Judge Eaton New WESH Trial Analyst

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I don't know which way JE is planning to go with his opinions, but he did mentor Judge Perry, so he can't say too many bad things about Judge Perry, could he?

I really hope that he isn't slanted either way. State or Defense. I think his opinion could be very valuable come trial time if he remains objective. If he could give his opinions as if he were sitting on that bench and be objective, I think this could be a good addition to the media aspect of this case.

I'll wait to see what happens? I'm in no way going to get myself upset even more than I already am today. As of today (read it in the news thread) Caylee has been deceased longer than she was alive! We have 14 days until jury duty! And doesn't Jose have this big interview coming up? :banghead:
I don't know which way JE is planning to go with his opinions, but he did mentor Judge Perry, so he can't say too many bad things about Judge Perry, could he?

I really hope that he isn't slanted either way. State or Defense. I think his opinion could be very valuable come trial time if he remains objective. If he could give his opinions as if he were sitting on that bench and be objective, I think this could be a good addition to the media aspect of this case.

I'll wait to see what happens? I'm in no way going to get myself upset even more than I already am today. As of today (read it in the news thread) Caylee has been deceased longer than she was alive! We have 14 days until jury duty! And doesn't Jose have this big interview coming up? :banghead:

I'm also hoping we see a comment from Bill Scheaffer regarding Judge Eaton's new job. So far he is the only "rock" out there I rely on for comments - the others seem to be playing - "how long can we keep this game going for our ratings". InSessions seem to be particularly bad at that, not to mention JVM :banghead:.
I don't know which way JE is planning to go with his opinions, but he did mentor Judge Perry, so he can't say too many bad things about Judge Perry, could he?

I really hope that he isn't slanted either way. State or Defense. I think his opinion could be very valuable come trial time if he remains objective. If he could give his opinions as if he were sitting on that bench and be objective, I think this could be a good addition to the media aspect of this case.

I'll wait to see what happens? I'm in no way going to get myself upset even more than I already am today. As of today (read it in the news thread) Caylee has been deceased longer than she was alive! We have 14 days until jury duty! And doesn't Jose have this big interview coming up? :banghead:

I don't know either, I just know that WESH has been pro-defense this whole time, and if he's a friend of Mason's, I bet Mason helped him get a job with WESH. And it also makes me wonder about the decisions to be handed out today - are they so bad for the defense that they now need a retired judge to help defend themselves? Why else get Judge Eaton on WESH unless the defense knows they're going to need some powerful help on their side really soon?

I'm getting more impatient by the second! Come on HHJP!
Am I the only one more than a little concerned about the ethics of this? I mean it is one thing to have a respected legal scholar on hand to explain to the public how the system works and exactly what the rulings mean. But heaven forbid that the retired judge from that specific court and circuit, who trained the presiding judge in the case being heard, publicly takes issue with the presiding judges actions, opinions or rulings? What is the impact that has on the court? On the defendants rights to a fair trial? While this may ultimately be nothing worth worrying over, it somehow has the faint smell of something problematic and questionable.
Am I the only one more than a little concerned about the ethics of this? I mean it is one thing to have a respected legal scholar on hand to explain to the public how the system works and exactly what the rulings mean. But heaven forbid that the retired judge from that specific court and circuit, who trained the presiding judge in the case being heard, publicly takes issue with the presiding judges actions, opinions or rulings? What is the impact that has on the court? On the defendants rights to a fair trial? While this may ultimately be nothing worth worrying over, it somehow has the faint smell of something problematic and questionable.

Thank you Faefrost. I was wondering how to introduce my fears on these issues and you explained them exactly.
I don't have any idea how legally this would impact the trial, but it faintly smells of........hmmm.

I wonder if Judge Eaton and HHJP have had a chat about this?
Am I the only one more than a little concerned about the ethics of this? I mean it is one thing to have a respected legal scholar on hand to explain to the public how the system works and exactly what the rulings mean. But heaven forbid that the retired judge from that specific court and circuit, who trained the presiding judge in the case being heard, publicly takes issue with the presiding judges actions, opinions or rulings? What is the impact that has on the court? On the defendants rights to a fair trial? While this may ultimately be nothing worth worrying over, it somehow has the faint smell of something problematic and questionable.

