Jerry Sandusky sentenced to 30-60 years in 2012 *Appeal denied 2023*

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...and this perp is still claiming his innocence and calling himself a "victim"! What a narcissist!
Some notes about the sentence and Judge Cleland's comments:

Regarding the Verdict:
"I'm not going to sentence you to centuries. It makes no sense for a 68-year-old man. This sentence will put you in prison for the rest of your life."

Also, some have stated it was a smart move on Judge Cleland's part because it takes away the appeal argument of the Judge throwing the book at Sandusky by sentencing him egregiously.

On the Appeal:
Judge Cleland stated for the record that even in the event that on appeal charges for Victim 8 (the excited utterance by the janitor who now suffers from dementia - defense will appeal on "hearsay" evidence) - the sentences for that particular victim are to run concurrent with other sentences, so it will not affect the minimum 30 year sentence.

To the Victims:
Probably the most poignant statement made today was by Judge Cleland when he spoke directly to the victims:

"It is for your courage and not for your assault that you will be remembered."

I have said since Jury selection that Judge Cleland is an amazing man and has handled this case at all times with extreme care, handling attorneys, the defendant, the jurors and all of the witnesses fairly and respectfully.

You're damn straight they will be remembered for their courage! Those young men are heroes!!! They stopped a predator and freed themselves.

Thanks isn't enough Roxine. Thank you for sharing. I'm in tears now.

Ditto. Thanks so much Roxine.
Jerry Sandusky delivers one final hateful, haunting response to his victims

...........There was no acknowledgement of Sandusky's crimes, no apologies to the victims, no signs that he cared or even understood the path of destruction he left in his wake here. Sandusky maintained his innocence and vowed an appeal. Then he flaunted his depravity in open court. ...........

"An insult to human decency," McGettigan called Sandusky's statement.

"Like all conspiracy theories, it flows from the undeniable to the unbelievable," Judge Cleland scolded.

"You tried to attack us as if we had done something wrong," Victim No. 4 said to him directly. "You have no morals."

Another unwitting assault finished, Sandusky switched tactics for the second part of his plan................

"I look at those walls and I see light," Sandusky joyously declared. "I see letters of support, I see great memories. I see family and friends. I see those who overcame big obstacles."

You can't touch me, he was saying. You can't hurt me after I've lived such a righteous existence. These bars and walls and razor wire are powerless to that. Then, worst of all, he said he would remember more.

He would remember the kids.............

Go ahead and put him in prison, he was saying. He'll be thinking of them, reliving his time with them, enjoying a look back at every single act they experienced together.

What we call despicable and criminal, Jerry Sandusky calls a "blessed life." ............

The only hope is that it wasn't effective, that it won't stick with those frightened kids who became powerful men, and that the hateful, harmful words of Jerry Sandusky just drifted off into the Bellefonte air, soon to be forgotten like the shrinking pathetic man they took away on Tuesday to die.
Real life has interfered a lot with my keeping up with this case over the last few months as much as I intended, but one thing that jumped out at me was the pedophile's statement from prison about his only "sex partner" ever having been his wife.

Think about that.

"The only sex partner I've ever had was my wife." Implicit then, is that in his view a grown woman and the then-underage boys who were his victims are equally viable choices as sex partners. Partners. Who by definition have an equal say in the relationship.

It is impossible for me to verbalize how much he disgusts me. Since he's going to die in prison sooner or later, I hope it's sooner for his victims' sake.
Jerry Sandusky delivers one final hateful, haunting response to his victims

...........There was no acknowledgement of Sandusky's crimes, no apologies to the victims, no signs that he cared or even understood the path of destruction he left in his wake here. Sandusky maintained his innocence and vowed an appeal. Then he flaunted his depravity in open court. ...........

"An insult to human decency," McGettigan called Sandusky's statement.

"Like all conspiracy theories, it flows from the undeniable to the unbelievable," Judge Cleland scolded.

"You tried to attack us as if we had done something wrong," Victim No. 4 said to him directly. "You have no morals."

Another unwitting assault finished, Sandusky switched tactics for the second part of his plan................

"I look at those walls and I see light," Sandusky joyously declared. "I see letters of support, I see great memories. I see family and friends. I see those who overcame big obstacles."

You can't touch me, he was saying. You can't hurt me after I've lived such a righteous existence. These bars and walls and razor wire are powerless to that. Then, worst of all, he said he would remember more.

