KatieCoolady Holds 'Court' - The Dedicated KCL Thread

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I "designed" a tee-shirt, am I an artist? LMAO

Despite the disgusting nature of the shirt being a lie and the smack in the face that she survived and her victim didn't - seriously, what was it about the shirt she was so proud of designing? That she spelled the word right? I mean, seriously a 5 year old could do better. This media tour is ridiculous.

KCL - should I be on standby for any pics tonight?
KCL I love Sedona...went to Verde valley music fest 13 times....wonderful.

Yes, you will enjoy the calm of the hills.

Kathy in Dallas
:seeya: Katiecoolady

Next time you see Katie Wick please thank her for being the voice of reason on DD when it comes to what she believes is going on with the jurors.

Second, is there no one in the media who can do the math and conclude with 12 jurors each taking an hour to express their thoughts, concerns, opinions it would take a minimum of 12 hours just to do that? Then add in the time spent going over the judges instructions and verdict forms and ... well you get the picture.

The jurors have 7 plus hours on the clock. That's a little more than half way around the table. We should be glad they are taking this seriously. I know I am.

I expect to see a verdict of DP before the end of the day tomorrow.
I "designed" a tee-shirt, am I an artist? LMAO

Despite the disgusting nature of the shirt being a lie and the smack in the face that she survived and her victim didn't - seriously, what was it about the shirt she was so proud of designing? That she spelled the word right? I mean, seriously a 5 year old could do better. This media tour is ridiculous.

KCL - should I be on standby for any pics tonight?

This has me thinking, again, about that Travis Alexander's shirt and shorts. She seems to be the one that likes to wear (false) labels. I really think she made those herself. I read that the shirt may have been for his blog....but I think Juan would have busted her on that. She probably made it all up along with the Spider-Man underwear lie. This has probably been discussed up here somewhere already. :blushing:

What happened to our court watchers page? Anyone know TIA!
Hi guys,

Finally back after a long long day at the courthouse.

I worked this morning and came out of my last session to find a ton of texts about the "deadlock", rushed down to the courthouse to find my pals in fight or flight...we all ran back upstairs and immediately held a prayer circle, led by Katie Wick in a small hallway. She led a beautiful prayer and we tapped in to the collective good energy and prayers coming from around the world and to be led in the ways to be supportive and helpful to the family in all the best ways.

So we were just mingling, talking to various journalists from Beth Karas to Jeff Gold to WildAboutTrial (who got me in a fit of hysteria over the word "blouse" asking me "What is a blouse? I thought it was a bird").

I was standing over at the wall charging my phone with Katie and we saw this article Kiefer wrote which included apparently a verbatim account of the note the jurors sent out, including the signed "foreperson". I found that odd as no other journalists were reporting on this set of details and usually notes like that are NOT released to the media/public. I'm sure you all know my feelings on Kiefer and of course I lean to thinking someone from the defense wanted that "out there" so they got that info to "their man".

Anyway, suddenly Katie turns to me and says "have you actually read this note?" and goes on to have this lightbulb moment asking if I thought maybe the jurors were just asking a question about the instructions, clarifying how they are to handle things if certain decisions were made/not made. Not necessarily saying they were THERE but how to handle it if they ever GET THERE.

Here is a copy of the note as Kiefer reported it:

The jury sent a handwritten note on an official question form to the judge. It said: “If the jury is unable to come to a unanimous decision @ this stage, do we notify the judge of this on the form (verdict) or do we just tell the judge her instruction on the bottom P. 10 on the final jury Instruction-Penalty phase?”

It was signed by juror No.18.

So it caught my attention and we sat there kind of chewing on this idea, the timing, etc. What we realized is that with the timing of how things went down today, is that this note/question came in about 40 minutes after they started deliberating today. Kind of a quick timeframe to get "deadlocked". What if they were just asking a question? Not indicating they were not in agreement!

We discussed it with another journalist who kind of poo pooed the idea as, apparently it was just drummed up by lowly "trial watchers" and not REAL JOURNALISTS (I'm not gonna name this person but not one of my faves and in Kiefer's back pocket imo). He actually got a bit aggressive when we were having the audacity to question this. He showed us Judge S's words on his cell phone but we kept saying "but that's not what the jury said!". What they asked was IF they are deadlocked. A whole lot in those two little letters.


So we float this idea to both Beth Karas AND Mike Galanos (super nice guy) and Ted Rowlands who are all ears and saying "you might have a point there!". Imagine that, a journalist who is listening and open to a new idea than the one they've wedded themself to.

Lo and behold, on Dr. Drew, Beth Karas floats this exact theory! We coached Katie all thru the dinner hour to say this on Dr. Drew which she did! Even though Beth had already suggested this idea.

All the hystrionics and drama today abated in one little two letter word.

So we ended up dining with Harold and Tanisha, I talked to Sam on the phone...they are all doing ok, all things considered.

I also passed messages to them from Janine Driver and Wendy Murphy that came my way...and a sweet message about God from our dear Jayarohh.

After we left I think we were all feeling pretty good.

