KatieCoolady Holds 'Court' - The Dedicated KCL Thread

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I posted on Huffington post giving out the paypal address to help the Alexander family with the next round they will be going thru and I will keep posting it everyday.My heart is broken but I am keeping the faith that it all will work out in the end. I was livid when she was allowed to give those interviews but they will be fresh ammo for JM to use against her. I just wish they could use the video of the trial instead of giving her any chance to get back on the stand.We all need to use our anger in positive ways and keep sending prayers and love to this family.
Katie, we need to have another fund raising before this next phase. The state of Ky reimbursed us for gas and eats, but I can tell you, it was less than $100.00 for two weeks of attending. We need to make sure that this family suffers NO FINANCIAL hardship because of this murderer! Hubby said I could use his card again. I don't use mine on the net because this is my real name. Please tell the family that I will help willingly, and it will come from the heart.

I am with you and the Alexander family 10,000% !!!
Thanks you to all who had such wonderful input and shared so much! I don't post too much; I am always catching up. I have grown to love this community. Thank you!

Paypal to justice4travisalexander@gmail.com
I know everyone is upset that for now in the sentencing phase we have a hung jury............but, lets remember - we have 2/3 justice so far and JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED - it will.
A hung jury is better than the wrong sentence.

I couldn't agree more - I was really upset at first but then remembered how all of us wanted a hung jury instead of a "not guilty" verdict for Casey. God bless those jurors who hung tight for DP and refused to compromise down - they gave Juan and the family the opportunity to stand back, take a breath and fight another day.

And when I heard that she is going back to being in her cell for 23 hours a day, by herself, with NO more interviews - we'll that just made me want to jump up and do the HAPPY DANCE!!!! smile:floorlaugh::scared::floorlaugh:

my prayers are with the Alexanders (especially Stephen after hearing how upset he is) and all of Travis' friends that they have peace and the comfort of the Spirit knowing this WILL work out in God's time - Travis will have justice. Just remember that Travis is with his parents and his beloved Mom Mom in a place of peace and love, looking down on them wanting to put his arms around them to comfort them and strengthen. They've been so strong for so long, now it's time for them to relax, take a breath, be with their loved ones, and nourish and replenish their souls. As for Jodi, she ain't going anywhere.:jail:
This is part of the "Dont Quit Poem" anonymous

Success is failure turned inside out -
The silver tint in the clouds of doubt,
And you never can tell how close you are,
It might be near when it seems afar;
So stick to the fight when you're hardest hit -
It's when things seem worst that you must not quit.

There is a higher power at work, at least it is not the wrong decision, Ariass is not going anywhere!
God's delays are not God's denials...Whatever sentence is destined for JA will be for the best. Let's support Travis' family and one another the best we can till the trial begins again...
Earlier today when discussing a possible deadlocked jury Dr. Drew reflected on what his colleague Jean Casarez (who some of you hate) had said about juror #16 "Maureen" during the "guilty of M1" deliberations.

"Maureen" was observed as being extremely upset on more than one occasion like she was having great difficulty agreeing to M1.

But for those of you who dislike Jean C., please be aware that JC was not the only one who has suggested that juror #16 might have been a holdout.

Consider these comments in describing her on page 1 of some WS threads,

Juror 16. Maureen-Red haired, glasses (the red might be too red to be a natural ginger) If I had to guess one Mormon on the jury, it would be her.
I called her The Secretary. She took a lot of notes and had a "polished" look to her. She had her whole body turned facing Jodi. I barely saw her look at JM. She was the only one that really made me feel nervous at all.

Agree. I re-watched the polling of the jurors and juror #16 voice was very hushed when giving her response. Wonder if the jurors were shocked this would lead to a mistrial and redo of the penalty phase.

Prayer, hugs and kisses for Alexander Family and Friends. Also prayer for all the jurors even though they could not agree to a penalty. They are surely tormented also.
Thanks to all the courtroom observers who have kept us informed and made us feel as close to the action as possible. My thoughts and prayers are with the Alexander family, such an emotional roller coaster.

Little did I know as I cried tears for their brother, my own dear brother was sliding into critical health condition. He has been in St. Luke's in Houston for a week. Slight improvement, but he still needs a miracle. He has loving family constantly by his side willing him to live. He is 45 and an amazing man.

Please say a little prayer for him, as you pray for the Alexander family. Thank you. My dear brother Michael would appreciate your prayers.

Special thanks to KCL our angel, we love you. Please take care of you, find peace where you can.