He would remember the kids.............

Go ahead and put him in prison, he was saying. He'll be thinking of them, reliving his time with them, enjoying a look back at every single act they experienced together.

What we call despicable and criminal, Jerry Sandusky calls a "blessed life." ............

The only hope is that it wasn't effective, that it won't stick with those frightened kids who became powerful men, and that the hateful, harmful words of Jerry Sandusky just drifted off into the Bellefonte air, soon to be forgotten like the shrinking pathetic man they took away on Tuesday to die.

BBM - "...shrinking pathetic man they took away on Tuesday to die."

Thank you, that said it all.
JMO but J.S. statement regarding sex with Dottie is how he viewed it. With the boys it was love in his sick deluded mind :snake:


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Jerry Sandusky headed to prison.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The 68-year-old former Penn State football coach was sentenced this morning on child sex abuse charges. Sandusky will again likely spend the rest of his life behind bars.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We`re talking about a serial child rapist.

JOE AMENDOLA, JERRY SANDUSKY`S ATTORNEY: The bottom line is this: Jerry never flinched from his position that he was innocent.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He displayed deviance, narcissism, a lack of feeling for the pain he caused others and to the end, an unwillingness to accept responsibility.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Victim four took the stand, totally different, had anger, and he looked straight in the eyes of Jerry Sandusky. He said, "I will not forgive you. I will not forgive you."


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Tonight, outrage as former Penn State football coach and convicted pedophile, serial pedophile, Jerry Sandusky is sentenced to only 30 to 60 years behind bars for sexually assaulting ten boys for more than a decade.

A jury found Sandusky guilty of 45 separate counts of child sex abuse felonies amongst them. He could have been sentenced to 400 years. Four centuries behind bars. But the judge handed down a minimum of 30 years. Why? Why doesn`t the punishment fit the crime?

Just last night Sandusky defiantly spoke out from jail in a radio rant blaming his victims claiming he`s the one who`s suffering. Listen to this rant from Penn State com media.


JERRY SANDUSKY, CONVICTED CHILD RAPIST: They can take away my life. They can make me out as a monster. They can treat me as a monster. But they can`t take away my heart. In my heart I know I did not do these, alleged disgusting acts. My wife has been my only sex partner and that was after marriage. Our love continues.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: In your heart? How about in your mind? Sandusky`s arrest sent shock waves through the Penn State campus. We watched it all go down. The university fired coach Joe Paterno -- an icon. Students rioted. An entire cover-up was revealed.

So why after all of that, why is Jerry Sandusky only getting 30 years, minimum? And you know in this day and age minimum usually means maximum. Isn`t that re-victimizing these young men all over again? What do you think? 1-877-JVM-SAYS -- call me, 1-877-586-7297.

First, let`s set the stage. Straight out to "In Session" correspondent Jean Casarez -- Jean, you were there in court for the drama. You saw Sandusky walk in With bullet proof vest and then prison red over it, shackles, but was he also wearing his trademark smirk? His little goofy smile when the men he sexually abused as boys looked him in the eye.

JEAN CASAREZ, CORRESPONDENT, "IN SESSION": That`s just what I was going to tell you.


CASAREZ: It`s just what I was going to tell you because the smile on his face for most of today`s such serious proceedings was there. The only time it really wasn`t there was when he was speaking to the court, when he was talking about his life, all the hospitals he`s visited, the prisons he visited to visit Second Mile students that were there. And then finally when he broke down talking about his family, his wife, his life, that he celebrated 46 years of marriage and he turned over to hug his wife and it was the cement wall of his cell. He wasn`t smiling then. But for really the entire hearing today he had a smile on his face or a smirk would be more apt.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So tell me briefly as these boys who are now men look him in the eye, what were some of the key things they said? And how did he react?

CASAREZ: You know, they were all different but all similar at the same time. Victim number six was the first to take the stand, just graduated from college -- bible college. Talked about how you called me -- you told me the tickle monster, that`s what you were when I was in the shower with you at Penn State. I couldn`t process it. I couldn`t understand it and I cried to Jesus for help and he led me finally down the road. And I`m not at the end of the road, but I`m on my way.

And he ended by saying you have to admit what you`ve done because if not there will be a greater punishment for you to come.

The next victim said and this is Victim 5 --


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Let me say this and let me jump in with this, there is no remorse in this man. He went on the radio rant the night before and the judge heard it and he admitted he heard it where he basically said "They did it to me, I`m the victim here."

