Josh Powell Detained While Investigators Search Home

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I also heard that Josh was a very talkative person normally - but all of the videos that we see of him - he seems to not be able to speak fluidly, is that an act? has his personality changed since the event?

Snipped for space.
It is easier to speak fluidly when you're telling the truth.

According to Josh Powell, the family offered to turn over Susan Cox Powell's diaries a year ago but police refused. By wanting them now, he believes it shows a change of focus in the police investigation. He believes Susan's diaries will exonerate him once and for all because it will reveal her flirtatious nature.

"I had nothing to do with Susan's disappearance," Josh Powell restated Friday.

This is an excellent example of an idiotic statement IMO.
Even if it's true and the journals prove she was flirtatious, why and how does that exonerate JP? Jealous husbands have killed wives for real and perceived flirtatiousness from the beginning of time. He establishes a motive, rather than exonerates himself.

Powell was also asked where he thinks police should be searching for his wife.

“I think they should be searching for a woman who is struggling, someone who wants to come back, is having a difficult time understanding how to come back,” he said.

Not sure why he thinks she'd want to come back after having heard what her husband and father in law think about her.
I went back and re-read Kiirsi's blog from December 2009. She discusses how there is much more going on than the public is aware of. She also says she believes Susan was abducted and taken out of state. Maybe it was her information early in the case that led to Ely?

Anyway, knowing what we know today, her writing seems pretty spot on and provides food for thought.


I always wondered where Kiirsi was and why she wasn't involved in that early morning discovery and search for the family and why she wasn't contacted?
I know from every appearance that I have seen of Josh, he seems like a very idiotic person. However, I've read comments from those who know him well claim that he is actually a very bright person.

Sometimes intelligent people are misdirected and are more devious and conniving than they are useful with their intelligence.

I also heard that Josh was a very talkative person normally - but all of the videos that we see of him - he seems to not be able to speak fluidly, is that an act? has his personality changed since the event?

If he was emotionally/physically controlled by his father when he was a child and had the experience of being on his own for a few years and being the man in charge -- it has to be difficult for him to be living under his father's roof again - with his kids. It is hard for parents to live with their parents. Steve is the master of his castle, Josh is suppose to be the father of his kids -- but in this scenario, does Josh go back to being the child of Steven, or exert himself as a man?

Surely he hasn't exerted himself as a man when his father was making inappropriate advances towards his wife.

Personally (not that I have any sympathy for Josh) I believe living with his father has got to be sort of like being in a prison. He is dependent on his father, financially, emotionally. Perhaps he is stuck in this co-dependent relationship more so now than ever because of what his father knows.

Just speaking for myself, I think I would prefer a prison of space and have my mind clear rather than have my mind in prison and be free to walk about.

I think anything is possible as to which of the two had the more direct involvement, but I don't doubt that there was some conspiracy between the two (before, during or after).

Great observation sunnydee. I think this is exactly "where" Josh is and is now seeing how twisted and controlling his father's parenting was and how it helped land him (JP) where he is....although too late. He's stuck now forever under the control of SP or indeed he will strike out against JP with as much fervor as he has Susan... and JP knows it. imo
I don't know if they took soil samples from the rental car etc. or from Ely, NV...or how different it would be from Utah soils but I had read this article.

The soil samples could probably prove JP was or was not at Simpson's Springs vs Ely, NV..or vice versa through samples taken from the van, but I don't think anything...if taken from the rental car could hold up in court since it had been cleaned and again rented to someone else.
I sometimes think that SP enjoys humiliating JP. JP has a blank face talking about the alleged flirtations between the two SP's but the father has looked positively giddy in some of the interviews IMO, and he said there was something embarrassing in the stuff that was seized from his home but that he was partially glad that it was taken. It may be due to the opportunity to act out as if all his delusions of being a stud for Susan were true but I wonder if there is some latent aggression towards Josh who married the woman of his dreams. Was there an overt conflict when Josh and Susan moved to Utah? Now he's back in the spider's net, and the spider gets lots of kicks out of the situation.


The couple soon moved to Utah, Hellewell wrote, and one day a package arrived from Steve Powell containing photos of Susan’s favorite movie star, Mel Gibson.
"Susan thought this was actually a nice gesture on the part of Steve Powell ... then she saw what was sitting in the middle of the stack of pictures: several pictures of naked men," Hellewell wrote.
Hellewell said Susan Powell threw away the photos and vowed to never let her father-in-law near her children. She said she didn’t want the boys alone around Steve Powell, Hellewell said.
Graves recalled Josh Powell acting indifferent toward his father sending the package with photos.
"By then, he was blowing off most stuff. Whatever Dad would do, he would just accept it," Graves said.

................. BBM I remember another article that mentioned the "sharing" Susan - where Josh dismissed it as his father says outrageous things (can't find that source right now) But this link shows that he has been indifferent to Susan's complaint and was aware of the nude photos.

found another source:

"She said something about Steve had wanted her to be a common wife for him and Josh," Chuck Cox said. According to him, when Susan discussed the remark with Josh, he dismissed it as part of his father's penchant for saying outrageous things.

