Jodi Arias Legal Question and Answer Thread *no discussion*

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AZ Laywer...And all who answered the questions and comments. We get pretty upset with some of the stuff that goes on, asking all of you all kinds of questions. Your answers show how calm all of you are, putting thought into the answers that at least makes me think in another is much appreciated.

Have a great week end! :)
How long does a trial attorney remain the attorney of record, once a defendant is convicted of something like murder 1? Do the attorney and client typically "part ways" soon after the conviction, and appellate attorneys take over? Can a trial attorney continue to represent a convicted client (murder 1) through the appeals process, or is that a specialized area of law that an attorney must be specially qualified to handle?

Also, can you comment on the appeals process for a DP sentence versus LWOP? I understand appeals for DP convictions are automatic, and presumably paid for by the state for indigent prisoners. Are LWOP appeals similarly automatic? Are all costs for LWOP appeals paid for by the state? Is it up to the judge how many attorneys are paid to represent an indigent client in AZ? Or are their rules like FL has where there is a committee who decides and approves costs? (JAC)

Can you comment on what the real world effects of a successful wrongful death civil suit would be for the Alexander family, given that Jodi is indigent and will likely spend the rest of her life in prison? Are the damages awarded simply to ensure that Jodi will never be able to personally profit from anything she sells related to the crime? Is the Son of Sam law sufficient to prevent that? Or is a wrongful death suit proactively designed to make sure that any future earnings (even unrelated to the crime) are first paid to the Alexanders?

I guess I'm a little confused as to why the family would pursue a wrongful death civil suit, give that Jodi faces DP or life in prison, and she is indigent. she is not someone like OJ who had substantial wealth, so I'm trying to understand the goals of the civil suit.

Are there circumstances under which the aggravation/ mitigation, and sentencing phases can proceed without Jodi's physical presence in the courtroom, if she is too ill, or uncooperative? Or is the trial suspended indefinitely until she is able to participate?
the judge wouldn't allow her attorneys to withdraw at this stage of the game, right? isn't it more likely she wants to fire THEM? (if this whole kerfuffle has anything to do with them, that is.)
Hey, AZ! Just want to make sure I'm getting this right, are the letters "supposedly" written by Travis, which were not part of evidence, able to be shown OR alluded to by the defense during ANY phase? IOW, is it going to be another "trash Travis-fest" only "new and improved"??
It seems to me, many are expecting the kitchen sink to be acceptable during the last 2 phases.
Such as, her arrest report and what was found, more of the Flores interviews, etc.

How long does a trial attorney remain the attorney of record, once a defendant is convicted of something like murder 1? Do the attorney and client typically "part ways" soon after the conviction, and appellate attorneys take over? Can a trial attorney continue to represent a convicted client (murder 1) through the appeals process, or is that a specialized area of law that an attorney must be specially qualified to handle?

Also, can you comment on the appeals process for a DP sentence versus LWOP? I understand appeals for DP convictions are automatic, and presumably paid for by the state for indigent prisoners. Are LWOP appeals similarly automatic? Are all costs for LWOP appeals paid for by the state? Is it up to the judge how many attorneys are paid to represent an indigent client in AZ? Or are their rules like FL has where there is a committee who decides and approves costs? (JAC)


The trial attorney remains of record until the appeal is filed. Appellate work is not an official specialty in AZ (yet--maybe soon), but the county does hire separate counsel for appeals for indigent defendants, I believe. And it certainly requires a different set of skills than trial work.

LWOP does not result in an automatic appeal, but the cost of appeal would still be paid for by the state. I'm not sure how many appellate attorneys you get in Maricopa County--one or two, I assume. There is an entity that approves costs and rules about what will be approved, yes..

Can you comment on what the real world effects of a successful wrongful death civil suit would be for the Alexander family, given that Jodi is indigent and will likely spend the rest of her life in prison? Are the damages awarded simply to ensure that Jodi will never be able to personally profit from anything she sells related to the crime? Is the Son of Sam law sufficient to prevent that? Or is a wrongful death suit proactively designed to make sure that any future earnings (even unrelated to the crime) are first paid to the Alexanders?

I guess I'm a little confused as to why the family would pursue a wrongful death civil suit, give that Jodi faces DP or life in prison, and she is indigent. she is not someone like OJ who had substantial wealth, so I'm trying to understand the goals of the civil suit.


Personally, I would file the suit just to get the donations from the jodiariasisinnocent people--just for the irony. :) Once the supporters realized that there was no point, perhaps they would stop donating. And yes, a civil judgment would cover earnings unrelated to the crime, like selling her silly art or, e.g., a CD of her singing Christmas carols.

