KatieCoolady Holds 'Court' - The Dedicated KCL Thread

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Yesterday I ordered the book ..."Hello From Heaven"...I'm on page 50....I stopped reading because it dawned on me that this whole thread IS THAT BOOK......I'm not saying the book isn't worth reading...I'm just saying that what everyone here has experienced in some form of communication from someone who has passed,are passing, is right here to read...be it in a dream, a smell, a touch or however the communication from a loved one...its a gift to you and a comfort to know that love & life continue forever.
My turn?.......Oh ok.

My wife and I have always shared a love of antiques. Years ago we purchased a grandfather clock at an auction, also called a long-case clock. This started my focus on horology, or as my wife would refer to it as an obsession with antique clocks!

I became good friends with an older man in my old neighborhood who also had the love of the old time pieces and repaired them in his shop. We spend many hours discussing time keeping, prices of clocks, and the repair process. I was able to fix most of my own clocks from his conveyed experiences.

One morning in June, I received a call that he had passed away. I was sad and cried, but not surprised as he was a chain smoker and a heart attack took him as he slept.

EVERY year after that my grandfather clock which ran flawlessly, would stop in June. I went looking for the little card from the funeral home that had his picture on it and the date of his death. Yep, it was the date he died.

This went on year after year, for maybe 5-7 years. Then, one year I was in California in June and was thousands of miles away from the grandfather clock. Well, I had a dream and the clockmaker and I were talking. He was white as a ghost and told me that he was buried alive! Wow.

The next morning, I called my wife and asked about the clock. "Is it still running?" And, she said it was. That was the first time it had not stopped on that date. And, since that time, it has not stopped. Almost, like things were resolved.

Not sure what to make of the "buried alive" part of the story, maybe someone else may comment. But, there are many similar stories of clocks stopping at time of death.
My turn?.......Oh ok.

My wife and I have always shared a love of antiques. Years ago we purchased a grandfather clock at an auction, also called a long-case clock. This started my focus on horology, or as my wife would refer to it as an obsession with antique clocks!

I became good friends with an older man in my old neighborhood who also had the love of the old time pieces and repaired them in his shop. We spend many hours discussing time keeping, prices of clocks, and the repair process. I was able to fix most of my own clocks from his conveyed experiences.

One morning in June, I received a call that he had passed away. I was sad and cried, but not surprised as he was a chain smoker and a heart attack took him as he slept.

EVERY year after that my grandfather clock which ran flawlessly, would stop in June. I went looking for the little card from the funeral home that had his picture on it and the date of his death. Yep, it was the date he died.

This went on year after year, for maybe 5-7 years. Then, one year I was in California in June and was thousands of miles away from the grandfather clock. Well, I had a dream and the clockmaker and I were talking. He was white as a ghost and told me that he was buried alive! Wow.

The next morning, I called my wife and asked about the clock. "Is it still running?" And, she said it was. That was the first time it had not stopped on that date. And, since that time, it has not stopped. Almost, like things were resolved.

Not sure what to make of the "buried alive" part of the story, maybe someone else may comment. But, there are many similar stories of clocks stopping at time of death.

Just guess here but I would think he assumed when you died you were really dead. He now knows he is not dead in the sense he originally thought death was. He still feels alive and this may be what he was trying to communicate to you. They buried his body but not his soul. That is how I would interpret the dream.

My husband had given me a beautiful music box with a butterfly under a glass dome. One of my children had overwound the box shortly after I received it and we were not able to get it to play. I had picked it up hundreds of times to clean it and not a sound. After my husband died and I was getting ready to move I wanted to pack it up and as I was carrying it out of the bedroom it started to play. I had long forgotten the song but as I carried it to the packing box it played "Memory" from Cats. So I'm not surprised to hear about the clock.
When my mother passed away I was living a hundred miles away. I knew she was sick but there was no indication she was terminal. She'd seen her doctor that day and he told my sister that mom could easily live another 10 or 20 years.

I phoned her that afternoon and everything was fine. Anyway, for some reason I got upset that evening and was sitting in my living room crying, when I thought "What will it be like for Momma when she dies?"

As I thought that, a small portal opened in the room and I saw a woman of about 30 beckoning someone and saying "Come on girl. I thought you'd never turn loose and come along." A second woman looking to be about twenty floated into sight and the two joined hands, moved off together and the portal closed.

