JLM: Other Possible Victims

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Whoa in this link someone posted earlier today they seem to be claiming JM has already been officially linked to Cassandra Morton, that must be a mistake right? or did I miss something huge?

..while attempting to steal a cell phone...why would you steal a cell phone? Wouldn't that be something easy to find?

It was part of the assault. Matthew was in his taxi; a man became angry at him for blocking his path. Matthew left his vehicle and the two fought. Matthew punched the other man twice, and when the other man attempted to call police, Matthew tried to take his cell phone. So the purpose was not to obtain a cell phone--it was to take that particular cell phone away from the guy who was trying to use it to call police. In retrospect I think we can imagine why LJ Matthew didn't want the police involved.
By the way, Matthew immediately became contrite and the other man, a lawyer, agreed to drop the charges after Matthew drove him to the hospital and paid all his medical bills.
he wasn't really stealing it he took it out the guys hands b/c the guy was calling the cops

Oh, I was just quoting the article. It doesn't explain that very well.
It was part of the assault. Matthew was in his taxi; a man became angry at him for blocking his path. Matthew left his vehicle and the two fought. Matthew punched the other man twice, and when the other man attempted to call police, Matthew tried to take his cell phone. So the purpose was not to obtain a cell phone--it was to take that particular cell phone away from the guy who was trying to use it to call police. In retrospect I think we can imagine why LJ Matthew didn't want the police involved.
By the way, Matthew immediately became contrite and the other man, a lawyer, agreed to drop the charges after Matthew drove him to the hospital and paid all his medical bills.
I remember reading that somewhere now. For some reason I missed all the details except the part about after beating him up taking him to the hospital.
Even if she wasn't hitchhiking she still could have hailed a taxi. That wouldn't seem illogical to me.

agree also IIRC she texted her friend saying she would get home on her own which was Illogical since she lived 150+ miles away. I think she was just really out of her on substances or concussed or both she was confused and just wanted to get home and he swooped up on her and got her to get in telling her he'd get her home for free.
So, I've been thinking...we are busy comparing what is the same about various cases but what about what's DIFFERENT?

2002 rape: we don't know details but we know he was identified and questioned and charges were not filed. It appears the college considered it more of a dAte rape situation, which of course is NOT ok but in 2002 it's possible they would have chosen to downplay it to avoid legal issues/reputation status, etc.

2005: woman walking alone, he was visible to her briefly then attacked from behind as she was about to enter her residence. A sketch was made from this incident. He wasn't seen with her at any point.

2009: Morgan Harrington. Appears to be very much a crime of opportunity. He knew there may be intoxicated/impaired women in the area due to the concert and maybe planned to lurk in the parking lot? But found Morgan possibly hitchhiking and abducted her. If he was driving a cab that would have made the abduction easy as he would have offered her a ride, and she would have been more likely to trust him. But if she was hitchhiking she may have taken the ride in his private vehicle just because she was feeling desperate and supposedly he can come off as a nice guy. Either way he wasn't seen with her.

2014: Hannah Graham. JM may not have known or thought about the surveillance cameras in the area, but most definitely was seen with Hannah walking and was seen with her at Tempo and leaving Tempo. THIS IS DIFFERENT.


He becomes more brazen. IMO, it was a challenge for him to be seen with her in public and pull it off. The thrill was more gratifying than the risk factor.
He becomes more brazen. IMO, it was a challenge for him to be seen with her in public and pull it off. The thrill was more gratifying than the risk factor.

I also think that once MH was found and linked to the Fairfax rape case, JM began to think of alibis. Grabbing someone off the street or getting someone to get in your cab with no witnesses, doesn't really require much thought to excuses you would give LE. But I do believe he started to consider those things after that time. With Hannah, I think we know what he thought he would tell. He bought her a drink in a bar and they parted ways. That's not something unusual and certainly wouldn't imply guilt. I think he didn't think past that. . .that LE would be able to figure out she vanished of the face of the earth at that time. . .didn't show up on any other surveillance, etc.

Remember, he was a hide in plain sight type of predator. If he was seen doing something as mundane as buying a pretty girl a drink in a bar, it's not something unusual or would be a big red flag. It happens all the time. . .big deal kind of thing. . .and I think that's how JM saw it. He was trying to mirror normal behavior while doing something very sinister. It is a pretty normal behavior.
Earlier someone asked why this case was suggested as one to be considered in connection to the others.
Although the actions do not seem to be similar to the MH or HG cases, these snippets below have me wondering...



