jodi arias TAKES THE STAND #66 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Ok, the morning. Now this is really interesting.

Because didn't the room mate leave for work early in the moming? Like around 630am? So he would have seen TA before then? That kind of blows Jodi's-- I got there at 4am and we went to bed story.

Thanks for finding this.

Where was Jodi?

And remember, Jodi said she part in this second space the middle space in the driveway ... 3 car garage driveway

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This may have been brought up before, but I am just wondering when it comes to the premeditation, JA claims she has driven these far trips before, I mean she has driven to Mesa alone before and elsewhere... On those previous trips whose gas cans did she use?? It just so happens that the trip to kill TA, she wanted gas cans? I don't know why she went with the reasoning for having the gas cans because of the gas prices in California being so high when she knew she filled them in Cali? Very odd!
Also, when it comes to saving her receipts for gas and she claims she didn't save the ones in Arizona because she didn't want to commit tax fraud (BS), didn't she save receipts from Salinas where she bought junk from Walmart with cash? I don't understand why she saved that receipt.
MOO, nothing very earth-shattering ;)

Concerning the car, I find it hard to believe the rental didn't have GPS as she stated. There must be a way to prove it either did or didn't??

She'll just click into "appeal" mode... onto the next.

In fact, I'd be surprised if her lawyers don't prep her in some fashion like that. "This verdict is just a step along the way. We have already done..." whatever lawyers do (presumably hand over mountains of overturn-on-appeal-friendly documentation to the appellate team assigned to the case - I am totally guessing on this, so...).

But it's not an unreasonable guess (I hope?).

It could be why (besides being psycho/sociopaths, perhaps) some defendants seem unfazed by a guilty verdict. They're already past it. It's old news to them - they're focused on winning the next battle. Could be a way of coping, I guess...

I fancy her to be much like Drew Peterson. Arrogant and unable to keep her mouth shut.

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Ok, the morning. Now this is really interesting.

Because didn't the room mate leave for work early in the moming? Like around 630am? So he would have seen TA before then? That kind of blows Jodi's-- I got there at 4am and we went to bed story.

Thanks for finding this.

Where was Jodi?

But later in the report Flores states Enrique is "somewhat confused". He recalled being in the kitchen after work Wed eating and seeing Travis on the phone. He thought whatever happened happened on Thursday :waitasec:
O/T but I'm having my first meal of the day (it's 1:30 here on the East Coast). I've decided to have only two meals a day in solidarity with Jodi. Not.
Good morning all!

Her testimony from Thursday regarding the shell casing is a bit curious.

M: Right so how is it ma'am that if you are shooting him and that's the first thing that happened, then how is it that the shell-casing, exhibit 111 then landed in blood?
N: Objection, calls for speculation
J: Overruled*
A: It didn't land in blood*
M: You see exhibit 111, right?
A: Yes*
M: That's the casing that was involved in this case isn't it?

M: This was the first, if you will, blow, correct?
A: Yes*
M: And this is how the casing landed, do you see it?
A: That's not how it landed from the blow*

I assume the simple answer is that JA merely wanted to keep her story consistent. She claims she shot TA first and there could not have been blood on the tile floor when the gun discharged.

If JM asked TA" how could she know how or where the casing landed?" she would retort "because I shot him first."

If JM asked JA -if TA were shot first how could the casing come to rest on a pool of blood - her answer would be "I don't know"
I'm more concerned about STD's like HIV and such

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AIDS is a diabolical, evil disease. I hate it. Viscerally.
Maybe next time I'll say how I really feel...
I'm talking about her years of sexual activity - not just with Travis.

She never does mention any form of protection (that i can recall, anyway) with any of her boyfriends... all of whom (the ones we know about) she had sex with. I certainly don't believe the ones we know about are the only ones. And all these partners obliged? uhm....

Call me crazy (it's been done before), but I find it a little bit of a stretch to think she had O/A sex so significantly more than V sex throughout her years.

