Jaycee's Bio dad

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Jaycee's a grown woman, she can do what she wants. And if she doesn't want to see him then too bad for him.
If I were in Jaycee's shoes, I think I'd be happy to have additional real family like her step- dad, bio dad, and half siblings after being robbed of them for so many years and having to put up with the Garrido's as "family".:sick::sick::sick:
She might be, on the other hand she might not. In the end, it's her choice, not his.
i really dont jaycee's 'father' has any claim to either her or her daugters. the man never bothered to see her in the 11 years before she was kidnapped.....and now she's an adult. she doesnt have to see him if she doesnt want to. steve is her real dad, and she knows that.
also sounds like he's hiring a lawyer to make a book deal or something. to me anytime he opens his mouth it sounds like a cash register dinging.......:banghead:
Not everyone gets a second chance ... I hope JC's bio dad takes advantage of his and makes contact with her. I'm not expecting a father/daughter relationship, but I think they can form a relationship (friendship).

IMO the more friendships JC has, the better off she and her daughters will be.
i agree the more friendships she has the better.
but is he looking out for her best intrests or his own?
I read in an article that he and Terry split when she was pregnant. Didn't say how far along. Perhaps he never knew Terry was pregnant? I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt...
I read some where that they had an affair while they met on vacation. that he did like JC's mom, and that shortly after he met her, he married someone else. Seems that there was a geographical barrier.
She did let him know, when she found out that she is preg. They did not stay in touch. He was already in a relationship with current wife.
He did know about JC's abduction and was very upset from the start.

So.....That is life, we can't put anything unkind on this guy. He did nothing wrong.
I do not like any of the accusations from some who have that camera made him come out mentality.
i really dont jaycee's 'father' has any claim to either her or her daugters. the man never bothered to see her in the 11 years before she was kidnapped.....and now she's an adult. she doesnt have to see him if she doesnt want to. steve is her real dad, and she knows that.
also sounds like he's hiring a lawyer to make a book deal or something. to me anytime he opens his mouth it sounds like a cash register dinging.......:banghead:
Let the cash register ding :dance:
They need a lawyer to do things in the best way possible. in the girls interest.
These girls will need a lot of therapy, and the cost of living is not easy.
I hope they can heal without any money worries. :woohoo:
I read some where that they had an affair while they met on vacation. that he did like JC's mom, and that shortly after he met her, he married someone else. Seems that there was a geographical barrier.
She did let him know, when she found out that she is preg. They did not stay in touch. He was already in a relationship with current wife.
He did know about JC's abduction and was very upset from the start.

So.....That is life, we can't put anything unkind on this guy. He did nothing wrong.
I do not like any of the accusations from some who have that camera made him come out mentality.

isnt it a fair accusation? counting the time he found out terry was pregnent, he has zero involvemnt in jaycee's ife for 3 decades now (1979-2009).
i agree the more friendships she has the better.
but is he looking out for her best interests or his own?
How is he going to benefit? :confused:[
He already got his reward just by them coming home.
He is looking out for the girls and their mom.

It may be not so good to mistrust everyone.
isnt it a fair accusation? counting the time he found out terry was pregnent, he has zero involvemnt in jaycee's ife for 3 decades now (1979-2009).

No it is not a fair accusation at all. First of all only one dacade that he could have found her.
While he may have had no contact with her in 11 years.
There is no saying that would not have come about at some point.
We do not know if his current wife was the very jealous type, we know nothing.
If his reaction is that he would want to kill that SOB who hurt her.
He must have felt very deep pain about what happened to his daughter.
Could he have made different choices early on...
I am sure he could have, but it does not make him a bad man.

We all could have made other choices in our lives, and it wont mean that we are bad.
No it is not a fair accusation at all. First of all only one dacade that he could have found her.
While he may have had no contact with her in 11 years.
There is no saying that would not have come about at some point.
We do not know if his current wife was the very jealous type, we know nothing.
If his reaction is that he would want to kill that SOB who hurt her.
He must have felt very deep pain about what happened to his daughter.
Could he have made different choices early on...
I am sure he could have, but it does not make him a bad man.

We all could have made other choices in our lives, and it wont mean that we are bad.
you might be right.
but i believe her step dad more when he says he'd kill garrido or make him suffer........he's saying that cause he really was jaycee's dad......he raised her. i think the bio dad is saying it more out of guilt then anything. but then i guess if he feels guilt over his absence he cant be all bad right?
The sad thing is, is that if Ken did ever see that man he probly would kill him.

