Jaycee's Girls

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Not the original poster here, but the campus security guard saw the bump on the 11 year old's eye. The little girl robotly like replied that it is a birthmark and she'd have it the rest of her life. What does a metaphysical ramification mean?
there are things we will not know because it is privet.
But IF she had a mark that is not just a temporary thing. IF it is a dark pump on the eye it may tell us something.
It is not important to the case because only evidence works in our legal system.

But our body is a blue print that does tell a story of all time and all place.
In metaphysics there is reason and cure for many ailments people have.
and markings tell a story too.
AGAIN - not important to the case, it is just one window to her Psyche, she spent 9 months in a
young frightened girl; and was born due to a rape.
That time was an important time for a baby... No new fetus should go through that terror.
How will they heal? I do not know......they did not even know that Jaycee was their mother.
With so many secrets and so many lies....
I am glad the neighbors are finally saying something. But it is too little too late, I am not so sure they are not trying to cover their own butt.
With stories of men going into the tents, and neighbors not calling the cops...I really do not know fact from fiction here.
What frightens me for these children is the fact that the neighbors reported the tent "parties" with men lining up, high fives all around after, etc. PG stated he slept with the daughters every night after they were born, but didn't abuse them....ah, hello, that is abuse in and of itself. That aside, who was in the tent when the men were there? Jaycee? Her oldest daughter? Other missing children? It has been said there was a difference between her two daughters. Could this be one of the reasons?

Another thing. That part of Antioch is NOT a nice place at all. Why would he allow any of those children to "live" in the back yard being exposed to other potential deviants? There were bars on the windows, were they there to keep the girls in or out of the house, or for protection from outside elements.

Having lived in Pittsburg and Antioch for a time, I was VERY happy to have bars on the windows! It is a place of nice middle class family subdivisions and hole in the wall scary areas all next to each other. I was in an area that was a mixture of both.

I think both Garrido and Shawn's captor had a mental hold over them that none of us (who haven't been in that position) will ever understand.

I am sure that Jaycee was threatened that if she tried to escape that she would be killed, her family would be killed and later, that her daughters would be killed. There was not a reason for her to doubt his word. He had stolen her during the day, within eye sight of her step father, abused her, sequestered her. Any punishment this man gets, isn't good enough IMHO.
What frightens me for these children is the fact that the neighbors reported the tent "parties" with men lining up, high fives all around after, etc. PG stated he slept with the daughters every night after they were born, but didn't abuse them....ah, hello, that is abuse in and of itself. That aside, who was in the tent when the men were there? Jaycee? Her oldest daughter? Other missing children? It has been said there was a difference between her two daughters. Could this be one of the reasons?

Welcome to WS, Sunnie.

If you go back to some of the threads, about 2-3 days ago, you'll find a discussion about what the neighbors said, and that the stories seemed to become more sensationalized the more they were repeated. I'm not trying to downplay the savagry of the crimes going on there, just pointing out some conclusions others here considered that perhaps the stories either got "built up" upon repeating, or got more $ensational as they were gathered by overseas news outlets.

We have to wait for the truth to unfold to know how far these horrendous crimes went.
Another thing. That part of Antioch is NOT a nice place at all. Why would he allow any of those children to "live" in the back yard being exposed to other potential deviants?

Heh.....because he's a crazy psychopath?
Heh.....because he's a crazy psychopath?

Unfortunately, one problem is there are some drug dealers in the neighborhood. That means a lot of traffic, potential problems, robberies etc. I have a sister in law that lives about 5-7 miles away, in Antioch. Her neighborhood is very nice! Not dissing Antioch as a whole, just some areas are not as safe as others. Sorry if I offended you.
Oh, I'm not offended, I was just pointing out that he's a nut, and so you shouldn't be surprised that he did crazy irrational things. I'm sure even the drug dealers wouldnt have their children camping out in the back yard :)
What frightens me for these children is the fact that the neighbors reported the tent "parties" with men lining up, high fives all around after, etc. PG stated he slept with the daughters every night after they were born, but didn't abuse them....ah, hello, that is abuse in and of itself. That aside, who was in the tent when the men were there? Jaycee? Her oldest daughter? Other missing children? It has been said there was a difference between her two daughters. Could this be one of the reasons?

Another thing. That part of Antioch is NOT a nice place at all. Why would he allow any of those children to "live" in the back yard being exposed to other potential deviants? There were bars on the windows, were they there to keep the girls in or out of the house, or for protection from outside elements.

Having lived in Pittsburg and Antioch for a time, I was VERY happy to have bars on the windows! It is a place of nice middle class family subdivisions and hole in the wall scary areas all next to each other. I was in an area that was a mixture of both.

