KatieCoolady Holds 'Court' - The Dedicated KCL Thread

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She sincerely wants any monetary donations to go to the family. I do know this is her true desire. :)

Katie, could you possibly put up the paypal account to donate to Travis's family again. I trust paypal and have no problem sending a donation to them through it.
That is such a beautiful song and so befitting KCL. Thanks for putting that on this thread. She is a hero to many people.

Thank you, and yes, she is a true hero for all she does. She expects nothing in return... a true earth angel.
Jodi asked if the gun had been found in her interview. It would have to be close somewhere. Are there gutters in the street? she could of thrown it into?

My husband leaves for work at 4:00 each morning and I go back to sleep for a few more hours. I woke up from a dream an hour later that had an elephant in it. The elephant was trying get away from something,but I couldn't see what it was.

I posted about Nurmi and his swaying back and forth and it reminded me of an elephant that was tethered.


I thought about that too. They should check.
in less than a week i will be marking the 5 year unniversary (intentional) of the still birth of my son. he died either March 21st or 22nd, and was born sleeping March 23rd, 2008.
this time of year, since then, is incredibly difficult for me. i always feel very alone. what i read last night, brought to us by the ever wonderful and endearing KCL, made manifest by the love and generosity of BB, has made me feel alive and connected for the first time in a very long time..
as a matter of coincidence, the initials of the baby i lost are BB.

and this is the cover of the journal i started after i lost him...

View attachment 30897

... the first journal entry is dated June 5, 2008.... the day after Travis was murdered.

there is something so potent in the symbolism of elephants and death, remembering and endurance... i decided to look up elephants and grief while thinking about this amazing connection between Travis' family and the gift giver, BB... i found this link and the following quote from that page:

"The plain truth is that elephants have a deep need to remember and mourn lost ones."

IBM... never forget.

elephants are very intelligent beings. they're gentle, protective, and playful...
add to that their ability to grieve the deaths of their kin.. we live in an incredible world.. one i have been avoiding for way too long now.

but now i remember that it isn't as scary as i have lead myself to believe. there are beautiful people who care so much that they push through their own pain to help others feel cared for, supported, loved, not alone.

thank you BB. thank you KCL. thank you Elephants.

(ps... this is version 5, or so, of this post... and i still feel like it's too long... but thank YOU for reading!)

WOW - Thank you for honoring us with your story, and welcome back to living!
I don't think I am ever gonna get warm again, if I don't stop reading this thread. The chills are non-stop. TRAVIS - look what you are doing! :seeya: Katiecoolady - look what you are doing -----> You are such a wonderful example of how to join life again after tragedy and do it will style and class. You are changing lives and I am honored to watch it!

MoonBird - I put this together for you to symbolize that with brothers and sisters here at WS ------> You will never walk alone again.

Oh my gosh ANJ, beautiful... just beautiful. I love what you wrote and the picture you posted. What a blessed gift. Thank you.
in less than a week i will be marking the 5 year unniversary (intentional) of the still birth of my son. he died either March 21st or 22nd, and was born sleeping March 23rd, 2008.
this time of year, since then, is incredibly difficult for me. i always feel very alone. what i read last night, brought to us by the ever wonderful and endearing KCL, made manifest by the love and generosity of BB, has made me feel alive and connected for the first time in a very long time..
as a matter of coincidence, the initials of the baby i lost are BB.

and this is the cover of the journal i started after i lost him...

View attachment 30897

... the first journal entry is dated June 5, 2008.... the day after Travis was murdered.

there is something so potent in the symbolism of elephants and death, remembering and endurance... i decided to look up elephants and grief while thinking about this amazing connection between Travis' family and the gift giver, BB... i found this link and the following quote from that page:

"The plain truth is that elephants have a deep need to remember and mourn lost ones."

IBM... never forget.

elephants are very intelligent beings. they're gentle, protective, and playful...
add to that their ability to grieve the deaths of their kin.. we live in an incredible world.. one i have been avoiding for way too long now.

but now i remember that it isn't as scary as i have lead myself to believe. there are beautiful people who care so much that they push through their own pain to help others feel cared for, supported, loved, not alone.

thank you BB. thank you KCL. thank you Elephants.

(ps... this is version 5, or so, of this post... and i still feel like it's too long... but thank YOU for reading!)

I believe she ditched it off the beaten path too. The reason I'm not feeling it about Elephant Mountain/Spur Cross area is that it would be out of her way. She would have to double back to town, then on the highway out of town.
I haven't been up that way in years, but from what I remember it's a dirt road in and out, once you're out of Cave Creek.

If you look on Google Earth for the area between Wickenburg and Kingman it is desert, mountains, mines, and not much else. There are dirt roads that would be easy to go back a mile or two and not be seen. Then, back on the highway (hwy 93) towards her destination.

I'm not saying "no way Jose'" she didn't go there there to ditch it. It's just that there are more opportunities along her route to Kingman. Which would take a lot less effort on her part. Also, it's nighttime and June. It would have been hot and dark. MOO :)

Rena- excellent thought! I don't believe a thing out of JA's mouth, so I say anything is possible- and I DO think she would go off the 'beaten path', so to speak, to dispose of the weapon.