I'm confused on where JP and Susan lived and when. They were married in 2001 and didn't move to Utah until 2005...yet this latest news is being viewed as they moved to Utah within months after their marriage. Wish I could find a wedding pic..I know there is one out there.,,20389954,00.html
This article covers detailed information on Steve Powell's behavior history and comments from Jennifer and Kirk Graves.

ty...I don't believe I had seen this article before. This states the song was written for Susan and the feeling between her and her son..looking into each other's eyes. ???

A musician who goes by the name Steve Chantrey, Steve Powell said he wrote a song about Susan titled “You Were My First Love,” inspired by a picture of Susan and her son, Charlie, looking into each other’s eyes after Charlie was born.

“Susan cried the first time she heard that song. That was the best compliment anyone could give a songwriter,” he wrote.

“She has walked out the front door in her underwear, starting walking down the street. And at the time when all this stuff was happening it was mortifying to me. I've tried to protect her from doing things that I thought might embarrass her or our family in that respect, you know?” said Powell.

.....................Susan walking out in her underwear is mortifying to Josh, and could be embarassing to her or their family? Josh's father talking about his obsession about Susan, her flirting with Steven, Steven sending nude photos of men to Susan, Steven talking about sharing Susan isn't causing any kind of response from Josh.

I understand that he has a brother with bipolar disorder. He claims that Susan was mentally unstable. If your loved one has a mental disorder, and they are acting out in what you assume is an unusual way -- wouldn't you be more concern for the individual rather than mortified?

Is there any evidence when Susan was behaving unusual (in his opinion) did he try to get help for her? Wouldn't that be what you do for someone you love and was concern about?

If Josh never mentioned an incident about Susan walking out in her underwear to anyone before, could it have been on the same night before Josh decided to take the boys camping in a blizzard? Could they have been having an agrument, she takes off in her underwear and he is mortified that people will find out - he does whatever he can to get her back in the house before any neighbors see her?
A question about soil samples - the fact that it was snowing when Josh went out camping, is it less likely that soil would be trapped into the tires, undercarriage?

I'm thinking a combination of snow and dirt will likely be disappear when the snow melted. However, sometimes you might get big clumps of packed snow near your tires which might trapped some dirt particles that normally wouldn't have been picked up.

Which is more likely, that the snow helped or hurt the trapping of soil from whereever he went?,0,4481607.story
"We don't know why they did it by search warrant. Because we offered the journals to law enforcement in November 2010," said Josh Powell's father Steve Powell. It was a quid pro quo, we wanted the current volume... in return for over 2,000 pages of her childhood journals. They refused our offer."

………………’s quality not quantity of the evidence, Stevie

One thing that has troubled me since Susan's journals were first disclosed. Were they in the house in West Valley City and then transported to Puyallup? When Susan's things were being packed up in WVC, weren't her friends helping? These are items that should have been given to Mr/Mrs Cox or at least Jennifer Graves then. There were pictures of police executing search warrants at the WVC house before jp moved to his cave; where were the journals? Had they been kept away from Susan; did jp use them as a tool to harass Susan, a way to leverage control? We know that he made her ride the bicycle to work and to provide nutritious food for her sons she had to keep a garden. He used methods of control that were humiliating and also very tiring. I can't even imagine riding a bicycle miles to work and then back, tend a garden and all of the other day to day activities of raising young children.

jp may seem the bumbling fool but just anecdotal evidence shows us that he was horrible in his treatment of Susan IMHO. Watching his interview on Good Morning America, the smirks at certain times and the flat affect at others show some meanness. Is it that far a stretch to think that his father has those same qualities? The two of them ganging up on Susan, 'The Women Haters Club'? In their minds did they have to protect the boys from the kindness and gentle heart of Susan? These are qualities they were not capable of and someone so close exhibiting them holds their own flaws to the mirror.

ty...I don't believe I had seen this article before. This states the song was written for Susan and the feeling between her and her son..looking into each other's eyes. ???

A musician who goes by the name Steve Chantrey, Steve Powell said he wrote a song about Susan titled “You Were My First Love,” inspired by a picture of Susan and her son, Charlie, looking into each other’s eyes after Charlie was born.

“Susan cried the first time she heard that song. That was the best compliment anyone could give a songwriter,” he wrote.

OMG, who wouldn't cry? :eek:

The revelation that you are the focus of an unhealthy obsession by a complete lunatic who just so happens to be your FIL?? That's enough to reduce anyone to tears - of sheer horror!

