jodi arias TAKES THE STAND FOR 11TH DAY #56 *may contain graphic and adult content*

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Oh, I think he's trying to show she did naked photos BEFORE she met TA!

I think that's why they're up at the judge's. Relevance objection.,


ETA, or sure, medical photos! :rolleyes:
Cross examination of Jodi Arias by Juan Martinez, day 3

Afternoon Testimony

--re: telephone text messages and TA's MySpace messages. JA says that the messages were flirtatious and sexual.
--Exhibit 480, 48 hours video, interviewer asks was Travis a flirt with other people. JA says yes, and he was not secretive about it. By nature he is very open, very outgoing very fliratious, not that it is a bad thing at all.
--JA says that it was because he was sleeping with a bunch of people. JM asks her if she believes that he was sleeping with a bunch of people. JA says she does.
--JM asking about the trip to Sedona with the Freemans.
--Exhibit 481, photo from a trip taken to Sedona. April 2007. Photo is of Travis, Jodi, Daniel and Desiree Freeman. Jodi and Travis are relatively the same height. JA says that Travis was three inches taller than her. Nurmi objects. Sustained. Nobody is standing on a rock to make their height different.
--JM asking JA about TA's ambience in a room. Exhibit 482, 48 hours interview. JA says she is more angry and outraged that his life was taken. He was working on so many projects he will never get to complete....he brightened the room he walked in...the whole engery of the world changed. the world is darker that he is not in it. I cannot imagine what his family is going through. I cannot imagine what it would be like to get a phone call about one of my brothers.
--JM asks her if she mentioned anything to 48 hours about TA masterbating to photos of boys. JA says she didn't. JM says that TA did a lot of things for her. Wonderful things.
--Exhibit 483, 48 hours video. Ja says she cannot ever see any motive for herself to inflict this on Travis. TA opened up his home, his refridgerator...she came home from the airport once and she had parked her car in his garage and he had put a cinnabon box on her car so she could have it when she got home. He looked out a recipe for cinnabon online and printed it out for her and gave her a $10 gift card for Cinnabon.
--Exhibit 484, Text messages from JA to TA from April 18, 2008. From after she moved to Yreka doing her day to day activities and not seeing Travis on a daily basis after they had broken up...after the fog had lifted....after the time she claimed there was physical violence she wrote: I thank you for being such an amazing friend. You are a rock, a light and an inspiration. JM asks her if she was still in love with him. JA says she loved him dearly. JM getting clarification on her definition of "love".
--"I appreciate all of the ways you have gone out of your way for me". Jm says this is not in line with the person you have been talking about. JA says it is because it was very consistent. JM says you told us he was mean, was physically violent, would raise his voice....JM says that the text messages do not correspond. JM says you have given us two versions of Travis.
--JM says you have given one where he was mean and abusive, and yet the writings that we have here don't support that. Now that you are away it doesn't support what you have been telling us.
<numerous objections during this from Nurmi....arguementative>
--JM says that she does mention in any of the text messages...JA says that TA flourished on compliments.
--JA says that at times her compliments were insincere.
--JM asks JA about what she means by TA flourished on compliments. JA says that she did love him dearly and still does, he did go out of his way for her, <missed all of it>
--JM asks her if one of the ways she wanted to express her love for him was on June 4, 2008. Nurmi objects...badgering..
--After JA killed Travis there was a memorial service in Mesa. JM asks her what time and JA says she has no was daytime.
--JA approached Mimi and talked to her about Travis. JA says briefly. JM asks JA if that was the first time she found out that Mimi was going to Cancun with Travis. JA says she doesn't remember if Cancun came up.
--JA says she assumed it was Mimi and says that she actually learned it from Det. Flores.
--Memorial was on June 15, 2008. JA says she thinks she assumed that Travis was going to Cancun with Mimi and Det. Flores confirmed it. JM is asking if JA learned that TA was going to Cancun with Mimi at the memorial service.
--JA says she was pretty sure based on the conversation with Brenda.
--JM asks JA if she had discussed TA going to Cancun. TA did not ask JA to go but she knew he was going with somebody...and knew this back on June 2, 2008. JA says she assumed it was the babysitter.
--Back on May 10, 2008 TA was talking to JA about sex but he was going to Cancun with somebody else.
