jessica files for divorce

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Sure was fast. I would not be surprised in the least if she has a guy lined up already.
She doesnt seem like the kind that would have someone already, but you never know.....
I can only assume at this point that Nick cheated and probably wanted to stay together and it's something she just can't get past.

Just a guess.

I hope she finds someone to make her happy. Nick seemed like a nice and regular guy but he also seemed very irritated with her most of the time. It made for great TV ala Ricky and Lucy, but in real life I don't think he was very good to her.

Good Luck Jes.
ziggy said:
I can only assume at this point that Nick cheated and probably wanted to stay together and it's something she just can't get past.

Just a guess.

I hope she finds someone to make her happy. Nick seemed like a nice and regular guy but he also seemed very irritated with her most of the time. It made for great TV ala Ricky and Lucy, but in real life I don't think he was very good to her.

Good Luck Jes.

I wholeheartedly agree. All those pictures of Nick with different girls had to have taken its toll on her. Whether there was actual cheating or not - the pictures were bad enough. If he truly loved his wife, he would not put himself in those situations.
I dunno - I saw and heard about that Newlyweds show - I think she just wasn't mature enough for a real marriage, and I feel so sorry for Nick to be married to such an infantile adult. Her parents kept her a spoiled child, and I think the reality of life with an adult who doesn't cater to her every whim was too much for her.
Rumors have been rampant that she hasn't exactly been faithful to him.
ziggy said:
I can only assume at this point that Nick cheated and probably wanted to stay together and it's something she just can't get past.

Just a guess.

I hope she finds someone to make her happy. Nick seemed like a nice and regular guy but he also seemed very irritated with her most of the time. It made for great TV ala Ricky and Lucy, but in real life I don't think he was very good to her.

Good Luck Jes.
Thats what i thought, but who knows....people in hollywood get divorced so quick too, i mean it takes like 2 months.....Its crazy, how come it takes so long for other people??
Jules said:
I wholeheartedly agree. All those pictures of Nick with different girls had to have taken its toll on her. Whether there was actual cheating or not - the pictures were bad enough. If he truly loved his wife, he would not put himself in those situations.
The rumours about Jessica started after his bachelor party episode with a *advertiser censored* star...then he kept putting himself in compromising positions. My hubby would have been out the door so fast it would have made his head spin after the *advertiser censored* star incident!!!! She stayed with him longer than she should have, imo. I am basing my opinion on trashy tabloid gossip.:slap: :crazy: :D :blushing:
michelle said:
Thats what i thought, but who knows....people in hollywood get divorced so quick too, i mean it takes like 2 months.....Its crazy, how come it takes so long for other people??
Do you mean 2 months, like from filing to decree, or 2 months from the altar to filing?
I think this is so sad, that they couldn't make this work. They were boyfriend and girlfriend forever, and if you believe their tale, Jessica remained a virgin until their wedding night. They did everything right but I guess celebrity can destroy the best union if it is allowed to. Nick had to have known Jess was an airhead...maybe he thought it was cute when they were dating but after marriage it began to grate on him...
englishleigh said:
I think this is so sad, that they couldn't make this work. They were boyfriend and girlfriend forever, and if you believe their tale, Jessica remained a virgin until their wedding night. They did everything right but I guess celebrity can destroy the best union if it is allowed to. Nick had to have known Jess was an airhead...maybe he thought it was cute when they were dating but after marriage it began to grate on him...
I agree with everything except the airhead comment. I think she's smarter than she looks/acts. I think it's sad when any marriage fails. Allowing MTV in to do their newlywed reality show catapulted them into a different realm fame-wise, but it also put them under a magnifying glass big time. The same goes for Britney/Kevin...their (hideous!) reality show caused alot of problems for them PR-wise. People didn't like what they saw with Britney/Kevin, but I think for the most part, people thought Jessica and Nick made a cute/appealing couple. Once you open that door, how do you close it?
IdahoMom said:
I agree with everything except the airhead comment. I think she's smarter than she looks/acts. I think it's sad when any marriage fails. Allowing MTV in to do their newlywed reality show catapulted them into a different realm fame-wise, but it also put them under a magnifying glass big time. The same goes for Britney/Kevin...their (hideous!) reality show caused alot of problems for them PR-wise. People didn't like what they saw with Britney/Kevin, but I think for the most part, people thought Jessica and Nick made a cute/appealing couple. Once you open that door, how do you close it?
well i heard that she just plays stupid but that she has a really high IQ, i believe she is a lot smarter then she looks.....When i talk about getting divorced fast i mean it seems like no sooner its announced people have split they are divorced in like 2 months, my MIL got divorced and they had to be seperated 1 year first then they could file it took almost 2 1/2 years....
englishleigh said:
I think this is so sad, that they couldn't make this work. They were boyfriend and girlfriend forever, and if you believe their tale, Jessica remained a virgin until their wedding night. They did everything right but I guess celebrity can destroy the best union if it is allowed to. Nick had to have known Jess was an airhead...maybe he thought it was cute when they were dating but after marriage it began to grate on him...
I do think its sad as well, i thought that they would work out.....
michelle said:
When i talk about getting divorced fast i mean it seems like no sooner its announced people have split they are divorced in like 2 months, my MIL got divorced and they had to be seperated 1 year first then they could file it took almost 2 1/2 years....
It does seem like they get "quickie" divorces. I think it's so that they can get the furor to die down quick by just getting it over.
IdahoMom said:
It does seem like they get "quickie" divorces. I think it's so that they can get the furor to die down quick by just getting it over.
yea your probably right, but i know here in maryland my MIL had to be seperated a year legally first before anything could happen with a divorce, it seems like celebrities have their own rules, i guess they have the $$$$$....
IdahoMom said:
Do you mean 2 months, like from filing to decree, or 2 months from the altar to filing?
In some cases both!:laugh:
michelle said:
well i heard that she just plays stupid but that she has a really high IQ, i believe she is a lot smarter then she looks.....When i talk about getting divorced fast i mean it seems like no sooner its announced people have split they are divorced in like 2 months, my MIL got divorced and they had to be seperated 1 year first then they could file it took almost 2 1/2 years....
Geeezze! I am glad I don't live in your state. I think the wait time and the seperate residence is the law according to what state you live in.
I am not suprised this did not work out as they were very young but do hate that for them.
Maybe it was all about celebrity or maybe it goes along with that new "starter marriage" that is happening all over the country to non-celebs.
I had one of those when I was my early 20's no kids, lasted less than 3 years, and I learned sooooo much.

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