I have it from a reliable source (IMO) that the location is North, down winding trails/roads, where there may be fallen or felled trees. Also, either government, school, or military type land. Any of this sound familiar to anyone?

What do you know of this elephant mountain trail PASA?

Ok I'm trying to remember when the 2nd fire was that came down the beeline toward fountain hills wouldn't that cause felled trees? To be honest I wouldn't put it past JA to go up beeline thru north to I40 then double back to Kingman then up idk I'm just thinking out loud guess maybe feel of I throw something out there maybe someone will say YES that's possible!! Idk how much extra has that would take in gas can mileage equations
No hun that's the beautiful Katie Wick who is also a poster here. I'm old enough to be her Mom and she's my friend. :)

See, this is where I would be a wayyyyyy better producer. I wouldn't even talk to anyone who wasn't in the court room. The whole show should be you, Katie, her other friend, and Janine. Hell yea...charge more for commercials peeps!!
Oh my gosh ANJ, beautiful... just beautiful. I love what you wrote and the picture you posted. What a blessed gift. Thank you.

Thanks Frigga - I had to find the right elephants, the right moon, the right bird - then edit to make a path, layer and work magic on transparency and combine them --- the words just came from the heart.

Moonbird/Travis/Katiecoolday/WS/All of us.....................


Oh, and Katie sent me this picture of Travis' house earlier to post! Just finished it up too!
in less than a week i will be marking the 5 year unniversary (intentional) of the still birth of my son. he died either March 21st or 22nd, and was born sleeping March 23rd, 2008.
this time of year, since then, is incredibly difficult for me. i always feel very alone. what i read last night, brought to us by the ever wonderful and endearing KCL, made manifest by the love and generosity of BB, has made me feel alive and connected for the first time in a very long time..
as a matter of coincidence, the initials of the baby i lost are BB.

and this is the cover of the journal i started after i lost him...

View attachment 30897

... the first journal entry is dated June 5, 2008.... the day after Travis was murdered.

there is something so potent in the symbolism of elephants and death, remembering and endurance... i decided to look up elephants and grief while thinking about this amazing connection between Travis' family and the gift giver, BB... i found this link and the following quote from that page:

"The plain truth is that elephants have a deep need to remember and mourn lost ones."

IBM... never forget.

elephants are very intelligent beings. they're gentle, protective, and playful...
add to that their ability to grieve the deaths of their kin.. we live in an incredible world.. one i have been avoiding for way too long now.

but now i remember that it isn't as scary as i have lead myself to believe. there are beautiful people who care so much that they push through their own pain to help others feel cared for, supported, loved, not alone.

thank you BB. thank you KCL. thank you Elephants.

(ps... this is version 5, or so, of this post... and i still feel like it's too long... but thank YOU for reading!)

I am so sorry to hear of your profound loss. My brother lost a little one in a stillbirth--there are no words to describe that pain, I know.

You are so right--we have a need to remember those we have lost. I love the Elephant symbology--it is so fitting. God bless.
I am glad you mentioned this as it's been on my mind too. If it's Martinez or detective Flores I will be so sad. If it's someone on the defense side I will feel terrible for them as well but wonder if they will think of the Alexender family during this time. Either way it's a hard thing. I'm sick of losing loved ones to terrible situations and hope that whatever way this loss came about it wasn't too traumatic. For the trial and for the family involved.

Love is a powerful thing whether our feet are on earth or not.

Snipped for focus (but I left the last line just because ;-) )

My husband was in a bar in Tempe on Friday afternoon sitting a few seats away from Nurmi. He appeared to be partaking in a casual happy hour. I don't think it was his family member. Prayers to whoever it is. Just more proof that life waits for nothing. Hold your family close.
Snipped for focus (but I left the last line just because ;-) )

My husband was in a bar in Tempe on Friday afternoon sitting a few seats away from Nurmi. He appeared to be partaking in a casual happy hour. I don't think it was his family member. Prayers to whoever it is. Just more proof that life waits for nothing. Hold your family close.

I previously read a post that it was someone in Wilma's family.
Alot to reply to here...have to go do some bro-tending then back and will respond with focus (stole that from H who's screen name I'm now forgetting ohyeah What'supaz).

There were metal detectors and cell phones in those closest to the house Sat. fyi--meaning a cell phone to take a pic.

I think you'd have to go down a manhole cover to find out.
Those drains go to a sewage area, but IIRC, there is a sidewalk it may have fallen on.
I don't know that I would have guessed Scorpio. I think I have a better chance of guessing her ascendant. I dunno, she just seems like she has a lot of air and fire. I think her Venus or rising sign may be in Libra...she has a lovely balanced voice and is so geared to the scales of justice and not resonating solely to the revengeful nature of a Scorpio. Although, Scorpio are the best of the best when it comes to investigation. DAMNIT, now I want to run KCL's birth chart.

Side note...that little biatch FCA had a very rare triple Grand trine in the houses of luck and fortune. When I delineated her birth chart and transits, I knew...just knew, she was gonna walk. Don't see this in Jodi's chart. And yes, I will admit I checked it out.

Hey Karmiclaw, we scorpios may know how to be vengeful or how to seek revenge, but doesn't mean we do it. Sometimes the best revenge is praying. Bible says, "Vengeance is mine. I will repay, saith the Lord.". And He does ALL things well! :)
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