KatieCoolady Holds 'Court' - The Dedicated KCL Thread

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I just want to share that I've had a steady stream of tears falling down my cheeks for long time reading today... I feel like I've had a "come to Jesus" moment that emotional feeling like song "Everybody hurts sometimes".. We all have our special path we walk in life and this is a place where all our paths have met!

Katie everyday in every way you make a difference in people's lives!

BB I know there's a love & feeling to want to help to give because it's what you can do your soul is glorious!

I've not been thru the traumatic losses as many here have sometimes I feel awkward about it intrusive at times unsure what to say.. I know what brought me here was seeing in JA same aura of evil I see in 2 other women I know & ever since have been fascinated by BPD variants.. I think I'm here learn to stop this from happening to someone close to me.. maybe?

I wished we had an intuitive a psychic to help guide us to the gun.. if we did I swear Pasa Katie we'd be on a road trip right now.. I just have this overwhelming feeling is out there waiting for us someone to find it!

Idk I believe God moves in mysterious ways.. something is coming I just feel it..
KCL, how long has that family lived in TA's old house?

And I think that is just so awesome how they found something of TAs in the attic and gave it to the sister :)

Did they say how long ago it was found?
WOW - Thank you for honoring us with your story, and welcome back to living!
I don't think I am ever gonna get warm again, if I don't stop reading this thread. The chills are non-stop. TRAVIS - look what you are doing! :seeya: Katiecoolady - look what you are doing -----> You are such a wonderful example of how to join life again after tragedy and do it will style and class. You are changing lives and I am honored to watch it!

MoonBird - I put this together for you to symbolize that with brothers and sisters here at WS ------> You will never walk alone again.

Thank you, my mother passed on March 22nd...it is a sad time of year. Her great-grandchildren, boy and girl, from different siblings share the theme of elephants in their nurseries. My daughter has started collecting glass ones now. http://www.care2.com/news/member/736437017/802131 In 2000, "The Urban Elephant" brought viewers the touching story of Shirley and Jenny, two crippled elephants reunited at The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee after a 22-year separation. Never forgotten.
WOW - Thank you for honoring us with your story, and welcome back to living!
I don't think I am ever gonna get warm again, if I don't stop reading this thread. The chills are non-stop. TRAVIS - look what you are doing! :seeya: Katiecoolady - look what you are doing -----> You are such a wonderful example of how to join life again after tragedy and do it will style and class. You are changing lives and I am honored to watch it!

MoonBird - I put this together for you to symbolize that with brothers and sisters here at WS ------> You will never walk alone again.


News Jukie,
I love your posts and graphics. I have never taken the time to tell you. You are so talented. many thanks! :)
I'm your girl!! Just pm your exact time of birth (if you know...because it is thee most important factor), the day, month, year and the hospital. I am a freak of nature that has the latitude and longitude of every hospital in the U.S. on her computer. You really cannot guess on the birth time or you can only get a more broad based interpretation. You are a WS'er extraordinaire, I trust you can discover your exact birth time.

I'm not saying a birth chart is gospel. But even if we read two crude computer interpretations of two birth charts, you'd be able to guess with 99% accuracy, which one belongs to which person. I rest my case. ;-)

I seriously need to go get a pedicure right now. Being a massage therapist as a therapeutic career backup, I get annoyed if the individual painfully rubs all over my anterior tibia in a most painful way. I always have to teach them how to massage the lower leg. :::smh::::

You are a joy! My sister tried to do my chart years ago but it didn't sound like me. She didn't have my time of birth and I read somewhere my moon sign was off because of it. Amazing how much you can tell about someone and how it affects their lives by the way the planets are lined up. If you do this for a living, along with the massage therapy of course, if I pm you, can you tell me how much you would charge and so forth? BTW, I am the Scorpio who said we don't always seek revenge. Of course, I didn't say we don't think about it. :seeya:
in less than a week i will be marking the 5 year unniversary (intentional) of the still birth of my son. he died either March 21st or 22nd, and was born sleeping March 23rd, 2008.
this time of year, since then, is incredibly difficult for me. i always feel very alone. what i read last night, brought to us by the ever wonderful and endearing KCL, made manifest by the love and generosity of BB, has made me feel alive and connected for the first time in a very long time..
as a matter of coincidence, the initials of the baby i lost are BB.

and this is the cover of the journal i started after i lost him...