I DO NOT THINK this jury is "deadlocked". I think they will reach a verdict tomorrow and sentence Jodi Arias to death.

I'm told that every juror looked in the direction of the family today when this went down as they left the courtroom. Jodi's family was not even in the courtroom. This is all good. I have never seen them do this even once.

Let's all keep breathing and surrounding this jury/family/ourselves in all the strength we can muster. This is where the rubber meets the road.

I'll say the words that said to my friends the moment I saw them today.

Now we have to dig deep.

Now is one of those life moments when you understand how strong you are.

Sweet dreams all.............:seeya:

I was looking for that too! :( It had the list of juror's and their names as we know them on it??

That is not gone - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - a view from the inside: observations from our own court observers #9 (from the thread before)

I think - based on the posts I saw from some of our mods, that they pulled the thread for review due to case discussion and the thread not sticking to the topic of courtroom observations and questions for the observer's. That was my impression from the three mod posts I saw as the thread was locked.

If they let us have it back, we better follow the admonition!
I get many answers. Is there a LWOP penalty in AZ? Or just a Life penalty with possibility of parole in 25 years?
I was looking for that too! :( It had the list of juror's and their names as we know them on it??

Juror 18 was known as the Artist. It looked like he had a sketchbook underneath his notebook. He has his head on chin a lot and hardly took notes.
Just trying to understand this, are you saying a journalist got a hold of info from the jury???? And posted that they were deadlocked when they were according to the Judge but it was all coming from merely a journalist?

Makes no sense and I'd bet a Judge and jury would not all be participating so could you please explain further...Nor can I imagine a Judge stating it was deadlocked if it wasnt the case....Thanks
KCL - We'd been talking about this 'IF' question on here yesterday afternoon too. I even asked you by Twitter about it but you didn't answer me. I ended up deleting the tweet as I was clearing my account. Sorry but I don't agree KatieWick was the only one to discover this.

ETA have to go to work now so have a good night/ day
Hi guys,

Finally back after a long long day at the courthouse.

I worked this morning and came out of my last session to find a ton of texts about the "deadlock", rushed down to the courthouse to find my pals in fight or flight...we all ran back upstairs and immediately held a prayer circle, led by Katie Wick in a small hallway. She led a beautiful prayer and we tapped in to the collective good energy and prayers coming from around the world and to be led in the ways to be supportive and helpful to the family in all the best ways.

So we were just mingling, talking to various journalists from Beth Karas to Jeff Gold to WildAboutTrial (who got me in a fit of hysteria over the word "blouse" asking me "What is a blouse? I thought it was a bird").

I was standing over at the wall charging my phone with Katie and we saw this article Kiefer wrote which included apparently a verbatim account of the note the jurors sent out, including the signed "foreperson". I found that odd as no other journalists were reporting on this set of details and usually notes like that are NOT released to the media/public. I'm sure you all know my feelings on Kiefer and of course I lean to thinking someone from the defense wanted that "out there" so they got that info to "their man".

Anyway, suddenly Katie turns to me and says "have you actually read this note?" and goes on to have this lightbulb moment asking if I thought maybe the jurors were just asking a question about the instructions, clarifying how they are to handle things if certain decisions were made/not made. Not necessarily saying they were THERE but how to handle it if they ever GET THERE.

Here is a copy of the note as Kiefer reported it:

The jury sent a handwritten note on an official question form to the judge. It said: “If the jury is unable to come to a unanimous decision @ this stage, do we notify the judge of this on the form (verdict) or do we just tell the judge her instruction on the bottom P. 10 on the final jury Instruction-Penalty phase?”

It was signed by juror No.18.

So it caught my attention and we sat there kind of chewing on this idea, the timing, etc. What we realized is that with the timing of how things went down today, is that this note/question came in about 40 minutes after they started deliberating today. Kind of a quick timeframe to get "deadlocked". What if they were just asking a question? Not indicating they were not in agreement!

We discussed it with another journalist who kind of poo pooed the idea as, apparently it was just drummed up by lowly "trial watchers" and not REAL JOURNALISTS (I'm not gonna name this person but not one of my faves and in Kiefer's back pocket imo). He actually got a bit aggressive when we were having the audacity to question this. He showed us Judge S's words on his cell phone but we kept saying "but that's not what the jury said!". What they asked was IF they are deadlocked. A whole lot in those two little letters.


So we float this idea to both Beth Karas AND Mike Galanos (super nice guy) and Ted Rowlands who are all ears and saying "you might have a point there!". Imagine that, a journalist who is listening and open to a new idea than the one they've wedded themself to.

Lo and behold, on Dr. Drew, Beth Karas floats this exact theory! We coached Katie all thru the dinner hour to say this on Dr. Drew which she did! Even though Beth had already suggested this idea.

All the hystrionics and drama today abated in one little two letter word.

So we ended up dining with Harold and Tanisha, I talked to Sam on the phone...they are all doing ok, all things considered.

I also passed messages to them from Janine Driver and Wendy Murphy that came my way...and a sweet message about God from our dear Jayarohh.

