KatieCoolady Holds 'Court' - The Dedicated KCL Thread

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Thank you everyone. I appreciate the thoughts. So we can let this go may I kindly ask no one else to comment on my post. I thank you all.

Michael Kiefer did not report on the incident of ALV approaching Samantha. Indeed he was rude to our own KCL who tried to inform him of it. It was news. Big news, and ALV found out with in a sealed hearing just how big of news it was when JM let the judge know of it. One has to ask why he would not report that. People tell on themselves.

Can you tell me (or point me) to what you are talking about in the above quote? I missed it but then again I'm sure I have missed a lot in this trial.
Thanks :)
I know this trial has been a long, arduous and frustrating experience for almost five months, and I believe that yesterday morning the stress of the proceedings actually affected the judge. She started off the day having to indicate that she had omitted one page of the jury instructions and had to correct the record. Because of that, the jury was confused as to their responsibility IF they could not reach a unanimous verdict.

The judge may have mistakenly thought that they had already reached that point in their deliberations, and took that opportunity to impress upon them that their duty is to reach a verdict........and that is what they are doing.

Even the judge can have a "foggy" day once in a while!
The way I see it is that they got the answer they needed, so no need to correct how she interpreted it.

But, who knows. I'm always wrong, it seems like lol.

Seems no one can get this case right. :) So full of crazy happenings. But, one thing this shows is that the jury is not seeing the news and what is being reported. (that is if it is wrong, and they are deadlocked) jmo
Hi guys,

Finally back after a long long day at the courthouse.

I worked this morning and came out of my last session to find a ton of texts about the "deadlock", rushed down to the courthouse to find my pals in fight or flight...we all ran back upstairs and immediately held a prayer circle, led by Katie Wick in a small hallway. She led a beautiful prayer and we tapped in to the collective good energy and prayers coming from around the world and to be led in the ways to be supportive and helpful to the family in all the best ways.

So we were just mingling, talking to various journalists from Beth Karas to Jeff Gold to WildAboutTrial (who got me in a fit of hysteria over the word "blouse" asking me "What is a blouse? I thought it was a bird").

I was standing over at the wall charging my phone with Katie and we saw this article Kiefer wrote which included apparently a verbatim account of the note the jurors sent out, including the signed "foreperson". I found that odd as no other journalists were reporting on this set of details and usually notes like that are NOT released to the media/public. I'm sure you all know my feelings on Kiefer and of course I lean to thinking someone from the defense wanted that "out there" so they got that info to "their man".

Anyway, suddenly Katie turns to me and says "have you actually read this note?" and goes on to have this lightbulb moment asking if I thought maybe the jurors were just asking a question about the instructions, clarifying how they are to handle things if certain decisions were made/not made. Not necessarily saying they were THERE but how to handle it if they ever GET THERE.

Here is a copy of the note as Kiefer reported it:

The jury sent a handwritten note on an official question form to the judge. It said: “If the jury is unable to come to a unanimous decision @ this stage, do we notify the judge of this on the form (verdict) or do we just tell the judge her instruction on the bottom P. 10 on the final jury Instruction-Penalty phase?”

It was signed by juror No.18.

So it caught my attention and we sat there kind of chewing on this idea, the timing, etc. What we realized is that with the timing of how things went down today, is that this note/question came in about 40 minutes after they started deliberating today. Kind of a quick timeframe to get "deadlocked". What if they were just asking a question? Not indicating they were not in agreement!

We discussed it with another journalist who kind of poo pooed the idea as, apparently it was just drummed up by lowly "trial watchers" and not REAL JOURNALISTS (I'm not gonna name this person but not one of my faves and in Kiefer's back pocket imo). He actually got a bit aggressive when we were having the audacity to question this. He showed us Judge S's words on his cell phone but we kept saying "but that's not what the jury said!". What they asked was IF they are deadlocked. A whole lot in those two little letters.


