John Travolta's son, autism and Scientology

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Aug 13, 2003
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I've heard rumors for years that John Travolta and Kelly Preston's son Jett has autism that's going untreated because the Church of Scientology doesn't recognize the disease foe what it is.
Now, I guess some neighbors are making this an issue:


Hollywood Interrupted and What Would Tyler Durden Do? are both reporting that a neighbor of Travolta's is claiming that his son Jett, 14, is undiagnosed as autistic due to Scientology not recognizing autism as existing. Brilliant. These neigbors, Florida restauranters named Tim and Patricia Kelly, are clamoring for Child Protective Services to get involved.

The Travolta's instead say he suffers from Kawasaki syndrome, an illness characterized by high fever, painful rash, lymph-node swelling and street legal rice-rockets.​
I just read a bunch of stuff about that too Idaho. What the heck is wrong with them??? They have every ability to help him succeed - moreso than the average joe - and choose not to. Very sad.
Wow. Another reason why I don't understand religion.
If true, this is downright child abuse.

What's that about him making out with his live in lover?
I have no idea whether or not this is true. I had never heard it before. Travolta is a constant target due to his Scientology association, so who knows.

Child abuse? Please. If their son has autism, it is absolutely within their rights as loving parents to handle it as they see fit and without necessarily following what we as a society thinks is the "best" course of treatment for autism for a child we don't even know.

They've always seemed like dedicated partners and parents to me.
Child abuse? Please. If their son has autism, it is absolutely within their rights as loving parents to handle it as they see fit and without necessarily following what we as a society thinks is the "best" course of treatment for autism for a child we don't even know.

They've always seemed like dedicated partners and parents to me.

All I can really say to that is I disagree. Popping your kid in front of a TV and not "believing" in autism is NOT being a loving parent. As for choosing a course of treatment, they choose no treatment because they don't believe in the issue. To me that is not choosing another course, that is giving their child a harder life because of their messed up views.
I have no idea whether or not this is true. I had never heard it before. Travolta is a constant target due to his Scientology association, so who knows.

Child abuse? Please. If their son has autism, it is absolutely within their rights as loving parents to handle it as they see fit and without necessarily following what we as a society thinks is the "best" course of treatment for autism for a child we don't even know.

They've always seemed like dedicated partners and parents to me.

I agree completely, it is not child abuse. It is a spectrum disorder there are many different levels where they could be high functioning or severely affected. Gluten and casein free diet is proven to be effective for autism an adha but many parents decide to not change their family's eating habits. Is that abuse too? Do you feed your kids junk food and mcdonald's? You know its bad for them, is that abusive because you know it could lead to heart disease or diabetes??

""Joking aside, the Kennys are "disgusted by" Travolta. They claim that Travolta has turned down invitations to participate in autism fundraisers, and most recently refused to participate in a local celebrity golf tournament if a connection to autism advocacy was promoted""

This to me seems like they want him to promote their dinners and hope a star could help in that. What about privacy and his future? They may not want to let the world know for sure he has autism and do not want it to affect his future. They cannot say for sure he isn't seeking treatment just because its not made public.

I also wanted to add this is a junk magazine not fox news :rolleyes:
I agree completely, it is not child abuse. It is a spectrum disorder there are many different levels where they could be high functioning or severely affected. Gluten and casein free diet is proven to be effective for autism an adha but many parents decide to not change their family's eating habits. Is that abuse too? Do you feed your kids junk food and mcdonald's? You know its bad for them, is that abusive because you know it could lead to heart disease or diabetes??

Exactly. It's a slippery slope to call something like this abuse. My sister used to work in a social services job that dealt with autism. I've met plenty of people (adults and kids) with the diagnosis that funtion well without a great deal of special help.
Exactly. It's a slippery slope to call something like this abuse. My sister used to work in a social services job that dealt with autism. I've met plenty of people (adults and kids) with the diagnosis that funtion well without a great deal of special help.

I have two members in our family with asperger's neither need treatment with diet followed. Your sister must have a world of patience sometimes autism can be very hard to deal with.
Diet plays a large role in autism and many other mental disorders, no question about that. If you read the entire article, you see it states - and my take on it is - that they basically ignore the fact that their child (who doesn't even speak) has anything wrong with him. The article stated they put him in front of a TV and give him junk food.
IMO, yep, it's abuse, it's neglect.
And yes, parents that give their kids junk food all the time are neglecting them too.

I know there are many forms of autism (my son has been tested and I have researched it) and that there are many ways to treat it and live a full life. I don't see what the Travoltas are doing as one of them.

IF any of this is even true.
All I can really say to that is I disagree. Popping your kid in front of a TV and not "believing" in autism is NOT being a loving parent. As for choosing a course of treatment, they choose no treatment because they don't believe in the issue. To me that is not choosing another course, that is giving their child a harder life because of their messed up views.

I've been known to pop my kids in front of the TV and deny that they have the disease of being children! Please dont' report me! :rolleyes:

I'm just teasing, Dena. I respect your opinion. I just know that if my child were given this type of diagnosis, I might do things a little differently than the average bear. And I might not. But the choice is mine to make.

