Juliette and Jeff from Universal *revisit*

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DNA Solves
A little more info:

- According to Casey, Jeff and Juliet were the only people she had told that Caylee was missing. If Casey's story were true, they would have been outcry witnesses.

Outcry witnesses are people who don't see/hear a crime first-hand, but who the victim tells about the crime afterwards. For example, you get raped in your home and nobody is there but you and the rapist. Afterwards, you call your mom or your best friend and tell them you've just been raped. Outcry witnesses are important because many crimes are committed when there is nobody else around to see. If you tell someone about the crime, that outcry witness can testify in court as to what you told them happened, your demeanor (crying, in shock, etc.), wounds you have, etc.

- Casey had seen a real friend named Jeff during June as previously posted. There is an LE interview of him. Actually 2 LE interviews of him. They ran into each other at a sub shop and ate lunch together, if I'm not mistaken.

- I wonder, how many of you use 3 names (first, middle, last) when talking about your friends? I don't. I don't even know my friends' middle names. **Note to self: when making up friends and nannies, use 3 names, not 2.

- When Lee called what he thought was Juliet's phone number (I was not clear on where he got her number from), he got the Anthony neighbor Brittany S. He asked 'Is this Juliet?' and Brittany asked 'Lee, is that you?' lol

Bold by me-

I have always wondered this. I know plenty of people with 3 names, I have never used their full name in conversation. She probably used 3 names to make it easier to keep the lies straight. More time to think of next lie...
I have always wondered this. I know plenty of people with 3 names, I have never used their full name in conversation. She probably used 3 names to make it easier to keep the lies straight. More time to think of next lie...

I also believe she used this technique to make others (CA, GA, etc.) believe her lies. The more detail she could provide, the more believable it seemed. The part she didn't account for was that LE actually checks into those names, and the more detailed the lie, the easier it is for them to actually disprove.
Sorry to be "DUH?!", but who is Heather?

According to LA's interview with LE [July 29, pp 37-38], he points out a correspondence with 'Heather' who corroborated KC's narrative of 'Jeff' and 'Juliet'.

Jeff was an "IT guy, for Kodak...he had a three-year old son named Zachery" and that Jeff introduced his nanny to KC. Heather had said "I don't know a Juliet Lewis..But I do know that Casey was close friends with a girl named Juliet uhm, while she was working there".

OK now I'm questioning myself. Did LE ever question "Heather", I thought they did, now I'm wondering? Am I remembering what LA said about Heather or what Heather said in a LE interview?

Funny we knew the bigger the explanation, the bigger the lie. Now we know the bigger the name the more invisible the person.

I really dislike reading there is a little bit of truth in KC's lies. Just because the name of a person who exists in the real world gets thrown into KC's story does not mean the lie is any less a lie. The real person who exists is not the person KC is referring to. The person in KC's story is 100% fictional hence no truth in her lies. Pulling a name out of the air to incorporate into a lie doesn't change it at all. It's still a lie.
I also believe she used this technique to make others (CA, GA, etc.) believe her lies. The more detail she could provide, the more believable it seemed. The part she didn't account for was that LE actually checks into those names, and the more detailed the lie, the easier it is for them to actually disprove.

And the part she does not seem to comprehend is the more detail the more likley your going to screw up your lies. It's funny how she thinks it makes her more believable when it really makes her look like a big liar. :rolleyes:
OK now I'm questioning myself. Did LE ever question "Heather", I thought they did, now I'm wondering? Am I remembering what LA said about Heather or what Heather said in a LE interview?

Funny we knew the bigger the explanation, the bigger the lie. Now we know the bigger the name the more invisible the person.

I really dislike reading there is a little bit of truth in KC's lies. Just because the name of a person who exists in the real world gets thrown into KC's story does not mean the lie is any less a lie. The real person who exists is not the person KC is referring to. The person in KC's story is 100% fictional hence no truth in her lies. Pulling a name out of the air to incorporate into a lie doesn't change it at all. It's still a lie.

Good point!
A little more info:

- According to Casey, Jeff and Juliet were the only people she had told that Caylee was missing. If Casey's story were true, they would have been outcry witnesses.

Outcry witnesses are people who don't see/hear a crime first-hand, but who the victim tells about the crime afterwards. For example, you get raped in your home and nobody is there but you and the rapist. Afterwards, you call your mom or your best friend and tell them you've just been raped. Outcry witnesses are important because many crimes are committed when there is nobody else around to see. If you tell someone about the crime, that outcry witness can testify in court as to what you told them happened, your demeanor (crying, in shock, etc.), wounds you have, etc.

