John Makes A Speech

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Aug 14, 2003
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Ya gotta love it! Especially the part about his "faith", etc. Nothin' like jumping on the ol' "I'M SUCH A GOOD CHRISTIAN" bandwagon. Well, I guess it gets votes.

I wonder if the good folks in Michigan watched the CBN program where John couldn't quote anything from the Bible and for the first time in any interview, gave Patsy the stage

Such a good man that John :sick:
Whoa!!! Time out here Johnny boy! In your pandering to voters in Michigan, did you forget that when it served you that you claimed that GEORGIA was your "home" you all just had to get back to it??? The big reason you gave when you tried to book a flight out of Colorado just minutes after finding JonBenet DEAD? What happened to that?
Now 'Michigan' is your home when it can serve another purpose for you?
It was your SUMMER home. Not your residence during your marriage to Patsy!

"The grass is always greener" for the Ramseys it seems.

My husband, who does NOT follow the Ramsey case, saw John Ramsey on TV last night talking about his running for office. He was shocked. He said, "That's disgusting!"

This whole election is going to be interesting you know. Just watch his opponents dig up the REAL story behind John's claims of some Federal judge's ruling that the "evidence" suggests an intruder and not a Ramsey!
I hope his opponents are supplied with ample ammunition against John Ramsey in this area to uncover the contuing cover-up in the death of his daughter! The dirty tricks by Lin Wood who has been setting the stage for John to run for office by blackmailing the District Attorney's office in Boulder, CO. Threatening to SUE if she didn't dance to his tune and manipulate the public into thinking there was actually a new investigation going on and that they found some "new" DNA that exonerated the Ramseys! LIES!!! Manipulated truth!

Who is running against John Ramsey?
K777angel said:
Who is running against John Ramsey?


This is just the primary election. John Ramsey is running against a handful of other Republicans to earn the right to face the Democratic candidate in the general election in November.

John Ramsey will likely win the primary because of name recognition. In the lower local and state offices, such as the Michigan House of Representatives, the average voter doesn't know much about the people on the ballot. They will often just pull the lever for a name they recognize.

Thanks to Why_Nut for finding this.

In Michigan, there are hundreds of people whose surname is Borg. There are 109 "J Borg"s and almost 80 "A Borg"s.

John Ramsey needs every vote, so I guess he better stop trashing the Borgs and advise his followers to do likewise with immediate effect.

Could be embarassing if they don't :)
BlueCrab said:

This is just the primary election. John Ramsey is running against a handful of other Republicans to earn the right to face the Democratic candidate in the general election in November.

John Ramsey will likely win the primary because of name recognition. In the lower local and state offices, such as the Michigan House of Representatives, the average voter doesn't know much about the people on the ballot. They will often just pull the lever for a name they recognize.


Uh, Bluecrab, I know that. He is STILL running against the other Republicans vying for the #1 spot.
And I disagree that people will just vote for a recognizable name on a ballot
in a House run. Besides - they will know WHY John Ramsey's name is recognizable. Because he has been and still is a suspect in the death and cover-up of his daughter. No matter what he tries to spin or say.
And his opponents should and will have a heyday with it.
K777angel said:
Uh, Bluecrab, I know that. He is STILL running against the other Republicans vying for the #1 spot.
And I disagree that people will just vote for a recognizable name on a ballot
in a House run. Besides - they will know WHY John Ramsey's name is recognizable. Because he has been and still is a suspect in the death and cover-up of his daughter. No matter what he tries to spin or say.
And his opponents should and will have a heyday with it.

But then, you've been wrong about everything else in this case...
John Ramsey would make a great politician and Patsy would make a great politician's wife.

Maybe they'll co-write his speeches together. ;)

John can double-talk as most politicians do; and become a professional fundraiser - Patsy can host her parties; creating a new identity for herself.

Someday, he'll run for Governor and Patsy can redecorate the Governor's mansion.
"Although John Ramsey was a successful businessman, he spent a great deal of his savings defending himself from false allegations. In order to be a strong voice for Northern Michigan, he is going to have to rely on small contributions from caring individuals such as you"

WHAT? He needs money? An de BIG money Lin Wood suggests they made of settlements? Or maybe wasn't that big?

In My Opinion
From John Ramsey's speech:

"We need elected representatives in Government who will not compromise their core values and who will do what is right"

To do what is rigth. I. e. accepting to be questioned by the police an so, collaborating with the investigation, when your daugther has been murdered? Or maybe is rigther top resist, and do not allow to be questioned until months after, under very especial terms, when is too late and almost useless?

Did John Ramsey what "was rigth" back in the first months of 1997?

In my humble opinion.
Cain said:
"Although John Ramsey was a successful businessman, he spent a great deal of his savings defending himself from false allegations. In order to be a strong voice for Northern Michigan, he is going to have to rely on small contributions from caring individuals such as you"

WHAT? He needs money? An de BIG money Lin Wood suggests they made of settlements? Or maybe wasn't that big?

In My Opinion

And there you go. We finally have confirmation that the Steve Thomas suit did not yield anything more than pocket change. It was not a Burke-centric suit, and was supposed to benefit John and Patsy handsomely. Now we know it did not.
TLynn said:
John Ramsey would make a great politician and Patsy would make a great politician's wife.

Maybe they'll co-write his speeches together. ;)

John can double-talk as most politicians do; and become a professional fundraiser - Patsy can host her parties; creating a new identity for herself.

Someday, he'll run for Governor and Patsy can redecorate the Governor's mansion.
lol... No doubt these two artistic (as in con) narcissistic parasites have grandiose plans. Apparently they're planning on making a living feeding off the people. Feeding off a dead child only goes so far, yanno.
Cain said:
"Although John Ramsey was a successful businessman, he spent a great deal of his savings defending himself from false allegations. In order to be a strong voice for Northern Michigan, he is going to have to rely on small contributions from caring individuals such as you"

WHAT? He needs money? An de BIG money Lin Wood suggests they made of settlements? Or maybe wasn't that big?

From John's statements it appears the Ramseys got NOTHING from the Burke lawsuit settlements. Therefore, Lin Wood hasn't made a nickel from them either.

IMO Burke killed JonBenet or knows who killed her. And the tabs and The New York Post know the truth, but nevertheless settled, apparently with no money changing hands. In fact, the Post had all of Burke's files subpoenaed and thus knew the case from A to Z, but settled without going to trial. Why?

The answer, as I see it, is the court's won't let the case go to trial because it involves children too young to prosecute and would violate the Colorado Childens Code that protects the identity of children under the age of 10 who commit crimes.

If JohnBoy happens to win (snicker), would his income tax records become public, ala President Bush?
If Ramsey wins, and still owns a plane, the citizens of Charlevioux will have to cough up enough money for old government record storage at an airplane hanger. Plus expect Patsy to blow the budget giving 'parties.'

John is going to have to answer some very 'hard' questions, from his opponents, in the campaign.

Will Woody be standing by, taking names and adding to the 'suing list'? Will Woody be allowed to intimidate others?

Any legal eagles out there?
John Ramsey is now a very public figure, since he has thrown his hat into the political ring. He is now subject to the ridicule, sarcasm, and tasteless jokes that all American politicians are heir to. And he and Lin Wood can't do a darn thing about it. :bang:
Now that he's a public figure - How about a "Bobble-Head" John Ramsey?

Oooh, that was so mean. I usually just let those thoughts pass, but I thought of the recent Aahnold episode.

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