And after that, after that defiant, defiant radio interview, the judge still gives him this I think ridiculously light sentence. Let`s break it down. You do the math with me. The judge gave Sandusky a minimum of 30 of the possible 400 years behind bars. That means he could be up for parole by the time he`s 98 years old. That is not a life sentence -- correction, everybody`s calling it a life sentence. My mom is 97 soon. She`s doing just fine. And I think she`s going to make it to 98 and 99.

So he`s got hope that he could get out. There are ten victims, ok. So 30 years, you`re basically giving him three years per victim. And since he was convicted on 40 counts, you`re basically giving him less than one year per count.

Brian Claypool, criminal defense attorney, Penn State graduate, that`s not justice in my book. That is a slap on the wrist.

BRIAN CLAYPOOL, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Hey, Jane. This was an abomination. You know, today should have been about great triumph because great triumph comes from great tribulations and today should have been all about the victims and validating what the victims went through here and then using this as the first step towards healing and reform in our society.

And this was everything but that because you have a judge in Centre County that did everything that Penn State officials did for ten years. He ignored Jerry Sandusky. He cowered to Jerry Sandusky. And I`m wondering today Jane whether that judge was wearing a Penn State football jersey? Does anybody know in the courtroom? Did he forget his robe? Is he wearing a jersey? Did he ask Jerry for an autograph on the way out of the courtroom? This is preposterous.

I mean this should have been about the kids. I prosecute civil cases for kids who are victims of child abuse. You have no idea the depth and despair they will go through for the rest of their lives.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Let`s get it from somebody who actually went through it. Adam Rendon, author of "The Valley", sex abuse survivor, what was your reaction to this sentence?

ADAM RENDON, AUTHOR, "THE VALLEY": After hearing it, Jane, I realize that a lot of the victims weren`t going to be provided closure because they would feel that that`s not enough. And I would like to say one thing, innocence never lasts. But it should never be taken away. And that`s what Sandusky did. He took the innocence from these kids growing up with the trust that he instilled in them.

I myself when I was 6 years old my innocence was taken away by two female neighbors. They tied me to a wooden chair and I was nude and they did horrible things to me, Jane. I never had closure with that. But hearing the statements that the victims provided during the sentencing, it was real heartbreaking.

One victim said that --


RENDON: -- they`re life is ending, that they ruined their lives. And for me, myself, Jane, I feel like it was just a new start. And now I`m writing a book -- I wrote a book and now it`s a best seller and it`s awesome to --


VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Well, we`ll get to that. It`s "The Valley" and it`s a very good book. And I suggest people check it out. It`s called "The Valley".

Listen, we`re talking Sandusky tonight. Sandusky is now a designated sexually violent offender -- some good news there.

Listen to his interview with NBC before the trial. Remember this?


SANDUSKY: I could say that, you know, I have done some of those things. I have horsed around with kids. I have showered after workouts. I have hugged them. And I have touched their leg without intent of sexual contact.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. Well, he`s accused of felony deviant sexual contacts. You know what that means. That`s not a hug. Now, I want to go to Larry Levine. You used to be a federal inmate. Now you`re a prison consultant. I want to know from you what this sicko that we`re seeing right here leaving court finally with the smirk wiped off his face what he faces inside prison.

LARRY LEVINE, PRISON CONSULTANT: Sexual predators, child molesters, they`re below the snitches. They`re the most hated people on the inside. And if somebody can get to them and kill them, they`re going to do it. Everybody has kids, nieces, nephews, children; he`s not going to have any friends and they`re going to have to keep this *advertiser censored* in protective custody the rest of his life because if somebody can get to him, they will.

I can tell the look in his eyes, I know it because I was locked up with these kind of people. And he`s got the stare that all these molesters have. And you know, 30 to 60 years he probably won`t get out, but I think he should have gotten substantially more.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, let me say this, as despicable a human being as it is, I want the justice system to prevail. I don`t want anything to happen to him that is untoward. He is wearing a bullet proof vest. Police decided that was important.

More on the other side.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Your "Viral Video of the Day". A cat has found that he can drink from the water cooler -- this posted online. Now, tell me animals aren`t smart. They are brilliant. And let me tell you, the water cooler conversation here -- well, meow, meow, meow. This is one smart kitty.



