KatieCoolady Holds 'Court' - The Dedicated KCL Thread

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Another Sunday Morning Musings....sorry guys...just some thoughts.

I don't know about the rest of you but during this trial it's caused me to reflect on past relationships, how I handled the breakup, what were some of the most "psycho" things either I or my friends (or sister) did in those tumultuous breakup periods, things like that. Of course never once, did I ever for even a second think of harming the person who'd dumped me. I was more concerned about either a. strategizing how to get him back or b. how to find out where he was and show up in some hot outfit to make him realize what he's missing. Always they were just nutty concoctions girls to do make ourselves feel better because we always know when it's over, it's over and you're gonna hafta move on.

Last night I got to thinking of one of those romances from my first year in college. His name was Dave and we met in Poli Sci class and used to debate like cats and dogs in there. One day he approached me after class and we went for a beer later. Well it was a flash fire romance and I fell hard for him (he was really firey and cute and Irish). It didn't last long but right in the middle of that hot passionate initial stage, he went on a "fishing trip" and I found out not too long after, he'd really gone to (actually my home town) to visit his high school gf. And he shortly after that got back together w/ her.

I was devastated but I really didn't show it to him. I remember still maintaining a friendship. I really liked him. I thought I could do that but on the inside still was hoping he'd get her out of his system and we'd resume. He moved away and didn't come back the next year, we stayed in touch a bit. They broke up. He came to visit me one weekend but just as friends (I was really successful at hiding the fact I still really was in love with him on some level).

I remember he was even one of the influences in me moving from IL to AZ. He had visited here once and loved it. We corresponded a bit when I moved out here, real snail mail letters, before email. I once thought I'd seen him in a rest stop when I was back there visiting. I did still think about him over the years.

For some reason he's come back in to my mind during this trial and how I handled that breakup. And how it would have never occured to me to even approach his old/new girlfriend although I saw her at a party. She seemed like this tiny petite sweetheart studying Special Ed but I was intimidated and embarrassed to approach her as I still had feelings for him.

Anyway, (sorry so long) I couldn't shake this thinking of him yesterday and I was kind of just resting at home all day. So I searched his name and his hometown and found.........his obituary. tears tears tears.

He passed in 2011 at age 53. I even saw the old girlfriend, who'd married someone else on the obit comments. I saw his picture all these years later.

I don't know about you guys but somehow I always think that the people I knew in those younger years, well we'd all grow old together somehow.

I wonder how many of Cindy's friends feel that way now. I wonder if anyone has tried to look her up and found what they found. I wonder how many times this will happen for Travis' old friends as the years go on.

Tears streaming down my face.

Love never makes you feel like you want to hurt someone. You might embarrass and destroy your own self image sometimes in stupid grieving moves. But love never goes there, really.

I'm thinking this morning of all of us who've lost someone way too young. Of course Travis' friends and family. And how hard it is to still hold them in your heart but it's the one thing you can do.
You are doing such a great job in so many ways!! ONe thing that set my alarms buzzing was a comment about JA having something to hide, something so scary/horrendous that she would kill to protect it... I recall that at some time she was involved with black magic and I wonder if that links back to the "something"? When the planet Mercury goes retrograde again (it does this 4 times a year and has just gone direct again) there is a good possibility that this dark secret could be revealed... long about July or so... When she was being interrogated with FLores she said, "If I was going to kill someone, I would use gloves." I think, feel almost certain when I heard that, that she has killed before and DID use gloves. I also believe this woman is a lot more evil than was first thought... and if she ever gets out of jail, she will be extremely dangerous.

Is this what Matt knows about her???:what:
I would pretend I was a singer and sing "Blue Moon" through the swing set pipe to an audience of hostages from school.:what:

I go back a lot further than you gals. My sis and I would put on a play for the neighbors.....Ma and Pa Kettle...I always was Pa :floorlaugh:
My favorite line was "what cha want ma" :floorlaugh:
Oh the fun we had in the good ole days
KCL, I appreciate your story of the old boyfriend and can identify with you. I agree about all the family and friends who have gone on before us. Always in our hearts. Thanks for sharing that with us.
Another Sunday Morning Musings....sorry guys...just some thoughts.

I don't know about the rest of you but during this trial it's caused me to reflect on past relationships, how I handled the breakup, what were some of the most "psycho" things either I or my friends (or sister) did in those tumultuous breakup periods, things like that. Of course never once, did I ever for even a second think of harming the person who'd dumped me. I was more concerned about either a. strategizing how to get him back or b. how to find out where he was and show up in some hot outfit to make him realize what he's missing. Always they were just nutty concoctions girls to do make ourselves feel better because we always know when it's over, it's over and you're gonna hafta move on.

