KatieCoolady Holds 'Court' - The Dedicated KCL Thread

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Hi Fruity :seeya:

Is there a Juror's speak out thread yet?
If not, where are you listing the interviews?
I think I have missed a few.
Thank you!

Hi there! It hasn't been opened yet, but is coming in a few days:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - SIDEBAR #6- Arias/Alexander forum

I have been watching the interviews online. I haven't added all of the foreman's interviews, but so far I think I have all of the others linked under each juror in this thread. Some show up as youtube clips, others show up as links:

KatieCoolady Holds 'Court' - The Dedicated KCL Thread - Page 98 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

If I'm missing some please feel free to add them! The thread isn't mine at all, I've only done some bolding, cutting and pasting. None of the observations are mine.
So happy my fellow sleuthers are resting and getting back into their routines. KCL, love your blog. If you wrote a book,
I would love it.

I have a very large yard and I really do not like yard work, but love a beautiful yard. What to do??? It gives me great pleasure when outside getting really dirty and seeing pretty results to think of how JA will NEVER have the freedom to work in a yard ever again. It makes me smile and I end up loving my yardwork. Sounds silly I know. It is the little things she will never ever be able to do that makes me happy.

Love and hugs to all the Alexander family. They have suffered so much from this crazed murderer. I pray for peace for them every day.
I'm saying! I'll take a new sentencing hearing over a new trial down the years any day. AZLawyer is going to be known as the Supreme Sleuth of all time. First Casey Anthony, now this!

Hey Kathy,
What did Azlawyer find in the Casey Antony case? I didn't know about websleuths then but that case ending just devastated me. I was sure she would get convicted. I said I would never follow another trial. Then along came JA, right?
So happy my fellow sleuthers are resting and getting back into their routines. KCL, love your blog. If you wrote a book,
I would love it.

I have a very large yard and I really do not like yard work, but love a beautiful yard. What to do??? It gives me great pleasure when outside getting really dirty and seeing pretty results to think of how JA will NEVER have the freedom to work in a yard ever again. It makes me smile and I end up loving my yardwork. Sounds silly I know. It is the little things she will never ever be able to do that makes me happy.

Love and hugs to all the Alexander family. They have suffered so much from this crazed murderer. I pray for peace for them every day.

Well, I love my gardens, but I made too many! I've spent the weekend weeding and mulching. I've also rebuilt the stone borders that run the length of the neighbor's fence. No more two hours outside prior to the trial after having spent the early morning hours reading and reading and reading some more about the case.

I'm tired and exhausted, but feel such joy at the beauty I've created. Nice, quiet BBQ with my DH and a quiet evening for me. I love my life!

Quiet and peaceful where you are, Jodi? Maybe I'll see you again in July?
I will NEVER forget my personal lesson learned from the Scott Peterson trial, that having attorney dream teams doesn't always work. My brother-in-law had been savagely killed by someone who deliberately drove his hijacked car back and forth over his head several times, to the point that he had to be identified by dental records. My BIL's killer's trial was a grand total of three days. The only attendees in the nearly empty courtroom gallery were the killer's mother, and four of us from my BIL's family (including his widow, my sister). There were no expensive expert witnesses, but there was one eye witness and testimony from a dedicated detective.

The verdict for my BIL's murderer was delivered the same day as Scott Peterson's verdict. Despite his mega-defense, Peterson received the DP. My brother's 22-year-old killer received LWP (his violent behavior in prison has probably precluded any realistic chance of future parole). Justice was served in both cases.

What a comparison swan...I'm so sorry to read this. How horrific and how utterly mind blowing when you look at the different ways justice gets handed down. That's really quite recent too. How is your sister doing?
Hey Kathy,
What did Azlawyer find in the Casey Antony case? I didn't know about websleuths then but that case ending just devastated me. I was sure she would get convicted. I said I would never follow another trial. Then along came JA, right?

