Joyce Meyer to testify via recordings ***POLL ADDED***

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Should Joyce Meyer be required to testify in person?

  • No, I trust the judge's reasons

    Votes: 11 15.9%
  • Yes, she should testify in person just like anyone else

    Votes: 54 78.3%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 3 4.3%
  • Other: please explain

    Votes: 1 1.4%

  • Total voters
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I put other because isn't it a law/right that one can do a deposition because if not then she would not be able to. It is in place for a reason? I know in my case I have several doctors doing depos instead of tesifying in my wc case that is going on 12 years. If Doctors were requires to testify then who would be working in the office while all are testifying? (I know these 2 cases are way totally different but just saying being able to make a deposition is made able for a reason)


this is interesting (2nd paragraph)
Yes. It is legal and the judge decided it was ok and both sides agreed.
On some level it irritates me that she isn't required to testify in person so the jurors won't have the benefit of seeing her live being questioned by the prosecution & defense... but on the other hand, it doesn't because I don't think her testimony will have that great of an impact on the outcome.
JM should have to turn up in court like everyone else. Is a person giving a taped deposition subjected to questions, and cross examinations by the Lawyers and if so, who pays to send the Lawyers to heaven knows where?

JM is one smart cookie and probably a tough nut to crack. She's used to being in control and running a well oiled machine (just my opinion and based on what I've read) over the years because I live not far from the JM ministeries compound.

If as the story says Chris was globe trotting, I could see as a boss saying, I understand you need to be with your family, but if you can't do what is needed of you, you'll have to find another job. I wouldn't doubt that in the beginning that might have been an issue. Sherri at home alone with those little boys couldn't have been easy.

There's more to the JM/CC interaction/dialog than is coming out no doubt. I personally don't think she could face him. She's known for two years this was going to come up, it isn't like she was suprised and made other plans accidently.

I also can't think why this woman would be a distraction in the courtroom. The court is small and doesn't hold that many people. It's not like everyone knows who she is, she plays to a very certain niche.

I'm more curious about questions. Are they submitted to her in advace so she can answer them on camera? If so, she had time to devise just the right phrases. If she was in person it would be more spontaneous and there for hopefully truthful. And don't forget the camera is her insturment. She knows how the work the camera.

To me, it stinks.
I think however this decision was made, it was unwise. Fair people look for consistency. When people of supposed influence are allowed privileges that would not be allowed to others, it generates understandable anger and resentment.

Furthermore, if I were the greatest Joyce Meyer supporter in the Universe...and running her PR department..I would remind her she serves a humble Lord...and the best thing she could do for her ministry and HER business, is be a public reminder of that HUMILITY herself. Don't take favors. As Jesus washed the feet of his like the most unimportant person you know.

Do your duty.

A woman and two children who were part of her flock are dead. Other people, even the odious Tara, were compelled to come to this trial, like it or not.

And like Tara, her this case about "business" protocols" go to motive and the heart of this crime.

Meyers would have enhanced both her ministry and her standing with people of all types, by showing humility and understanding of what is MOST important here.

And it is not her business interests. Her flock would be better served by a Leader who shows moral integrity and HUMILITY FIRST.
From Ccup's link above:

"Meyer was giving her testimony early because she had made plans to be out of the region during the trial. Why was she being shown such deference? Normally, if a potential witness said she could not attend the trial because she had made other plans, the judge would say, "Change them."

This really annoys me that she is receiving preferential treatment.

Seems to me JM has some housekeeping to do before going on the road to influence more people.
I totally agree with you 100 %. I drive by Joyce Meyers huge beautiful home every day. I work with people who have worked there. That is a cult. You are so correct in your statements!!
There was a lot of discussion about this on the site this afternoon. A lot of it boiled down to the usual :slapfight: that you'll see in the comments there, but one poster did say something that made me think... it was along the lines of this (not a quote here but a paraphrase):

TL having to fly up and miss a day or two of work probably didn't affect too many lives. There was someone to cover her shift at wherever she's working now. However, JMM had scheduled a conference in Hampton VA for April 28 -30. There were perhaps hundreds of people waiting to see her this weekend.