Just let me clear this up for you. He has two DAUGHTERS with his current wife, Brittney and Sarah. The other son you call "snip" is incorrect. They call him Chip.

He is a good man and who cares if he had a fling when he was younger and going through a divorce! Who doesn't do that?
Have you ever thought he might want to reunite with his daughter who he has never met and who he thought was dead all these years because he is shocked and relieved that she is alive and unharmed (for the most part)?
You ppl should seriously try and think or learn some true facts? Everything you hear and read are not true.
Also there has been things said about how he is just now coming out and wanting to meet her.... Obviously! He thought she was frickin dead! It's not because of the cameras! It's not like she is some famous celebrity, she is a girl who was abducted and found the media will get bored with the story shortly so that is not a reason.
Thank you for coming here and putting things straight.
I just read your post.
I hope someday Jaycee will want to meet him...I think her plate is full right now, and it may be just too much.
But I am glad he made himself known and when she is ready I am sure it will be a tearful moment.
HE IS A GOOD GUY for letting her know how much he really cares about her well being, and that
he is ready when she is to meet.
I know that he did say "she is the same face :)" And she sure is :)
But if she is not ready to meet him right now or has "issues" with male figures that are being worked on in therapy, I would hope that her Biological Father would understand and be quietly supportive until such time as she is ready to meet him.

I can imagine that being "on" and "up" and the center of attention at a family gathering might be quite stressful.
am i really that evil for asking where was all this concern from 1979 to 1991?
But if she is not ready to meet him right now or has "issues" with male figures that are being worked on in therapy, I would hope that her Biological Father would understand and be quietly supportive until such time as she is ready to meet him.

I can imagine that being "on" and "up" and the center of attention at a family gathering might be quite stressful.
I like the way you've stated it vs. the people on this thread who insist on bashing him just because he and Terry didn't have an on-going relationship. We don't know whose choice that was- might have been Terry's. I hope Jaycee does want to establish relationships with both her bio-dad and step-dad. I think it'd be healthy for her.
I like the way you've stated it vs. the people on this thread who insist on bashing him just because he and Terry didn't have an on-going relationship. We don't know whose choice that was- might have been Terry's. I hope Jaycee does want to establish relationships with both her bio-dad and step-dad. I think it'd be healthy for her.

i am not bashing him for not having a relationship with terry. he owed nothing to terry. he owed it to jaycee. maybe my vision is skewed by my own father relationship, havent seen him since i was about 5, never a call, birtdhay card or visit......if he walked back in to my life now 30 years later, i'd tell him to take a hike
No I would say not a fair "accusation" as we have no knowledge of what went down between he and Jaycee's mom. Regardless he does not seem to be seeking the limelight, rather the limelight is seeking him, and when confronted, he says yes, she is his child, and he thinks her kidnapping was terrible and that the guy who did it is awful. Does not sound to me like he's making any ploys or trying to make a buck, though I am sure it will be offered, and who knows, depending on his life situation, whether he takes that or not. He may be a great guy or an awful guy, we just don't know either way, do we?
All that said, I agree that it's unfortunate when biological parents do not step up and take responsibility for their children, financially or otherwise supporting them. But these things are worked out between the two that made the child... and we have no way of knowing what if anything that Terry may have wanted from him when Jaycee was born.
No I would say not a fair "accusation" as we have no knowledge of what went down between he and Jaycee's mom. Regardless he does not seem to be seeking the limelight, rather the limelight is seeking him, and when confronted, he says yes, she is his child, and he thinks her kidnapping was terrible and that the guy who did it is awful. Does not sound to me like he's making any ploys or trying to make a buck, though I am sure it will be offered, and who knows, depending on his life situation, whether he takes that or not. He may be a great guy or an awful guy, we just don't know either way, do we?
All that said, I agree that it's unfortunate when biological parents do not step up and take responsibility for their children, financially or otherwise supporting them. But these things are worked out between the two that made the child... and we have no way of knowing what if anything that Terry may have wanted from him when Jaycee was born.
a father steps to the plate no matter the situation with the mother. he could have sent support even without a court order......he could have gone to court and asked for visitation rights. these are just typical questions im asking.........i dont know the whole story tis true. im just speaking as someone who went thru this from jaycee's POV (the abandoment not the abduction obviously)

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