Prayers and Hugs to you and you brother. Here's hoping for a miracle
I agree KCL. This jury found her guilty of the first two important phases. I'm hopeful that the next jury will be able to come to a unanimous decision after hearing the important facts and evidence presented by Mr Martinez. He will have time during this break to reflect and decide what and how he wants to present the State's case. (he also has the horrendous interviews she's just done available to him) You can see that his heart is with that family and he is dedicated to being the voice for their beloved Travis.
I am truly sorry the Alexander's were not able to be done with this monster today but I have faith that it will be better for them in the long run. She has been found guilty of Murder 1 and of being extremely cruel. She's in a MUCH different place now than she was in January 2013. She is now a convicted murderer.
Please let us know if there will be donations taken for the family before the July date.
Sending love and prayers your way :)

Sending my prayers and words of encouragement as well, to the Alexanders.

IMHO the CKJA is upset because she knows the next jury WILL see those media interviews. Karma, baby, karma!

CKJA showed no remorse in her allocution statement nor in those media interviews. Also, the jury will see her wearing her prison stripes, thanks to those media interviews.

The next jury will have that mental image in their minds, as well as her condescending words ringing in their ears.

I believe the next jury will be sequestered.

FYI, here is a link about a foster mom who got sent to jail for using a wooden spoon as discipline:


A Connecticut foster mom pleaded guilty Monday to paddling a 4-year-old with a wooden spoon in January. The mother faces 100 days in prison.

I have responses from the Alexanders trickling in and the best I can share is their hearts are open wide.
I know everyone is upset that for now in the sentencing phase we have a hung jury............but, lets remember - we have 2/3 justice so far and JUSTICE WILL BE SERVED - it will.
A hung jury is better than the wrong sentence. Yes we -- and more importantly the family, have to wait a little while longer, but this jury did their job to the best of their ability and IMHO should not be bashed for their verdict. They were obviously visibly upset to not be able to have and give closure too. (JMHO - and I think we stay stronger with staying positive than getting negative.)

Lady Justice is still singing and has said:
GUILTY - 1st Degree
GUILTY - Cruel

Justice will be served -- For Travis Alexander - YouTube

Let's stay strong, stay here for the family and come back ready to see this finished.

Thank you AnJ you always have the right words/message. xoxo
"He will always be young. He will always be beautiful. And I personally feel much safer knowing he’s up there on my side." adapted from Steel Magnolias
Im going to have to just stick close to you. I just can not imagine how Samantha, Tanisha, Steven and the rest of them are all feeling.

What is the name of the younger sister, With brownish hair but blondish in front? She is the one I seem to settle on most. She just looks so sweet and sad. I just want to hug her.

I feel bad for the jury because I am sure this was not easy. Yes. She deserves DP if anyone does but I did not sit 20 feet from her mother day in and out. I don't know why they could not make this decision together but I have to respect it.

What I care most about is that the Alexanders are okay and have the resources they need to go on.

I feel like the only one that can truly understand this is someone who has been through it. I have not. I listened as people called into today talking about voting for death for the worst of the worst and how even then it is not as easy as you think it is and still haunts them.

What I want is what will give the Alexanders the most peace. I want them to be able to move on from having to see her day in and out. What matters is THEM. Not us. What we feel is really irrelevant. What matters most is them. And how they feel.

I am so sorry this is not over for them. KCL I hope that you are okay too. I know how close you are to them and I am sure this hit you hard too.

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone

W. H. Auden

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead,
Put crepe bows round the white necks of the public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West,
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last for ever: I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood.
For nothing now can ever come to any good.
Thanks all..I feel better after reading your posts! I had to take an unplug moment after that verdict! I have sure got a lot of housecleaning done today! Was so nervous allll day..and now we again wait for another day! I think tomorrow I am going to go buy a blue candle and keep one burning till the nest court day! I will make this next month while waiting in Travis words..the best ever ..I refuse to spend any more energy on CMJA! I will be saving a bit to help out the Alexander's when it is time again to travel..so I can help out a bit. Blessing all and I wish you all peace!! Justice is coming!!
Thank you KCL for the beautiful blessing you are to the Alexander Family and all of us. My heart breaks for his family that they have to endure this again but they can have some time to be with their families and be strengthened and refreshed. Praying the Peace that passeth all understanding guards their hearts and minds, I believe JUSTICE will be done for Travis and his beautiful family. Bless you and your brother and Thanks again for the all you have done and continue to do.
Earlier today when discussing a possible deadlocked jury Dr. Drew reflected on what his colleague Jean Casarez (who some of you hate) had said about juror #16 "Maureen" during the "guilty of M1" deliberations.

"Maureen" was observed as being extremely upset on more than one occasion like she was having great difficulty agreeing to M1.

But for those of you who dislike Jean C., please be aware that JC was not the only one who has suggested that juror #16 might have been a holdout.