Are there circumstances under which the aggravation/ mitigation, and sentencing phases can proceed without Jodi's physical presence in the courtroom, if she is too ill, or uncooperative? Or is the trial suspended indefinitely until she is able to participate?

She would need to be able to participate. The only possibility for proceeding without her physical presence would be if she is being intentionally disruptive, and in that case she would still be given a real-time way to watch the proceedings and communicate with counsel.

the judge wouldn't allow her attorneys to withdraw at this stage of the game, right? isn't it more likely she wants to fire THEM? (if this whole kerfuffle has anything to do with them, that is.)

At most, the judge might allow her to represent herself with the attorneys as advisory counsel.

Hey, AZ! Just want to make sure I'm getting this right, are the letters "supposedly" written by Travis, which were not part of evidence, able to be shown OR alluded to by the defense during ANY phase? IOW, is it going to be another "trash Travis-fest" only "new and improved"??
It seems to me, many are expecting the kitchen sink to be acceptable during the last 2 phases.
Such as, her arrest report and what was found, more of the Flores interviews, etc.


In the aggravation phase, very little evidence will be allowed--only evidence relating to "cruelty."

In the mitigation phase, the DEFENSE will be allowed to bring in the "kitchen sink," but only insofar as such "evidence" relates to JODI's character, propensity, history or record, or to the characteristics of the offense. IMO whether or not Travis was a pedophile (not) does not fall within any of those categories. Also, if the defense team withdrew its request to admit those letters because it had information that they were forged, then their ethical problem regarding the letters would still remain in the penalty phase.

The STATE will not be allowed to bring in the "kitchen sink," however.
can anyone tell me what this means?

MFD - Motion For Discovery - Party (001) 5/8/2013

why are the defense trying to have the families victim impact statements before this phase in the trial. As the family of the victim, why should jodi be allowed to see what they'll say before they give impact statementS? Is this normal and will JSS, grant this motion?

MY question was skipped so I'll ask it again... (see above)
can anyone tell me what this means?

MFD - Motion For Discovery - Party (001) 5/8/2013

why are the defense trying to have the families victim impact statements before this phase in the trial. As the family of the victim, why should jodi be allowed to see what they'll say before they give impact statementS? Is this normal and will JSS, grant this motion?

MY question was skipped so I'll ask it again... (see above)

Sorry, tinkabella!

The statute says that the victims do not have to disclose what they plan to say before they say it. So JSS will deny the motion IMO. But it is normal and appropriate for the defense to file motions like this, that will almost certainly be denied, because they can't raise the issue of the constitutionality of the statute on appeal unless they first raise it with the trial judge.
Sorry, tinkabella!

The statute says that the victims do not have to disclose what they plan to say before they say it. So JSS will deny the motion IMO. But it is normal and appropriate for the defense to file motions like this, that will almost certainly be denied, because they can't raise the issue of the constitutionality of the statute on appeal unless they first raise it with the trial judge.

Thanks for answering AZlawyer..I can't believe Nurmi continues to file motions like this knowing full well they will smacked down with the quickness. Do you think Nurmi is behind all of the weird motions or just acting on behalf of Jodi's directions? I can't see why a lawyer would do something like this since it makes the client look remorseless, and (insert negative words here).
Have you ever witnessed a case where this was allowed? If so can you point me to some cases...i would really like to know how that affected the juries verdict of life and death.
Thanks for answering AZlawyer..I can't believe Nurmi continues to file motions like this knowing full well they will smacked down with the quickness. Do you think Nurmi is behind all of the weird motions or just acting on behalf of Jodi's directions? I can't see why a lawyer would do something like this since it makes the client look remorseless, and (insert negative words here).
Have you ever witnessed a case where this was allowed? If so can you point me to some cases...i would really like to know how that affected the juries verdict of life and death.

What I was trying to explain in the previous answer is that Nurmi HAS to file motions like this and they are not weird. Part of his job is to preserve issues for appeal, where the court is much more likely to declare a statute unconstitutional. So he HAS to ask the trial judge to do it first, even though she will surely say no, or the appellate lawyers won't be able to bring it up on appeal.

There is no risk of making his client look bad, because the jury doesn't get to read the documents filed in court--they get to look at evidence only.

In the mitigation phase, the DEFENSE will be allowed to bring in the "kitchen sink," but only insofar as such "evidence" relates to JODI's character, propensity, history or record, or to the characteristics of the offense. IMO whether or not Travis was a pedophile (not) does not fall within any of those categories. Also, if the defense team withdrew its request to admit those letters because it had information that they were forged, then their ethical problem regarding the letters would still remain in the penalty phase.

The STATE will not be allowed to bring in the "kitchen sink," however.

