Jodi Arias Trial: the weekend discussion

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I really have nothing to say as I am just catching up and trying to get us to another page so the margins aren't blown,lol......don't mind me!:seeya:

Hey it worked!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wahooo!
I have to say that, on the day I was there, his aggressive demeanor with Ryan Burns (his own witness, I think) was off-putting. In person, he doesn't look or act like a nice man interested in justice --but that's just my perception. And his personal comments about Nurmi were out of line, imo. I'm talking about "if he wants to say something to me . . ." That's total bush league, imo

I sat through 2 murder trials in my area and have seen a range of styles of prosecutors. From very aggressive (think pit bull) to soft spoken southern style. I never got the sense any of them weren't interested in doing both a good job and getting justice (which in those 2 cases were first degree murder convictions). I've seen first-hand the "if he has something to say to me..." from one of the prosecutors to one of the defense attorneys followed by a challenge to take him to the law board if he dared. The defense in that case was baiting and doing a bit of bullying. Since an attorney cannot directly address another opposing attorney during court, they have to position it this way to the judge and get it on record. It can get very heated with a lot of testosterone being thrown around.

When I watched the testimony of Ryan Burns, I noticed Burns would have trouble answering "yes" or "no." He would say "uh huh" (which drives the court reporters crazy) or he would occasionally go off on a tangent and not answer the question directly. Sometimes an attorney has to take a very firm hand to keep such a witness on the path, especially if they keep doing the same things that make it difficult to elicit an answer and/or an answer that can be heard and understood.

Ever watch the direct of Marsha Clark with Kato Kaelin? LOL. He was flakyMcFlakerson and she had to treat him like a hostile witness. As inarticulate a witness as one can get.

I'm curious what you think Martinez is interested in (if not interested in justice)?
(Just reposting in case missed)Does anyone know if it was 27 or 29 stab wounds TA received?? I keep hearing/reading about both mentions.TIA
Does that include the neck wound? I imagine it counts all the wounds, including the defense ones to the hands.
Or, another thought. Perhaps she ducktaped the dogs mouth shut so he couldn't be barking like crazy.
Or, she ducktaped TA mouth so he couldn't yell.
We will know soon. Imo

I was wondering where the dog would've been during the struggle. Good point, thanks!
Does that include the neck wound? I imagine it counts all the wounds, including the defense ones to the hands.

Good question. I would think not because it isn't a stab wound. He has 29 stab wounds, a slit throat and a bullet wound. jmo
It is my understanding she cut herself with the knife, therefore it appears the handle became wet with his blood and it slipped. That would seem to negate the possibility she had it taped to her hand.


Do we know which hand had the two cuts, and whether she was left/right handed? I'm thinking that during the struggle she cut the opposite hand, or when Travis lunged for the knife it sliced her fingers. The tape doesn't negate the possibility she could injure herself, in fact I think it might make it more likely that she would cut her fingers in the struggle. IMO, of course!
How about this for another scenario?

Jodi decides to make ONE LAST TRIP to see Travis and change his mind about their relationship as well as the trip to Cancun. One way or another, she is determined he will NOT take another woman to Cancun after all the time and effort she has put in with him! She throws the knife and gun in her purse/makeup bag and heads for his house.

Once she gets there Jodi is an angel. She is her sweet and charming, best self. She and Travis have a wonderful afternoon with no mention of the trip. She shows him in a thousand ways how much she loves him.

Perhaps afterwards they decide to take a shower together! One last bit of romance to top off their evening. Once in the shower Jodi makes her move, and says something like "You're not still taking Mimi to Cancun when we're so good together, are you?" Travis looks at her with a puzzled expression. Yes, he's still taking Mimi to Cancun - he's told Jodi they were just "friends with benefits". Jodi loses it. She screams and rages at him as he continues to look at her, puzzled. When she figures out he won't change his mind about the trip, she storms out of the shower and gets dressed as though she plans to leave. Travis is staring at her through the shower door - come on, Jodi. You knew what the deal was - as she fishes for the knife in her purse/makeup bag. She says something to distract him like "smile at the birdie!" as she snaps that final shower photo and inflicts that first stab wound. The rest of the slaughter goes as everyone has speculated.

I think this trip to Cancun with another woman was a MUCH bigger trigger to Jodi than anyone has talked about. That was, in effect, her line in the sand. It simply was not going to happen. He could agree with her and everything would be nice, or they could do things the hard way. Either way, Mimi wasn't going to Cancun.