So we float this idea to both Beth Karas AND Mike Galanos (super nice guy) and Ted Rowlands who are all ears and saying "you might have a point there!". Imagine that, a journalist who is listening and open to a new idea than the one they've wedded themself to.

Lo and behold, on Dr. Drew, Beth Karas floats this exact theory! We coached Katie all thru the dinner hour to say this on Dr. Drew which she did! Even though Beth had already suggested this idea.

All the hystrionics and drama today abated in one little two letter word.

So we ended up dining with Harold and Tanisha, I talked to Sam on the phone...they are all doing ok, all things considered.

I also passed messages to them from Janine Driver and Wendy Murphy that came my way...and a sweet message about God from our dear Jayarohh.

After we left I think we were all feeling pretty good.

I DO NOT THINK this jury is "deadlocked". I think they will reach a verdict tomorrow and sentence Jodi Arias to death.

I'm told that every juror looked in the direction of the family today when this went down as they left the courtroom. Jodi's family was not even in the courtroom. This is all good. I have never seen them do this even once.

Let's all keep breathing and surrounding this jury/family/ourselves in all the strength we can muster. This is where the rubber meets the road.

I'll say the words that said to my friends the moment I saw them today.

Now we have to dig deep.

Now is one of those life moments when you understand how strong you are.

Sweet dreams all.............:seeya:

KCL I so agree with. I made a similar comment on another page. I don't believe the jury took a vote. I believe they have only been reviewing the judge's instructions and wanted clarification as to what would occur if they were not unanimous in their decision. After all didn't the Judge say that there was a "QUESTION" from the Jury before she asked the attorneys to approach?

Many prayers for the Alexander family and friends and thank you so much for being there to support them on our behalf since so many of us are unable due due to location.
Can you tell me (or point me) to what you are talking about in the above quote? I missed it but then again I'm sure I have missed a lot in this trial.
Thanks :)

When the "Liar, ALV" ( Juan Martinez' words in closing statement ), left the stand one day of trial after hours and days of falsely accusing and perpetuating Jodi Arias' lies of pedophilia, abuse at the hands of Sam's beloved, MURDERED, brother.......she decided to do something NOT PERMITTED by the victim's rights laws in the state of Arizona at worst, or in horrible taste, at best.....she had the unprecedented, unmitigated gall to walk over to Samantha, throw her arms up in a gesture of its nothing personal and try to say something to her.

This was reported on by everyone but Keifer and Sam did let the prosecutor know and he took care of it. Katie just so happened to see the entire thing and she let others know to shine the light on that dirty trick of spitting in the victim's family's face that ALV did on her way out of court.

Can you imagine?
This is all very confusing. The judge clearly said that the jury indicated they could not reach a unanimous verdict and she instructed them to go back and try again. Did she get it wrong? Please don't think I'm being contrary, just trying to understand.


I hope for the sake of the Alexander family that this is over (one way or another) tomorrow.

Sounds to me as if the Judge interpreted/summarized the note, she did not read it verbatim. We may never know, but I don't think this jury would declare a deadlock after only 2 hours of deliberation. That makes no sense.
This is what tee's me off about those TH's... a lot of us were bright enough to figure that out, that it WAS a question and not a fact, but these TH's kept screaming all day and night, "HUNG JURY". :facepalm:

I kept muting and/or screaming at the TV, "Uh, no they're not!"​


I truly believe these THs WANT the jury to be deadlocked, and they won't dare report on this other possibility. That's all HLN talked about yesterday, and it gives them some high drama and something to scream about while there is no real news on this case.

HLN would love nothing more than to have their ratings bonanza extended by having a mistrial in this phase and another jury having to come in.

I'm disgusted by them not even talking about this as a possibility. I'm praying for a verdict today, and praying for continued strength for the Alexanders.

Michael Kiefer contradicted himself in his own brief article. At top he says it factually that they said they cannot reach a verdict, a few paragraphs down he is supposedly quoting a theoretical question. Doesn't matter either way, Judge sent them back and back they went where they CONTINUED.

In case he reports anything else today, remain calm and check an alternate source.