Who knows? I just find the odds of her avoiding V sex to such a degree just doesn't seem realistic. And it certainly doesn't prevent disease... the opposite is true, I believe, due to the fragility of certain membranes as opposed to others. If she is disease free she should consider herself lucky (unless she used protection and just isn't telling anyone). :waitasec:

It only takes one time, and we know she's done that. :)

Maybe she was so into a. sex because she knew that most other women are not, so she thought it made her more desirable to men, at least in that way. Regardless, she's still totally disgusting and evil scum of the earth as far as I'm concerned. I'm repulsed just watching her, to the point I have resorted much of the time to listening to the trial rather than watching.
She claims she called Travis while she was on the road to Mesa. There would be a record of that. If she hadn't called him, the prosecution would have pointed that out.

I agree that I believe she did but we don't know the context of those calls. We only have JA's version of what they spoke about.

She says he was excited she was coming and was guilting her before she relented. But she is a proven liar, so I am taking that with a grain of salt. For all I know, TA didn't even know she was on a roadtrip.

Remember when she said he did not like the word crap. I'm watching Nancy Grace Ministries and the email he sent to her uses crap like 5 *.

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Hopefully this crime writer's conclusion is right!


Experts: Jodi Arias trial takes 'pivotal' turn

Arias, who has spent 13 days testifying on the stand so far, broke down Thursday, as Prosecutor Juan Martinez grilled her about inconsistencies in her testimony, and how she killed her ex-boyfriend, Travis Alexander.

"The first couple days on cross-examination, [Arias] came across as smug and confident. Over the course of the days, he beat her down with questions, to the point where she was a mess on the stand," crime writer Shanna Hogan told 3TV.
Arias buried her face in her hands as Martinez asked for details on the killing, but Hogan, who is writing a book on the saga, called it an 'act.'

........................ snip ..........................

"He proved pre-meditation. He asked the hard questions the jury would want to ask, the questions the family would want to ask. This was the week, the week that damned her, and maybe put her on death row," said Hogan, who sat through much of the testimony in court.

full article and video at link .................

Al Jazerra: Sex, lies and abuse: The cost of [JA]
[JA]' laughable excuse of "self-defence" will only make juries more sceptical of it in future cases.

Sorry, but I am not clicking on a link that starts with al

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I agree with Katy. It's really their only hope right now. I'm with you on your theory. After I looked closely at the photos, I was convinced she took them, in part to have a trophy and stage a scenerio for future use. She went there With the intention to kill him, but finding the opportune time isn't always as easy to plan at the scene. I'm torn between one theory of plunging the knife into him while sitting in the shower, or right after he gets out and starts to towel off, face first and then she plunges into his chest.

I am still trying to catch up on trial testimony, much to the dismay of my friend who is going to be pissed if I don't go with her today to a benefit auction. Me: Im still only on Day 4 and have six more days to get caught up on! Her: You need to get out of the house so you have a reason to shower!

Regarding the emails that TA sent ...the whole string...was that ever entered into evidence? I dont recall JM addressing in cross and I didn't get to watch all of JA's direct (which is not THAT high on my catch up list)?

IMO, all this talk of her close up parts is a bit over the top. It's not like JA was a *advertiser censored* star and had regular bum bleaching sessions. We are also not exact anatomical replicas of each other as women...neither are men of each other. How we groom ourselves is also varied. None of this changes the fact that Jodi is a sociopathic psycho who premeditated the brutal murder of Travis willifully, intentionally, and with extreme viciousness. I think she taunted and tortured him. I think she is proud of her ability to have done with little physical injury to herself.

Anyway, since I have to pick and choose what testimony to watch today while I have a few hours, were those texts admitted? Of so, by whom and when....I'd like to see the testimony of that day. a link would even be better! TIA.

P.s. grrrrr, when I get timed out writing a response? How are people able to post such long comments when I get timed out so quickly! Maybe it's the iPad? I happens on my desktop too.

As to your P.S. I have found that when signing on if you click the "remember me" stay logged on.

Then you have to log out.
She'll just click into "appeal" mode... onto the next.

In fact, I'd be surprised if her lawyers don't prep her in some fashion like that. "This verdict is just a step along the way. We have already done..." whatever lawyers do (presumably hand over mountains of overturn-on-appeal-friendly documentation to the appellate team assigned to the case - I am totally guessing on this, so...).

