jodi arias TAKES THE STAND #66 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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one thing we do know is that re-direct has to address the cross right? And Juan did not go near abuse or religion.

He basically said Jodi was a liar, liar, liar.

If he is going to try to re-direct that he is in for a big challenge tomorrow and it will only be good for the state imhoo

Same here been wondering how nurmi could undo what has been done.
Was Jodi blackmailing Travis with photos, email, text messages, and phone conversations? She kept a record for a reason. I think Travis may have wanted to get a restraining order but feared the consequences and humiliation. She is getting back at Travis even after death. Sick!

Despite his texts reflecting he realized she was a sociopath etc..I'm sure he never dreamed she would be a crazed knife wielding killer,he knew she was bad- but not dangerous like that.Who would imagine that?There really is NO EVIDENCE at all of any physical violence in their relationship prior to the murder.He just couldn't imagine the mortal danger he was in.
IMO, Jodi structured the abuse as escalating after the pedo pics and the fight the next day. Now that those are in question I can't see how her claims can have any credibility. The only thing she had over his head was the phone sex call which was a mutual thing.
(Respectfully snipped)
-- I believe it was during KN's direct, but didn't JA at one point say (tearfully) that she told Travis she didn't want him to go to/stay overnight at a friend's house because they had a small child/children? I thought her phrasing implied that she 'demanded' he not go there.

I'd love to know more about that tangent. Who the friends were, if there are any texts/emails from Travis (or JA) at that time - only she would *never* write something like that down in a text!!!

I'd like to see that little scenario get blown out of the water.

There is NOTHING - absolutely NOTHING in this case that even slightly implies pedophilia... except for JA's stories. There is no documentation, no corroborating witnesses, no behaviours suggesting anything at all... I'd like to see her get several years just for that. :furious:
Actually you might be surprised at how in-depth their reporting can be. Same with RT (Russia Today).

For those of us who can't stand the TH's that don't know the subject matter, I have been surprised to discover these alternative news outlets get out facts and logical inferences from facts and not these extreme blabber bloviating buffoons that we get in our MSM these days. One year ago, I would have had your same reaction.

So true! I never get over how much better CNN is in other countries! It's like real news reporting! The crap on American CNN.... Is pathetic.imo

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she really is so amazing, we should give her credit for these feats! :floorlaugh::floorlaugh::floorlaugh:

Why, i do believe she was doing parkour!

( for those that may not know what parkour is, there are tons of videos on YouTube. I'd post one for you all, but I've never figured out how to do that on my iPad. )
anyone want to guess how long re-direct will take???

my hope: 1 day

my guess: 2 days

my worst nightmare: 3-4 days

I'm not sure that I can take much more of Nurmi and will probably not watch much of re-direct. I'm concerned that he will allow Jodi to run on endlessly again and that she will use the opportunity to get in as many digs against JM as she can, i.e. how mean he was, how he made her brain scramble, how he wouldn't let her finish answering questions with her usual hyperbole, how he doesn't know anything about his case, etc. :moo:
I woke @ 1:30. First thought was 'Oh no! I missed court!' Then I remembered it was Sunday. :floorlaugh:
It totally amazes me that Travis had her pegged so well...the terminology he uses shows he knows full well what he's up against. Unfortunately, when people realize they're dealing with such a high-level crazy, they don't realize that they have such a dangerous side that can actually result in loss of life. My brother is dealing with such a crazy right now. I told him yesterday that if he doesn't back away, she will end up killing him. It's just a matter of time. When he won't answer his phone, she will literally sit there and hit redial, redial, redial. He counted 60 calls in one hour night before last. That's about 1 a minute...
You know your brother's situation better than anyone else but for what its worth, having pulled away from a psychopathic ex myself and surviving it, some advice. I hope you don't think I'm stepping on toes though. :blushing: Just trying to help...(Apologies, peeps, for the kinda O/T)

1) He absolutely has to establish boundaries and put up a strict 'No Contact' policy. It has to mean just that in order to be effective. (If she's truly PD or psychopathic she will try anything to get a response from him to possibly include stalking, threats, suicide threats leveraged as emotional blackmail, damage to personal property, etc.)

2) Document everything. Every card she sends, every phone call, every time he notices her car close by. If anything proceeds to court level this documentation is essential to show a pervasive pattern of abusive and harassing behaviors.

3) Seek a restraining order even if he doesn't believe he needs one or it will be granted. Then at least there's a record somewhere within the judicial system recording her behavior. Depending on local statutes people can often request a restraining order themselves. The courthouse may have an in-house advocacy group but you can also reach out to local DV advocacies to seek advice on how best to achieve being granted one. (From the very little research I've done on female stalkers there's evidence to suggest this is often more effective than in 'traditional' DV cases.)