Consider these comments in describing her on page 1 of some WS threads,

Juror 16. Maureen-Red haired, glasses (the red might be too red to be a natural ginger) If I had to guess one Mormon on the jury, it would be her.I called her The Secretary. She took a lot of notes and had a "polished" look to her. She had her whole body turned facing Jodi. I barely saw her look at JM. She was the only one that really made me feel nervous at all.

For what it's worth, Dr. Drew reiterated his comments about juror #16 after the verdict.

Of course, none of us know yet who the holdout (or holdouts) were. Since I have commented concerns about "Maureen" for some time I would not be surprised if she's in the mix.

Finally, my heart goes out to all the wonderful supporters of Travis' family -- especially KatieCooLady. These are unbelievably dedicated people and I am sure they will come back stronger than ever.

BBM: for what it's worth, anyone I have ever met named "Maureen" was Irish Catholic; not Mormon.
Thank you KCL for your message to the Alexander's. It was soothing and spoken from the heart.

I just read a post from Mormon Attorney on the main thread, (page 11) and boy was it powerful. He/She put it all into perspective for me. For anyone looking for comforting, powerful and inspiring words, please refer to their post.

I read that this next phase may not take place for a year.....a YEAR! :banghead:

That does give the family lots of time to rest, regroup and gear up to finish this fight. CMJ gets to sit in her cell 23 hours a day. :floorlaugh:

Tonight I am going to focus on what the Alexander family was given...which was a first degree, premeditated conviction with aggravating circumstances proven. Justice is not lost...just delayed a bit.

Additionally, JM gets to use all CMJ's interviews against her in court. :rockon:
Earlier today when discussing a possible deadlocked jury Dr. Drew reflected on what his colleague Jean Casarez (who some of you hate) had said about juror #16 "Maureen" during the "guilty of M1" deliberations.

"Maureen" was observed as being extremely upset on more than one occasion like she was having great difficulty agreeing to M1.

But for those of you who dislike Jean C., please be aware that JC was not the only one who has suggested that juror #16 might have been a holdout.

Consider these comments in describing her on page 1 of some WS threads,

Juror 16. Maureen-Red haired, glasses (the red might be too red to be a natural ginger) If I had to guess one Mormon on the jury, it would be her.
I called her The Secretary. She took a lot of notes and had a "polished" look to her. She had her whole body turned facing Jodi. I barely saw her look at JM. She was the only one that really made me feel nervous at all.

For what it's worth, Dr. Drew reiterated his comments about juror #16 after the verdict.

Of course, none of us know yet who the holdout (or holdouts) were. Since I have commented concerns about "Maureen" for some time I would not be surprised if she's in the mix.

Finally, my heart goes out to all the wonderful supporters of Travis' family -- especially KatieCooLady. These are unbelievably dedicated people and I am sure they will come back stronger than ever.

I would just like to say, in regards to Maureen, she gave naval intelligence to everyone, not just JA. She was fully turned towards ALV the first time I went to court, and fully turned towards Deanna and Det Melendez (KCL's boyfriend :)) the second time I was there. So don't read too much into that...IMO. The Artist did close to the same thing.

What struck me about Maureen was her voice during the polling of the jurors. THAT is what said to me she was a holdout.

I am really sad for the Alexanders, but happy at the same time. She is still a convicted first degree murderer, and she will still never get out of jail no matter what. I want the DP for her because that's what they want. I do think Juan will seek it again--only with their blessing.

I do just want to say, though, I am proud of this jury. They tried really hard. They wanted to finish this case one way or the other. I think each of them is probably devastated and destroyed that they were unable to. There really had to be a deep impasse, IMO, for them to give up.
Katie, we need to have another fund raising before this next phase. The state of Ky reimbursed us for gas and eats, but I can tell you, it was less than $100.00 for two weeks of attending. We need to make sure that this family suffers NO FINANCIAL hardship because of this murderer! Hubby said I could use his card again. I don't use mine on the net because this is my real name. Please tell the family that I will help willingly, and it will come from the heart.

A lady here in Phx is holding a car wash with the proceeds for the Alexander's. We need to hold one too!!! What can we do KCL? Donate in mass?? What do they need from us?? I will do whatever I can to assist them. They are My Family, America's Family, and are on the right side of God. He will hold them close today and they will be able to gain strength. This isn't over. Justice will prevail!
BBM: for what it's worth, anyone I have ever met named "Maureen" was Irish Catholic; not Mormon.

Hi there. The names for the jurors are nicknames only. No one knows their real names. The initial court observer that "named" each of them called #16 Maureen for some reason...I'm not sure why.
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