Jaycee's Girls

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i agree that the hotel idea doesn't seem like the best right now. i feel like they should be in an intensive therapeutic environment at least for a while to decompress and get a lot of help to try to process what is happening. i mentioned last night that i hope the children do not know about their father yet. that (to me) would be definitely something that could wait. i hope they are being shielded from the media reports.

we were talking about the 4 year olds last night too. i haven't heard anything other than the one report from neighbors that they had seen them back there...i hope they were just mistaken and no other children are involved with these scum. but if there were more, it wouldn't surprise me at all.

LOL, that's funny because I was thinking that a short term hotel stay at the beginning would probably be good for them. They were used to being isolated, and dependent only on each other. I would think that even a well meaning theraputic setting would be traumatic for them, even if they were together. I mean to them, someone asking them if they are ok or offering them dinner could be frightening. But this way, they have their hotel room and they can go inside and close the door and be together. Then they can reintergrate or in the girls cases, join society at a slower pace and as they are able.
According to this article they knew she was their mother, but not about their mother being kidnapped
Mystery surrounding kidnap victim Jaycee Dugard deepens

I can see that happening. I mean she is stuck somewhere and probably doesn't see any way out. He is her children's father, and I am sure she wondered if she would be able to keep the kids if she left. So do you tell the kids and take a chance on frightening them or making them angry at their father? And would it make him angry if he found out that she had told them?
LOL, that's funny because I was thinking that a short term hotel stay at the beginning would probably be good for them. They were used to being isolated, and dependent only on each other. I would think that even a well meaning theraputic setting would be traumatic for them, even if they were together. I mean to them, someone asking them if they are ok or offering them dinner could be frightening. But this way, they have their hotel room and they can go inside and close the door and be together. Then they can reintergrate or in the girls cases, join society at a slower pace and as they are able.
I agree, after 18 years of camping, I'd think they'd be thrilled at the idea of actual beds, heating and air conditioning, clean bathrooms, and real showers.
My question is how will THEY cope? All their lives hidden, much like the Fritzl case. And how does one deal with the fact that the one who imprisoned them, abducted and raped their mother, is their own father? What's going to happen to them? They're all in a hotel. That hardly seems like the environment they may need right now. How will Jaycee's mom feel about them?
Also, I read somewhere that their were also two 4 year old girls around the house, accoridng to a neighbor. Anyone hear anything about that?

The two girls have weighed heavily on my mind since learning of their existence. Even though their lives have been so negative to all society standards, it's the only life they've known.

It's going to be difficult to integrate them into a normal life, as both have never had any sense of normalcy. School is one of the most important aspects of a child's development. It's not only education, but it's developing a sense of social standards, friendships, sports, etc. These girls have missed out on so much that I can't see them catching up to their peer group.

Shawn Hornbeck was kidnapped at age 11 and missed out on 4 years of his life. But he had a prior life of normalcy, and even though he needed tutoring to catch up to his peers, it was achievable. By all reports, he gradually slipped back into his previous life. Elizabeth Smart was only gone for 9 months, but like Shawn, she had a previous life and knew normalcy.

How do you teach normalcy when it's foreign to everything they've ever known?

Their mother, Jaycee, had 11 years of a normal prior life to compare to, and although it will be difficult for her to adjust, she knows what a normal life should be like. She may be able to help her daughters with the transition into society.

Jaycee's mother, Terry, can be a big help in providing a safe and secure home for her daughter and granddaughters. But she will need a lot of guidance as very few people have ever been in her position before. She lost an 11-year-old child, and the next time she saw her daughter she was a grown 29-year-old woman with two daughters of her own, held in captivity for 18 years of her life. No one ever wrote a handbook on how to deal with the issues this situation will present.
I wonder if these girls even have birth certificates....

I really think they should have to sell the house and give the money to Jaycee and her daughters.
not yet known, as far as i know. i would bet anything that they have been though...

I noted that in the charges against both Garridos there was nothing to indicate charges in reference to the two girls. My immediate thought was that LE is taking this slowly, perhaps questioning Jaycee in regards to the two girls, but not interviewing the two girls yet. I hope LE has some guidance on how to approach this as it's not something that LE runs into on a routine basis.

Right now, LE has enough charges against the two perps to convict them. They can always add more charges as details become known.
In the picture taken of Jaycee at the police station she appeared well groomed and quite young looking for her age. Today on Fox news they had Geraldo on and he was showing clips from interviews he had done with her mother and step father at the time of the kidnapping. Her mother also looked VERY young. Her mother is a very pretty woman just like Jaycee is, so I'm thinking the looking young thing is a genetic quality at least in part.