I didn't really follow the Anthony case either too much but I've heard all about AZLawyer's discovery now. I know if you scroll back here to beach's posts she links to the info about that. It was a huge deal at the time..she found some computer evidence overlooked that could have played a huge role in convicting Casey Anthony. Ugh.
Well, I love my gardens, but I made too many! I've spent the weekend weeding and mulching. I've also rebuilt the stone borders that run the length of the neighbor's fence. No more two hours outside prior to the trial after having spent the early morning hours reading and reading and reading some more about the case.

I'm tired and exhausted, but feel such joy at the beauty I've created. Nice, quiet BBQ with my DH and a quiet evening for me. I love my life!

Quiet and peaceful where you are, Jodi? Maybe I'll see you again in July?

This is so strange reading these gardening posts here of all places ... and the Jodi connection. :eek:

I too spent the day here in Ye Olde Englande, gardening. We are having a bout of nice weather and it's also a holiday weekend here (Whitsun). I spent the whole day working in the garden, trimming, tidying and getting rid of barrowloads of leftover Autumn leaves (I have a wood at the back of my house and all the leaves drop down into my garden, so I have to wheel them back out into the wood where they came from!). It was hard, exhausting work and at about 5pm I bent down and had great difficulty getting back up. :floorlaugh:

I was sore as hell! My muscles had all but seized up so I knew that was it for the day! Went and collapsed on a hammock and just sprawled there in the late afternoon sun for a bit, listening to the birds singing, just 'being' .... then I hobbled into the house and had a lovely hot bubble bath. Just lay there letting the hot water melt away my aches and pains. Afterwards I put on my jimjams, made myself a delicious dinner, poured a big glass of wine and settled down on my comfy sofa to watch a bit of telly.

A good day (despite the achy muscles) .. and I too found myself thinking about Ms Arias and the fact that she will never, ever get to have a day like it. Just enjoying the simple things - time in your garden, a bubble bath, glass of wine, watching the telly snuggled up in your pajamas.
What has AZ found in regards to the DP and this case? I might have missed it! TIA
Frigga..... I don't know if this is what you are looking for but...Go back to page 95 and
and read what Katiecoolady posted it's a few pages down...Hope this helps you.
Hi there! It hasn't been opened yet, but is coming in a few days:

Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - SIDEBAR #6- Arias/Alexander forum

I have been watching the interviews online. I haven't added all of the foreman's interviews, but so far I think I have all of the others linked under each juror in this thread. Some show up as youtube clips, others show up as links:

KatieCoolady Holds 'Court' - The Dedicated KCL Thread - Page 98 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

If I'm missing some please feel free to add them! The thread isn't mine at all, I've only done some bolding, cutting and pasting. None of the observations are mine.

Thank you!
This is so weird.. Today my husband and I decided to work on gardening and weeding the front yard today. We were both tired since we attended a birthday dinner and a bbq/high school graduation party, but we decided to do it anyway. I was digging up and pulling huge grass clumps that were growing in the garden and weeding in 85 degree weather. As we were working our buns off, I stopped and looked around on what a nice day it was. Kids were playing, I could smell charcoal being burned for bbq, and everyone having a nice day.

I told my husband, I can't believe this is what JA gave up because she couldn't stand being thought of nothing more than a booty call. She'll never be free to do the little things ever again because her ego couldn't handle being dumped.
AZ Lawyer who KNOWS ALL ABOUT THIS STUFF as it's her job, addressed this on the legal thread which I'm gonna go read myself. I heard it from her lips last night. I'll go find it for both of us. :) But this is huge and is making me see the silver lining shining. I also wrote the Alexanders this news this morning, fyi.