Michael Kiefer is the one who mysteriously reported that ALV had been to the hospital for anxiety one evening, that Nurmi tried to ask for a mistrial over, in a SEALED proceeding.

Michael Kiefer reported that Patrisha Womack left Mesa having been threatened, BEFORE,
Nurmi alleged the threat came on Sunday ( after she had left )

Michael Kiefer reported that ALV was followed to a restaurant, spied on is what he wanted the reader to infer, when he had already been straightened out by SEVERAL sources that ...no...... the folks who took the pic of ALV with Jennifer and the evening wear lady ,( her name escapes me...the mitigation specialist ), the picture taker was already at the restaurant, already even eating their food they had been served when this trio walked in. Even after he was straightened out , again, about he error in his report that the three were not followed and photographed or harassed as he claimed in his report, he did not do what every ethical journalist would do straight away, print a correction.

Michael Kiefer is against the death penalty.
Michael Kiefer does not like, or show any respect to Juan Martinez.
Who , this side of heaven does not respect JM?

Michael Kiefer would NOT have had access to the actual juror question and certainly not to the juror number of the person who asked it, likely until after the trial when all juror questions are put on the record. That is according to our own AZ Attorney.
If he had the least bit of discretion he would have summarized it, and left off the juror number, at a minimum.

Michael Kiefer did not report on the incident of ALV approaching Samantha. Indeed he was rude to our own KCL who tried to inform him of it. It was news. Big news, and ALV found out with in a sealed hearing just how big of news it was when JM let the judge know of it. One has to ask why he would not report that. People tell on themselves.

Micahel Kiefer has been overtly rude and cruel to Katie, KNOWING that she is a victim of a brutal murderer killing her sister and that she is there out the goodness of her heart trying to help a family in a like situation. I find that despicable. He is not to be trusted and he is no gentleman. Moreover, in respect to your question he is no ethical reporter.

This is my opinion only, but it is these things leave me to infer
Michael Kiefer certainly does have a friend on the defense team that feeds him information and in exchange for these scoops, he reports in a wholly biased way.
This is my firm belief. I don't want anyone up in arms, and Katie does not about this, she has been CLEAR ON THAT ...we don't want any letter writing or anything. I am just telling you the source is a poisonous tree, in my opinion.
In this situation he may have released something not realizing it was not to the advantage of his buddies. Isn't that always how it works....eventually?

The important thing to concentrate on is the jury is still at it, they have NOT given up. Who cares about Michael Kiefer and what he reports. THE FACT IS THE JURY IS WORKING, THEY DID NOT GIVE UP, THAT IS ALL THAT MATTERS TO ME.
Remain calm friends. The jury has been with the Alexanders from the start and they are not going to let them down now. KNOW THAT! Consider this not a stumbling block, but a stepping stone for Travis' justice.
Great post. It seems with every high profile case, the defense team always has a reporter or two in their back pocket. :twocents:
I truly believe these THs WANT the jury to be deadlocked, and they won't dare report on this other possibility. That's all HLN talked about yesterday, and it gives them some high drama and something to scream about while there is no real news on this case.

HLN would love nothing more than to have their ratings bonanza extended by having a mistrial in this phase and another jury having to come in.

I'm disgusted by them not even talking about this as a possibility. I'm praying for a verdict today, and praying for continued strength for the Alexanders.

HLN is just like a tabloid magazine, they are over the top & ridiculous. I refuse to watch their nonsense.
That's actually my job here.

:snooty: Don't take away the one thing I'm good at.

p.s. thank you for fixing the forum the other day. what would we do without you!!! :hug:
KatieKoo, you do what you've been doing all this time. There are those of us that appreciate everything you do.
THANK YOU, seriously, THANK YOU!

Just be you, do what you need to do, update us when you can, take care of you and keep sending the Alexander family our love and support. Hope sometime later they want to join us here. :)

Deleted by poster as I posted in the wrong thread.