- Casey had seen a real friend named Jeff during June as previously posted. There is an LE interview of him. Actually 2 LE interviews of him. They ran into each other at a sub shop and ate lunch together, if I'm not mistaken.

- I wonder, how many of you use 3 names (first, middle, last) when talking about your friends? I don't. I don't even know my friends' middle names. **Note to self: when making up friends and nannies, use 3 names, not 2.

- When Lee called what he thought was Juliet's phone number (I was not clear on where he got her number from), he got the Anthony neighbor Brittany S. He asked 'Is this Juliet?' and Brittany asked 'Lee, is that you?' lol

I have always thought that when LA calls that number listed as someone else, that was very telling. I believe there were others like that also. I believe that LA was trying to find out the truth or he wouldn't have called her friends.
And the part she does not seem to comprehend is the more detail the more likley your going to screw up your lies. It's funny how she thinks it makes her more believable when it really makes her look like a big liar. :rolleyes:

But, you have to remember, it worked for YEARS with her mother. I think it worked so well that KC thought she was a master story teller-in her mind she was un-touchable!! That's why she actually sounds pizzed that LE has the nerve to question her story and her honesty!! The evil that is KC Anthony is truly frightning!!:eek:
I wonder if LE has interviewed people that CA work with and if she was known to tell lies to them? If she was proven to tell them lies, then wouldn't her credibility be further questioned during the trial if she testified for the defense?
In one of LAs first 2 interviews with LE, he stated that he had spoken to heather M. She did know Caylee was missing. She id know about the babysitter. She did know about Jeff and Julliette. I think she also new Jeffs son. He stated that he was going to talk to her again. There has been no interview with Heather M. released. This info seems to have dropped off the radar. She is not listed as a witness. Maybe Casey simply lied to Heather M. She is the only person I know of who knew anything about this.
Juliette Lewis and The licks guitar player since 2007 knows graduates from Full Sail & was involved in the making of a album from a Full Sail graduate he also worked at Universal studios in Florida.

KC either knew him when he worked at Universal or heard about him through Tony L or other students that go to Full Sail.
Of course this is my opinion only, but sure is a big coincidence.

I have a thread in the Parking Lot section here( just do a search for 'The link between Juliette Lewis bands Guitar player and Full Sail' ) if you want to check out the guitarist bio.

I deleted a lot of personal info I had posted there at one time as I do not want Innocent victims sleuthed anymore than they have been, so if you can leave the info there so only members see it it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks:)
If this question doesn't belong here, I apologize. How can Casey keep her lies
straight? I'm sure that saying 'Zany the Nanny' over and over is easy, and even the 'Sawgrass`Apts.'`and the 'Amscot'.....but names are so integral to her activities. She lies and exaggerates the truth - drags in Jeffrey and a non-existent child Zackary.

How can she keep the lies without messing them up? I'm aware that she'll probably not testify - wish she would, of course, but the Prosecution would tie her up in knots. If someone is a pathological liar are they just capable of keeping the lies straight? Has Casey just cultivated her trade and became a terrific fabricator? Or has she chosen people that will easily believe her? Something tells me that if she came up against someone who challenged her lies or second guessed her, she would leave them cold and find others.
Did anyone else see that show on TLC about the bikini designer, Ashley Paige? On one episode, which aired sometime around the time Caylee went missing, Ashley had to design an outfit for Juliette Lewis. Juliette was on the show and her name was mentioned quite a few times. If Casey had seen this show, JL's name may have been fresh in her mind.

Yes! That is the show I was thinking about, where JL needed an outfit for a performance with her band--it's the most recent show with JL that I saw.

On another note: A recurrent theme in KC's lying is that anyone who is connected to "Zanny" is on the move constantly.
If this question doesn't belong here, I apologize. How can Casey keep her lies
straight? I'm sure that saying 'Zany the Nanny' over and over is easy, and even the 'Sawgrass`Apts.'`and the 'Amscot'.....but names are so integral to her activities. She lies and exaggerates the truth - drags in Jeffrey and a non-existent child Zackary.

How can she keep the lies without messing them up? I'm aware that she'll probably not testify - wish she would, of course, but the Prosecution would tie her up in knots. If someone is a pathological liar are they just capable of keeping the lies straight? Has Casey just cultivated her trade and became a terrific fabricator? Or has she chosen people that will easily believe her? Something tells me that if she came up against someone who challenged her lies or second guessed her, she would leave them cold and find others.