But it's not an unreasonable guess (I hope?).

It could be why (besides being psycho/sociopaths, perhaps) some defendants seem unfazed by a guilty verdict. They're already past it. It's old news to them - they're focused on winning the next battle. Could be a way of coping, I guess...

Do you know if they are still kept in solitary during their appeals process?
She'll definitely be talkin to her self - the girl just cannot shut up!!
AIDS is a diabolical, evil disease. I hate it. Viscerally.
Maybe next time I'll say how I really feel...

O/T however, I agree. My Dad acquired HIV SIDS and ARC. I took care of him and kept him alive for nearly 20 years when evryone else was dying around him. Although diagnosed in the early 80's, he lived until 2007. I can live the rest of my life without reliving the past. It's evil.
Here is a video of all the shower pics in sequence.

Isn't it odd how much of the time his arms are raised above his shoulders? Doing what? Can anyone see him holding a bar of soap or washing his hair or body? I found the pic at the 1:12 mark in the video particularly creepy. The whole thing, really.

I think she has the gun on him (he'd fight her for the knife) that may be on the floor. She is making her last minute decision how to do it... not if she will do it
June 2
June 2, 2008:

Yreka, California

Phone records show several calls between Arias and Alexander in the early morning hours:

Arias called Alexander four times between 1 a.m. and 3 a.m.

These calls were all very short, the longest 17 seconds.

Alexander called Arias twice during the 3 a.m. hour:

The first call was just under 18 minutes, the second about 41 minutes.
Arias called Travis at 4:03 a.m. The call lasted 2 minutes, 48 seconds.

June 3
Arias called Alexander twice:

A 17-second call at 12:57 p.m.
A 2-minute, 50-second call at 1:51 p.m.

Then June 3

Pasadena, California

At 8:16 p.m., Arias calls Alexander. The call lasted 2 minutes, 9 seconds.

At 8:31 p.m., Arias goes to a CVS pharmacy. It is not clear what she bought.

At 8:34 p.m., Arias calls Alexander again and the call lasts 49 seconds

Between 8:42 and 8:46 p.m., Arias makes two gas purchases at Arco. The first is for $34.61, and the second is a pre-paid purchase for $40.

Sorry if this has been rehashed, I'm way behind in reading lol...

SO, we're expected to believe, after alllll the late night talks with each other, that they seeming last talked at 8:16pm (8:34pm seems like he didn't answer or hung up on her) and they didn't speak again ALL NIGHT?! She's driving in the middle of the desert, in the middle of the night, Travis knows she's coming, yet there's not ONE single phone call between 8ish pm and when she supposedly arrives at 4am?? REALLY? Cmon now. This is pretty much irrefutable proof he had NO idea she was coming.

Seems to me that by the looks of those call records that they were prob fighting.
Not sure if this has been answered, but it appears that you are skipping a step which is entirely external to your computer and to this website; i.e., a photo-sharing service on the good ol' Internet.

You must upload your pics to an image-hosting site and link to them from here.

If you'll notice (right click on any image you've seen someone post) the images you're seeing in the comments are actually being linked to in the comment itself.

Photobucket, flickr, etc. are just a couple of these services.

Here's an example of a screen snip I did and uploaded to a photobucket account:


Let me know if this makes sense, you have further questions, neither, or both...:smile:

It was answered but with all the answers together I've got it figured out. Thanks so much for all the help, everybody on here is so helpful. I love the site, so many awesome people and more info than any news show. WEBSLEUTHS ROCK!!!!:rocker:

Soon I'll be uploading my photo handiwork thanks to all who helped:great:
As to your P.S. I have found that when signing on if you click the "remember me" stay logged on.

Then you have to log out.

:::: head slap to the forehead::::: THANK YOU! I don't think it's giving me that option on the iPad, but I will remember to do that on the desktop.
If we are all accepting the time stamps on the shower photos ,aren't they solid proof that none of the self-defense part(the dropped camera rage, body slamming,etc..)could ever have occurred in the teeny time between TA being alive and TA bleeding profusely?
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