Last night I got to thinking of one of those romances from my first year in college. His name was Dave and we met in Poli Sci class and used to debate like cats and dogs in there. One day he approached me after class and we went for a beer later. Well it was a flash fire romance and I fell hard for him (he was really firey and cute and Irish). It didn't last long but right in the middle of that hot passionate initial stage, he went on a "fishing trip" and I found out not too long after, he'd really gone to (actually my home town) to visit his high school gf. And he shortly after that got back together w/ her.

I was devastated but I really didn't show it to him. I remember still maintaining a friendship. I really liked him. I thought I could do that but on the inside still was hoping he'd get her out of his system and we'd resume. He moved away and didn't come back the next year, we stayed in touch a bit. They broke up. He came to visit me one weekend but just as friends (I was really successful at hiding the fact I still really was in love with him on some level).

I remember he was even one of the influences in me moving from IL to AZ. He had visited here once and loved it. We corresponded a bit when I moved out here, real snail mail letters, before email. I once thought I'd seen him in a rest stop when I was back there visiting. I did still think about him over the years.

For some reason he's come back in to my mind during this trial and how I handled that breakup. And how it would have never occured to me to even approach his old/new girlfriend although I saw her at a party. She seemed like this tiny petite sweetheart studying Special Ed but I was intimidated and embarrassed to approach her as I still had feelings for him.

Anyway, (sorry so long) I couldn't shake this thinking of him yesterday and I was kind of just resting at home all day. So I searched his name and his hometown and found.........his obituary. tears tears tears.

He passed in 2011 at age 53. I even saw the old girlfriend, who'd married someone else on the obit comments. I saw his picture all these years later.

I don't know about you guys but somehow I always think that the people I knew in those younger years, well we'd all grow old together somehow.

I wonder how many of Cindy's friends feel that way now. I wonder if anyone has tried to look her up and found what they found. I wonder how many times this will happen for Travis' old friends as the years go on.

Tears streaming down my face.

Love never makes you feel like you want to hurt someone. You might embarrass and destroy your own self image sometimes in stupid grieving moves. But love never goes there, really.

I'm thinking this morning of all of us who've lost someone way too young. Of course Travis' friends and family. And how hard it is to still hold them in your heart but it's the one thing you can do.

OMG, my breath just sucked in when I read this part..
I did not see that coming. KCL, 53?? Oh, I'm so sorry..he was so young. What a shock to just stumble upon that news, I'm so sorry..did you know his family? Did the obit give any details as to what happened? I'm so sorry, that's so unexpected to see something like that. I found an old friend had died that same way, online. It was so so sad to realize what I was reading.. I'm sorry you had to find out such sad news this way. (((((((xxoo)))))))) big squeezy hugs to you...sometimes there's nothing else. (sigh..)
~~~~~~~~~Disclaimer! This post is 100% driven by me and me alone and has nothing to do with Websleuths or anyone else. It is 100% my project cooked up in my little heart~~~~~

Copying from another thread--have you felt helpless and wanted to help the Alexanders? Please consider! This is by no means meant as pressure to anyone...even posting your thoughts here is helpful to them. Just for those who may have a little extra...thanks!

I am making it a goal today to PAY IT FORWARD and accumulate $5K in the Alexander family paypal account by day's end. Can you imagine how it would feel to them to see that balance accumulating all throughout the day and that volume of love and support avalanching them? And it also very practical as this family needs financial support desperately right now to keep attending the trial and the BASICS.

My goal is for 500 of us to each paypal $10 to their paypal account and at day's end they will have received $5K (or more). Can you imagine? It's already getting retweeted all over the twittersphere.


And as an added bonus, if you participate and send me a PM indicating this (honor system) I will randomly pick a WS poster to get a GREAT prize from me to you that's related to this trial and that you can't obtain anywhere else. I will give you one of my blue ribbons that I've worn in the courtroom gifted to me from the family. I will choose it at random with some kind of numbers system I will work up later.

Please consider taking a moment of your day and paypal $10 to this family and please share in other forums you may be participating in as well.

I've been wanting to do this for weeks and today is the DAY. Let's combat the negativity we've witnessed in the last week with an avalanche of LOVE and SUPPORT!

Please join me!!! I just made my donation! :grouphug:
~~~~~~~~~Disclaimer! This post is 100% driven by me and me alone and has nothing to do with Websleuths or anyone else. It is 100% my project cooked up in my little heart~~~~~

Copying from another thread--have you felt helpless and wanted to help the Alexanders? Please consider! This is by no means meant as pressure to anyone...even posting your thoughts here is helpful to them. Just for those who may have a little extra...thanks!