I think that is exactly what she does wicket. And you notice in the jail conversations with her parents and her brother...whenever they start to ask questions that are uncomfortable for her...she starts in with the "well I really don't want to get into that right now. I shouldn't discuss that here because we are being recorded. I will put it in a letter later". Or she pulls out the "I am protecting everyone so I really can't say anymore. It's all avoidance. So she lies as long as she can feel comfortable doing so - then she avoids. If that doesn't work...she blows up and storms off. I really think that is why the family often backed off when talking to her - they didn't want her walking off.
Yes! That is the show I was thinking about, where JL needed an outfit for a performance with her band--it's the most recent show with JL that I saw.

On another note: A recurrent theme in KC's lying is that anyone who is connected to "Zanny" is on the move constantly.

Agreed. EVERYONE she "knew" had moved recently.

JL- subleased apt. to move up north?

JH- (he must be quite the traveler lol) from here to there then back to Jacksonville etc. Ugh.

Seriously. I wonder if she feels ridiculous spouting out this crap. Oh, wait...I said feel. I'm sure that isn't possible with her.
How can Casey keep her lies straight?

How can she keep the lies without messing them up? I'm aware that she'll probably not testify - wish she would, of course, but the Prosecution would tie her up in knots. If someone is a pathological liar are they just capable of keeping the lies straight? Has Casey just cultivated her trade and became a terrific fabricator? Or has she chosen people that will easily believe her?

Funny I was asking myself the same question earlier. She very seldom slips up with her lies and when she does she just pretends it never happened. I think in part she hangs with people who just don't call her on it. Several of her long time friends said the lying is what ended the friendship.

In an odd way her lies to LE are almost impressive, not because they are good because actually they are so bad it's nutty, but her ability to hold it together with all that fire power in the room. Even telling the truth I'd prolly be stammering all over myself. Not her. I'll bet she never broke a sweat...

Tony R and TonE L both said she just rambles all the time, I think a lot of the time these people just started tuning her out, she could have been saying the moon is purple, the grass is red for all they knew. So if her stories changed a little they either didn't catch it or figured they remembered wrong.

(come to think about it, the 4th of July guy Will, said the same thing about her rambling on and on...)

My daughter who shares some of KC's lovely tendencies. Actually had my best friend believing I was lying (about something so ridiculous I wouldn't even argue with her, lol) I think the only reason she changed her mind was she realized I can't lie, my memory is too bad!
Wow. There are great observations many of us made on this thread concerning:

Patterns in Casey's Lies

Do you think that a categorization of these would merit a separate thread, with a title such as the above?

I'm going to give it a shot.
Does anyone recall the jailhouse tape where Lee confirms to KC that the two people who KC told that KC was missing (Juliette and Jeff) did indeed exist? WTH? Was he just saying this to get more info? KC said something like "Of course they exist!"
Bold by me-

I have always wondered this. I know plenty of people with 3 names, I have never used their full name in conversation. She probably used 3 names to make it easier to keep the lies straight. More time to think of next lie...

My hubby always made a joke not to name our kids 3 names because serial killers always have 3 names!
OK now I'm questioning myself. Did LE ever question "Heather", I thought they did, now I'm wondering? Am I remembering what LA said about Heather or what Heather said in a LE interview?

Funny we knew the bigger the explanation, the bigger the lie. Now we know the bigger the name the more invisible the person.

I really dislike reading there is a little bit of truth in KC's lies. Just because the name of a person who exists in the real world gets thrown into KC's story does not mean the lie is any less a lie. The real person who exists is not the person KC is referring to. The person in KC's story is 100% fictional hence no truth in her lies. Pulling a name out of the air to incorporate into a lie doesn't change it at all. It's still a lie.

I too get upset about it but the little truth is

She saw a Jeff Hopkins in June then carried it on from there
She some how saw ZG name on a card at Sawgrass apts

IT IS STILL A LIE. Not a mistruth Cindy...
I also believe she used this technique to make others (CA, GA, etc.) believe her lies. The more detail she could provide, the more believable it seemed. The part she didn't account for was that LE actually checks into those names, and the more detailed the lie, the easier it is for them to actually disprove.

Casey's only "job" was to create a fantasy world of lies. Lies built on top of other lies, and embellished with intricate details. It really must have been a full-time job, too, to remember it all and to keep it straight. It became another world, built entirely in her mind. There's something SO SICK about this.

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