Thank you Katie for all that you do love you.
Great post. It seems with every high profile case, the defense team always has a reporter or two in their back pocket. :twocents:

If you notice, all too often that reporter surprisingly is writing a book on the trial which is published in short order after verdict with all their never before seen inside information and behind the scenes photos.
Wait for it. :floorlaugh:
Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 17h
Jodi Arias jury can't decide on death penalty http://azc.cc/A1hg1
View summary

@michaelbkiefer Did you actually see this note from the jury? Seems to be confusion since the judge did not state it this way? Please reply

Michael Kiefer ‏@michaelbkiefer 6h

Sorry (and hopefully I don't get a TO for this), but if this is true - that he ACTUALLY saw the note, then this needs to be investigated and someone needs to get in some serious trouble.

The DT has gotten away with a lot of hijinks in this trial and made TONS of motions that are sealed. I do not understand how a mere reporter who is BIASED as heck would get a LOOK SEE at the juror question, and be the only REPORTER who did. Unless there is more hijinks going on.

Someone needs to get in some serious trouble. This isn't a game. This isn't a joke. This is a COURT OF LAW. It should be respected as such. I don't see much respect in this action nor in his reporting of it.
did I just understand on HLN right now that if the judge does that admonition back to the jury too soon it is an appealable issue as this came up in the appeal on the previous person the prosecutor sent for a woman who is currently on death row.

Did I hear this and understand this correctly?

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I heard that exact same thing. I think we now know WHY the defense team leaked the note to Kiefer and why he reported how the note read. They are setting up an appellate issue if they come back with the DP.

This is a bit disturbing.
did I just understand on HLN right now that if the judge does that admonition back to the jury too soon it is an appealable issue as this came up in the appeal on the previous person the prosecutor sent for a woman who is currently on death row.

Did I hear this and understand this correctly?

Sent from my SCH-S720C using Tapatalk 2

Friend, what they were saying is
IMPORTANT there is no deadlock, the jury was working yesterday right up until the time the court was to stop for day , as usual, there is as we sit here right now...no deadlock, real or imagined.

The judge is not to hint at desired outcome or seem to be arm twisting to force them to a verdict they do not believe in. The judge was very careful in giving her remarks to the jury, indeed she appeared to be reading from a boiler plate version. Since they posed a question to her, there is no way she gave this too early. Indeed she may send them back a second time. This is my understanding of what they are saying. They were at one point yesterday, discussing a recent case in AZ had to be sent back two times and eventually came back with death. :seeya: It takes me more than two hours shopping to chose an evening gown for any formal event, so can you imagine a decision like this? No way were they throwing up their hands after two hours. I have been on four juries in my life and in my experience it took us over two hours once to be sure we all were in full agreement about how to interpret them. I am not exaggerating. Think of President Clinton's , "It depends what your definition of IS , is." :facepalm: How may I say this politely...some on the jury may be more learned than others. It is imperative that everyone understands the instructions, and do not have that lost look on their face of uncertainty, before you can even begin to discuss. :blushing:

I actually like that the judge told them, look if you have a question, we can help you, that is fine, write it down, the lawyers and I will get together to assist you. I do not think most jurors know they have the freedom and invitation to ask for this kind of help when they are stuck on something and doing what my Gram would call talking till they are blue in the face. Now the jury understands they absolutely can ask for help. I actually find peace in this.
I heard that exact same thing. I think we now know WHY the defense team leaked the note to Kiefer and why he reported how the note read. They are setting up an appellate issue if they come back with the DP.

This is a bit disturbing.

I've Twittered about it to Beth Karas.

Other journalists may want to look into this.
This judge has been extremely fair and thorough in her decisions throughout this trial IMO. Even though the jury question was very probably a procedural one, asking which form to use in the event of a deadlock, I think JSS would give a thorough answer. I can't see her just telling them which form to use without addressing the possibility that they are deadlocked. That would be so irresponsible on her part. I doubt that she can ask them if they are deadlocked. This would have to come from the jury. All she had was the question they asked and her answer covered all bases. Then everyone panicked! :noooo::panic::drama: Keep calm and carry on.

