Jodi Arias TAKES THE STAND #36 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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You know this was a large part of Travis' problem, because he had very little experience he didn't know how to handle it .. he didn't see red flags in her clinging nature, he couldn't openly swap notes with his friends and say 'check out the psycho text I just got' etc .. because the sexual nature of their relationship was secret and because even their continued connection was secret. He was on his own with zero experience of how other women in a sexual relationship behave.

You've made another very valid point here Mrs G, something I've noticed you do quite often I might add! I've often wondered about the extremely bad way he handled the whole situation. I do believe he knew she was a very dangerous pro in manipulating him, but I also agree with many that she was his addiction at the same time. I'm of the opinion that she was most definitely his first true sexual, & obviously willing fantasy partner, just not too sure she was his only. The fact that Jodi seemed to think the same is spine tingling. I've learned so many facts in this case from reading here that it leaves me reeling!
re: Those gas cans, coupled with reciepts from her trip showing she bought a 5gl container of kerosene??? Could she have been considering burning down his house after she murdered him? I'm sure this idea has come up before, I just run so far behind all the time I haven't seen it.
re: Gus Searcy holds a patent for voice recognition, so he's that 'tech savvy'? Could he have been teaching/helping her learn the in's & out's to get to passwords, backwards text's, etc? (BTW, if she had called him early morning hours of June 5, he KNOWS Travis, why wouldn't he have been calling other friends/acquaintances of theirs to check up on that? It only incriminates him in involvement if he knew 5 days before his body was discovered, or he's totally wrong about the date. Makes -0- sense!) There's no doubt in my mind that that sex tape was the only one in existence & that she made it to threaten him with. The extent of which would absolutely destroy everything he had established his life to, relationships, and, of course, religion/moral character! Here's my next problem! Is she going to admit to this, thereby establishing the very reason she 'had to DEFEND' herself against him? Lord knows, that would surely make him angry enough to choke her to death!!! (Not saying he would have!)
re: The photos...someone mentioned the idea of Jodi having put the timer on & posed for them herself. Egggsactly!!! Those bother me to no end! One of Travis, I believe, he is just barely waking up, or falling off to sleep, (the one where he's giving the 'peace' sign). I can't find those again, I wish I could study the time stamps, but I'd like to know how far apart those of her were taken in relation to that one inparticular. This whole case has made me crazy! I have even found myself, (don't y'all get mad at me!) questioning the possibility that she's telling, wait for it...THE TRUTH???!!! I know, I know, I gotta take a break!!! I was up (again, till 4 this morning! Argh!:okay:) I get over that thinking pretty quickly tho, I promise! Jodi Arias is the very definition of of evil & she literally scares the h*ll outta me! Someone also mentioned the idea of her being the one checking Travis' e-mails while he slept on June 4,2008. For some reason I felt SUNK & nauseas thinking like that. It's all just sooooo creepy, SHE'S soooo creepy, and I'm much too old to even use that term!! It just fits!! Welp, once again I've purged myself upon all who read this, & my sincerest apologies in advance. However, I have no words to express my appreciation for having this forum to vent! Happy Valentines Day, my dear fellow :websleuther:'s! Hope everyone enjoys our reprieve until Tues! The poor judge wasn't the only one getting sick! OH! And how many of you recognised Jodi's mother (or aunt, I get the two mixed up) in dark sunglasses yesterday? I'm sure I'm not the only migraine sufferer here, & to those, it's more than understandable! In fact, now that I really think about it, more perplexing than anything that it's her 1st one, & that more aren't needing them by now!!
For all the Juan groupies that cannot spend time watching a full episode, he first appears in this video about 6mins 30secs in.

Very interesting and extremely pertinent to the Arias case with regards the defence team's tactics of filling the trial with sex.

I haz confuse! I'm still pretty young, even I can concede that the Kim Kardashian Being a celebrity for being a urinal cake (please don't ban me!) confuses me. Sex is not a mystery but with the girls I work with FBing pics that go beyond the pale. Not exactly girl power. I say all of this to point out, so what if Travis used Jodi (even though she could have picked a different career--*advertiser censored* star, and Travis was a complete user of Jodi and was a sexual hypocrit) so what? She went all Fatal Attraction on him. He is dead and she is still spouting her special brand of crud

Please:please: don't go anywhere LOL...say it like it is...:rocker:
Has anyone ever checked to see if Jodi's handwriting changed after she killed Travis? from before?
I don't know... but it's like she's not even convinced she was abused or hit. She seriously goes out of her way to say things like, well it didn't hurt but... or no it wasn't my face it was my neck/jaw area. I find it so strange. I have a feeling that the DV expert they are going to put on is going to say that even now Jodi doesn't realize or accept that she was abused. BLAHHHH!
Four and a half years out of an abusive relationship it's unlikely in my opinion she would still be in denial, the height of which is usually when one is still with the abuser. Part of the abuse process is for the abuser to 'convince' the victim what they're undergoing is either their fault or not abusive at all.

