don't think that would work. AWP is Jared's private company. Even if he steps back from the camera the fact remains that Jared is the owner of the company and profits go directly to his LLC, Trevari Media LLC. And many people will no longer fund/donate to a company owned by Jared Leisek under the current circumstances.

The other members cannot reform a new team (even with a new name) unrelated to JL because they all signed non-compete agreements. This is according to the resignation video posted by Josh Cantu posted further back in the thread. He didn't specify how long the non-compete is in effect but they are typically a year or two. So even if the team wants to rebrand and continue the work, they can't. At least not for a while. Messy situation, legally. My opinions only.
I don't think that would work. AWP is Jared's private company. Even if he steps back from the camera the fact remains that Jared is the owner of the company and profits go directly to his LLC, Trevari Media LLC. And many people will no longer fund/donate to a company owned by Jared Leisek under the current circumstances.

The other members cannot reform a new team (even with a new name) unrelated to JL because they all signed non-compete agreements. This is according to the resignation video posted by Josh Cantu posted further back in the thread. He didn't specify how long the non-compete is in effect but they are typically a year or two. So even if the team wants to rebrand and continue the work, they can't. At least not for a while. Messy situation, legally. My opinions only.

I wonder if there is some way they could have the NDA voided legally, since Jared has criminal charges pending? Some sort of good-faith argument? IANAL obviously, but I hope they are consulting with one who can guide them.

I wonder if there is some way they could have the NDA voided legally, since Jared has criminal charges pending? Some sort of good-faith argument? IANAL obviously, but I hope they are consulting with one who can guide them.

IMO it would be lovely if there was some kind of breach of contract. Maybe a good conduct clause like some athletes have.

I doubt it 100%, though, as Jared IS the company, he knew he had a crime in his background, and he'd never have inserted a clause that held himself to any high standard.


Just hoping, as you are, that there is some wiggle room that a lawyer can find which releases them from the non-compete clause.
IMO it would be lovely if there was some kind of breach of contract. Maybe a good conduct clause like some athletes have.

I doubt it 100%, though, as Jared IS the company, he knew he had a crime in his background, and he'd never have inserted a clause that held himself to any high standard.


Just hoping, as you are, that there is some wiggle room that a lawyer can find which releases them from the non-compete clause.
Maybe a really good lawyer can use that (bolded above) to let the other guys off the hook from this non-compete clause.

Him (JL) knowing full well if the truth of his criminal past (alleged) ever came out, NONE of those guys would want to be associated with him via employment or any other way, it seems like the fact that he wrote the clause himself, would be a major conflict of interest?

I don't know, but none of those guys should have to suffer for what this 1 creep did. Frankly, I think they should all sue him for loss of earnings for the remainder of their contracts, if they're not able to get out from under them.

Really ironic though, that now many of us are sleuthing someone that used to be sort of, one of us.

The case that has been filed is almost 30 years old.
What evidence could the prosecution possibly have?
DNA was not very mature in 1992 and I don't believe that this case was filed immediately after the assault (if it did) because the victim herself was very young 9 or 10?

Interestingly, Jared registered a new business called Underwater Investigations LLC (website here: UNDERWATER INVESTIGATIONS) in May of 2022
Also recently a lot of people have been leaving the AWP only to start free lancing and Jared himself created a new business. So what if the organization already knew that this was coming through?
The case that has been filed is almost 30 years old.
What evidence could the prosecution possibly have?
DNA was not very mature in 1992 and I don't believe that this case was filed immediately after the assault (if it did) because the victim herself was very young 9 or 10?