4) Call the police for each and every infraction of a restraining order - despite what she says and even if police do nothing 101 times to enforce it.

5) Never underestimate the level disordered or psychopathic people will stoop to in order to hurt their target and be smart. Think about telling people when you're headed out for the day, or parking your car in a garage, or increasing home security measures. Don't live in constant fear but don't assume you'll be capable of handling anything they dish out either. Don't make the assumption you actually know what they will and won't do. You don't - not if the abusive or harassing personality is really disordered or psychopathic.

And you, Kitty, you're being a great sister. :) Keep the lines of communication open with him. Once someone is ready to break free of someone like her, really ready, they often just need people to give them encouragement and a soft place to land if needed. (You're welcome to contact me anytime if I can help.) HTH
Same here been wondering how nurmi could undo what has been done.

He has chosen to be a sex crimes defense I am guessing he has experience with making silk purses out of sow's ears. Or trying to anyway.

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No, I just looked at the pix. I've read some comments at that "other" site and on FB and they make me shudder at the thought that people like that walk among us. :furious:

INCOMING -Horrible analogy. You have been warned. :floorlaugh:

This sort of reminds me of American Idol, and the tone deaf. It's easy for most people to hear when someone sings that they are tone deaf, but we don't consider that tone deaf people also vote and that's how some bad singers are considered good singers and get votes and even manage to sell records. Weeeell, in the case of the sociopath, it can't be surprising that there are others who support them, because there are sociopaths watching this case and are like, "Er, duh, what's the big deal? They sound good to me!" Or, something like that. So, yea, anyway... If you know someone who thinks that her actions were perfectly justified, you may want to distance yourself. :p Of course, the good/smart sociopath will know that, around other people, in the real world, they better at least pretend that they find her actions heinous. :p
The ONLY thing that makes the seated the shower scenerio possible for me is that Jodi is left handed. Otherwise, I think it would be difficult, but not impossible, to open the shower door and get the knife in his chest without him being able to better defend himself.

Anatomically, the knife would have gone through fold of skin if he was seated. There would be more lacerations to the chest wound that would appear parallel. If that had happened, his subclavian might not have been penetrated.... And the outcome different. IMO

haha.....come on..who....she seems to have really flubbed up this whole murder thing. I don't think anyone wants to get on this sinking ship.


Jodi has a very high opinion of herself...did she really think two ex boyfriends would lie to LE for her if she got caught after murdering Travis?
It was answered but with all the answers together I've got it figured out. Thanks so much for all the help, everybody on here is so helpful. I love the site, so many awesome people and more info than any news show. WEBSLEUTHS ROCK!!!!:rocker:

Soon I'll be uploading my photo handiwork thanks to all who helped:great:

twall and others "Go Advanced" and use this "Insert File" option:


(Click on the small image for the larger version)
Despite his texts reflecting he realized she was a sociopath etc..I'm sure he never dreamed she would be a crazed knife wielding killer,he knew she was bad- but not dangerous like that.Who would imagine that?There really is NO EVIDENCE at all of any physical violence in their relationship prior to the murder.He just couldn't imagine the mortal danger he was in.

Well said.

In the few texts I typed out and posted yesterday (the screen shots of those and more are all in the timeline/media thread!), I got the feeling that one thing he may have been mad about had to do with her stalker-ish behaviour... and I *think* the mention of her "magical email that a mysterious man you've never seen before wrote you" could very well be the "John Doe letter... just a guess.

He was furious. But how many of us can say we haven't had a bad, angry, messy and/or one-sided break-up in which at least one party got furious... almost everyone always lives through it. Travis was blindsided in that respect, for sure.
I am in the process of working with a Client that needs an order of protection against someone. My client refuses.

This is a hard thing to talk someone into. It might be needed, but so many are afraid this will further escalate the situation.

I understand that but then do nothing and the person sits there in danger? Its a hard spot to be in.

So the Plan B is arm yourself. Get a gun, register it, learn how to use it and take alternate safety precautions. And look over your shoulder a lot.

That is a scary spot to be in. Years ago I got an Order of Protection against my husband who I was separated from at the time. He had not been served with it yet when I came home one day and he was hiding in the house...which was technically his house as well as in my state there is no legal separation. When the police arrived at the house to serve the order of protection he hid behind the door and co-erced me into telling them he was not there..... Keep in mind I was dealing with someone who was out of their head on drugs and so I went along with his little scam...:blushing:
Thankfully I worked on my co-dependancy and am now divorced and free from his sick was a long road but after many twists and turns I have finally arrived !
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