It's very likely (me being a lay person and all) that a DV expert for the prosecution could easily refute such a claim. I tend to believe Jodi isn't convinced she was abused or hit because she wasn't. ;) Treated poorly, used, called names that hurt her feelings - that's subjectively mean, or not, but not necessarily characteristics of an abusive relationship.

If you listen carefully she is constantly undermining the one overwhelming emotion of most abuse victims: FEAR. Nurmi keeps trying to get her to admit to that and she keeps shying away from it. A DV expert for the prosecution could also testify that some of Jodi's actions are extremely inconsistent with being afraid of Travis as well. JMO and all that jazz. :)
First time poster, long time lurker--it's nice to meet you all.

I've been following the Jodi Arias trial closely, and it seems like the self-defense narrative goes something like this: "Travis and I had sex all day. I took photos of Travis in the shower. I dropped the camera. Travis got mad. Travis attacked me because I dropped the camera. I defended myself...."

After seeing the most graphic photos of a butchered Travis Alexander this morning (I was searching the Web to find the shower photos so I could try to piece together the sequence of events, but unfortunately, I stumbled upon more than I wanted to see), I think the brutality of the crime is so extreme, her chances for acquittal are slim-to-none to begin with.

That said, this is the wrong self-defense narrative. The idea that Travis would attack Jodi because she dropped a camera is phenomenally far-fetched, and he really has no history of violence. It also doesn't explain why she brought the gun to Mesa and had the knife and the gun at the ready to kill him.

A better strategy (which would also challenge the prosecution's theory of premeditation) would have been to say that Jodi brought the gun to Mesa because Travis Alexander had a sexual fantasy of receiving oral sex with Jodi at knifepoint and at gunpoint. When he went to the shower, he told her to give him oral sex and he held the knife to her throat. Then, he started getting too rough with her, she believed he was going to slash her throat, and she fought back. She was so terrified that she later shot him to make sure he was dead.

To me, this is a much more plausible scenario than Travis attacking Jodi because she dropped a camera. Also, this fits in well with the idea that he "lived a double life" and liked "kinky sex," which the evidence somewhat supports. By contrast, there is no evidence to support the idea that he was just some violent hothead who would have freaked out because of a dropped camera.

By the way, I think Jodi Arias is 100% guilty. I just think this would have been a better defense for her.

Wow I can see you gave this some thought. good one!! I agree it just sick eneough to might have worked, based on some of her sex stories..
(My short point is in bold for y'all like me who have to skim :) )
This is so late for me to quote and bring up, but I have to ask something. Do you assume both people here were basically normal/just kinda neurotic, or do you also think of all of the gruesome crimes that are committed when you think of this case?

We all know about very gruesome crimes and folks who commit them without batting an eye. What keeps people from thinking of Jodi that way, even if it was just a particularly bad moment for her *cough*?

Now, I don't think she was a serial killer or anything. She may have turned into one; who knows? But the line between gruesome seeming insanity and just a very angry neurotic person often gets blurred in murder, imho. Once someone goes as far as killing someone, all bets are kind of off, I think. So she went whole hog when it came down to it! Meh. Some murderers do that. It's not uncommon at all.

She was angry enough to kill Travis, imho. That's really the key thing. If she did it especially boldly, I don't think there have to be different motivations or anything is my point. Really, we see it all the time if you look at a lot of murder cases.

If she had been a cannibal or similar, that's where it starts getting different, I think. Even then, I've seen cases where folks did that after 'snapping' over to the Dark Side after the fact, basically. Their murder acts started out as garden-variety anger stuff, seriously. Drug use is usually involved there, I must say. Still, the main deed is the actual act of cutting off of life. That comes from anger and control issues in JA, and so she's more garden-variety than she may look. IMHO, of course :)

bold by me
just a protocol question, when I used to post on the old CourtTV boards, then I think they changed to insession, it was very common to snip quotes to just the pertinent parts. (with note about snip)

Is that not done here?
Yes, somewhere there is a picture of a day planner for Travis, he was scheduled for a conference call with none other than good old Gus the night he was killed. So, if jA did in fact call Gus that same night/ early morning, don't you think they WOULD have found him sooner?