I know plenty of people who don't believe in the ADHD/ADD diagnosis and who chose "different" paths with that. John and Kelly seem reasonably intelligent. If their son has autism and they want to treat it via their spiritual path, that doesn't bother me.

Nothing western medicine has to offer "cures" it. Maybe their way will help. Who knows? I just don't think it's abuse in this situation.
Diet plays a large role in autism and many other mental disorders, no question about that. If you read the entire article, you see it states - and my take on it is - that they basically ignore the fact that their child (who doesn't even speak) has anything wrong with him. The article stated they put him in front of a TV and give him junk food.
IMO, yep, it's abuse, it's neglect.
And yes, parents that give their kids junk food all the time are neglecting them too.

I know there are many forms of autism (my son has been tested and I have researched it) and that there are many ways to treat it and live a full life. I don't see what the Travoltas are doing as one of them.

IF any of this is even true.

A 14-year-old boy probably doesn't need any help finding his own junk food!

PS - diet plays a huge role in my disorder (addiction) too - but sometimes I still eat like hell!
Looks like we posted at the same time.

I put my son in front of the TV quite a bit myself. That is just one piece to the large puzzle of the article. The whole thing might not even be true. My son was tested for autism and it was an agonizing process. He does not have autism, but is still very behind and will start special education preschool in the Fall.
We do a lot of things regarding his diet, and I am so not against natural ways of doing things. I do feel that therapy with a licensed teacher is a natural way to go. The issue is not believing at all in autism, then you can't treat, in any way that you choose to.
My opinion is that without even giving any treatment at all a shot, they may never know what his potential is.
I've been known to pop my kids in front of the TV and deny that they have the disease of being children! Please dont' report me! :rolleyes:

I'm just teasing, Dena. I respect your opinion. I just know that if my child were given this type of diagnosis, I might do things a little differently than the average bear. And I might not. But the choice is mine to make.

I know plenty of people who don't believe in the ADHD/ADD diagnosis and who chose "different" paths with that. John and Kelly seem reasonably intelligent. If their son has autism and they want to treat it via their spiritual path, that doesn't bother me.

Nothing western medicine has to offer "cures" it. Maybe their way will help. Who knows? I just don't think it's abuse in this situation.

This is sooo true.

I also think there are many different ways to approach things.
I'm just teasing, Dena. I respect your opinion. I just know that if my child were given this type of diagnosis, I might do things a little differently than the average bear. And I might not. But the choice is mine to make.

And I respect yours, just a little debate.

Nothing western medicine has to offer "cures" it. Maybe their way will help. Who knows? I just don't think it's abuse in this situation.

Here's what I'm not getting. What exactly is "their way"?
I don't know anything about this, so I don't want to comment. But, I was looking around after reading this, and I found a page of pictures of them with Jett and Ella This page goes up to 2005, and I haven't seen any more recent pictures of either of them.

Just bein' nosey.

What I found sad was, in the more recent photos, there are only a few of Jett but many of Ella.
Wow. Another reason why I don't understand religion.
If true, this is downright child abuse.

I've tried reading about Scientology and have yet to ever see the word "God" in anything having to do with it. So, I'm not really sure how they can call it a "religion."
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Back in the day when I could stand watching Oprah, I saw Kelly Preston on the show and she was talking about her son being affected by the chemicals used on golf course maintenance. I guess that's what she's blaming for her son's "problems.":bang:

Edited to add that I'm not sure if its true or not. I thought the author of the article in that link seemed to have some sort of bug up his butt about them for some reason. It seemed pretty personal. If the author was trying to "get the word out," she/he should have left the bitterness out of the article.
I've tried reading about Scientology and have yet to ever see the word "God" in anything having to do with it. So, I'm not really sure how they can call it a "religion."
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Back in the day when I could stand watching Oprah, I saw Kelly Preston on the show and she was talking about her son being affected by the chemicals used on golf course maintenance. I guess that's what she's blaming for her son's "problems.":bang:

Sorry, I have another word for religion, and I tend to link the two together. (Leader = God) Can't say more, no religion talk outta me.
Here's what I'm not getting. What exactly is "their way"?
Who knows they may just choose to not disclose it? I actually applaude stars who keep their kids out of the limelight since its the parents career not theirs. Even with treatment if this is true he may still not be speaking.

Regarding alternative treatments, I LIKE them. I would not be diagnosed today with celiac disease and still be having seizures every day if I had not researched it myself and took 2 years to convince dr's to run blood work on me because supposedly its so rare but yet my daughter and I both have it along with multiple family members. Its not rare, just rarely diagnosed properly. Regarding chemicals, Im not saying that is his problem but honestly I wouldnt put that crap on my carpet. We only use simple green and vinegar.
Sorry, I have another word for religion, and I tend to link the two together. (Leader = God) Can't say more, no religion talk outta me.

Well job well done because I have absolutely no clue what you just said! LOL:confused: :confused: :confused:

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