JEH Online footprint

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LISK Liaison, Verified Forensic Psychology Special
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Feb 16, 2006
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As far as anyone knows, at this point Holmes did not have a FB or twitter account. These two being the most popular among social networking sites. However, afaics, that does not mean that he did not have an online presence.

For example, we learned that he belonged to both AFF ( link ) and ( link ), under the gyms ClassicJimbo and Classic_Jim, respectively. While AFF and Match have been around for awhile, what about other dating sites that have been growing popularity? For example, PoF ( link ) or OKC ( link )?

There are other types of sites as well. For example, we know that he made some of his purchases through eBay ( link ). All eBay members have profiles.

And, of course, there are personal sites. Blogs, that sort of thing. Now that we know he did, in fact, write a manifesto of sorts ( link ), there is a possibility that he also put something online. And, hey. We are "web sleuths" after all. So, if it exists... well, you get the picture.

That said, before we don our web sleuthing hats and head out into the wilds of inet looking for bits and bytes that might help fill in the blanks to the Q, "who is James Holmes?", a cautionary.

Peekyou <modsnip> includes links to the profile, ldmaster. Early on, many thought he was the shooter. As it turned out however, he was an older "tea party" former cop, and not our shooter. <Modsnip> The purpose of noting the Peekyou bit is, of course, is to urge caution if you do think you've stumbled upon the guy's online presence. Check, check again, and triple check. Oh and. Of course, save a cache of the material, just in case.
Please DO NOT link any sites unless you know for certain it is JH.
TO's will be given if linking is done to family members, friends or people that are mistaken for JH.
IMO, they should dig on his soldier of fortune account.
Thank you Shadowraiths for starting this thread!!! I have spent WAY too much time searching for JH's alter ego(s) online. In particular, I have spent WAY too much time on Youtube looking for various permutations of what I thought he might have posted as, or responded to... for instance "Jim Sherlock", or "Classic Holmes". Nothing has lead to anything, except, I now know how to make Napalm! :crazy: He had to learn how to make the explosives he used in his apartment somewhere - and it was probably online. If I was doing that, I would use Youtube. What am I missing? Where else can I search? I have also searched for things related to the name he used on the application for the gun range - "dsherlockb" - REALLY?? "Sherlock" - as in "Holmes"??? This guy has a sense of humor that probably carried over to his online persona. He is too young, too isolated, and too knowledgable to NOT have spent a LOT of time online. We just need to find him.
Thank you Shadowraiths for starting this thread!!! I have spent WAY too much time searching for JH's alter ego(s) online. In particular, I have spent WAY too much time on Youtube looking for various permutations of what I thought he might have posted as, or responded to... for instance "Jim Sherlock", or "Classic Holmes". Nothing has lead to anything, except, I now know how to make Napalm! :crazy: He had to learn how to make the explosives he used in his apartment somewhere - and it was probably online. If I was doing that, I would use Youtube. What am I missing? Where else can I search? I have also searched for things related to the name he used on the application for the gun range - "dsherlockb" - REALLY?? "Sherlock" - as in "Holmes"??? This guy has a sense of humor that probably carried over to his online persona. He is too young, too isolated, and too knowledgable to NOT have spent a LOT of time online. We just need to find him.

There is that weird fb account with the name Sherlock Bond (James Bond & Sherlock Holmes- James Holmes or Sherlock Bond. There is a picture (uploaded 6 months ago) of Heath Leger as the Joker. Strange coincidence. I don't know it is his account so I can't link it, correct?
Reannan, I have been wholly dealing with the MI aspect of JH crimes because of my personal involvement in the MI community.... and to be honest I am NOT as good as SW, but have you thought about checking into Watson?
There is that weird fb account with the name Sherlock Bond (James Bond & Sherlock Holmes- James Holmes or Sherlock Bond. There is a picture (uploaded 6 months ago) of Heath Leger as the Joker. Strange coincidence. I don't know it is his account so I can't link it, correct?

Woah, that would be some coincidence!
I just looked at the "Sherlock Bond" account. Creepy.
I stole screenshots of Sherlock Bond's pics. They were uploaded Jan 28th, 2012. Not out of the realm of possibility. I wonder how to find out who owns that account.
I'll try to find the link, but on another forum, someone who went to the same school as the shooter, posted a FB post from one of the shooters old rooommates from college.

It was not that revealing, but the old roommate did mention that he fell out of touch with the shooter after JH "deactivated his facebook, which he didn't use much anyway".

So possibly he had a Facebook account, and deactivated it in the last 2 years?

As a gamer, I'd also be curious as to his World of Warcraft character name, in game and on the forums, or his XBOX live or PSN name...
Thank you newsleuther for that.

IMO i think JH's addiction is Education. He possibly have obsession to what he was doing on his own term. He doesnt care for the graduation ( since he didnt even attend his own graduation ) , he wants informations, learning and the dangerous part could be pushing for what he wants to learn. I am so impressed with his father's accomplishments and he possibly wants to do the same thing .

I do think that he knows what he was doing, but i dont think he cant identify what is right from wrong because of hate and depression . But this is JUST my opinion based on the number of articles ived read about this case. I am sure i only know 5-10% and some of them are wrong and i am willing to be corrected :)
Is that one of the video games he played? Do we know for sure? What about World of Warcraft?

he has a poster of that Soldiers of Fortune game on his apartment as shown on many TV reports.
he has a poster of that Soldiers of Fortune game on his apartment as shown on many TV reports.

I think the poster was for paintball, although I cannot be 100% sure. It did not look like it related to that series of video games.
Wow!! I truly appreciate your input. Welcome to Websleuths, by the way!!! We need a thread for possible drug connections to this crime. If no one else starts one, I will as soon as I get home.

thank you.
the only real link to JH & drugs is his conversation with Cevin Key.
some info below,
the original facebook page is out there too:
find "cevin" in the comments
thank you.
the only real link to JH & drugs is his conversation with Cevin Key.
some info below,
the original facebook page is out there too:
find "cevin" in the comments

Interesting.... very interesting. How on Earth would JH have met, much less hung out with Cevin Key? It will be very interesting to finally find out what song was playing on the loop that he blasted to garner attention for his apartment bombing adventure.
Interesting.... very interesting. How on Earth would JH have met, much less hung out with Cevin Key? It will be very interesting to finally find out what song was playing on the loop that he blasted to garner attention for his apartment bombing adventure.

seems as though you know his music too.
for those not familiar Cevin Key makes a variety of what
would be considered psychedelic electronic music.
on facebook cevin said it was at a venue in LA,
2 hours from JH's hometown.
i was hoping for a release of the original noise complaint
call from the downstairs neighbor to hear the loop/song.
Sorry, peeps, but for Very Good Legal Reasons we can't copy and paste from social media sites, and in general we can't link to them unless they belong to a named suspect or perpetrator.

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