Also recently a lot of people have been leaving the AWP only to start free lancing and Jared himself created a new business. So what if the organization already knew that this was coming through?
Erm possibly an e-mail from Jared to his victim admitting the allegations. Other family members may also have come forward.
Erm possibly an e-mail from Jared to his victim admitting the allegations. Other family members may also have come forward.
yes but (not on anyone's side); that doesn't connect Jared automatically to the Assualt, right?
This could very well be used by his lawyers to say that the emails could've been sent by everyone at the same time after discussing.
For connecting him to the actual crime, they need probably traces of semen or something that could only be found if the case was reported back in the 1990s.
(apologising for multiple posts)
Erm possibly an e-mail from Jared to his victim admitting the allegations. Other family members may also have come forward.
When someone is a predator, I think it would be unlikely that there is only one victim. JMO of course.
If there are other victims they may be reluctant to come forward due to coverage that this case will most likely garner.
yes but (not on anyone's side); that doesn't connect Jared automatically to the Assualt, right?
This could very well be used by his lawyers to say that the emails could've been sent by everyone at the same time after discussing.
For connecting him to the actual crime, they need probably traces of semen or something that could only be found if the case was reported back in the 1990s.
(apologising for multiple posts)
These crimes against children are quite often only reported when the victim becomes an adult. A Grand Jury indicted him so there must have been compelling information provided by the victim.
They don't always need physical evidence after all these years. All they need is a jury who believes the victim with whatever info is available (phone call conversations, emails, texts etc...). IMO
They don't always need physical evidence after all these years. All they need is a jury who believes the victim with whatever info is available (phone call conversations, emails, texts etc...). IMO
That is a very important point. When it comes to cases like this, and even those with less evidence, it is who the jury believes. This victim did not file charges for 30 years because she did not have evidence. Jared has acknowledged the emails being legit (Exploring with Nug statement on YT last night he said he asked Jared via text if he would release a statement, Jared responded those emails are my statement). Cops will get his phone/text records and use that to prove their case.

Then the victim(s) can sue him in civil court, where the burden of proof is even less. I have a feeling there will be a large auction of water exploration equipment at some point in the future. JMO
yes but (not on anyone's side); that doesn't connect Jared automatically to the Assualt, right?
This could very well be used by his lawyers to say that the emails could've been sent by everyone at the same time after discussing.
For connecting him to the actual crime, they need probably traces of semen or something that could only be found if the case was reported back in the 1990s.
(apologising for multiple posts)

Sexual abuse and sexual assault are not always replete with physical evidence. There is often a time lag between the act and the report. The easiest cases to prosecute are the ones where you have evidence and witnesses but these acts are often done outside of the eyes of others and have huge emotional baggage/trauma for the survivor. So, the question of what makes a good case takes on great importance.

Often abusers/rapists have more than one victim/survivor. A survivor might confide in a friend or family member while asking to not report or disclose--so a witness with no direct knowledge but can recall the person saying what happened near the time of the incident. Survivors who should have no knowledge of a body part or anomaly but do is good evidence. Also, the survivor might have ongoing or incidental conversations that are taped, written down or memorialized in some way with the perpetrator. Or, you could have a perpetrator who admits to an action to a person thinking that they are in the clear.

I have volunteered for crisis and assault centers so I can say that sometimes you do need the physical evidence BUT it is absolutely possible to prosecute with some or all of the above along with other data points that can be unearthed. A big one in one case I worked on was a sexually transmitted disease-- a child with an STD that gets treated might be a good link to an adult abuser with that same STD --- it was discovered months after contact occurred. An on-the-ball pediatrician picked up the STD and a forensic exam occurred which led to a teen perpetrator. If there was no STD, no one would have been the wiser because the child was not willingly disclosing.
I meant to mention this earlier...There are dozens of other organizations doing the same thing, who have been just as successful (if not more so). They are more low key and their video's are way more casual. AWP put a lot of time and money into the production of their videos, to the point they look like something you would watch on ID on TV. IMO, this heightened entertainment value is one of the main factors in their fame. If you are interested, many are on YT. Exploring with Nug, Adam Brown Adventures, Wrecked and Recovered, Chaos Divers, Depths of History, there are many more.
Thank you for posting this.
And make sure it is a brand new company. Also address what they knew, and when. But theoretically, they may not be able to do that. They may very well be witnesses called to testify and should put the case first and not do anything to jeopardize that.
Would it also be possible that they might have a noncompete contract, along with a nondisclosure agreement. I don't know how that would work or any legal problems they might have.
I don't think that would work. AWP is Jared's private company. Even if he steps back from the camera the fact remains that Jared is the owner of the company and profits go directly to his LLC, Trevari Media LLC. And many people will no longer fund/donate to a company owned by Jared Leisek under the current circumstances.

The other members cannot reform a new team (even with a new name) unrelated to JL because they all signed non-compete agreements. This is according to the resignation video posted by Josh Cantu posted further back in the thread. He didn't specify how long the non-compete is in effect but they are typically a year or two. So even if the team wants to rebrand and continue the work, they can't. At least not for a while. Messy situation, legally. My opinions only.
Exactly what I was thinking. Probably noncompete and nondisclosure agreements.

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