And KCL, thank you so much for all you do. Your reports are the reason I came out of lurkdom and joined WS. We're almost there. We just need to hang in there and support each other. :grouphug:
Hi everyone,

First of all a hand extended to gauntlet and my open arms for a hug. It's one of those moments going on where yesterday I walked out of a treatment at work and in to the hornet's nest of texts and rushed with no breakfast or lunch straight to the courthouse after texting one of the Alexanders and opening my mind and heart the whole way for a path of how to deal with this.

I parked my car..two of my friends one being Katie wick who I've been thru this entire trial with, came down to the street to meet me. "Tell me when you are walking" one text said. I got out of my car and texted back "walking" and they were rushing out of the courthouse and us in to each others arms, one crying and the words flew out of my mouth "we have to dig deep right now".

My role has been as best I can to hold faith for this family. As my relationships with them have developed that has gotten stronger in me. I sit in court behind them holding my most precious commodity- my faith and belief...and experience. I am not wavering now. We ran in to Aunt Heather as we came in..I ran to her and we had a huge long hug..she just kept saying "I don't know..I don't know". In a place of no words we just said "we are going upstairs to pray". The 3 of us rushed upstairs , grabbed the rest of our group , joined hands and held a long prayer/energy circle led by Katie and myself chiming in asking for us to be infused with all the prayers going on around the globe, to be filled with the deepest understanding of how to support the family, the right actions, the right words, the right tone and knowing there is a larger picture going on.

We then entered the hall filled w journalists (we are on the media and family side) agreeing not to let worry show on our faces...to dig deep in to our strength. I saw Kiefer all dressed up in a shirt and tie parading like a peacock. He's usually a rumpled mess. Why the fanfare today? I know how to ignore a person when I've reached the threshold I have so spent my time talking to people who's opinion matters to me (with the exception of one egomaniac) and stayed with my ever increasing calm as the day went by. We thought something was going on around 3:30 and that may be when the jury left I don't know. They took them down another exit so we never saw them.

We went to dinner, 2 family members joined us, we all watched Katie on dr. Drew together as we'd talked the whole dinner about her theory on the note and she did mention it on dr drew. Beth k had beat her to the punch as we had shared it w her up in the 5th floor and she got all wide eyed like she'd not considered that. That jury would have had to be deliberating for around 40-45 min to get "deadlocked" yesterday. That does not make sense to me. When I heard each one looked at the family upon leaving that also gave me a sense of calm.

Holding your fortitude in a time of chaos is an opportunity to get strong you don't get every day. I cherish that and all the growth opportunities this trial has given me.

Sometimes I come here and it's like posting in a mine field for me...I'm sure people miss things as they get deleted. I know of at least 3 posters either TO or banned because of posting crappy remarks to me. It happens. No good deed goes unpunished. Sometimes I've taken the bait hence the worm remark but Tricia's advice is sound to never ever do that..another good practice one I'm still learning. My only time out in this trial was posting an obscenity to Nurmi. I just couldn't help it. ;)

It's all part of it but in life as well so much more good outshines the negative. My life is a testament to that as is my dear brother's who has cooked dinner for me every night this week. Last night he said "if I was just cooking for myself I,would have made mashed potatoes from the box but since you were coming I made them from scratch". See what I mean?

Today I shore up,again and present my strength to this family. I will step outside of the tears in my eyes waking up this morning after a dream where Cindy was still alive on an island somewhere and we needed to,go rescue her to the reality of her being gone. It's been a long time since one of those dreams so I will call her in close today as well...as painful as it is to call in a spirit in to a life you wish they were in the flesh, but I will do it as its all I have.

Headed up shortly to bring my last food delivery to the Alexanders during this horrible scary moment I hope. And to hug them all, reinforce my belief in what's right, go take care of some clients, maybe go back and out tonite. I can fall apart later...but it's not happening today.

<Mod Snip>

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