I agree 100%.

I really hope that he didn't take this job to simply sling mud at Judge Perry's decisions, reputation, etc... If this ends up being the case, then I would seriously question his motivations? I am holding out hope that this isn't the case?

I could care less if the media is slanted towards the defense. For all they talk about how this will be decided in court, and how the truth will come out at trial, etc... they sure do like to take their case to the media. I have never seen anyone from LE or the SA take their case to the media. The only time I have seen anyone from LE talk to the media about this case was on December 11th, 2008 and they simply said they found the remains of a small child. We all knew it was Caylee, but they never came right out and said that it was Caylee until she was properly indentified at the press conference to announce that these remains were Caylee's. I have not heard or seen anyone from LE talk about this case since... except for the proper court proceedings!

Let them have their media... Casey will be tried by a jury... not the media. The SA is doing it right. They are not going to try Casey in the media like the defense is doing. Let them have these last two weeks to do what they feel they have to do to taint the jury pool. When all is said and done... Casey will be judged by 12 people. None of them are working for a news station, or the defense, or even the SA.

Justice for Caylee!!
I can understand the concerns about Judge Eaton being part of a defense plan. IMO, WESH has functioned in a manner that does give the impression that they are "pro defense".

Sadly, media entities are forced to operate in a manner that gives them an edge or an "inside" advantage to break big stories. This is not limited to just WESH. Early on JB had to choose an alliance with local media in order to be able to maintain a platform that would help further HIS goals.

We have seen firsthand the media manipulation by the DT. Depositions, motions, and case correspondence have appeared in the hands of the WESH team as if by some miracle of timing.

Well, this timing is no miracle of the magnitude of a "stigmata or blessed piece of toast"....it is simply part of the DT's media control.

As media entities are willing to "play the game" early in a case.....they often back down a bit as a trial looms closer.

IMO....Judge Eaton has been brought on by WESH in an effort to level out their coverage of the actual trial. If they only cover the DT agenda...they will lose viewers, so NOW they are gearing up to present more balanced coverage.

In Session hosts former Judges on their panel on a regular basis....for WESH...this is a move to compete with the big dogs and nothing more.

But that is JMO.
Oops! This link appears to be broken.

oops! That'll teach me to link & run when I am busy.

Luckily, wenwe linked the same article shortly after I tried.
Am I the only one more than a little concerned about the ethics of this? I mean it is one thing to have a respected legal scholar on hand to explain to the public how the system works and exactly what the rulings mean. But heaven forbid that the retired judge from that specific court and circuit, who trained the presiding judge in the case being heard, publicly takes issue with the presiding judges actions, opinions or rulings? What is the impact that has on the court? On the defendants rights to a fair trial? While this may ultimately be nothing worth worrying over, it somehow has the faint smell of something problematic and questionable.

I don't think we need to be overly concerned about this at all. The jury is going to be sequestered and won't be hearing any of Judge Eaton's commentary anyway. The fair trial is going to come from the jury. I don't think Judge Perry can be budged off what he thinks is the right way to handle things by anyone. He seems very strong in his convictions and very knowledgeable in the law. I doubt he even reads or listens to the news on this case anyway. With any of the news outlets it's just for us and if we don't like how a particular channel does things, then we can always watch another channel. MOO
Is this the same judge that was sitting with LDB and JA at a hearing not too long ago? I do remember when he came in with CM and JB, left abruptly, and HHJP's chiding CM.

But wondering if he was in the courtroom another time. TIA.
I think this is just a way to gear up for more numbers of viewers . . . it's a battle of the networks and adding more controversial discussions could be the ticket to winning the game. I hope that it will bring a higher level of professionalism. I will not pre-judge the Judge because I have no information on the case that was cited, or any others. What I do know is that HHBP has always striven to do what is right and seeking perfection. So far he has been a man of his word (except this last proclaiment that he would make rulings on the Frye Hearings by the 21st of April . . . still waiting on those).
Well, here's our first taste of Judge Eaton working for Wesh:

Defense attorneys said Casey Anthony's social behavior and the resulting photos don't relate to an attempt to evade prosecution and such evidence is inadmissible as to consciousness of guilt.

