Judge Belvin Perry

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Daaaaaaaaaaaang. Just looking at that made me squirm. That SUCKS. A mat for a bed and a crude toilet/sink, with bars so everyone can always look at you. I've seen dog houses more accommodating.

She probably has no idea what's in store for her if she gets the DP. She probably doesn't know BP's record or stance on the DP. I looked at her Jail Visitor Log for April and as of April 26th, CM only visited her once and that was on the 16th. Baez was in on the meeting and I'm assuming the meeting was about how she can't get a fair trial with SS as judge. According to the log I saw, CM hasn't seen her since SS stepped down and BP took over (unless he stopped by yesterday or today).

Here's her visit list:

Baez (less than 30 minutes) - April 18th
CM (slightly over one hour) & Baez (slightly over one hour) - April 16th
Baez (slightly less than one hour) - April 14th
Garcia (slightly less than 1/2 hour) - April 12th
Baez (less than an 1 hour) - April 1st


It's going to be hard for Casey to find a new BFF considering the daily routine for a death row inmate:


Especially this one:

"Death Row inmates are counted at least once an hour. They are escorted in handcuffs and wear them everywhere except in their cells, the exercise yard and the shower. They are in their cells at all times except for medical reasons, exercise, social or legal visits or media interviews. When a death warrant is signed the inmate is put under Death Watch status and is allowed a legal and social phone call.

Poor girl is unaware. She barely noticed no visitors. She probably figures it's still all good. RV Tour is still on. Smug, she thinks her Defense team can keep taunting in the Court of Law.
looking at the death row records, I came across this which was very discouraging (BBM):

Ana Marie

DC# 162180
WF, born 11/26/61, was sentenced from Dade County for the torture murder of her three-year-old son. The boy was nicknamed "Baby Lollipops" because of the tee shirt he was wearing when the police found his beaten body. The sentence was vacated on November 22, 2002 and she was released from prison.
She probably has no idea what's in store for her if she gets the DP. She probably doesn't know BP's record or stance on the DP. I looked at her Jail Visitor Log for April and as of April 26th, CM only visited her once and that was on the 16th. Baez was in on the meeting and I'm assuming the meeting was about how she can't get a fair trial with SS as judge. According to the log I saw, CM hasn't seen her since SS stepped down and BP took over (unless he stopped by yesterday or today).

Here's her visit list:

Baez (less than 30 minutes) - April 18th
CM (slightly over one hour) & Baez (slightly over one hour) - April 16th
Baez (slightly less than one hour) - April 14th
Garcia (slightly less than 1/2 hour) - April 12th
Baez (less than an 1 hour) - April 1st


It's going to be hard for Casey to find a new BFF considering the daily routine for a death row inmate:


Especially this one:

"Death Row inmates are counted at least once an hour. They are escorted in handcuffs and wear them everywhere except in their cells, the exercise yard and the shower. They are in their cells at all times except for medical reasons, exercise, social or legal visits or media interviews. When a death warrant is signed the inmate is put under Death Watch status and is allowed a legal and social phone call.


Great find, now how about the phone calls to KC from them? Do we have, or can we find out those? Think those would also be interesting in addition to the physical visits.
looking at the death row records, I came across this which was very discouraging (BBM):

Ana Marie

DC# 162180
WF, born 11/26/61, was sentenced from Dade County for the torture murder of her three-year-old son. The boy was nicknamed "Baby Lollipops" because of the tee shirt he was wearing when the police found his beaten body. The sentence was vacated on November 22, 2002 and she was released from prison.

If you keep reading about her you will see she was released on a Brady appeal, and her sentence set side. She was immediately remanded for trial on what should have been 2009.

I will follow up a bit more information to see if she has indeed gone back to trial.

Okay - trial delayed, delayed delayed. Now slated for May 10th, 2010.

So justice is slow, but not out of the picture.
If you keep reading about her you will see she was released on a Brady appeal, and her sentence set side. She was immediately remanded for trial on what should have been 2009.

I will follow up a bit more information to see if she has indeed gone back to trial.

Hmm help me out here, what is a Brady appeal? TY. :)
Hmm help me out here, what is a Brady appeal? TY. :)

I'm going to leave that to AZLawyer to answer.

But looking at the information, it was set aside for a Brady violation, refusal to give jury instructions to consider non statutory mitigating evidence and her co-defendent received a lighter sentence for the crime. She appealed, appealed, filed a writ to vacate sentence, a haebeus corpous, (look at that hideous spelling) and finally her appeal was granted.

She was immediately recharged and it has taken to May of this year for her new trial to begin.

