KatieCoolady Holds 'Court' - The Dedicated KCL Thread

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I must say, those pics are awesomeness!
And YOU, KCL, look fabulous! You look happy and rested. You no longer wear the worried and tired stress on your brow that you carried during the trial. Whether it's the break in trial, the release gained from your wonderful blog, Sedona or whatever. You seem rested and in a good spiritual place (I can only base this on the pics). Please remember to keep taking great care of yourself!
So many of us value you more than you'll ever know.
I learn new ways of dealing with my journey from you every day. You cause me to look at things I had chosen to box away deep inside for so long, to take a hard look at myself too - in a safe way (that I would normally see a painful). You make it ok, IYKWIM. Enough said...I'd have to start my own blog just to list everything I want to say to you. Just know that you are a gift to many, a teacher and a friend, among your many other accomplishments.
Travis is surely beaming his pride for you too.

Now I gotta get my buTt off to bed 'cause I was up late last nite rewriting JA's fool story. Forgive for droning.
All my love,

Awww...that's so sweet banzai. Ya know I just got home from going out to dinner with Travis' Aunt Heather. We had a heart to heart talk about how going through tragedy also opens you to life in a deeper way and brings connections in to your life you would never have otherwise. We were talking about each other. It was a very heartwarming conversation with a lovely lady. So as much, like she said, you'd trade anything to have your loved one back and not have had to go through this horrible experience, you live the life you're dealt. And you can choose to look at it as the gifts that are evolving from it.
One things for sure, superficiality has very little meaning anymore. And in many ways, I think that's a good thing. Rich life. Rich and deep.

Thank you for your hilarious fool story last night...I got a big kick out of it! Like a storyboard! lol
#18's opinion is relevant to the verdict. Like it or not, what he has to say is important to understand the outcome.

The alternate juror had absolutely no input to the verdict and does not know the verbatim arguments made in the deliberation. Why is she appearing? Is she writing a book?

No, she's not. But she may be appearing on Tricia's radio show coming up soon...stay tuned those interested! :seeya:
Is the person in the green striped shirt the one who is an Alexander cousin? If I read that right, Katie said that it was a cousin to them.
Just had to say sure LOOKS like an Alexander to me, the resemblence is there. Almost like a younger, darker Travis.

I had a thought while watching coverage today.
Can there be any repercussions from having the jurors appear to be Pro-Alexander family?
Not saying I have any issue at all with it, I sure as hellfire love that they have no qualms about showing where their hearts lie.
Just wondered if DT could make any issues of it at this point in time (As in "Look! Jury was tainted!).
Is the person in the green striped shirt the one who is an Alexander cousin? If I read that right, Katie said that it was a cousin to them.
Just had to say sure LOOKS like an Alexander to me, the resemblence is there. Almost like a younger darker Travis.

I had a thought while watching coverage today.
Can there be any repercussions from having the jurors appear to be Pro-Alexander family?
Not saying I have any issue at all with it, I sure as hellfire love that they have no qualms about showing where their hearts lie.
Just wondered if DT could make any issues of it at this point in time (As in "Look! Jury was tainted!).

You know he kind of does look like an Alexander but no he's Stacey Fairington's cousin (so you were right, he's someone's cousin). Stacey has been a Dr. Drew juror a lot w/ Katie Wick. Cody, her cousin is our male mascot and he's hilarious. Young fella, very interested in the trial, good with technology and made us all laugh alot.

No in our case our jurors didn't decide sentencing but they came and sat with our family while the sentencing phase went on to offer support. It takes them awhile sometimes to "come down" off a trial like this. This isn't all that uncommon.
:offtobed: Happy trails everyone....