Wow, after reading AZlawyers post the first thing that came to mind was that old saying "Everything happens for a reason" I think this hung jury could be a blessing in disguise because from the looks of it, if the jury had voted for death, Jodi would have had a good chance at getting that sentence reversed based on the error JM made. At least now if the sentencing phase is re-tried and Jodi gets the DP (We hope!!!) Juan will know not to make that error and undoubtedly be *very* careful to leave no good reason for appeal for Jodi down the road. I must say, I feel better about all this now and think AZLawyer rocks!! :)
Wow, after reading AZlawyers post the first thing that came to mind was that old saying "Everything happens for a reason" I think this hung jury could be a blessing in disguise because from the looks of it, if the jury had voted for death, Jodi would have had a good chance at getting that sentence reversed based on the error JM made. At least now if the sentencing phase is re-tried and Jodi gets the DP (We hope!!!) Juan will know not to make that error and undoubtedly be *very* careful to leave no good reason for appeal for Jodi down the road. I must say, I feel better about all this now and think AZLawyer rocks!! :)

You got it! This could be the do over of the decade. :rockon:
This is so strange reading these gardening posts here of all places ... and the Jodi connection. :eek:

I too spent the day here in Ye Olde Englande, gardening. We are having a bout of nice weather and it's also a holiday weekend here (Whitsun). I spent the whole day working in the garden, trimming, tidying and getting rid of barrowloads of leftover Autumn leaves (I have a wood at the back of my house and all the leaves drop down into my garden, so I have to wheel them back out into the wood where they came from!). It was hard, exhausting work and at about 5pm I bent down and had great difficulty getting back up. :floorlaugh:

I was sore as hell! My muscles had all but seized up so I knew that was it for the day! Went and collapsed on a hammock and just sprawled there in the late afternoon sun for a bit, listening to the birds singing, just 'being' .... then I hobbled into the house and had a lovely hot bubble bath. Just lay there letting the hot water melt away my aches and pains. Afterwards I put on my jimjams, made myself a delicious dinner, poured a big glass of wine and settled down on my comfy sofa to watch a bit of telly.

A good day (despite the achy muscles) .. and I too found myself thinking about Ms Arias and the fact that she will never, ever get to have a day like it. Just enjoying the simple things - time in your garden, a bubble bath, glass of wine, watching the telly snuggled up in your pajamas.

I spent my day working then having a BBQ w my brother and watching a movie. All of which I dearly love and appreciate all the more because of the freedom I have to enjoy them. So....yes...and tally ho to you across the pond!
Katie if I were a betting woman those two would be what I would put money on ...

I think MK was heavily stalking the jurors. I have no evidence of it but that's what my gut tells me.

I don't think he was so invested in this case because of his stance on the DP but more because of his obvious issues with Juan. You could tell how obsessed he was with Juan the way he kept pushing the direction of the interview with Jodi. He certainly had a agenda.

He also could have possibly been swayed by Jodi and her manipulations.

Something was very very fishy at the end of this trial is all I know and I rarely go for any "conspiracy theory" stuff. It was like there was one refrain that kept getting sung from Willmott, brewer, the foreman...weird! But joke"s gonna be on them I suspect. I just know *someone* was mighty attached to a murder 2 or less coming in....and rabies does tend to escalate . Kwim?
KCL- Thank you for being you, and all that you've done in the name of justice and love.

FYI- Always Shocked has started a thread called "For the weekend, 1,000 places Jodi will never, ever see again." Kinda ties into the garden ing posts above. Due to the rain and cooleth today-no gardening, no potluck, but a nice quiet day at home.
I have a question..its about the messages in the magizines..what was the outcome of that? we have seen ja record in jail with minor infactions on it ,I would think sending out codes is a big one. if she did this why was she allowed in the interviews after m1 conviction to accept makeup and the jail giving her a sweater to put on and all her demans? please can someone explain this ? thank you
I think that Sheriff Joe may have been given a green light to allow those interviews...cause he sure shut them down PDQ when the job was done. KWIM?
Just noticed this thread reached 100 pages! What a wild ride we've been on sharing laughs, tears, stories, thoughts, excitement, pensive moments and everything in between. Yay us! I heart you!

I spent my day working then having a BBQ w my brother and watching a movie. All of which I dearly love and appreciate all the more because of the freedom I have to enjoy them. So....yes...and tally ho to you across the pond!

Tally Ho right back atcha Cool Lady! :seeya:
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