--JM says "and his gong to Cancun with somebody else did not upset you?" JA says "no".
--Exhibit 485, writing by JA submitted at the time of the memorial service. There was a photo album in a scrapbook. Jodi had emailed the photo to the person putting together the scrapbook and then she wrote in it but didn't sign it...didn't want to leave her name. "Travis you are beautiful on the inside and out. You always told me to never stop believing"
--JM asks JA if she had lied and JA says that she believed it. JM asks her if somebody who masterbates to photos of young boys is beautiful inside and out.
--JM says that she obtained a pamphlet, JA says two pamphlets.
--JA says that TA hated those parts of himself. It's not who he wanted to be.
--JA says she believed that he could get better.
--JM is asking her if somebody who is beautiful on the inside could have the problems JA says they had.
--JA says that TA has aspects of himself that were beautiful and some were ugly.
--JM asks JA about her and TA having an agreement about attending each other's funerals...JA says that TA said he would attend hers even if it was in Antartica.
--JA says she tried to go to his funeral but didn't make it.
--JM asks her if she believes that she would have done the same thing for her. JA says yes.
--JM asks her if she believes that TA would have gone to her funeral service if he had killed her.
--JA says that she had wanted TA to give the eulogy at her funeral because he would edify her in a good way.
--JM asks her about her direct testimony...about how she felt compelled to go to his memorial..and JA says it is because he would have gone to mine. JM asks her if the reason that she went was because her and TA had talked about it and she felt compelled to go because of that agreement.
--JM says if nobody knew about the agreement then nobody knew about you made the choice to go.
--JM asks her about what she wrote...that she always believed in him. JM asks her if she always believed in him when he threw her down and choked him. JA says she believed in his potential.
--JM asks her if she still believed in TA when in August 2007 when he was kissing a girl. JA says that she still believed in him but it cheapened his efforts.
--JA says she said she never stopped believing in him...JM asks her about the issues she believes TA is not getting any help for. JA believes TA was not seeking help but was praying about it. JM asks her if he believes if TA went to a Bishop. JA says that TA went to a Bishop to talk about...
--Also wrote on the memorial photo: "This world has been blessed because you have been here". JM asks her if the things she has said that Travis did was a blessing to the world.
--JM is asking JA about her complaints that nobody knew what her affairs were. It upset you that these interactions were behind closed doors. JA asks JM what activities she is referring to. JM says that TA wouldn't hold her hand, or kiss her in public, and all of that bothered her. JA says that it did bother her. Jm says that on one hand TA is very attentive when the doors are closed but not when others are around. JM asks her if she could have put an end to that. She could have left.
--JA left Mesa in April 2008...JM says that she is free to go any time that she wanted. JA says that she was broke. JM says that she had parents and could have asked them.
--JM reminding her that JA's mother flew out to Mesa to help her move but mother left shortly after.
--JA says she didn't know her parents woudl help her until she was desperate enough to call her.
--JA says that Matt called once.
--JM asks Jodi about her calling her mother for help. Mother came down to help her.
--JM says you weren't really stuck here in Arizona were you? JA says that she doesn't know because sometimes her parents were in a financial position to help her.
--JM says that she preferred to stay with her grandparents. JA says that she couldn't stay with her parents because there were no bedrooms.
--JA says she did get a job at Casa Ramos. JM says when she had her job she had her own money and nobody took it away. JM says that she was not lending money to TA. JA says that she was giving him money for repayment.
--JA arguing about terms of "giving" money.
--The argreement about the money JA owed TA was a loose agreement and the terms were pretty easy for her to pay back.
--JM is asking her about the car that was damaged. TA attempted to help her with the issue and TA called a law firm for her.
--Travis was not upset about the car.
--in her journal JA called TA her hero about the car issue.
--JM says that there doesn't seem to be any tie other than the sexual bond. JA says there was the car. JM says that she could have paid TA off and that would have been the end of it and you wouldn't have to communicate anymore.
--JM asks her about the sexual bond. She wanted to be with him as much as he wanted to be with her.