After we left I think we were all feeling pretty good.

I DO NOT THINK this jury is "deadlocked". I think they will reach a verdict tomorrow and sentence Jodi Arias to death.

I'm told that every juror looked in the direction of the family today when this went down as they left the courtroom. Jodi's family was not even in the courtroom. This is all good. I have never seen them do this even once.

Let's all keep breathing and surrounding this jury/family/ourselves in all the strength we can muster. This is where the rubber meets the road.

I'll say the words that said to my friends the moment I saw them today.

Now we have to dig deep.

Now is one of those life moments when you understand how strong you are.

Sweet dreams all.............:seeya:

Katie, thank you for being the "voice of reason", as what you just wrote makes more sense than anything I have heard or read today.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to keep up today since my dearest friend had to go to Hershey Medical Center Cancer Institute today. I took her as she wasn't able to drive and they admitted her for a soft tissue growth of a plastocytoma in her forehead and into her frontal lobe. She has multiple myeloma and has been through 4 different chemotherapies in the past 3 years. So it was a tough day all around.

Anyway, I just caught the re run of Dr Drew and watched Katie Wick and her co-dr drew juror and then I came here and read your post. I have faith this jury will bring the correct verdict now.

I have also been praying for Travis's family, for them to have peace and comfort during this last phase. As Dr Drew said, "we have all fallen in love with the Alexander family". So true!
NO I'm not saying that. I'm saying, as I posted, that a journalist posted the r question exactly as it was written according to this journalist. Which is usually sealed so someone gave this journalist the copy of this question including identifying the foreperson.

I'm saying that it got interpreted as the jury was deadlocked but how Katie Wick, me, Beth Karas and others are looking at this JURY QUESTION it does not appear they are deadlocked.

That's the best I can explain it and I do remember you, so you're welcome.

KCL - that reporter said it was submitted by juror 18 - but unless you know something we don't by being in the courtroom - they might not be the foreperson. The judge said any juror or the foreperson could submit a question on the forms they provide but the question must be signed and the juror number on the form.
FYI, it's Thursday for those in Eastern and Central time zones, so "yesterday afternoon" refers to Wednesday.

The media often jumps to conclusions, but then again, perhaps the judge did too. It would be great if this jury could finish things out by tomorrow one way or the other...just be unanimous and 'git 'er done!'

Either way Arias is going to spend the rest of her life in prison. I wish people could understand how serious it is to be sentenced with LWOP. Yes, yes I know...the DP is what so many want. But still. Let's get some perspective on this. She is not going to be free. This judge is not going to give her the lighter sentence if it does come down to "life." State Prison and max security is not a cakewalk and I don't know why there's a fantasy that Arias will be in a "club fed" type environment. Would any of us ever wish to be in prison for life or consider that a 'win'? Hell no!
If you or anyone think I can keep up with all the info coming in to me from various sources on various topics I say walk one day in my shoes. Just one day, not the entire MONTHS I've been dealing with this trial.
I really don't have to post updates you know? But I do, and I hope people appreciate them as I have done for nearly 5 mths on here.

And now I'm outta here as my primary purpose in this trial is to SUPPORT THE ALEXANDER FAMILY so that's my focus and where it will stay til the end.

Good morning KCL

It's 6.20am here in Blighty, a beautiful sunny morning ... and as I do every day first thing I'm sitting here with my coffee, reading your words. So very much appreciated by so many of us.

I was feeling very down and despondent yesterday when the rumours of a hung jury were circulating, then to hear the horrific news that a man was hacked to death in broad daylight in a London street (not so far from where I live), and one of the perpetrators talking about it, cool as a cucumber on camera afterwards, covered in blood, like it was an everyday occurence - I just felt overwhelmed with all the evil there is in the world.

To wake up this morning and read your post, and to know that justice might still be served in an Arizona courtroom, has restored my faith.

I know I'm not alone in greatly appreciating your insights and updates and the eloquence, reason and logic you always bring to these incredibly emotional proceedings.

Thank you x
NO I'm not saying that. I'm saying, as I posted, that a journalist posted the r question exactly as it was written according to this journalist. Which is usually sealed so someone gave this journalist the copy of this question including identifying the foreperson.

I'm saying that it got interpreted as the jury was deadlocked but how Katie Wick, me, Beth Karas and others are looking at this JURY QUESTION it does not appear they are deadlocked.

That's the best I can explain it and I do remember you, so you're welcome.

imo - you are right! it did not make any sense that this jury who have worked so hard on this case would come back after only 2 1/2 hours saying they were deadlocked, i just did not see there was any way they would do that - and it wasn't until i read that letter it made sense - i really think they are just trying to make sure they follow all the instructions, even on things that haven't come up yet

to bad not every one took the time to really read every thing b4 tey report it - and i hope who ever the journalist and his contact that leaked this info are caught and stopped - do you think that could happen??

btw i truly appreciate all your comments and observations :heart:

ps if you can catch a rerun of NG shpw from tonight, she has ryan owen on talking all about the interview - i think i may just love him:)
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