I am sure that Jaycee was threatened that if she tried to escape that she would be killed, her family would be killed and later, that her daughters would be killed. There was not a reason for her to doubt his word. He had stolen her during the day, within eye sight of her step father, abused her, sequestered her. Any punishment this man gets, isn't good enough IMHO.

Hi Sunnie. I agree. I think they both suffered stockholm syndrome. I don't know if Jaycee was ever left alone with the chance to escape, but Shawn was and he didn't. My point bring, that mental hold over them of fear or whatever else keeps them from simply walking away when given the chance. Hope this makes sense!
Oh, I'm not offended, I was just pointing out that he's a nut, and so you shouldn't be surprised that he did crazy irrational things. I'm sure even the drug dealers wouldnt have their children camping out in the back yard :)

Nope, just PG. Too bizarre for sure!
Starlite and Angel, the two daughters Jaycee Lee Dugard had with her accused kidnapper, Phillip Garrido, were "starved of information," have never watched TV, have never heard of the U.S. President, and are undergoing "de-brainwashing" therapy, according to investigators Wednesday.
Dugard, 29, Starlite, 15, and Angel, 11, were all undergoing therapy in the Bay Area, where they are residing at a safe house with Jaycee's mother, Terry Probyn, and their aunt, Tina Dugard.
See the photos of the inside of the structures where Jaycee was held
"They are both intelligent kids but they are very naive about the real world," a Contra Costa Sheriff's Department officer told the UK Sun. The girls "have no concept of math, geography and history or anything outside their town of Antioch."
The girls, according to officials, are being fed just as they were before, one of many efforts experts are taking so as not to make an already-traumatic transition that much harder.
"They are being given TV microwave dinners and their favorite meat loaf meals," police said. "They have never had fizzy drinks, so they get cooled water, which is what they are used to."
Starlite and Angel, the two daughters Jaycee Lee Dugard had with her accused kidnapper, Phillip Garrido, were "starved of information," have never watched TV, have never heard of the U.S. President, and are undergoing "de-brainwashing" therapy, according to investigators Wednesday.
Dugard, 29, Starlite, 15, and Angel, 11, were all undergoing therapy in the Bay Area, where they are residing at a safe house with Jaycee's mother, Terry Probyn, and their aunt, Tina Dugard.
See the photos of the inside of the structures where Jaycee was held
"They are both intelligent kids but they are very naive about the real world," a Contra Costa Sheriff's Department officer told the UK Sun. The girls "have no concept of math, geography and history or anything outside their town of Antioch."
The girls, according to officials, are being fed just as they were before, one of many efforts experts are taking so as not to make an already-traumatic transition that much harder.
"They are being given TV microwave dinners and their favorite meat loaf meals," police said. "They have never had fizzy drinks, so they get cooled water, which is what they are used to."

Thank you, I read this thread all the time. and I am always eager to hear how the girls are doing.
So thanks again for bringing this information. :blowkiss:

The cool water is good for them, But I hope they are being introduced to fresh vegetables,
and fruits. They are all living together with their real Grandma and aunt.
I am sure they see them eat different foods and they must be at least curious to try it.
I understand that people have habits, and bad food is a habit too.
I hope the old TV dinners & junk food routine begins to be part of the past.
They will also catch up with history, and geography and everything they need to know. :)
I am sure they are learning about family too. :)
Starlite and Angel, the two daughters Jaycee Lee Dugard had with her accused kidnapper, Phillip Garrido, were "starved of information," have never watched TV, have never heard of the U.S. President, and are undergoing "de-brainwashing" therapy, according to investigators Wednesday.
Dugard, 29, Starlite, 15, and Angel, 11, were all undergoing therapy in the Bay Area, where they are residing at a safe house with Jaycee's mother, Terry Probyn, and their aunt, Tina Dugard.
See the photos of the inside of the structures where Jaycee was held
"They are both intelligent kids but they are very naive about the real world," a Contra Costa Sheriff's Department officer told the UK Sun. The girls "have no concept of math, geography and history or anything outside their town of Antioch."
The girls, according to officials, are being fed just as they were before, one of many efforts experts are taking so as not to make an already-traumatic transition that much harder.
"They are being given TV microwave dinners and their favorite meat loaf meals," police said. "They have never had fizzy drinks, so they get cooled water, which is what they are used to."

Hi arielilane! I went through the photo gallery at the Radar Online link in your message, but I couldn't find the rest of the text from your post on that site. Can you please confirm if the text is also from Radar, or from another source we can go to?