--JM asking about when they were at the Hughes' house and JA indicated that she was uncomfortable with TA. JA says that she didn't develop an attraction that quickly. JM asks her if she ever told him that and she says "no".
--"doesn't it take one to know one". JM was asking her about the oral sex TA performed on her and how she said that TA knew what he was doing.
--JM says that she could have stopped at anytime and said she never wanted to see him.
--JA says that the deep level of her attraction had not developed to that point yet.
--JM is asking her if she was or was not sexually attracted to TA at that point.
--JM says that being sexually attracted to him the activity was enjoyable.
--JA says that internally no, but externally she wasn't able to enjoy herself. JM says that if if externally and internally she wasn't enjoying it then she could have told TA to stop. JM says that there was no way for TA to know that she did not want that activity.
--JM says all we have is your word, we don't have any video or anything that would show us that you weren't enjoying this activity.
--JM asking about the activity in the car...if you have the ability to say No then that is a choice you made to be with him the second time.
--JM: at some point, even though you felt that way, that was your responsibility to let the other party know you weren't into it as much as they were.
--JM: You could have told him no...JA: yes
--JM says she said something like she liked him and didn't want to hurt his feelings...JA says she felt that way, it would have been a blow to his ego. JM asks who cares about his ego? JA says she did.
--JM says you cared about his ego after knowing him for two weeks?
--Exhibit 486, 48 hours video, interviewer asks JA about moving away but still having a sexual relationship with her. JA says that TA would call her and talk about what he wanted to do when he visited. JA says that the sex was "always mutual".
--JM says that she stated the sex was always mutual and that when you tell us that you felt like a used piece of toilet paper that you are saying it wasn't mutual. JA says it was still mutual at that point.
--JA says when she asked TA to stop he did. Then she adds except for the one time in May when he didn't.
--JM asking about a text from November 2006, she was at a business meeting and then went to a restaurant in Anaheim. JM is asking who else was there. JA says that Michelle was sitting across from here. Jarrod was there <didn't catch the other name>.
--At the restaurant JA receved a messaged on her flip phone and she was unaware what was in the text. She opened it. JM asks her if anybody else saw it. JA isn't sure if Jarrod saw it. JM says and you said you were offended. JA says she was not offended.
--JA says she did like it.
--JM says she never told him "don't ever send me anything like that".
--JM says that in fact, happy with that activity, that she took the time, the effort and the time to download it. JA says that she took the time to download all the photos on her phone at once.
--JM says there were other times where there were other photos that were deleted.
--JM says that the photos went onto the hard drive that was damaged and she could enjoy that photo at any time.
--JM asks her about topless photos she sent to TA.
--JM says that she was not offended by sending photos. JA says that she believes there were several photos of that nature.
--JM says there were three of them, JA says she doesn't remember.
--The photos were sent to TA's phone and she sent the photos using her phone. The photos were downloaded to his computer.
--JM saying that she didn't have a problem sending photos back and forth.
--JM says that they were experimenting. JA says that she doesn't know what he means by experimenting.
--JM now wants to talk about the May 10, 2008 sex tape.
--Exhibits 425, 426, 427 Darryl took pre-surgery photos. Nurmi objects, relevance. Sidebar.
Defense can show irrelevant and possible untrue pictures of the victims penis but the prosecution is objected to for these pics of JA? Ugh, sickening!

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What's going on in the courtroom? Everyone in the gallery is whipping around to see something?
I goes to showing that Jodi's "memories" re: Travis being a pedophile, abusing her, etc. are suspect. Liars tend to have self-serving "memory problems."

And it is ridiculous is light of the RIDICULOUSLY DETAILED DIRECT TESTIMONY SHE GAVE of every single irrelevant thing possible that there was to say. Liars give way too much detail until, they are pinned down and then suddenly, Alzheimers. Yeah right.

BTW, Hilarious how she just had to make sure everyone knew she still doesn;t have small breasts.
Juan knew exactly when her breast surgery was...he just showed how great her memory when she corrected the month. :great:

I think this afternoon is going much better than this morning. Although, the morning was necessary.

She looks happy to be talking about her *advertiser censored*! :banghead:
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