"The 31 days are very important to the prosecution, and the defense wants to keep out as much as possible," legal analyst O.H. Eaton said.

Eaton said, by law, the photos and social behavior during the 31 days have to show Anthony was acting to evade prosecution.

"There's only a certain number of things in postmortem activity, such as selling the stolen goods or burying the body," Eaton said.

Anthony's defense argues the photos and so-called social activity are inadmissible character evidence intended to leave an unfavorable impression with the jury.

"This is the kind of evidence jurors can infer guilt on," Eaton said. "That's the reason it's so important, at this point in the case, to get a ruling on whether they're inadmissible now rather than waiting for the trial and making an objection to the evidence."

Wesh link to whole article: http://www.wesh.com/news/27657261/detail.html

So what do you all make of this? Does he sound pro defense? Kind of sounds like it to me so far.

Well, here's our first taste of Judge Eaton working for Wesh:

Wesh link to whole article: http://www.wesh.com/news/27657261/detail.html

So what do you all make of this? Does he sound pro defense? Kind of sounds like it to me so far.

Bob Kealing (sp) quoted the judge as saying the "sides are equally matched." Sounds slanted to the defense, too. He mustn't have read the motions filed by both sides or seen them argue except that one time, or he would know better.
Me either, except that there's no way that duct tape got onto Caylee's mouth because she was inattended while Casey slept. That duct tape is a sticking point no matter what way anyone tries to say this was just an accident. I bet there was no duct tape in that previous case Judge Eaton ruled on.

I bet the Mother called 911 right away
Well, here's our first taste of Judge Eaton working for Wesh:

Wesh link to whole article: http://www.wesh.com/news/27657261/detail.html

So what do you all make of this? Does he sound pro defense? Kind of sounds like it to me so far.

Nums24 also posted this link which is Bill S. at wftv.com commenting on this new motion. Very interesting to hear the two opinions side by side.

Defense Motion Asks To Prohibit "31 Days" Evidence


Read Motion to Prohibit Pictures: http://www.wftv.com/pdf/27662775/detail.html

According to Bill S. he says the State has never said they want this information in to prove" consciousness of guilt" because there are other considerations. Bill S. says the Defense has taken too narrow a reading on this law. (Darn, my copying this post did not include the big quote in the middle of it with Bill S.'s great comment)

Well worth a listen!
Well, here's our first taste of Judge Eaton working for Wesh:

Wesh link to whole article: http://www.wesh.com/news/27657261/detail.html

So what do you all make of this? Does he sound pro defense? Kind of sounds like it to me so far.

Well his comments can be interpreted as helpful to BOTH sides. If the SA really wants these photos IN, then they need to link them to KC's avoidance of home and to her statements regarding the visits to Fusion.

KC flat out stated she had gone to Fusion looking for information about Zanny...so IMO the bar top dancing is totally relevent to refute her statement about the nature of her club visits.

Logic would tell us that if her stated purpose for going to Fusion was to get info about Zanny and her whereabouts, the average juror will question why would she waste valuable time in her search to give an impromptu bartop dance recital??
Well his comments can be interpreted as helpful to BOTH sides. If the SA really wants these photos IN, then they need to link them to KC's avoidance of home and to her statements regarding the visits to Fusion.

KC flat out stated she had gone to Fusion looking for information about Zanny...so IMO the bar top dancing is totally relevent to refute her statement about the nature of her club visits.

Logic would tell us that if her stated purpose for going to Fusion was to get info about Zanny and her whereabouts, the average juror will question why would she waste valuable time in her search to give an impromptu bartop dance recital??

Or took the time to send out invitations to her friends re the new club and organize shot girls....

I don't think the text invites included the line "by the way, Cayley has been missing for a couple of weeks...."

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