View attachment 30897

... the first journal entry is dated June 5, 2008.... the day after Travis was murdered.

there is something so potent in the symbolism of elephants and death, remembering and endurance... i decided to look up elephants and grief while thinking about this amazing connection between Travis' family and the gift giver, BB... i found this link and the following quote from that page:

"The plain truth is that elephants have a deep need to remember and mourn lost ones."

IBM... never forget.

elephants are very intelligent beings. they're gentle, protective, and playful...
add to that their ability to grieve the deaths of their kin.. we live in an incredible world.. one i have been avoiding for way too long now.

but now i remember that it isn't as scary as i have lead myself to believe. there are beautiful people who care so much that they push through their own pain to help others feel cared for, supported, loved, not alone.

thank you BB. thank you KCL. thank you Elephants.

(ps... this is version 5, or so, of this post... and i still feel like it's too long... but thank YOU for reading!)

Moon bird, thank you for sharing this. Your are not alone. Bless you.
Losing someone we love is always hard no matter who it is or when it is.

When I lost my beloved golden a couple years back (I know, I know, to many it's "just" a dog but she was my soul mate in a fur suit and my baby) I was a grief-stricken mess for a long time. I remember sitting in traffic one day a few months after she passed, crying as usual, thinking about this and I said out loud, "yeahhhh, I am NOT on board with this whole cycle of life thing AT.ALL. Someone needs to write a stern memo to the man upstairs because this whole cancer in animals thing really needs to stop. I want my girl back, I want her perfectly healthy, and I want her to live another 20 yrs at least!" And then I stomped my foot to show I really meant it! (my golden used to stomp her foot when she wasn't getting her way)

Okay. Got it. I don't think I have ever used PayPal. But I will go figure it out right now. I had to leave awhile this evening. Thanks for answering so quickly. Bless you.

Ok, got that far, BUT, what is the email address of where to send the donation to?
Hi curious
Just want katie to know that I too! Among many!!
I feel for this family! It's not easy sitting in court listening to this psychopath! Slaughtering him all over again! On a daily basis.
I will be making another donation to the family soon! I got an email from tanisha! She explained that! They have the email on auto response! Because of the volume coming in.
I went to bed thinking about your mission along with the family! To find the gun!

You guys might be onto something there!
I don't think! She went to far before she disposed of the gun! She didn't want to be caught with it! So it's possible that she discarded of it somewhere! nearby I began to pray that someone would find the gun!
out in the desert or in a deserted area! Because the gun can be traced to the gun she took from her grandparents.
I'm even wondering if the knife she brought with her! Came from her grandparents kitchen. Who knows! I know it's been along time! But it's not beyond the realm of possibility!
Just saying.

I have often wondered if the grandparents shared much with the investigators. They have never been at the trial. How hurtful it must have been for them to find out their own granddaughter slaughtered another human being. Breaks my heart. Jodi may very well have stolen their knife.
I don't try to figure out anything JA says because I don't believe any of her stories. I'm sure she had a knife of her own and of course the gun as well. Don't care where she said she tossed it, she made sure neither of those items would ever be seen again and she had hundreds of thousands of square miles with which to do so. They could be buried, sitting under a million tons of garbage in a landfill somewhere, under some sagebrush in the desert, somewhere in some wooded area, in an abandoned well or cave or really anywhere. She will never tell and it doesn't matter much because those weapons aren't needed to convict her.
Hey Karmiclaw, we scorpios may know how to be vengeful or how to seek revenge, but doesn't mean we do it. Sometimes the best revenge is praying. Bible says, "Vengeance is mine. I will repay, saith the Lord.". And He does ALL things well! :)

JA believes in the Law of Attraction well I believe in the Law of Karma! It's in the Bible You reap what you sow & things will come back to you 100 fold (paraphrasing and verse mash up but you idea)

When I was in my early 20's my cousins BFF (they were than me) wanted to set me with her nephew.. I met him briefly once he thought I was cute yadda.. So she has me come over & ride with her to pick him & friends up at a field party (how we roll in the Ind) was kinda a blind/first date. We get to party there had been a bad fight with a pipe! One friend had went hospital for stitches the others jump in mini van start talking all at once being jumped etc my date was splattered with blood..

