Josh Powell Detained While Investigators Search Home

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I wonder if LE will find a boatload of photos of Susan taken from hidden cameras, that sort of thing...that poor woman, I wish she had found a way to take her children and make a run for it in time...
The more they talk... the more I think going north might be what he did. I really didn't want to believe anyone else was involved...

I have thought it's possible she was in Washington, that he moved her when he moved up there. To maintain control over her.

It'd explain his lack of concern with them finding her... if like Scott Peterson... he can see where she is.

Now... I'm wondering if I was thinking the wrong Powell as far as who wanted to maintain control over her. :sick:

We live in Utah.
I was born here and have always lived here.
I learned to drive in the snow and rode snowmobiles before I could walk.
I've seen a lot of storms. Intentionally left to drive in them. This was an ugly storm.

I was in West Valley from 6pm to 1am... and I was trying to wait for the snow to stop before driving home.
I eventually just left and drove home in it. You couldn't see the lines on I-215 East or I-15 South. I had to take both, basically into the storm.

Even my Dad was nervous about the weather that night and he is the type to downplay everything... He and my brother were both driving in it and it freaked both of them out. "You remember that really bad storm..." Is how they remember the night Susan disappeared.

IF I had seen Josh driving (oh I wish I had) I would have thought "he is NUTS, what is he doing out here? I wonder what is so important that he has to be driving right now?" I would have noticed him because he wasn't in a 4 wheel drive vehicle. I would have remembered it later.

I know at some point I went through and looked and I-80 was actually closed around that time... maybe it was at Laramie?
I-80 would have been out of the question. East because it's Parley's Canyon and West because of the wind.
I know Parley's was ugly... because we didn't even consider going to the cabin but I don't remember if it was actually closed.

About the only thing that would have been "safe" would have been I-15. So... maybe he did go North.

Not only that but he risked his sons lives!
I wonder if LE will find a boatload of photos of Susan taken from hidden cameras, that sort of thing...that poor woman, I wish she had found a way to take her children and make a run for it in time...

There is not doubt in my mind that they will find those and who knows what else..
Dang, they have a substitute host on Dr.Drew-not the same. :(

It bothers me when they (hosts) go through prepared questions and fail to do any follow up questions based upon what the guest says.

He had Jovanna on the show, talking about Josh preparing the meal and cleaning up everything afterwards. I would have like to see Nancy Grace handle the follow up questions to her statement, rather than Dr. Drew's guest host who simply said, "there's more to the story, up next...."

I remember that Jovanna wanted to stay to untangled yarn, but Josh suggested that she leave because he was taking the kids out sledding. I remember that Susan was crocheting gifts for the children (hats, scarves) because Josh didn't want her to spend any money on Christmas. (probably because he spent all their money on refrigerator magnets with his face on it).

Her neighbors/friends/ward members knew that she was upset about Josh telling Susan not to spend money on Christmas gifts for the kids - which is why the neighbor, Tim built the boys the swingset. (which I thought was a birthday/Christmas present) because one of the boys' birthday was also in December?

There was so much that Jovanna could have told the host, if he only gave her an opportunity to answer questions.

On Thursday, authorities from Utah converged on the Powell's home in Puyallup, Wash., searching for journals from everyone, including Susan Powell, Steve Powell and
Josh Powell, Steve Powell said.
He said they seized every computer in the home.
"They took the whole computers. They didn't just take hard drives," Steve Powell said. "They had a warrant, I guess, to pick up the journals and any electronic media that may have had the journals on them."
Powell said authorities also seized thumb drives, CDs and paper journals from the home.
"I don't know what Josh and his father are trying to do right now in the media," said Greg Skordas, a Salt Lake City defense attorney not involved in the case. "It doesn't make sense."

"It could be a strategic move," Medwed said, adding that the comments could muddy the waters for prosecutors, if and when they were to bring charges.
"Honestly, I don't think this is part of an official legal strategy, really," said Medwed. "When it comes down to it, I think this is just Steve Powell talking."
:giggle: Josh you and Steve are not fooling me or the LE and certainly not the public...Please read this....It's about what you and your dad are doing...

Scroll down to this section;

Freudian Projection.