SANDUSKY: A young man who was dramatic, a veteran accuser and always sought attention started everything. He was joined by a well-orchestrated effort of the media, investigators, the system, Penn State, psychologists, civil attorneys and other accusers. They won. I`ve wondered what they really won.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Paul Lauricella, you`re the attorney for Victim Number One, thank you so much for joining us tonight. What about this ridiculous conspiracy theory that he pushed -- his attorney was pushing it too that, oh, my gosh, we`re all involved. I must be involved too because I`m a member of the media. And I`ve never heard of this character until this story broke. I don`t know anything about sports. I unfortunately am embarrassed to admit it, know nothing about him.

What do you make of that? Does that offend your client, one of the victims?

PAUL LAURICELLA, ATTORNEY FOR VICTIM NUMBER ONE: Of course, it offends my client. But you have to understand this is the way these pathological, narcissistic, serial pedophiles operate. It`s the way their twisted minds work. It`s about them. It`s not about the victims. It`s about themselves. It`s about Jerry Sandusky, you know.

He`s the victim because people called him out. He`s the victim because, you know, he got the speedy trial that the constitution guarantees him. Yes, he`s the victim because he`s being put in jail. You`ll notice that Jerry Sandusky could not even burden himself to really make an outright declaration of innocence despite all of his rantings. And it was a really incomprehensible rant that we heard today and in that radio interview.



LAURICELLA: But you`ll notice he can`t come out and say it. In his heart he feels he`s innocent. What does that mean?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Exactly -- in his heart.

Brian Claypool, you`re a Penn State graduate and criminal defense attorney. If I have doubts I would say "You know what; I didn`t do it." I wouldn`t go, "Well, in my heart I know I didn`t do it." What kind of nonsense is that?

These pedophiles, they live in an alternate universe and they have a lot in common with pathological liars, who I`ve studied, and essentially they just redefine the terms. "I only had sex with my wife. I didn`t have sex because now I`m redefining what sex means. And sex means only sex with my wife. So anything else I do, tickle monster, soaping, anything I do in the shower, I`m not going to call that sex."

CLAYPOOL: Jane, you`re exactly right. This man is a monster. He doesn`t live in reality. And if you remember, this is the same guy today saying I didn`t do these alleged acts. This is the same guy that was caught on tape in 2002. He was caught on an audiotape apologizing to one of the kids and his parents saying I could die for what I did to you.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I want to give Larry Levine, former inmate and prison consultant, the final word briefly describe what his life`s going to be like.

LEVINE: He`s going to be an outcast. He`s not going to have any friends. When people go inside, you interact with others. It`s kind of like a social experience. He`s going to have to watch his back for the rest of his life. And if somebody can get to him, they will.

Like I said, he`s going to be a hated person on the inside. The people that he has exposure to, they`re never getting out either. And if somebody could take him out, put a knife in him, he`s going to be leaving in a box. This is what happens. This is reality.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: I will say this. I don`t wish that -- I don`t wish that on him. That`s probably why he`s going to have to be in protective custody for most of the 30 years. And that in itself is a hellish experience.

We`ll stay on top of this because you know there will be more to this drama.
Jerry Sandusky delivers one final hateful, haunting response to his victims

...........There was no acknowledgement of Sandusky's crimes, no apologies to the victims, no signs that he cared or even understood the path of destruction he left in his wake here. Sandusky maintained his innocence and vowed an appeal. Then he flaunted his depravity in open court. ...........

"An insult to human decency," McGettigan called Sandusky's statement.

"Like all conspiracy theories, it flows from the undeniable to the unbelievable," Judge Cleland scolded.

"You tried to attack us as if we had done something wrong," Victim No. 4 said to him directly. "You have no morals."

Another unwitting assault finished, Sandusky switched tactics for the second part of his plan................

"I look at those walls and I see light," Sandusky joyously declared. "I see letters of support, I see great memories. I see family and friends. I see those who overcame big obstacles."

You can't touch me, he was saying. You can't hurt me after I've lived such a righteous existence. These bars and walls and razor wire are powerless to that. Then, worst of all, he said he would remember more.

He would remember the kids.............

Go ahead and put him in prison, he was saying. He'll be thinking of them, reliving his time with them, enjoying a look back at every single act they experienced together.

What we call despicable and criminal, Jerry Sandusky calls a "blessed life." ............

