JonBenet Ramsey CORA Files Index

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Just started reading them and notice it sadi willful kill - family. And I thought it strange that Pasty is listed first named as suspect then John. OK back to reading, And another Thank you to searchinGirl, so many of us have longed for this day.
Yes, interesting reading. A quick read of 20080512-BodeLabReport says John is not matched to any dna on the Barbie Nightgown and that they could not include or exclude Patsy or Burke!

Another report says they definitely found Amylase on the size-12's, that is a marker for saliva, makes you wonder?

Lots here to analyse and discuss.

117 pdf, p64/65

re: ML letter November 7, 2007


Garrote: Composed of white colored cord, Olefin (polypropylene) braided, wrapped 6 times around a paintbrush handle (about 4 1/2 inches in lenghth) to form a knot. This knot was located at the back of the victim's head. This end of the cord attached to the paintbrush handle was singed. The opposite end was formed by making a loop then tying an overhand knot with a left hand chilarity. The loop could then be tightened by pulling on the standing part, thus forming a loop that encircled the neck/throat of JonBenet. The knot holding the broken paintbrush in place was about 17" from the knot forming the loop encircling the victim's neck/throat area. Head hair matching the victim's head hair was found entwined in the knot at the back of the victim's head or the knot affixing the broken paintbrush handle to the garrote. A knot expert with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police analyzed the formation of the knot. Two (2) areas of stain on the cord were cut out and the Colorado bureau of Investigation analysed the cuttings for DNA. The DNA from the two stains matched the victim's DNA. Other than the two cuttings, no other portion of the garotte cord has been analysed for DNA. The cord did not match any similar cord located in the Ramsey home. John Ramsey carried his daughter up a flight
stairs after discovering her body. John Ramsey may have touched the garrote. Persons standing over the deceased were crying. No one was wearing gloves. The CBI declined to conduct further DNA analysis of the garrote due to a high probability of a DNA mixture being present on the garrote as a result of all persons who have handled the item from the point of manufactre to present."
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117 pdf, p65

re: Andy Horita, letter November 7, 2007

"Paintbrush Handle
: The paintbrush handle used in the formation of the garrote, was broken on either end. This section of paintbrush handle measured about 41/2 inches in length. Portions of a broken paintbrush handle were found in a paint tray in the basement area of the Ramsey home. The broken portions of the paintbrush handle found in the paint tray matched the broken paintbrush handle found in the garrote. The paintbrush handle and broken pieces also had paint splatter on them, consistent with paint splatter in the paint tray. The paint tray and contents belonged to the Ramsey's. Patsy enjoyed painting as a hobby. No blood was indicated on the paintbrush handle. No fingerprints suitable for identification purposes were developed from this item."
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117 pdf, p65

re: Andy Horita, letter November 7, 2007

"Ligature from Wrists
: Composed of white colored cord, Olefin (polypropylene) braided, similar in size and construction with the cord used in forming the garrote. When her father found JonBenet Ramsey, a ligature was attached to each of her wrists. Both ends of the wrist ligature were frayed. John Ramsey removed the ligature encircling his daughter's left wrist. The ligature encircling Jonbenet's right wrist was loosely tied. Both knots remained intact. The knot encircling the victim's right wrist was tied loosely over her long sleeve white pyjamas. Distance between the two loops measured about 15 1/2 inches. The knot attached to Jonbenet's right wrist was a larks head knot also known as a cow hitch or a capsized reef knot or more commonly a square knot. The knot that had been removed from the victim's left wrist by Mr. Ramsey was a "Z" noose with the standing part pulled through the center of the noose knot, which allowed the pulling together of the wrists. No DNA was developed from this item."
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117 pdf, p65

re: Andy Horita, letter November 7, 2007

"Black Piece of Duct Tape:
... The black
piece of duct tape removed from the mouth of JonBenet Ramsey tested positive for human blood. The blood was analysed by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation; DNA from the blood matched the victim's profile."
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117 pdf, p65

re: Andy Horita, letter November 7, 2007

"Black Piece of Duct Tape:
... The black
piece of duct tape removed from the mouth of JonBenet Ramsey tested positive for human blood. The blood was analysed by the Colorado Bureau of Investigation; DNA from the blood matched the victim's profile."

Did the blood come from the same same source that was transferred onto the Barbie Nightgown, or could it be residue from JonBenet bleeding internally, i.e. via her nose or mouth?

The thing is if it was sourced say from the Barbie Nightgown via touch why did further contact not transfer blood to other points of contact?

Thank you, SearchinGirl! Great job. And also to you Tadpole for bringing this info over. I wonder what the deal is with all the different types of knots used here..To me it screams different people. Anyway, I can't grasp the logistics of these ligature knots. Wasn't the ligature knot a tight, fixed knot (i.e., not able to be readily tightened/loosened)? Were the wrist ligatures, although loose around the wrists, created with the intent to bring (bind) both wrists together ? If so, I wonder if that is how they were when JBR was found (Before JR 'tried to untie them.' I hope I am making sense...

