Josh Powell Detained While Investigators Search Home

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That's unfair. The midnight camping trip story was pure genius!!

:doh: Yeah, you're right, Steely --

It's been a while since I've been camping. :sigh: I can't think of anything more fun than going out in the freezing cold:coldout: and building a :snowman: or two with the little boys at midnight. Yep, my bad, there. :whiteflag:Further, what can be more exciting than camping out in the family van?? Fergit the tents & campfires & smores - that's certainly no fun. Let's just sit in the snow and freeze :coldcase:eek:ur brilliant little butts off !!!!:snowflake::cold::snowflake::cold::snowflake::cold::snowflake::cold::snowflake::cold::snowflake::cold::snowflake::cold::snowflake:

JP's so good with those smart, smart smart ideas!!!!
I've wondered how much of jp's aggression/annoyance against Susan was actually misplaced aggression that was more about sp than Susan.

He lashed out at her because he was impotent against daddy dearest and so plotted to 'destroy' what was eating at him. He was incapable of hurting him so she became the target. It is apparent that josh's 'wagon' is at least one wheel short.

ITA Jacie - Situations like this are also obvious in many wife- and child-abuse cases. The husband/father (assuming that the abuser in this case is the male -- it isn't always, as we know) comes home from a frustrating job for which he feels he is over-qualified, under-appreciated & under-paid; supervised by a boss who finds fault with, blames & belittles him; and where he has no control over his assignments & duties or anything else. At home with his wife and children, he is the bread-winner, decision-maker & payer of bills, the "big man" whose word is law. So instead of lashing out at his boss or co-workers, he lashes out at those he knows he can beat -- either in words or in deeds. "Yes, now I have control, so I'll show you a thing or two."

This has been a nagging thought of mine from the beginning when I first started to notice that his backbone was missing when he dealt with his father -- and I would also assume his siblings living with him were also weak-kneed. So JP turns on his wife and shows her -- but he probably, either consciously or sub-consciously needs his father to direct him, to approve or to lead or to set things up so that he can carry out his plans....

And now the scary part: Who's next on his "I'll show 'em" list???
SALT LAKE CITY (ABC 4 News) – It was deju vu for Josh Powell Saturday.

At the stroke of midnight, he abruptly left his Puyallup Washington home with his two boys in tow.

“He's on a camp out,” said his father Steven Powell. “It was a spur of the moment thing.”

Now that the boys are two years older, I really hope that this new 'adventure' worked to trigger some old memories. Maybe now that the boys are older and wiser, and they have seen LE poking around,searching their homes, and they now know mommy is not looking for crystals,they may have some questions of their own. And they may have some recovered memories, of mom sleeping all night under the blankets in the van, and of grandpa helping Dad load a sleeping mommy into the other car. Maybe this little camping adventure will work against them.
Police separating fact from fiction in Powell disappearance
Posted By Brian O'Neill on August 29, 2011 at 10:11 am

Somewhere, sitting on a beach with her lover and sipping a cocktail with an umbrella, is the long-lost Susan Cox Powell. That, at least, is a plausible scenario according to her husband, Joshua Powell and father-in-law, Steven Powell.

Read more:

Many, many thanks for this cool drink of water, UtahMom! What a refreshing article to read -- and we see that someone really gets it and has the brass to print it!! Tuff stuff for S & JP.
. . . . . . . . .

Reality And Truth, let me introduce Mr. Josh Powell.

In Your Face, let me introduce Old Man Powell.

How do ya like me now, my good sirs???
SALT LAKE CITY (ABC 4 News) – It was deju vu for Josh Powell Saturday.

At the stroke of midnight, he abruptly left his Puyallup Washington home with his two boys in tow.

“He's on a camp out,” said his father Steven Powell. “It was a spur of the moment thing.”

I think this part of the article sums it up nicely;

“Oh I'm concerned,” said Chuck Cox. “Evidently he now feels the need to establish a pattern that he does this. That's one thing that comes to mind."

Josh knows, IMO, that the police have all the evidence they need to connect the dots. So now he's trying to weaken the case by doing what he claimed he did before. He's in a race with the cops. If the cops can't bring charges before winter he's gonna go "camping" with the kids in very cold conditions, a lot. :rolleyes:
I think this part of the article sums it up nicely;

“Oh I'm concerned,” said Chuck Cox. “Evidently he now feels the need to establish a pattern that he does this. That's one thing that comes to mind."

Josh knows, IMO, that the police have all the evidence they need to connect the dots. So now he's trying to weaken the case by doing what he claimed he did before. He's in a race with the cops. If the cops can't bring charges before winter he's gonna go "camping" with the kids in very cold conditions, a lot. :rolleyes:

<shudder> That sentence, Steely, scares the he!! out of me....
The more I think about this the more I think Steven is going to get Josh arrested based upon something he kept from Susan that he shouldn't have kept. JMO
I notice he left on Friday night this time.

His dad claimed he’s not surprised by Josh’s action.
"Spur of the moment, Josh is Josh,” he said. “That's the way Josh is."