It's hard to reconcile statements like "the girls have no concept of .... anything outside their town of Antioch" when we know that the monster took them along with him to San Francisco (to deliver the manifesto to the FBI), to UC Berkeley, to Pleasant Hill (for the BD party) and ultimately to Concord to be rescued from his clutches. And that they've never watched TV when it's been said they know who Hannah Montana is (unless we discount the source - CM).

I'm not discounting the fact that a lot of what we take for granted in everyday life has been withheld from them during their young lives, but I also hate it when media sensationalizes a story, so I'm trying (I think we all are trying) to separate fact from fiction.

One thing that I feel is fiction is that it is very unlikely that the alleged source, a CCC Sheriff's Officer (Deputy), would refer to Antioch as a town. It's not part of the common verbiage within the Bay Area. There are very, very few "towns" around here and we call everything "cities." Even one of the few "towns," Danville, is commonly called a city by everyone, including LE.

I wish I still worked at CCC Sheriff's Office. It'd would be so much easier to find out who said what :angel: and what is the truth.
What frightens me for these children is the fact that the neighbors reported the tent "parties" with men lining up, high fives all around after, etc. PG stated he slept with the daughters every night after they were born, but didn't abuse them....ah, hello, that is abuse in and of itself. That aside, who was in the tent when the men were there? Jaycee? Her oldest daughter? Other missing children? It has been said there was a difference between her two daughters. Could this be one of the reasons?

Another thing. That part of Antioch is NOT a nice place at all. Why would he allow any of those children to "live" in the back yard being exposed to other potential deviants? There were bars on the windows, were they there to keep the girls in or out of the house, or for protection from outside elements.

Having lived in Pittsburg and Antioch for a time, I was VERY happy to have bars on the windows! It is a place of nice middle class family subdivisions and hole in the wall scary areas all next to each other. I was in an area that was a mixture of both.

I am sure that Jaycee was threatened that if she tried to escape that she would be killed, her family would be killed and later, that her daughters would be killed. There was not a reason for her to doubt his word. He had stolen her during the day, within eye sight of her step father, abused her, sequestered her. Any punishment this man gets, isn't good enough IMHO.

You are right on every point; and she is totally brain washed, so if she may have been trained
to believe that parties, is a job and customers that are happy pay more They may think it is OK
they may not have a clue that something is wrong with this picture.
THEY lived in their own world......It is totally possible that they did not think that is abuse.
I do not know what he did to their minds. I do know it takes a while to begin to have some clarity,
and they DO have time....
You are right on every point; and she is totally brain washed, so if she may have been trained
to believe that parties, is a job and customers that are happy pay more They may think it is OK
they may not have a clue that something is wrong with this picture.
THEY lived in their own world......It is totally possible that they did not think that is abuse.
I do not know what he did to their minds. I do know it takes a while to begin to have some clarity,
and they DO have time....

I was under the impression that the "backyard parties" story was a grossly distorted version of what one of the neighbours said, essentally it was made up by a british tabloid.
It's hard to reconcile statements like "the girls have no concept of .... anything outside their town of Antioch" when we know that the monster took them along with him to San Francisco (to deliver the manifesto to the FBI), to UC Berkeley, to Pleasant Hill (for the BD party) and ultimately to Concord to be rescued from his clutches. And that they've never watched TV when it's been said they know who Hannah Montana is (unless we discount the source - CM).

I'm not discounting the fact that a lot of what we take for granted in everyday life has been withheld from them during their young lives, but I also hate it when media sensationalizes a story, so I'm trying (I think we all are trying) to separate fact from fiction.

One thing that I feel is fiction is that it is very unlikely that the alleged source, a CCC Sheriff's Officer (Deputy), would refer to Antioch as a town. It's not part of the common verbiage within the Bay Area. There are very, very few "towns" around here and we call everything "cities." Even one of the few "towns," Danville, is commonly called a city by everyone, including LE.

Ummm, I live in the Bay Area, and I use "town" and "city" interchangeably...
Also, there is plenty of Hannah Montana clothing, posters, and other merchandise out there, so one doesn't need to have seen her on TV to recognize the character...
I was under the impression that the "backyard parties" story was a grossly distorted version of what one of the neighbours said, essentally it was made up by a british tabloid.
I really do not know; as non of us do.
Maybe you are right? I hope you are. Less to heal from...
but IMO I wont believe any of them yet.
the abuser will lie.
the abused is frozen.
The people all around should be ashamed :blushing:

AND - I do want to always hear how they are progressing.
Hi arielilane! I went through the photo gallery at the Radar Online link in your message, but I couldn't find the rest of the text from your post on that site. Can you please confirm if the text is also from Radar, or from another source we can go to?