With so much news breaking in this case, I didn't see the picture of Jaycee at the police station. Do you know where this picture can be found?

Thank you, TG!

I think we can look forward to a LOT of sensationalism in this case. But I will NEVER blame the victims - EVER. It's clear to me that Jaycee was brainwashed and her children never had a fighting chance. We don't know yet how these freaks used Jaycee and her children against one another to serve their own sick purposes.

I shudder to think what more we will learn before this is over.

Lord, please help these victims!!!!

I so agree. It's almost mind boggling to even imagine this happening to chidlren. It's absolutely horrendous to even imagine but they all can over come this. It is possible. The Mom and her kids can do it if they have help. Women are strong and remember that gate that freak had on the shed was said to open outward ONLY not inward.. The girl/girls could not get out of that shed.
I wonder if these girls even have birth certificates....

I really think they should have to sell the house and give the money to Jaycee and her daughters.

That's a very good suggestion, but who in the world would want to live in that house with all the terrible memories. I think the house should be burned and maybe sell the land. JMO
There will be trouble with that "sell the house" angle because it likely belongs to the aged mother with dementia that they were living with. I doubt that the freak couple has many real assets. :-(
Hi everyone, it's been ages since I've posted. Maybe as far back as Scott Peterson, I can't remember. But anyway I have a question that I haven't seen addressed here. It seems to me that when this story very first broke, a spokesman said something about Jaycee had borne "several children". Then afterwards the stories mentioned just the two daughters. Did anyone else hear or see that phrase? (Maybe I just imagined it and am losing it??) :)
The State of California has Help for Crime Victims.

The Victim Compensation Program (VCP) can help pay unreimbursed expenses that result when a violent crime occurs. Victims of crime who have been injured or have been threatened with injury may be eligible for help from the VCP. The VCP may assist with the cost of medical and dental treatment, mental health services, funeral and burial expenses, home security, residential crime scene cleanup and emergency relocation.

Thank God in Jaycees case we dont need the funeral and burial expense taken care of.

The maximum amount the VCP program will pay which is deemed by law to be payment in full is $70,000.00. That's a drop in the bucket of what they will need.
I keep on checking back here hoping for some report on the girls.
I hope no pictures and no paparazzi, but maybe a relative or a Dr. will give us a brief update.
I worry for all 3 of them. :(
The maximum amount the VCP program will pay which is deemed by law to be payment in full is $70,000.00. That's a drop in the bucket of what they will need.
I believe a ghost writer will come along, and a movie too.
I believe they will have the funds for therapy.
I just hope they can heal much of it.
Hi everyone, it's been ages since I've posted. Maybe as far back as Scott Peterson, I can't remember. But anyway I have a question that I haven't seen addressed here. It seems to me that when this story very first broke, a spokesman said something about Jaycee had borne "several children". Then afterwards the stories mentioned just the two daughters. Did anyone else hear or see that phrase? (Maybe I just imagined it and am losing it??) :)
No...I did not hear about her birthing several children....But I did read somewhere that a neighbor
did say there were some 4 year olds back in the yard too.
That is all I read...Not sure where. I sure hope they will be found, but Jaycee will tell if she has more kids.
I choose to think that somehow they will get help.

I have to believe that the good in this world outweighs the evil and that organizations will help with funding treatment and recovery.

It's a miracle they were finally rescued. They have hope now and that's something they probably haven't ever had.

Hope and a loving family....it will never make up for what was inflicted upon them, but if I don't believe that people will help them find help.... my worldview will become scary.
"The younger girl ''was staring directly at me,'' says Jacobs, the mother of two small boys. ''It was almost like she was looking into my soul. ... Her eyes were so penetrating.''

When Jacobs asked her about a bump near her eye, ''she immediately replied with this very rehearsed response: `It's a birth defect ... I'll have it for the rest of my life.'

''I was a little taken aback. ... She just wouldn't stop smiling.''"


I wonder what the bump is.
I wish they wouldnt be posting the age progression picture al over the news right now. They should even limit the pic of her childhood. I feel the last thing she needs is to be recognized, followed, hounded, especially by the media right now. Just let her be and heal..She has a long road ahead of her as do her daughters and I for one am glad I don't know what they look like! I bet you 10 to 1 the Media is looking for that Motel/Hotel she is in right now...Grrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!
I doubt very much once they return down here, if they haven't already, that they will be left alone by the Media.

It's been listed where Terry works here locally, and the Media do what the Media do, unfortunately
With so much news breaking in this case, I didn't see the picture of Jaycee at the police station. Do you know where this picture can be found?


I do not believe this was taken at the police station (it looks like an arcade). I think it was taken when she was a child and the stepfather showed it on a recent newscast.


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