Quoting myself because it just occurred to me that the defense might try to get in the pedo letters as rebuttal to the victim impact statements about what a great guy Travis was. If the defense team has info that the letters were forged, they can't do this, but if not, they might try.

Message to Juan's office ;) : Research the basis for suspension of evidentiary exclusion rules for mitigating evidence. I doubt it applies to rebuttal of victim impact statements.

ETA: Given the jury's apparent feelings about Jodi vs. Travis, though, I don't think it would be a wise strategy for the defense to try this, especially if there is evidence available to JM re: forgery of the letters.
Quoting myself because it just occurred to me that the defense might try to get in the pedo letters as rebuttal to the victim impact statements about what a great guy Travis was. If the defense team has info that the letters were forged, they can't do this, but if not, they might try.

Message to Juan's office ;) : Research the basis for suspension of evidentiary exclusion rules for mitigating evidence. I doubt it applies to rebuttal of victim impact statements.

ETA: Given the jury's apparent feelings about Jodi vs. Travis, though, I don't think it would be a wise strategy for the defense to try this, especially if there is evidence available to JM re: forgery of the letters.

FWIW, KCL and Beth Karas on HLN has said that the state has proof that Jodi forged the letters in her cell. Beth said it was one of the things she wishes the jury knew. Good thing it didn't matter in the end.
Not that Juan Martinez needs any help (seems to be making do himself), but do we know if anyone pointed out that the penis picture from Arias' phone was suspected to NOT be Travis Alexander? The shape of the fingers & nails matched someone else & did not even resemble Travis' hand. Could that be brought out in this phase of trial to further prove that this defense team will try & sneak something by? Or perhaps they did not scrutinize the photo like our Websleuths.... but wouldn't you think they learned not to take Arias' word for anything?
I asked this Q the other day but don't think it was answered:

Why was it acceptable that Arias not STAND while the verdict was being given?
Not that Juan Martinez needs any help (seems to be making do himself), but do we know if anyone pointed out that the penis picture from Arias' phone was suspected to NOT be Travis Alexander? The shape of the fingers & nails matched someone else & did not even resemble Travis' hand. Could that be brought out in this phase of trial to further prove that this defense team will try & sneak something by? Or perhaps they did not scrutinize the photo like our Websleuths.... but wouldn't you think they learned not to take Arias' word for anything?

I can't imagine it will be discussed. IMO even if JM suspected it was not him, he was not about to leave that pic on the big screen for half a day and call Travis's sisters, e.g., to the stand to say, "that doesn't look like his hand." Especially since it doesn't matter one tiny bit whether or not he sent that picture. If JM had proof positive that it was not sent by Travis, I'm sure he would have brought it up, but not otherwise.

I asked this Q the other day but don't think it was answered:

Why was it acceptable that Arias not STAND while the verdict was being given?

Because the judge said "please be seated." IIRC, JW looked a bit confused and remained standing for a second before sitting down.
I can't imagine it will be discussed. IMO even if JM snipped for space.

Because the judge said "please be seated." IIRC, JW looked a bit confused and remained standing for a second before sitting down.

I don't mean to belabor this point AZL but I'm still left confused. So the Judge made this comment directly to the Defence table and said "please be seated".
Has this been done before or can this become a precedent?
I don't mean to belabor this point AZL but I'm still left confused. So the Judge made this comment directly to the Defence table and said "please be seated".
Has this been done before or can this become a precedent?

She made the statement to the entire courtroom.

Frankly, I have never noticed or cared before if anyone stood during a verdict. I don't think there's any rule about it. And nothing done at the trial court level will become a precedent for any other court. Trial courts do not care what other trial courts do--they only care what appellate courts say. And appellate courts don't care when and if anyone stands up or sits down. ;)
She made the statement to the entire courtroom.

Frankly, I have never noticed or cared before if anyone stood during a verdict. I don't think there's any rule about it. And nothing done at the trial court level will become a precedent for any other court. Trial courts do not care what other trial courts do--they only care what appellate courts say. And appellate courts don't care when and if anyone stands up or sits down. ;)

Thanks AZL :)
Thanks AZL for all the answers and I see my question was kind of asked already by someone else, but just want to be certain I understand.

My question pertains to the 3 phases of the trial and my understanding that the trial is really not over until all 3 phases are completed. I understand that "convicted" persons can give an interview from jail/prison, but considering that the trial is really not over yet, and considering that future witnesses (i.e., Jodi) may appear in the next phases, and considering that maybe the jail made a mistake and their policies are such that they should have waited until trial is really done before granting any interviews of person on trial........

My Question:
Is it possible that if the Jail found they broke protocol and should not have let her have that interview because her trial is really not over yet, is this something that could somehow UN-DO her conviction of the 1st phase? (i.e., mistrial, etc.)
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