He couldn't be much more obvious showing that it's a ploy to show Josh is like this. How did the news find out about this midnight camping trip anyway, did SP purposefully call them to tell them Josh is Josh? Surely there is no reporter midnight camping outside the Powell home to be the first to report if Josh goes midnight camping with the boys.
I agree Donj, unfortunetly there's not a Powell cam that I know of yet. Midnight is late to talk about stuff usually to reporters.

I think it was just words dad used to be publish. Who knows but Steve told a big one imo. He, being as controlling as Cindy A in my op, use words to make it sound better why someone isn't at home or the car smells, Steve is Josh's worst enemy, but keep it up.

Maybe Josh got mad and left? nah...
I notice he left on Friday night this time.

He couldn't be much more obvious showing that it's a ploy to show Josh is like this. How did the news find out about this midnight camping trip anyway, did SP purposefully call them to tell them Josh is Josh? Surely there is no reporter midnight camping outside the Powell home to be the first to report if Josh goes midnight camping with the boys.


If Pappy really cared about his grandsons, he would have called CPS.

On another note: If JP isn't careful, those boys may start telling folks their own version of a scary camping story... and I hope they will.
I THINK MR. and Mrs. Cox were scheduled to do more morning shows late last week, but Irene knocked them off. I saw this from yesterday on FOX, Megan Kelly.

Seems Mr. and Mrs. Cox aren't going to let them get away with what they're doing to Susan.

I believe, right about now, Josh and Steven are sorry they ever opened their big mouth! I'm not sorry though. It gave us a MUCH needed look into the dynamics of the Powell family.

Good grief! They're 10 X's worse than I even imagined.

Wonder if Josh ever got back from camping? Bet children's services would like to look into these midnight runs, towing these two innocent children in the dead of night like that doesn't seem to be something children services would approve all. They might have to remove those children from the unhealthy environment. :(

just sayin'
Missing UT Mom Susan Powell’s Parents Speak Out
Janet Moxley-Price
Does anyone know why the local police and a government car were at the Powell house tonight? I live in the neighborhood and I was just wondering. I was hoping to see someone being taken way but it didn't happen.

This is from the Friends and Family Community on FB.
Janet Moxley-Price
Does anyone know why the local police and a government car were at the Powell house tonight? I live in the neighborhood and I was just wondering. I was hoping to see someone being taken way but it didn't happen.

This is from the Friends and Family Community on FB.

Wonder what type of gov't car?
Janet Moxley-Price
Does anyone know why the local police and a government car were at the Powell house tonight? I live in the neighborhood and I was just wondering. I was hoping to see someone being taken way but it didn't happen.

This is from the Friends and Family Community on FB.

Wow, it sure would be interesting to find out the answer to THAT!!!!

Today at noon Pacific Daylight Time, Dori Monson had Chuck Cox and his attorney on for an interview. This hour is usually repeated between 2 and 3 p.m. here, so it should be available at 5 p.m. on the East Coast. It was very interesting, although I missed the first part. Mr. Cox did state that they had not been able to get visitation of any kind through the courts because of Washington state's having no grandparent's rights laws. We are the only state that does not have legal recourse for grandparents. A sorry situation.

Today at noon Pacific Daylight Time, Dori Monson had Chuck Cox and his attorney on for an interview. This hour is usually repeated between 2 and 3 p.m. here, so it should be available at 5 p.m. on the East Coast. It was very interesting, although I missed the first part. Mr. Cox did state that they had not been able to get visitation of any kind through the courts because of Washington state's having no grandparent's rights laws. We are the only state that does not have legal recourse for grandparents. A sorry situation.

Truly. Some states have such barbaric and outdated laws when it comes to matrimonial and family law (my own being one of them). These folks need good legal counsel, I mean serious counsel, willing to take on the entire system. With enough intelligent, well thought out action in the courts, combined with a media campaign, pressure on legislators and other fronts, they might be able to change things. ... That said, I can imagine that their main thoughts are about their daughter, and it must be a huge struggle just to face each day. God bless them.
Truly. Some states have such barbaric and outdated laws when it comes to matrimonial and family law (my own being one of them). These folks need good legal counsel, I mean serious counsel, willing to take on the entire system. With enough intelligent, well thought out action in the courts, combined with a media campaign, pressure on legislators and other fronts, they might be able to change things. ... That said, I can imagine that their main thoughts are about their daughter, and it must be a huge struggle just to face each day. God bless them.

Well Cindy and George founded a grandparents rights group. I'm sure they'll be all over this one. :rolleyes:
Truly. Some states have such barbaric and outdated laws when it comes to matrimonial and family law (my own being one of them). These folks need good legal counsel, I mean serious counsel, willing to take on the entire system. With enough intelligent, well thought out action in the courts, combined with a media campaign, pressure on legislators and other fronts, they might be able to change things. ... That said, I can imagine that their main thoughts are about their daughter, and it must be a huge struggle just to face each day. God bless them.

Your heart goes out to them; at a time when they should be enjoying retirement and their family, they have been thrust into this national spotlight. It is hard to function with family tragedy; with guidance and an awesome support system they can help to effect change in the WA law. There are many who will be happy to support them financially as well as help to bring their plight and Susan's story to the forefront and keep it there.

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