PS. Looked it up - the prosecution suppressed exculpatory or impeaching evidence that is material to the guilt or innocence of the defendant. My translation, the prosecution left something out that benefited them not the defense, and the defense noticed.

Geez, where's a good lawyer when you need one!
Hmm help me out here, what is a Brady appeal? TY. :)

In short, an appeal centralized around a claim that the accused was denied due process. I'll see if I can find a link; I'm sure there's something in Wikipedia, but I don't like to use Wiki if I can help it.

ETA detail/links:

Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963)

From ipsn.org

PROCEDURAL POSTURE: Certiorari was granted to the Court of Appeals of Maryland to consider whether petitioner was denied a federal right when the appeals court restricted its grant of a new murder trial to the question of punishment, leaving the determination of guilt undisturbed. The appeals court granted the retrial after holding that suppression of evidence by the state violated petitioner's rights under the Due Process Clause, U.S. Const. amend. XIV.


Google Scholar - HERE
In short, an appeal centralized around a claim that the accused was denied due process. I'll see if I can find a link; I'm sure there's something in Wikipedia, but I don't like to use Wiki if I can help it.

ETA detail/links:

Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83 (1963)

From ipsn.org

PROCEDURAL POSTURE: Certiorari was granted to the Court of Appeals of Maryland to consider whether petitioner was denied a federal right when the appeals court restricted its grant of a new murder trial to the question of punishment, leaving the determination of guilt undisturbed. The appeals court granted the retrial after holding that suppression of evidence by the state violated petitioner's rights under the Due Process Clause, U.S. Const. amend. XIV.


Google Scholar - HERE

Oh sure! Embarrass me by posting something that actually makes sense immediately after mine. Couldn't you have left a post or two between us!!!

I also asked AZ to make some sense of my hash up so thanks MidAtlanticNative.
Poor girl is unaware. She barely noticed no visitors. She probably figures it's still all good. RV Tour is still on. Smug, she thinks her Defense team can keep taunting in the Court of Law.

"RV Tour is still on." :floorlaugh:

This video is a must see! Judge Perry has not only meted out the Death Penalty for a female, but he also personally witnessed her death by the electric chair. (which would be too good for Casey and not nearly enough suffering!)

Judge Perry has also given the Death Penalty in a case led by none other than the very brilliant and astute Assistant State Attorney Jeff Ashton. :D

She probably has no idea what's in store for her if she gets the DP. She probably doesn't know BP's record or stance on the DP. I looked at her Jail Visitor Log for April and as of April 26th, CM only visited her once and that was on the 16th. Baez was in on the meeting and I'm assuming the meeting was about how she can't get a fair trial with SS as judge. According to the log I saw, CM hasn't seen her since SS stepped down and BP took over (unless he stopped by yesterday or today).

Here's her visit list:

Baez (less than 30 minutes) - April 18th
CM (slightly over one hour) & Baez (slightly over one hour) - April 16th
Baez (slightly less than one hour) - April 14th
Garcia (slightly less than 1/2 hour) - April 12th
Baez (less than an 1 hour) - April 1st


It's going to be hard for Casey to find a new BFF considering the daily routine for a death row inmate:


Especially this one:

"Death Row inmates are counted at least once an hour. They are escorted in handcuffs and wear them everywhere except in their cells, the exercise yard and the shower. They are in their cells at all times except for medical reasons, exercise, social or legal visits or media interviews. When a death warrant is signed the inmate is put under Death Watch status and is allowed a legal and social phone call.


Currently there is only one woman, Tiffany Cole, on death row in Florida. She resides at the Lowell Correctional Institution. So, this may be Casey's new BFF some day. But I do wonder if her life on death row is the same as described above. I assume the website narrative applies mainly to the men on death row since there is 394 of them. I can't help but wonder, since she is the only female on death row, that maybe she is treated a little less harshly than the men.
looking at the death row records, I came across this which was very discouraging (BBM):

Ana Marie

DC# 162180
WF, born 11/26/61, was sentenced from Dade County for the torture murder of her three-year-old son. The boy was nicknamed "Baby Lollipops" because of the tee shirt he was wearing when the police found his beaten body. The sentence was vacated on November 22, 2002 and she was released from prison.

The stats on people that commit filicide (killing their own child) are very discouraging, especially regarding the punishment women receive. Mothers are perceived as being sick and not criminal if they kill their child, more frequently sentenced to the hospital instead of prison. Fathers are punished more severely than mothers, but not as severely as men who kill someone who is not their child. 64% of filicides are never even prosecuted. It's crazy to me. Here's a thread with lots of links and thoughts on this subject:

I don't think Judge Perry will have a problem confirming a death sentence if the jury gives one to Casey, but I don't think a jury is going to give her one.
I've been reading information about Judge Perry and his style in running a case.