I just figured he was locked out of the bedroom since he didn't walk thru any of the blood.

I'm curious as to where the dog was when Travis was found. I'm assuming not in the master suite.

Wouldn't his roommates have noticed if the dog was locked out, presumably barking at the bedroom door days later? Or at least bothering them for food? I totally could see the roommates not smelling anything or having reason to be alarmed BUT the dog makes things harder to comprehend. Unless of course the dog wasn't there at all, possibly boarded somewhere in anticipation of Travis' Cabo trip?
I'm curious as to where the dog was when Travis was found. I'm assuming not in the master suite.

Wouldn't his roommates have noticed if the dog was locked out, presumably barking at the bedroom door days later? Or at least bothering them for food? I totally could see the roommates not smelling anything or having reason to be alarmed BUT the dog makes things harder to comprehend. Unless of course the dog wasn't there at all, possibly boarded somewhere in anticipation of Travis' Cabo trip?

I am wondering about that also and have asked it on here as well...wish we knew!
I'm curious as to where the dog was when Travis was found. I'm assuming not in the master suite.

Wouldn't his roommates have noticed if the dog was locked out, presumably barking at the bedroom door days later? Or at least bothering them for food? I totally could see the roommates not smelling anything or having reason to be alarmed BUT the dog makes things harder to comprehend. Unless of course the dog wasn't there at all, possibly boarded somewhere in anticipation of Travis' Cabo trip?

You must not be watching (or reading) the trial. Testimony by the state's first witness, Marie (Mimi) Hall, friend who was one of the folks to find T.A., was that the little dog was barking furiously when they were knocking on the door. The dog was there in the house, he was not in a kennel, and as to your other questions...unknown as to if the roommates fed the dog, etc, etc. Travis' BR door was locked and the dog was not in the bedroom.
I think this trip to Cancun with another woman was a MUCH bigger trigger to Jodi than anyone has talked about. That was, in effect, her line in the sand. It simply was not going to happen. He could agree with her and everything would be nice, or they could do things the hard way. Either way, Mimi wasn't going to Cancun.


If I recall correctly, in one of Jodi's first police interviews she mentioned her knowledge of the Cabo trip, like it was no biggie that Travis was going, didn't bother her in the slightest.

I wonder whether 1. Jodi had ANY clue about his Cabo trip prior to her arrival in AZ, and 2. if she found out during a snoop through Travis' phone while he was in the bathroom, and THAT was the final trigger.

I do think he saw her with the knife and imo it was a large knife (2 inches wide and at least 6" long much like a K-bar imo) Both men and women would like to believe if we were being attacked by a knife by anyone we would immediately react but sadly she could have snapped the photo with one hand..dropped the camera quickly and pulled the knife out from behind her back and stabbed him in the chest. All of this wouldnt take but a few seconds leaving him no time to react. And she had him hemmed in with no where to go but toward her holding the knife.

I have read it takes seconds for the brain to even comprehend what is happening in a traumatic event in order to be able to react. Fight or flight responses take time to kick in. He did not have those seconds to spare imo. He would at first be stunned...confused ..and trying to take in what was happening to him. I do think the last alive photo is him knowing he is in the worst situation of his life.

He couldnt have been in full defensive mode after the chest stab imo. If that was really the case she would not have been able to stab him in the back and the Prosecutor thinks he was standing with his back to her coughing up blood at the sink from the chest wound when the back stabs happened.

I thought he may have crouched down trying to protect his vital areas and torso area.

Many men have lost the battle when a crazy woman was knifing them to death or bludgeoning them and they were much larger than the female murderess.

The only time he was able to defend himself would be if he swung around trying to protect himself when she was stabbing him in the back, imo.

Hi. Newbie here. But I think she used the camera to "blind" him to go in for the kill.
I'm curious what you think Martinez is interested in (if not interested in justice)?

~sbm to answer your question

Winning, being personally involved in winning a particular argument? Not liking his adversary? Putting on the best show for the jury? I have yet to meet a seasoned lawyer who's exclusively out for justice. And I'm understating it completely. Maybe Martinez is a true believer, idk. But when you have ALL the evidence stacked in your favor and lwp as a slam dunk, personal attacks on defense counsel seem, well, personal.
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