"In August 2009, Heidi Childs and her boyfriend of four years, David Metzler, were shot dead with a rifle in a national park about 10 miles from the Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg.

Three years later, authorities in Montgomery County, Virginia, announced they had DNA evidence in the case. They didn’t say how the DNA was obtained


"Sheriff&#8217;s Capt. Robert New confirmed Tuesday to CNN&#8217;s Jean Casarez that &#8220;they are following this case (of Jesse Matthew) closely&#8221; to see whether it is connected to the killing of Childs, 18, and Metzler, 19."
Getting a taxi and hitchhiking are two totally different things. I just find it very hard to believe that drunk or not, a woman like her with a high IQ and "regular" lifestyle would go hitchhiking in the middle of the night.

I do not discount it entirely, but it just seems unlikely. Also, it would have been pure dumb luck on JLM's part, who seems more like the kind of guy who sort of hangs around places and then pounces.

I agree that it seems unusual. I was going from the info in the " Disappeared" episode that I watched yesterday. Her mom.said she had never known of Morgan doing that before. But we also have to consider that it was also unlikely Morgan would leave her seat to go to the bathroom and end up outside the stadium. No one knows why that happened. It seems like a set of odd circumstances converged that night leading to the worst possible outcome for poor Morgan.
there is probably 3 or 4 arrested a year or maybe more

Earlier someone asked why this case was suggested as one to be considered in connection to the others.
Although the actions do not seem to be similar to the MH or HG cases, these snippets below have me wondering...



"In August 2009, Heidi Childs and her boyfriend of four years, David Metzler, were shot dead with a rifle in a national park about 10 miles from the Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg.

Three years later, authorities in Montgomery County, Virginia, announced they had DNA evidence in the case. They didn’t say how the DNA was obtained


"Sheriff’s Capt. Robert New confirmed Tuesday to CNN’s Jean Casarez that “they are following this case (of Jesse Matthew) closely” to see whether it is connected to the killing of Childs, 18, and Metzler, 19."

Yea a random shooter would not necessarily leave dna evidence but someone who fought with their attacker would via fingernails etc

Tells me the boyfriend may have came to help his girlfriend.
Earlier someone asked why this case was suggested as one to be considered in connection to the others.
Although the actions do not seem to be similar to the MH or HG cases, these snippets below have me wondering...



"In August 2009, Heidi Childs and her boyfriend of four years, David Metzler, were shot dead with a rifle in a national park about 10 miles from the Virginia Tech campus in Blacksburg.

Three years later, authorities in Montgomery County, Virginia, announced they had DNA evidence in the case. They didn’t say how the DNA was obtained


"Sheriff’s Capt. Robert New confirmed Tuesday to CNN’s Jean Casarez that “they are following this case (of Jesse Matthew) closely” to see whether it is connected to the killing of Childs, 18, and Metzler, 19."

This confuses me because if both sets of DNA are in the system, wouldn't it automatically come up as a match? Maybe they wonder if there is an accomplice in this case?
Even if she wasn't hitchhiking she still could have hailed a taxi. That wouldn't seem illogical to me.

Exactly, I would be more apt to get into a cab if I was drunk than some stranger's vehicle. When I saw the sketch of JM, I wasn't sure if he was the guy in Morgan's case, but when I heard that he drove a cab during that time, I felt certain it was him. That's why the tracking dogs lost her scent on Copley Bridge - she got into a car...
Is it possible Heidi Childs was sexually assaulted, but they never let it out? It would still be a leap but maybe not as much of one. How would they get DNA from a random shooter? shell casings maybe?
Is it possible Heidi Childs was sexually assaulted, but they never let it out? It would still be a leap but maybe not as much of one. How would they get DNA from a random shooter? shell casings maybe?

She was found outside the car. I wonder if whoever killed her saw her and thought she was alone, and was surprised to see the man in the car.
For some reason I don't see JM connected to Heidi Childs and her boyfriend. The perp used a gun and left the bodies. From what we have pieced together about JM is he doesn't own a gun or use one (although we aren't totally sure) and likes to hide bodies. Not kill them in the same spot and leave them there.
For some reason I don't see JM connected to Heidi Childs and her boyfriend. The perp used a gun and left the bodies. From what we have pieced together about JM is he doesn't own a gun or use one (although we aren't totally sure) and likes to hide bodies. Not kill them in the same spot and leave them there.

Yeah I agree. The only way I would think it might fit is if he happened to have a gun that night, and if he came upon Heidi and was startled by seeing the man, shot them both, and left.
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