Thanks for the insider info Katie, and for answering all our Q's!
We pray for the Alexander family everyday - I firmly believe we will find justice for Travis...Thank you KCL for all you do for that family, and please continue to share with them that all of us continue to pray.
I have a Father who is a master at the quiet removal of affection.
All my life I have waited to be remembered.
He has no idea who I really am.
I may have not been what he deems a success.
But, I'm content with myself, and at the same time feel unworthy of affection.
We humans are just all messed up.
My mommie is my best friend.
She has been through so much sorrow, and abuse, that started at age 3.
She cried as we walked down Main Street, Disneyland. She'd never been on a vacation.
I am her protector. I'm rambling..I guess what I'm saying is: I love you.
..and I think my hormones are wonky today!! Pre-menopause!
Like you said, we realise now, we need to let it go, and take care of ourselves.
my keyboard is soggy.

OT, I apologize. I must tell you that in all of my years I have never read such an honest and bittersweet writing. If you're not a writer; you should be. I can't explain how your post touched me on so many levels. You captured the essence of being human in a few short sentences. Superb.
The convicted, in stripes, and on a leash.
She may be grooming a new look.
The Pathetic Waif.
Seems to be her last resort.
Her personality won't allow her to uglify herself for too long.
The next Big Court Day,
when she once again gets to use the courts laser pointer
That defiant spark will be back.
Willows, Thank you so much for that burst of sunshine.
I'll sleep with a cozy glow.
Trying to kick the nic habit, and I've been a crank all day.
Katie's is our touchstone, a place we can maybe just spill a little of our troubles.
Some may say,"There are basement threads for that." To those I say,
I beg your pardon.
But, I've met new friends in this place, and..
It has Lickable fruity Wallpaper !!!
< waves>
Willows, Thank you so much for that burst of sunshine.
I'll sleep with a cozy glow.
Trying to kick the nic habit, and I've been a crank all day.
Katie's is our touchstone, a place we can maybe just spill a little of our troubles.
Some may say,"There are basement threads for that." To those I say,
I beg your pardon.
But, I've met new friends in this place, and..
It has Lickable fruity Wallpaper !!!
< waves>

Why couldn't I have already guessed you love my favorite book too....Charlie and ...you know what I'm talkin bout.

I love my Peeps!!! :heart: :seeya:
OT, I apologize. I must tell you that in all of my years I have never read such an honest and bittersweet writing. If you're not a writer; you should be. I can't explain how your post touched me on so many levels. You captured the essence of being human in a few short sentences. Superb.

I agree...but I say a poet. That kinda writer. :please:
Why couldn't I have already guessed you love my favorite book too....Charlie and ...you know what I'm talkin bout.

I love my Peeps!!! :heart: :seeya:

I love the line:
A little nonsense now and then,
is relished by the wisest men.

You had, The best day evah!!
Thanks for that heaping helping of court dish.
soooo yummy.:seeya:
I'm very late to the party - haven't had time to be on the board lately to see what's happening, but I have to say it warmed my heart to read KCL's posts today/tonight - thank you so much Katie for posting those fabulous pictures and what a treasure that you were able to share breakfast and conversation with some of the jurors! I'm so happy for you and all the others who have been so supportive.

Happy to hear that JA is not looking like she is loving life lately! That's exactly what she deserves!

I'm feeling so good tonight reading through this thread and hearing KCL's stories!
Awww...that's so sweet banzai. Ya know I just got home from going out to dinner with Travis' Aunt Heather. We had a heart to heart talk about how going through tragedy also opens you to life in a deeper way and brings connections in to your life you would never have otherwise. We were talking about each other. It was a very heartwarming conversation with a lovely lady. So as much, like she said, you'd trade anything to have your loved one back and not have had to go through this horrible experience, you live the life you're dealt. And you can choose to look at it as the gifts that are evolving from it.
One things for sure, superficiality has very little meaning anymore. And in many ways, I think that's a good thing. Rich life. Rich and deep.