Now *that* is a good question...very interesting.
:-) I guess for PPL think Tony Robbins? (Motivational Speaker) and multi millionaire, but I don't take offense to him, in fact, the few glimpses I have caught of him online over the years he is selling a PRODUCT. Looks like motivational DVD's.. lifts you up, maybe teaches you the value of positive thinking, etc etc Change the way you think and things can turn around...

You buy, you listen, you learn. (Like a Yoga tape, or Jazzercize!) :fence:

You are not then required to call 256 leads a day and be in a constant state of "marketing" to friends and family or you get the "call" or the "visit" for under performing.

After all, you are a winner, or you are a loser, you with us, or you are against us...are you a success or a failure.. ONLY you control the wealth that is your future.

LOLLLL I'm kidding ROFL. I mean I am not kidding, that's a typical speech... Ok PPL don't you dare come to my house, you hear me. I will astral project myself right out of here.

Do you know who sent that? Because I got one too.
Guy Searcy live on In Session now. He just said Jodi called him Junr 4th night crying saying Travis was dead? If this is true it means that he was the only one who knew that Travis was dead.. .he must be confused. She must have called him on the 9th.

This may have been mentioned but I'm behind as usual. Why would she call GUS, whom she had only met 3 times, according to his testimony? Was she so desperate to tell SOMEONE and he was the only one who didn't know (if the call was on the 9th) since she "found out" after Travis' friends did?
The Pedophile story probably came into her head when she recalled watching poor Michael Jackson's trial... god love her, she is her own story telling machine. Her life story reads like the last decade of bits and pieces from many high profile cases.

Mark my words, a glove is about to make an appearance in court. Kirk will make her try it on

Nah, she is too young to remember that one... but the blue eyed butcher was back in the news for her re-sentencing around the time she changed her plea to self defense. I am watching for them to bring in the bed.
I don't have a problem with PPl. There's a market for that kind of thing. The only one who made PPl look bad was Gus. He's about to testify in a murder trial of one of his acquaintances and here he is giving a seminar on PPl. It was not the time or the place. He came across as someone looking for attention and there to sell a product. Not to help in any way, but to sign up those in the courtroom. His behavior was disgusting. Also when he couldn't answer about having a lawyer it made PPl look bad, here you are selling this insurance to everyone and you don't a have a lawyer on hand? I don't thik anyone is looking down on PPl but just Gus..IMO

BBM -- I do. I have a problem with any MLM that recruits the impressionable. Same problem I have with psychics who prey on the minds of the grieving.

I have a friend who was sucked into the MLM,, she labored under the delusion that she owned her own business, was her own boss, would make her own money, and all she had to do was ask all her friends and family to do their normal online shopping through a page from her own website. She paid some $400 to join, and earned a 2% payback from select items that other people ordered, which basically translated to having to have other people order $9,000 worth of shampoo from Target before she even began to make back her initial $400. If she wanted to make more than that, she had to have people recruited under her. What she failed to realize is that first of all, she didn't own her own business. If they closed their doors, she went down. That's the jist. She is impressionable, gullible, looking for a work at home opportunity, and poorer than dirt.

And now she's $400 more poorer, and not a shampoo bottle in sight to account for it.

I hate MLMs.
Why is Gus, and for that matter, everyone on HLN, acting like Jodi calling him at 3AM on the 5th is such a big deal? Juan has already gone through her phone records, and if what Gus says is true, Juan already knew that.
Especially in hindsight, it is especially unimportant. She has already admitted she murdered him in a heinous manner.
Too little too late, Gus - lime-lighter!!

I agree 100%...Although Carr has "good intentions", I think he's sort of on some spiritual/religious crusade to be a confidante to Arias...

But Carr does look to the average person following this trial, to have a few screws loose, believing Arias's claims, etc...

It's an entirely different thing to believe her story than being there for someone to talk to

I seriously wonder if he suffers from some disorder himself...maybe he's off his meds?

Lol at the comment of car being off his meds. He acts REALY creepy to me.
Please:please: don't go anywhere LOL...say it like it is...:rocker:

I was just thinking....

I keep going back to where Jodi was interrogated by LE, they asked if he knew she was going to visit, did she ever answer them?
The first day I caught this case was the day JA was taking the trial. How come there is so little court time? Do they work five days a week in AZ? This is frustrating and driving me to drink...grrrr.

I'm in your club, bullet first. It really does make more sense. The only way I can possibly imagine is when that failed, she actually DID have to defend herself! Not that it wasn't intended to kill him in the 1st place, of course, but his only reaction would be to then attack. At that point she had to be terrified, as it was definitely a two way fight to the death. On the other hand, if she had been the one first attacked & was acting in self defense, she most certainly wouldn't have had to kill him! He was in no condition to chase her further than that hall, so then get out & call the police!! JMO
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