I am curious about the end of the paintbrush portions found in the tray. From above: "The broken portions of the paintbrush handle found in the paint tray matched the broken paintbrush handle found in the garrote. The paintbrush handle and broken pieces also had paint splatter on them, consistent with paint splatter in the paint tray." I'm just wondering how many pieces they found in the paint tray?.Were they just shards like what were found on the carpet? Also, wasn't the brush portion found in the paint tray, which doesn't match that they are saying the pieces are from the handle? I guess what I am getting at here is, how big was the 'missing' piece of the paintbrush and could it be that it was all there in the paint tray, but had been reduced to shards/tiny pieces?
heyya NanaNZA

The neck ligature knot was determined not to be fixed,
it was able to be tightened, but not easily loosened?
But it is surprising that the one wrist ligature has the functionality of 'pulling together of the wrists'.
I've always made the assumption that both knots were a fixed distance apart.

square knot:

What's a "Z" noose knot?
I can't find a specific reference.
It's a hangman's noose knot?

The Thirteenth Turn

"to start you make a z in the rope"
from 'tidder', PV1
fuctionality of wrist ligature:

So not any old knots, they had supposed functionality, does this suggest the wrist restraints are staging?

Why bother with wrist restraints if you have already whacked JonBenet, the assailant is assumed to be an adult, so why does a six-year old girl require wrist restraints but only some old second hand duct tape on her mouth, which had Patsy's fibers on the sticky side?

So not any old knots, they had supposed functionality, does this suggest the wrist restraints are staging?

Why bother with wrist restraints if you have already whacked JonBenet, the assailant is assumed to be an adult, so why does a six-year old girl require wrist restraints but only some old second hand duct tape on her mouth, which had Patsy's fibers on the sticky side?


Right there with you. Not any old knots,. I'm a sailor and a SAR team member, and I don't know how to do those nots. That's a knot FETISHIST right there.
Right there with you. Not any old knots,. I'm a sailor and a SAR team member, and I don't know how to do those nots. That's a knot FETISHIST right there.

There you go. Two different knots just to restrain her wrists, in the middle of a homicide just who thinks in that kind of detail?

Some have suggested when JR went missing mid-morning of the 911 call he tweaked the basement evidence, e.g. adding the restraints, etc. John being a sailor and an old school type I'll bet he knows how to build the knots, which he might have thought it added reaiism to his staging?

The more controversial suggestion is that JR moved JonBenet into the wine-cellar, more or less dumping her there along with the Barbie Nightgown and blanket.

If true this would explain why Fleet White never saw JonBenet when he looked in the wine-cellar earlier that morning. Although it sounds far fetched it does match the evidence. Consider JR, who then had very bad eye sight, so bad he needed to hire a pilot for his plane, saw JonBenet immediately he opened the wine-cellar door but Fleet White with better eye-sight did not?

Well, UK

A variety of knots wrt the ligatures,
prusik, square, 'Z' noose
( either noose or Zeppelin type knot, ( discussed at [tidder] ).

climbing / scouting,

The square knot does not require a lot of working length of rope to construct,
it's purpose being a "Simple way to join two ropes made up of two half knots".
Well, UK

A variety of knots wrt the ligatures,
prusik, square, 'Z' noose
( either noose or Zeppelin type knot, ( discussed at [tidder] ).

climbing / scouting,

The square knot does not require a lot of working length of rope to construct,
it's purpose being a "Simple way to join two ropes made up of two half knots".

Yeah but you need to know this stuff and assume its fine to use during a staging phase of a homicide.

I would not know which knots are common, complex or unusual, never mind process all that as I was staging.

All suggesting the knotting was second nature to the stager?

Remember it had the required effect, consider all those members who were posting bondage and whacky fetish theories relating to restraints and knots.

Even, sadly missed, David Carradine had to be resucitated, metaphorically after he was found dead in a wardrobe on the other side of the world, just to outline the difference between autoerotic and other forms of asphyxiation.

Different knots may have been used because more than one person was tying them at the same time in an effort to get the staging done as quickly as possible. Or one person may have tied different knots to make it LOOK like more than one person was involved---i.e. the "Foreign Faction".
Different knots may have been used because more than one person was tying them at the same time in an effort to get the staging done as quickly as possible. Or one person may have tied different knots to make it LOOK like more than one person was involved---i.e. the "Foreign Faction".

Sure, this is what I reckon took place. IMO JR added the wrist restraints, quite possibly when he moved JonBenet to the wine-cellar?

Yet the wrist restraints alike the ligature are redundant, just not required to subdue a 6-year old girl !

This has got to be the weirdest case in history. At least two confessions, likely neither of them being the actual perpetrator. Many possible suspects. No resolution to date. So much confusion and misdirection and nonsensical clues. It's as if it was designed from the getgo to be an unsolvable mystery.

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