This is going to be a huge adjustment for the defense team and for Casey. In JS's courtroom, and I mean no disrespect to JS, Casey has been able to play a "star" role, with the games, the arm swaddle per A.Lyons, the "make him stop", the whispering back and forth and the smiles.

I see a huge change coming. It doesn't look like Judge Perry will allow any of that. I'm wondering if after three or four hearings of watching her Defense team "beaten back", if Casey will have an epiphany.

While I didn't think there would be a plea in this case before now, I'm beginning to wonder if perhaps we will, as Casey feels the walls closing in around her.

I hope the dream team coaches their client, but secretly I hope not ... maybe we'll be to see her admonished by the judge? That would make my day ... and speaking of the arm swaddling ... is all that touchy feeley stuff allowed ?
It's going to be hard for Casey to find a new BFF considering the daily routine for a death row inmate:


Especially this one:

"Death Row inmates are counted at least once an hour. They are escorted in handcuffs and wear them everywhere except in their cells, the exercise yard and the shower. They are in their cells at all times except for medical reasons, exercise, social or legal visits or media interviews. When a death warrant is signed the inmate is put under Death Watch status and is allowed a legal and social phone call.


The one thing that surprised me while perusing that link is that death row inmates' cells have no air conditioning. I live in the deep south and visit south Florida occasionally. It is considered a health risk to not have air condtioning during late summer, e.g. August. I guess I'm surprised this isn't considered inhumane.
"RV Tour is still on." :floorlaugh:

This video is a must see! Judge Perry has not only meted out the Death Penalty for a female, but he also personally witnessed her death by the electric chair. (which would be too good for Casey and not nearly enough suffering!)

Judge Perry has also given the Death Penalty in a case led by none other than the very brilliant and astute Assistant State Attorney Jeff Ashton. :D


Yup! This is the case...That Jeff Ashton took in front of Judge Perry in which the defendant got the Death Penalty.

The one thing that surprised me while perusing that link is that death row inmates' cells have no air conditioning. I live in the deep south and visit south Florida occasionally. It is considered a health risk to not have air condtioning during late summer, e.g. August. I guess I'm surprised this isn't considered inhumane.

Misconceptions About Florida Prisons
This following is intended to clarify misconceptions about the Department of Corrections. You are encouraged to copy and circulate it.

1. "Prisons are air-conditioned."

Only ten of the major state-managed prisons in Florida have air-conditioning in some portion of the facility housing inmates, and many of these are located in South Florida. The following institutions have air-conditioning in the areas indicated: Youthful Offender institution Lancaster C.I. (9 dorms and confinement area); Union C.I. (13 dorms); Youthful Offender institution Brevard C.I. (all dorms); Lake C.I. and Zephyrhills C.I. (a/c installed in Mental Health areas in 1997 at Lake C.I. and 1995 at Z.C.I.); female institutions Broward C.I., Hillsborough C.I. and Homestead C.I. (all dorms); Dade C.I. (Mental Health area) and Charlotte C.I. (Mental Health area air conditioned in FY 1994-95) The six Florida prison facilities built under the privatization contract are also air-conditioned.

Lacking in the friends department these days, seems I can't really trust too many people. I still want to go though, just nervous like I usually get when going places where I'll possibly meet strangers. I just need to find something suitable that I can fit this watermelon belly into.

Bold mine.

At least any other WSers will be able to pick you out in the crowd! LOL! I would go with you in a heartbeat, steph, but am halfway across the country.
from the link provided:

This will be the same for Caylee Marie. The depravity in how Caylee's remains were found, this no nonsense judge will do right by Caylee..JMHO

Just from what little I've read about Judge Perry, I think justice will be served. He seems to be an honorable man with a strong sense of family values, instilled in him by his father.
So Jeff Ashton knows exactly how this judge works. I imagine the smile has not left his face yet since it was announced Judge Perry was taking over. I have even more faith for justice for Caylee!!!!

In as much as Judge S. did a good job IMO it is better now to have Judge Perry because he will not tolerate all of the defense nonsense and antics. I do see justice for Caylee in the future. It may take awhile but I feel certain it will come. I also am hoping and crossing my fingers that the SA is working diligently to sow up all of the holes and gaps in the case so that when they take it to trial there will be no questions in the jurors minds as to who killed precious Caylee!

I wish I could be there Fri. for the hearing, but alas I'm all the way in Wisconsin!
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