It's hard to reconcile statements like "the girls have no concept of .... anything outside their town of Antioch" when we know that the monster took them along with him to San Francisco (to deliver the manifesto to the FBI), to UC Berkeley, to Pleasant Hill (for the BD party) and ultimately to Concord to be rescued from his clutches. And that they've never watched TV when it's been said they know who Hannah Montana is (unless we discount the source - CM).

I'm not discounting the fact that a lot of what we take for granted in everyday life has been withheld from them during their young lives, but I also hate it when media sensationalizes a story, so I'm trying (I think we all are trying) to separate fact from fiction.

One thing that I feel is fiction is that it is very unlikely that the alleged source, a CCC Sheriff's Officer (Deputy), would refer to Antioch as a town. It's not part of the common verbiage within the Bay Area. There are very, very few "towns" around here and we call everything "cities." Even one of the few "towns," Danville, is commonly called a city by everyone, including LE.

I wish I still worked at CCC Sheriff's Office. It'd would be so much easier to find out who said what :angel: and what is the truth.

I think it is probably true that their knowlege is going to be extremely limited. I think that Jaycee was doing her best. But you have to remember that her education stopped at age 11. So I think she taught them what she knew, or what she read about. History, geography and politics may not have been on her list of interests. And let's face it, at age 11 the only way most of us even knew who was president was because they made us learn it in school, lol. Apparently they knew about the constellations, they knew about flowers. But I think their formal knowlege is going to be spotty.

The girls may have known the local area, but I think maybe the officer might have been referring to the fact that the girls weren't aware of other states or how big Calif. was or how many oceans or other countries there were.

I think it is very possible that they didn't watch TV. The G's may not have had a TV or may not have paid for cable. So they may have watched videos and DVD's or listened to CD's. Thus their knowlege of Hannah Montanna.

They may have been on the internet, but that is kind of interest driven. If you are interested in a particular thing then you look for it. There aren't many sites which make suggestions or give you a standard programming like TV does. So unless they were interested and Googled it, it wouldn't have come to their attention.
They may have been on the internet, but that is kind of interest driven. If you are interested in a particular thing then you look for it. There aren't many sites which make suggestions or give you a standard programming like TV does. So unless they were interested and Googled it, it wouldn't have come to their attention.

I don't know about the internet thing, if they had access to it, it probably would have been limited or under supervision. Otherwise it would have been too easy to do a search on "Terry Probyn", have a picture pop up, along with an e-mail address and who knows what might have happened then. I think it would have too risky for the Garridos to allow that unregulated.
Hi arielilane! I went through the photo gallery at the Radar Online link in your message, but I couldn't find the rest of the text from your post on that site. Can you please confirm if the text is also from Radar, or from another source we can go to?

It's hard to reconcile statements like "the girls have no concept of .... anything outside their town of Antioch" when we know that the monster took them along with him to San Francisco (to deliver the manifesto to the FBI), to UC Berkeley, to Pleasant Hill (for the BD party) and ultimately to Concord to be rescued from his clutches. And that they've never watched TV when it's been said they know who Hannah Montana is (unless we discount the source - CM).

I'm not discounting the fact that a lot of what we take for granted in everyday life has been withheld from them during their young lives, but I also hate it when media sensationalizes a story, so I'm trying (I think we all are trying) to separate fact from fiction.

One thing that I feel is fiction is that it is very unlikely that the alleged source, a CCC Sheriff's Officer (Deputy), would refer to Antioch as a town. It's not part of the common verbiage within the Bay Area. There are very, very few "towns" around here and we call everything "cities." Even one of the few "towns," Danville, is commonly called a city by everyone, including LE.

I wish I still worked at CCC Sheriff's Office. It'd would be so much easier to find out who said what :angel: and what is the truth.

I totally agree, except for the part about using the word town. I use it all the time. I think of cities being big places like San Jose, San Francisco, Oakland, etc and I think of smaller places as towns, such as Milpitas (the town where I live), Antioch, Concord, Hayward, etc. JMO.

I don't know about the internet thing, if they had access to it, it probably would have been limited or under supervision. Otherwise it would have been too easy to do a search on "Terry Probyn", have a picture pop up, along with an e-mail address and who knows what might have happened then. I think it would have too risky for the Garridos to allow that unregulated.

I am going by the fact that some of the business associates talked of corresponding with "Alyssa" by email. Yes it could have been only under supervision by PG. But not necessarily. Remember PG, NG and even Jaycee saw themselves as a family. She was so deeply controlled that though she remembered her old life, she had accepted that her life was with the G's. So I am thinking that as time went by she probably got more access to the computer unsupervised. As an indication of that, she was allowed to meet with the business associates unsupervised. All she would have had to do was tell one of them that she was kidnapped and ask that they send LE to the home. Or she could have even approached LE or the Fire Department while they were there on other calls.

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