Thank you for your hilarious fool story last night...I got a big kick out of it! Like a storyboard! lol

I thought I saw Aunt Heather,but with a new look? Is she one that sat behind Stephen and was holding onto him when the guilty verdict came down? If so, please thank her for me. I was so glad he had her there for him. He looked all alone, and I thought back to his statement of how he had cut himself off from others.

Jodi has torn this family apart in so many ways. She has brought such sorrow and hurt and still continues to hold that power until she has a just sentence. I would be one that wouldn't have a problem in putting her down.

I don't see Judge Shiner cutting her any slack. I'm sure she has seen many like Jodi in her time on the bench. I don't have a problem with her and this being her first death penalty case. I think she bent over backward to avoid a mistrial or to have her decisions overturned.
#1 reason to boycott Dirty Little Secret on Lifetime this weekend: Rob Lowe is not playing Dr. Horn &#9829;
I thought I saw Aunt Heather,but with a new look? Is she one that sat behind Stephen and was holding onto him when the guilty verdict came down? If so, please thank her for me. I was so glad he had her there for him. He looked all alone, and I thought back to his statement of how he had cut himself off from others.

Jodi has torn this family apart in so many ways. She has brought such sorrow and hurt and still continues to hold that power until she has a just sentence. I would be one that wouldn't have a problem in putting her down.

I don't see Judge Shiner cutting her any slack. I'm sure she has seen many like Jodi in her time on the bench. I don't have a problem with her and this being her first death penalty case. I think she bent over backward to avoid a mistrial or to have her decisions overturned.

yes she does have a new look! Hair shorter, darker. :) Yes she always sat behind steven for the most part. I know people were worried about him but the next day he explained he was so concerned about the admonition to not show emotion he kind of froze. So he walked over and gave each of us a hug in retrospect. ;) What a sweetie.

I'm very late to the party - haven't had time to be on the board lately to see what's happening, but I have to say it warmed my heart to read KCL's posts today/tonight - thank you so much Katie for posting those fabulous pictures and what a treasure that you were able to share breakfast and conversation with some of the jurors! I'm so happy for you and all the others who have been so supportive.

Happy to hear that JA is not looking like she is loving life lately! That's exactly what she deserves!

I'm feeling so good tonight reading through this thread and hearing KCL's stories!

I just put it all together on my blog here with some extra bonuses ;)

I love the line:
A little nonsense now and then,
is relished by the wisest men.

You had, The best day evah!!
Thanks for that heaping helping of court dish.
soooo yummy.:seeya:

I love the part where he grabs the Gobstopper and says "so shines a good deed in a weary world".


I love yours too. :)
I see the look of defeat in her beady eyes! It is getting to her. Bout time.

Her beady eyes are fast disappearing into her puffy face. We have a saying over here ... not sure if it's used on your side of the pond lol .... they look like 'p$@s holes in the snow'. :floorlaugh:

What cheers me up no end is that oh so vain Jodi who needed her make up to be charged, who stood on her head to get some colour into her cheeks, who demanded lip gloss and mascara for her interviews, who insisted on her shackles not being shown on camera - gets hauled into court by burly armed guards, uniform, shackles, cuffs, no make up, looking like the back end of a badger. It's the best possible punishment.
I have a Father who is a master at the quiet removal of affection.
All my life I have waited to be remembered.
He has no idea who I really am.
I may have not been what he deems a success.
But, I'm content with myself, and at the same time feel unworthy of affection.
We humans are just all messed up.
My mommie is my best friend.
She has been through so much sorrow, and abuse, that started at age 3.
She cried as we walked down Main Street, Disneyland. She'd never been on a vacation.
I am her protector. I'm rambling..I guess what I'm saying is: I love you.
..and I think my hormones are wonky today!! Pre-menopause!
Like you said, we realise now, we need to let it go, and take care of ourselves.
my keyboard is soggy.

Hey there, McPeeps---
You are more than good enough and I'm sure you bring a smile to your Mom and all that know you. That's a gift.
Enjoy smiling and making others smile.
Also, you have a way with words here.

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