The following is a collection of definitions of projection from orthodox psychology texts. In this system the distinct mechanism of projecting own unconscious or undesirable characteristics onto an opponent is called Freudian Projection.
  • "A defense mechanism in which the individual attributes to other people impulses and traits that he himself has but cannot accept. It is especially likely to occur when the person lacks insight into his own impulses and traits."
  • "The externalisation of internal unconscious wishes, desires or emotions on to other people. So, for example, someone who feels subconsciously that they have a powerful latent homosexual drive may not acknowledge this consciously, but it may show in their readiness to suspect others of being homosexual."
  • "Attributing one's own undesirable traits to other people or agencies, e.g., an aggressive man accuses other people of being hostile."
  • "The individual perceives in others the motive he denies having himself. Thus the cheat is sure that everyone else is dishonest. The would-be adulterer accuses his wife of infidelity."
  • "People attribute their own undesirable traits onto others. An individual who unconsciously recognises his or her aggressive tendencies may then see other people acting in an excessively aggressive way."
  • "Projection is the opposite defence mechanism to identification. We project our own unpleasant feelings onto someone else and blame them for having thoughts that we really have."
Come on you two...just tell the truth and get Susan back and stop this charade!!!

I just wanted to bump this up in case Josh or Steve missed it earlier.
Long 4 page article w/lots of info

'Embarrassing' videos, journals taken from home, Steven Powell says

In addition to his daughter-in-law's journals, Steven Powell said potentially "embarrassing" pictures, videos and journals belonging to him were also seized by police.


Steven Powell, who was in Kennewick, Wash., most of Thursday while the warrant was being served, said he had a feeling police might show up at his door, even though investigators never announced that they would.

"I honestly don't know why they were here," he said. "I wished I had removed some things from the house so they wouldn't have been taken. In another way, I'm glad they were taken."

SP said he had a feeling police might show up at his door....

Sounds like he has a guilty conscience. jmo
So is Josh's brother still interested in a career in politics? Is he going to have his father and brother assist in his campaigns?
So is Josh's brother still interested in a career in politics? Is he going to have his father and brother assist in his campaigns?

I think his father and brother have effectively killed any future careers that siblings would desire.

Back to the stockroom.
SP said he had a feeling police might show up at his door....

Sounds like he has a guilty conscience. jmo
No, that just means he had his journals written, ready and waiting. He just hates that the police took his private journals, but he is also glad they did. How transparent. They no doubt contain manufactured entries to support their nonsense about Susan. Apparently he didn't read "How To Get Away With Murder For Dummies".
What could be more embarrassing than Steve’s public discussion of his lust for his son’s wife that he didn’t want the police to see?

1. Videotape of Josh dressed up like Susan and dancing while Steven Chantry serenades him.
2. A “wiener” photo – that he posed for to send to uninterested females
3. A photo of Steven flexing his muscles in the bathroom mirror
4. Prescription bottles of Viagra
5. Boxes of depends in his bedroom
SP said he had a feeling police might show up at his door....

Sounds like he has a guilty conscience. jmo

Well, considering the circumstances, searches in NV, revelations about inappropriate relationships between in-laws, the court hearing, etc., it seems reasonable that he would expect LE to visit. My question is: Why didn't he get rid of the uncomfortable evidence before hand? Really, if you're thinking the cops are coming after you, wouldn't you get rid of any incriminating evidence?



Josh Powell said Friday he would not allow Susan Powell's parents to "stop the truth from getting out" by keeping him from disseminating her journal entries.
"Susan is not ashamed of anything in her journals," he told the AP.

...............what does he mean by not allowing his parents to keep the truth from getting out? Are they planning to keep talking about what was in the journals instead of printing it?
Well, considering the circumstances, searches in NV, revelations about inappropriate relationships between in-laws, the court hearing, etc., it seems reasonable that he would expect LE to visit. My question is: Why didn't he get rid of the uncomfortable evidence before hand? Really, if you're thinking the cops are coming after you, wouldn't you get rid of any incriminating evidence?

Nope, in this case I believe you manufacture it and make sure the police DO get their hands on it.
What could be more embarrassing than Steve’s public discussion of his lust for his son’s wife that he didn’t want the police to see?

1. Videotape of Josh dressed up like Susan and dancing while Steven Chantry serenades him.
2. A “wiener” photo – that he posed for to send to uninterested females
3. A photo of Steven flexing his muscles in the bathroom mirror
4. Prescription bottles of Viagra
5. Boxes of depends in his bedroom

That paints a picture that I won't be able to bleach out of my brain. :sick:
Long 4 page article w/lots of info

'Embarrassing' videos, journals taken from home, Steven Powell says

In addition to his daughter-in-law's journals, Steven Powell said potentially "embarrassing" pictures, videos and journals belonging to him were also seized by police.


Steven Powell, who was in Kennewick, Wash., most of Thursday while the warrant was being served, said he had a feeling police might show up at his door, even though investigators never announced that they would.

"I honestly don't know why they were here," he said. "I wished I had removed some things from the house so they wouldn't have been taken. In another way, I'm glad they were taken."

Holy guacamole! I live in Kennewick. This just really creeped me out. What was he doing here? Does anyone know? So weird that I was watching streams of his house while he was in my town....

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