One thing that has troubled me since Susan's journals were first disclosed. Were they in the house in West Valley City and then transported to Puyallup? When Susan's things were being packed up in WVC, weren't her friends helping? These are items that should have been given to Mr/Mrs Cox or at least Jennifer Graves then. There were pictures of police executing search warrants at the WVC house before jp moved to his cave; where were the journals? Had they been kept away from Susan; did jp use them as a tool to harass Susan, a way to leverage control? We know that he made her ride the bicycle to work and to provide nutritious food for her sons she had to keep a garden. He used methods of control that were humiliating and also very tiring. I can't even imagine riding a bicycle miles to work and then back, tend a garden and all of the other day to day activities of raising young children.

jp may seem the bumbling fool but just anecdotal evidence shows us that he was horrible in his treatment of Susan IMHO. Watching his interview on Good Morning America, the smirks at certain times and the flat affect at others show some meanness. Is it that far a stretch to think that his father has those same qualities? The two of them ganging up on Susan, 'The Women Haters Club'? In their minds did they have to protect the boys from the kindness and gentle heart of Susan? These are qualities they were not capable of and someone so close exhibiting them holds their own flaws to the mirror.


Josh admits in his horrible website that his sister tried to get the journals and some photo albums for Mr. Cox during the quick move out of Utah. Josh caught her and took them back.
Josh admits in his horrible website that his sister tried to get the journals and some photo albums for Mr. Cox during the quick move out of Utah. Josh caught her and took them back.

Aaah, the truth according to jp. I don't look at that site, there is enough fiction in the world without adding more. :) That still doesn't tell us where the journals were and if jp used them as leverage. They should have been part of a search warrant then, as they have become at this later time. Just the word 'caught' shows that there was an urgency on jp's part. jp was given waaay to much leeway from the beginning.
LE has her most recent journal, plus the journal she kept at work....which would be more relevant. I do wonder why LE had interest in them (early journals) tho. The teen journals, imo, were the Powell's way of continuing to strike back at Susan's family and friends for all the negative things they have stated about JP. The whole .org website was up for that. imo
We haven't heard anything from JP or SP in the last couple of days. I wonder if some defense lawyer finally convinced them to shut up? I can't imagine either one of them actually listening to reason, even from a very convincing attorney!

Man, I wish that one of their next door neighbors would set up a video cam pointed at the Powell driveway and back yard! Aren't the houses next to the Powell's two-story? I think it would be perfectly legal, since Drew Peterson's neighbor videoed him from her back porch without any legal repercussions.
I never heard, just that "Josh Powell rented a car."

However, as far as finding out that he rented one at the time, it wouldn't matter.

All you have to do is keep an eye on him once you seize the van. It didn't take him long to rent the car.
Then you follow him, you find out he rented the car and you follow him till you can put GPS on it.

If you can't put GPS on it, I think following him at that point for the few days you have his van, would have been worth it. But that's just me.

Maybe he just went for a leisurely drive. I have put 500 miles on a vehicle in a few days before.

Or maybe he went to move a body.

We may never know.

I tend to think of the rental car as something of a red herring. He sure as heck wouldn't want to be home during that time, with all the attention the situation was getting. I could see him getting in the car to drive, just for the sake of driving.

“She has walked out the front door in her underwear, starting walking down the street. And at the time when all this stuff was happening it was mortifying to me. I've tried to protect her from doing things that I thought might embarrass her or our family in that respect, you know?” said Powell.

.....................Susan walking out in her underwear is mortifying to Josh, and could be embarassing to her or their family? Josh's father talking about his obsession about Susan, her flirting with Steven, Steven sending nude photos of men to Susan, Steven talking about sharing Susan isn't causing any kind of response from Josh.

I understand that he has a brother with bipolar disorder. He claims that Susan was mentally unstable. If your loved one has a mental disorder, and they are acting out in what you assume is an unusual way -- wouldn't you be more concern for the individual rather than mortified?

Is there any evidence when Susan was behaving unusual (in his opinion) did he try to get help for her? Wouldn't that be what you do for someone you love and was concern about?

If Josh never mentioned an incident about Susan walking out in her underwear to anyone before, could it have been on the same night before Josh decided to take the boys camping in a blizzard? Could they have been having an agrument, she takes off in her underwear and he is mortified that people will find out - he does whatever he can to get her back in the house before any neighbors see her?


I'm about 90% sure that story is pure BS. I'd think a witness would have come forward by now. IIRC, he said it happened more than just a couple of times. JMO

OMG, who wouldn't cry? :eek:

The revelation that you are the focus of an unhealthy obsession by a complete lunatic who just so happens to be your FIL?? That's enough to reduce anyone to tears - of sheer horror!

I was thinking the same thing but I still think it's BS. I doubt she ever heard it or even knew the site existed. JMO
Police separating fact from fiction in Powell disappearance
Posted By Brian O'Neill on August 29, 2011 at 10:11 am

Somewhere, sitting on a beach with her lover and sipping a cocktail with an umbrella, is the long-lost Susan Cox Powell. That, at least, is a plausible scenario according to her husband, Joshua Powell and father-in-law, Steven Powell.

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Yeah, well, when put that way it almost makes sense...(if only she hadn't left the kids behind)

In contrast, the conclusion, "Susan Cox Powell Runs Off with a Lover", is a surprisingly logical progression for such a twisted piece of fiction. After living among these two weirdos, the Midnight Snow Camper and the Flirtatious Father-in-law, who wouldn't decide to run off with the first normal guy heading out of town.

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