I'm thinking wtf the BFF leaves me at her house with her kids & the bloody beau telling me answer phone she'll call.. I sit watching Little Mermaids with him & kids. She calls says don't answer door or phone she & husband on way home the other guy was DOA at hospital.. I tried not to freak out cuz kids cuz guy I didn't want to know & freak out etc They get there He turned himself in & we all make statements etc

He was found not guilty due to self defense the other guy attacked them with pipe first after released about 3 months later on way to work his brakes failed at stop sign he was hit by utility truck... arrived to same hospital DOA!

Side note one of many dating horror stories I have & yeah I don't do blind dates!
Thank you, my mother passed on March 22nd...it is a sad time of year. Her great-grandchildren, boy and girl, from different siblings share the theme of elephants in their nurseries. My daughter has started collecting glass ones now. http://www.care2.com/news/member/736437017/802131 In 2000, "The Urban Elephant" brought viewers the touching story of Shirley and Jenny, two crippled elephants reunited at The Elephant Sanctuary in Tennessee after a 22-year separation. Never forgotten.

OMG LOVE THIS VIDEO. Just watched part one and Shirley and Solomon are beautiful together. Off to watch part 2!!!!!!!

Oh hell, there go the tears again! That was beautiful, Thank you Kayice for sharing that!
Losing someone we love is always hard no matter who it is or when it is.

When I lost my beloved golden a couple years back (I know, I know, to many it's "just" a dog but she was my soul mate in a fur suit and my baby) I was a grief-stricken mess for a long time. I remember sitting in traffic one day a few months after she passed, crying as usual, thinking about this and I said out loud, "yeahhhh, I am NOT on board with this whole cycle of life thing AT.ALL. Someone needs to write a stern memo to the man upstairs because this whole cancer in animals thing really needs to stop. I want my girl back, I want her perfectly healthy, and I want her to live another 20 yrs at least!" And then I stomped my foot to show I really meant it! (my golden used to stomp her foot when she wasn't getting her way)


Grieving is grieving Mad. A pet to many like me is as important as a baby yet we go into denial thinking we might outlive them but hoping we don't. I hold the loss of a pet w the same gravity as a family member.
Thank you KCL for sharing and giving so, so much!

And "B.B", you are SO BEAUTIFUL, LADY BOUNTIFUL!! I see you in my minds eye so large, so bright, and so wonderful… Such a beautiful gift you give so purely from the heart!

I gave my donation in your name. Even in your anonymity the bounty of your heart is seen and unmistakably your own. Who would ever know a regular box could be filled with so much Elephant sized love!?

Thank you both, Lady Bountifuls… All of you are full of bounty! My cup runneth over right now. Thank you…. Your stories and sharing are all so special.

Thank you ANJ for the beautiful ribbon, and more.

ETA - I am a Scorpio as also!! :seeya:
Grieving is grieving Mad. A pet to many like me is as important as a baby yet we go into denial thinking we might outlive them but hoping we don't. I hold the loss of a pet w the same gravity as a family member.

Every year that passed was bittersweet as I knew it took me closer to the end of our time together. As much as I tried to prepare myself, there just was no way to do so because when they go a chunk of your heart goes too and it takes your breath away. In fact when she was but a small (adorable) puppy I remember a vet holding her and saying, "here is the biggest joy and the biggest heartbreak all in one furry package." I knew instantly what he meant and I never forgot it. I still tell her I love her because regardless of where she is I want her to know I always will and for the rest of my life. Love is eternal.
I don't try to figure out anything JA says because I don't believe any of her stories. I'm sure she had a knife of her own and of course the gun as well. Don't care where she said she tossed it, she made sure neither of those items would ever be seen again and she had hundreds of thousands of square miles with which to do so. They could be buried, sitting under a million tons of garbage in a landfill somewhere, under some sagebrush in the desert, somewhere in some wooded area, in an abandoned well or cave or really anywhere. She will never tell and it doesn't matter much because those weapons aren't needed to convict her.

.....and IF she had enough presence of mind to wipe her finger prints off the gun, what would it prove other than the 'robber' who stole the gun ditched it. There wouldn't be any proof that Jodi had stolen it, shot it or ditched it.
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