The only hope is that it wasn't effective, that it won't stick with those frightened kids who became powerful men, and that the hateful, harmful words of Jerry Sandusky just drifted off into the Bellefonte air, soon to be forgotten like the shrinking pathetic man they took away on Tuesday to die.
I heard he mentioned "Seabiscuit" in his diatribe. WTF was that about???:waitasec::waitasec::waitasec:
Perhaps he has some dementia starting. That would make me happy because i don't want him reliving any of his "memories" with all that idle time :banghead:
Perhaps he has some dementia starting. That would make me happy because i don't want him reliving any of his "memories" with all that idle time :banghead:
That's exactly what I was hoping for too. That would be justice. We can only hope.
The full sentencing order from Judge Cleland, lists each charge and the time sentenced for it, with credit for 112 days served:

He also has to pay the costs of prosecution

Pay $1706+ to the Victim's Compensation Assistance Program

Judgment entered against him in favor of Centre County Probation and Parole for all costs and restitution to be paid as part of the sentence

Under the Sexual and Violent Predators Act must submit DNA, a photograph and fingerprints
what i found interesting is the last comment by a neighbbo that the word on the street was: "keep your boys away from Sandusky." if this is true, and why would they make it up, it is a DAMNiNG indictment of happy valley and the great penn state community.

what it means, imo. is that Freeh was absolutely correct in his assesment and that it was WAY WORSE than we know. personally i have no problem believing that. "keep your boys away from Sandusky"...imagine what that means in terms of the community at large and the athletics department and the administration in particular.
what i found interesting is the last comment by a neighbbo that the word on the street was: "keep your boys away from Sandusky." if this is true, and why would they make it up, it is a DAMNiNG indictment of happy valley and the great penn state community.

what it means, imo. is that Freeh was absolutely correct in his assesment and that it was WAY WORSE than we know. personally i have no problem believing that. "keep your boys away from Sandusky"...imagine what that means in terms of the community at large and the athletics department and the administration in particular.

Yet, there are people defending Sandusky despite being convicted.

Kathy Sulkowlski, a longtime friend of the Sandusky family, said she was appalled by the jury’s verdict.

6/28/2012 2:27 PM GMT-0500
What is disturbing here is that the Sandusky defense team was not given adequate time and resources to investigate the accusers. There have been since medieval times legal protections to help prevent innocent people from being convicted. In the fervor to protect children and women, many of these protections have been eliminated. Credible sources state that about half of accusations made against priests are intentionally false. Look at the Penn Live story from December, 2011 where McQueary told a much different story about what he saw in the shower. Any person can be accused of horrible things - the more horrible they are does not mean that a person is automatically guilty or doesn't deserve what-used-to-be Constitutional protections.
Sandusky’s Voice on Audiotape On Eve Before Sentencing Shows Extreme Fear and Anger

While he shifts he blame on to the victims, the media, and the justice system, Penn State, psychologists, and attorneys, calling it “a well orchestrated” conspiracy, there is a shakiness to his voice and an overcompensated volume to his voice which shows displaced anger and extreme fear.
Are they keeping JS in solitary or general pop? How is he being treated?
Are they keeping JS in solitary or general pop? How is he being treated?

With all due respect, why do you care? He's been dealt with and sentenced fairly, he's never getting out of prison. End of.
With all due respect, why do you care? He's been dealt with and sentenced fairly, he's never getting out of prison. End of.

I don't "care", only for the fact that he has a lot of money, and money can talk in prison. I hope he is NOT getting any special treatment/privileges. :rocker:
I don't "care", only for the fact that he has a lot of money, and money can talk in prison. I hope he is NOT getting any special treatment/privileges. :rocker:

I don't care what he is getting in prison. Its still prison. He's there for the rest of his life, and that's that. His "victims" won, and I am slightly puzzled by the tendency of some to take a glass half empty approach about this.

Justice was done here, thanks mostly to the courage of the young men who testified against him, so why the need to obsess about him further?

He's gone, forget him.
I don't care what he is getting in prison. Its still prison. He's there for the rest of his life, and that's that. His "victims" won, and I am slightly puzzled by the tendency of some to take a glass half empty approach about this.

Justice was done here, thanks mostly to the courage of the young men who testified against him, so why the need to obsess about him further?

He's gone, forget him.
Okay, since the mods haven't responded- I'll let you know it's against TOS to dictate what topics threads other posters post on. Obviously some of us aren't done with this case, and will not be told when to "move on"!:banghead::banghead::banghead:

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