I am making it a goal today to PAY IT FORWARD and accumulate $5K in the Alexander family paypal account by day's end. Can you imagine how it would feel to them to see that balance accumulating all throughout the day and that volume of love and support avalanching them? And it also very practical as this family needs financial support desperately right now to keep attending the trial and the BASICS.

My goal is for 500 of us to each paypal $10 to their paypal account and at day's end they will have received $5K (or more). Can you imagine? It's already getting retweeted all over the twittersphere.


And as an added bonus, if you participate and send me a PM indicating this (honor system) I will randomly pick a WS poster to get a GREAT prize from me to you that's related to this trial and that you can't obtain anywhere else. I will give you one of my blue ribbons that I've worn in the courtroom gifted to me from the family. I will choose it at random with some kind of numbers system I will work up later.

Please consider taking a moment of your day and paypal $10 to this family and please share in other forums you may be participating in as well.

I've been wanting to do this for weeks and today is the DAY. Let's combat the negativity we've witnessed in the last week with an avalanche of LOVE and SUPPORT!

Please join me!!! I just made my donation! :grouphug:

Great idea, could someone provide me with the paypal account link?:rocker:
~~~~~~~~~Disclaimer! This post is 100% driven by me and me alone and has nothing to do with Websleuths or anyone else. It is 100% my project cooked up in my little heart~~~~~

Copying from another thread--have you felt helpless and wanted to help the Alexanders? Please consider! This is by no means meant as pressure to anyone...even posting your thoughts here is helpful to them. Just for those who may have a little extra...thanks!

I am making it a goal today to PAY IT FORWARD and accumulate $5K in the Alexander family paypal account by day's end. Can you imagine how it would feel to them to see that balance accumulating all throughout the day and that volume of love and support avalanching them? And it also very practical as this family needs financial support desperately right now to keep attending the trial and the BASICS.

My goal is for 500 of us to each paypal $10 to their paypal account and at day's end they will have received $5K (or more). Can you imagine? It's already getting retweeted all over the twittersphere.


And as an added bonus, if you participate and send me a PM indicating this (honor system) I will randomly pick a WS poster to get a GREAT prize from me to you that's related to this trial and that you can't obtain anywhere else. I will give you one of my blue ribbons that I've worn in the courtroom gifted to me from the family. I will choose it at random with some kind of numbers system I will work up later.

Please consider taking a moment of your day and paypal $10 to this family and please share in other forums you may be participating in as well.

I've been wanting to do this for weeks and today is the DAY. Let's combat the negativity we've witnessed in the last week with an avalanche of LOVE and SUPPORT!

Please join me!!! I just made my donation! :grouphug:

KCL, I wish I wish I could. I am on government disability and won't have any funds for a couple of weeks yet.BUT I will pay it forward and share and support any other way I can. Just let me know.

KCL, I wish I wish I could. I am on government disability and won't have any funds for a couple of weeks yet.BUT I will pay it forward and share and support any other way I can. Just let me know.


I've said it before and I"ll say it again....everyone's good thoughts and prayers are just enough and so felt and appreciated so no pressure at all!

This is just for those of us who could go without a couple Starbucks this week or something of that nature. No worries and thank you for any support you give even across the ether. :heart:
This is a wonderful and lovely idea, KCL. It will feel so good to do something positive and worthwhile.

I have been thinking about you. What you said about this getting a bit scary and you are even wary of meeting new people. This really resonates with me and only by reading things on the Internet! It is scary! This trial is huge and feelings are running very strong. I think you and the other people in the gallery and Travis' family are brave to keep showing up. Just want to pass along a hug.

Done and then some, and THANK YOU for representing those of us that never forget the victims!

Thank you!!! You are now also in the running for the blue ribbon (how fitting right?). ;)

PROJECT 500!!! I will let everyone know if it reaches $5K today (once I get to court tomorrow)

By the way I didn't tell them I was doing this. They will just see this avalanche of support coming in and feel it and wonder how is this happening?

RANDOM ACTS OF KINDNESS are healing!!! :grouphug:
KCL, I wish I wish I could. I am on government disability and won't have any funds for a couple of weeks yet.BUT I will pay it forward and share and support any other way I can. Just let me know.


Sharon, I have been there. I paid it forward today (to honor all those that have given to me) and put extra in for those who can't. Got ya covered.
This is a wonderful and lovely idea, KCL. It will feel so good to do something positive and worthwhile.

I have been thinking about you. What you said about this getting a bit scary and you are even wary of meeting new people. This really resonates with me and only by reading things on the Internet! It is scary! This trial is huge and feelings are running very strong. I think you and the other people in the gallery and Travis' family are brave to keep showing up. Just want to pass along a hug.


We are definitely circling the wagons now. Also we've developed such a strong core there (PASA , KatieDDJ, etc) that we all have our own private sharings going on and we just need to decompress after trial times so we can let our hair down and pick up where we left off last time. It's not a party, it's therapy for us. No time for superficiality anymore plus I do think the DT is baiting and sending out spies--hate to sound paranoid but I do think this is happening. I think I know who one of them is and I think he knows I know as he steers away from me now.
Sharon, I have been there. I paid it forward today (to honor all those that have given to me) and put extra in for those who can't. Got ya covered.

Ok guess this is just one of those days I won't even think about putting on eye makeup. Thanks for this TX.
~~~~~~~~~Disclaimer! This post is 100% driven by me and me alone and has nothing to do with Websleuths or anyone else. It is 100% my project cooked up in my little heart~~~~~