Now, I did go look up JM's schedule, and apparently this conference is free to attend. So it's not as if JMM would have had to refund hundreds of people's money. But I figured it was one more piece of info that we could put in the contemplation pot, at least.


At any rate, since they decided not to pursue a claim against JMM, her testimony apparently went mostly toward supporting premeditation on CC's part. Apparently a video depo was acceptable to the prosecution team for proving premeditation, so I guess I'm ok with it too.

Again, :truce: and wow it's hard to type when you've been sitting on your hands so long!
There was a lot of discussion about this on the site this afternoon. A lot of it boiled down to the usual :slapfight: that you'll see in the comments there, but one poster did say something that made me think... it was along the lines of this (not a quote here but a paraphrase):

TL having to fly up and miss a day or two of work probably didn't affect too many lives. There was someone to cover her shift at wherever she's working now. However, JMM had scheduled a conference in Hampton VA for April 28 -30. There were perhaps hundreds of people waiting to see her this weekend.

Now, I did go look up JM's schedule, and apparently this conference is free to attend. So it's not as if JMM would have had to refund hundreds of people's money. But I figured it was one more piece of info that we could put in the contemplation pot, at least.


At any rate, since they decided not to pursue a claim against JMM, her testimony apparently went mostly toward supporting premeditation on CC's part. Apparently a video depo was acceptable to the prosecution team for proving premeditation, so I guess I'm ok with it too.

Again, :truce: and wow it's hard to type when you've been sitting on your hands so long!

Yeah, I'm sure both sides had to have approved of a video deposition. So I guess I'm good with it too. But at first I wasn't!
JMM is not a CULT!
I can understand if you don't like the woman, but calling the ministry a cult is going a little too far IMO.
Yeah, I'm sure both sides had to have approved of a video deposition. So I guess I'm good with it too. But at first I wasn't!

Since the content of the deposition focused mainly on employment history, company policy and matters pertaining to Coleman's employment, there really wasn't any reason for her to have had to be there in person. The most glaring thing that came from it, however, was the fact that he rarely (if at all) called in "sick" and yet, on May 4 did so. MOO
She certainly could be praying for him to repent, which is laudable, but I don't see how a woman of God could fail to offer prayers for the murdered as well.

I have hung around church people quite a bit and praying for the dead would be a Catholic thing, not a Joyce Meyer Christian thing. This brand of Christians believe that once you are dead, you will be in heaven safe and sound. Praying for dead people would be weird.

Perhaps you could expect her to say that she was praying for the Families involved.
TL having to fly up and miss a day or two of work probably didn't affect too many lives. There was someone to cover her shift at wherever she's working now. However, JMM had scheduled a conference in Hampton VA for April 28 -30. There were perhaps hundreds of people waiting to see her this weekend.

Now, I did go look up JM's schedule, and apparently this conference is free to attend. So it's not as if JMM would have had to refund hundreds of people's money.

From memory this is probably not a few hundred people but a few thousand, people would have booked hotels and come from out of town to see her, facilities booked and paid for, catering etc etc. Loads of advertising spent.
It's free but it's not really free, the entry ticket costs to put on the conference would be covered by offering and product sales. I'll bet the conference makes huge $$$$ and would be a financial loss to cancel it.
Well, I have another scripture for Ms. Meyer "And I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to get into heaven." :snooty:

LOVE THAT!!! I used to have to drive by her big mansion in one of the richest parts of south St. Louis county everyday on my way to work. Huge chandelier in the foyer that was always lit up and the fence with the big electronic gate must have cost thousands! She is such a hypocrite!! Why doesn't she go down and actually help the homeless and volunteer like say Larry Rice??
What does her money have to do with this case?
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