Copying from another thread--have you felt helpless and wanted to help the Alexanders? Please consider! This is by no means meant as pressure to anyone...even posting your thoughts here is helpful to them. Just for those who may have a little extra...thanks!

I am making it a goal today to PAY IT FORWARD and accumulate $5K in the Alexander family paypal account by day's end. Can you imagine how it would feel to them to see that balance accumulating all throughout the day and that volume of love and support avalanching them? And it also very practical as this family needs financial support desperately right now to keep attending the trial and the BASICS.

My goal is for 500 of us to each paypal $10 to their paypal account and at day's end they will have received $5K (or more). Can you imagine? It's already getting retweeted all over the twittersphere.


And as an added bonus, if you participate and send me a PM indicating this (honor system) I will randomly pick a WS poster to get a GREAT prize from me to you that's related to this trial and that you can't obtain anywhere else. I will give you one of my blue ribbons that I've worn in the courtroom gifted to me from the family. I will choose it at random with some kind of numbers system I will work up later.

Please consider taking a moment of your day and paypal $10 to this family and please share in other forums you may be participating in as well.

I've been wanting to do this for weeks and today is the DAY. Let's combat the negativity we've witnessed in the last week with an avalanche of LOVE and SUPPORT!

Please join me!!! I just made my donation! :grouphug:

I sent them $ on Friday after a very vivid dream on Thursday night. The first part of the dream was awful & pertaining to just sporadically (sporadic was ENOUGH to understand) witnessing the sort of demonic realm of energy JA exists in/amongst.

I exited that dream quick & went on to-

The second part which was completely removed from the first (and this sounds strange but it is a dream) watching two baby elephants in utero swimming and playing together inside their Mother's belly. In my dream I was watching this all seemingly lit up. It was beautiful!


Thank you for all of your hard work and thoughtfulness towards this family. You're an :angel:
We are definitely circling the wagons now. Also we've developed such a strong core there (PASA , KatieDDJ, etc) that we all have our own private sharings going on and we just need to decompress after trial times so we can let our hair down and pick up where we left off last time. It's not a party, it's therapy for us. No time for superficiality anymore plus I do think the DT is baiting and sending out spies--hate to sound paranoid but I do think this is happening. I think I know who one of them is and I think he knows I know as he steers away from me now.

Really a scary thought. At this point it is probably smart to very cautious (it's not paranoid). I thought about that picture that was taken of ALV at dinner...how some people are saying she was followed and the picture was taken. But how in actuality they walked into the most crowded court hangout in town. It does sound like a set up. I don't think I am articulating well....my son is not happy that I am not paying attention to him. LOL...so I will go do that. :seeya:
I sent them $ on Friday after a very vivid dream on Thursday night. The first part of the dream was awful & pertaining to just sporadically (sporadic was ENOUGH to understand) witnessing the sort of demonic realm of energy JA exists in/amongst.

I exited that dream quick & went on to-

The second part which was completely removed from the first (and this sounds strange but it is a dream) watching two baby elephants in utero swimming and playing together inside their mothers belly. In my dream I was watching this all seemingly lit up. IT was beautiful!


Thank you for all of your hard work and thoughtfulness towards this family. You're an :angel:

Wow...what an amazing dream! Thanks for sharing..and thanks for your donation. If you'd like to be in the running for the contest (you or anyone) please send me a pm. I'm keeping track that way. I'd love to pass on my blue ribbon to someone who's also reaching out. I have more to wear. <3

PS I dreamed I was hanging out with Nancy Grace discussing hairstyles all night last night. Which actually IS a dream of mine! lol
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