When the older woman spoke I recognized it was my grandmother who died when I was ten years old. She'd lived in the house with us my entire life. The second woman was my Mother. About twenty five minutes later I got the call, momma was gone.
You don't need my permission to believe what I bolded below (in your original post). If it helps you to embrace what you found 'Peace' in, I Believe !!!


CowWave (2).gif

I'm not profound, or soulful and as mentioned before on this thread I am a very skeptical, non spiritual, non religious type person - a disciple of the James Randi school of thought.

Having said that, I have enjoyed reading this thread and have a lot of respect for everyone who has contributed and the experiences they have shared. I also have had one or two things happen in my life that I can't explain away quite so easily, including this.

My daughter was born in July .. my dad died in December, two days before Christmas. They never met as I lived several hundred miles away. I wasn't close to my father, my parents had divorced when I was fourteen and I was very much for and with my mother through it all. My dad was this remote figure - he was 13 years older than my mum and had two daughters by a previous marriage who were middle aged when we were children and I just never had that close daughter/father relationship with him. He was this grey haired, old fashioned, silent man, who went to work, came home, sat in the chair, read his books, went for walks. He wasn't unkind to us, but for me as a little girl growing up - he was just this old guy who lived in our house. After they got divorced my mother used to say - 'he wasn't a bad man, he was just the wrong man'. And I totally understood that. Although he was my dad, I just felt no kinship with him, if that makes any sense.

When I became an adult, when we did meet up it was always difficult, awkward and for me quite painful. I guess you could say I shut my dad out, and even when I visited my old home town, I'd always find a reason not to go and visit him. My younger sister had moved to America and although she never saw him physically she had a much closer relationship with him - even bought the flat he lived in so he didn't have to worry financially, and stayed in touch with him via letter, weekly phone calls etc. but I didn't. I always felt this underlying sadness about my relationship with my father, but I just didn't know what to do to put it right.

My son was 2, my daughter was a few months old .. and one night I got a call to say my father had died. It was two days before Christmas. I was absolutely distraught, I mean heartbroken, sobbing, a mess ... and my partner (who I'd been with for over a decade at that time) was rather cold and unfeeling. In all the time he'd known me, I'd never been close to my dad, so why in hell was I crying and moaning about it now - wasn't I being a bit hypocritical? (Needless to say, me and him didn't last long after that ... but that's a whole other story).

What he didn't understand was that I was crying for what me and my dad never had. It just absolutely broke my heart because there I was with my baby girl and my two year old boy .... and this lonely old man, my father was gone .. and there was never, ever going to be a chance to put things right, to have the relationship we should have had but never did.

On Christmas Day we'd invited friends for lunch and my mother and stepfather were coming and it was supposed to be a happy time, my baby girl's first Christmas, and although I wanted to call the whole thing off, I knew I couldn't. No-one understood why I was so upset, no-one, least of all my partner and even my mum .. and so I went through the motions of shopping, cooking etc, bur I tell you, I was a wreck inside. An absolute wreck. I never, ever would have thought it would hit me so hard.

At that time I was living in a small village in Wales ... Christmas morning came, opening presents, friends and grandparents there and me going through the motions with a smile on my face but feeling like my heart was going to snap in two. As lunch time approached I suggested they all go down to the village pub while I prepared the meal - I just wanted them out of the house, so I could try and pull myself together.

As soon as they'd gone I just burst into tears. I don't think I've ever cried so much in my entire life as I did that day.

We had this huge bay window at the front of the house with a seat that went all the way round it .... and I remember sitting there and just sobbing my heart out for my dad - for all the years we'd lost and the relationship we never had. This is December in North Wales - Snowdonia - mid-winter, freezing cold - there's no windows open, the heating in the house is going full blast. I'm sitting there in this bay window and I've got a wind chime hanging from the ceiling above my head .. and suddenly it starts chiming, clanking and clattering - going back and forth, back and forth ten to the dozen! I mean really going nuts like someone was blowing a wind machine directly at it.

There is no breeze in that room. None. There's no air currents, no open window, nothing. It's still and there's only me sitting there. No one has brushed against it with their shoulder - there is nothing to make that windchime start moving.

I looked around, tried to figure out how - but there was absolutely no scientific or logistical explanation as to how that thing suddenly started moving and clanging and clattering back and forth.

And like others have said - in that moment I just felt totally peaceful. I stopped crying, I stopped breaking my heart and just felt this sense of calm come over me.

If I wasn't such a skeptic ... I'd like to think that windchime clanking and swaying for no physical reason that I could see ... was my old dad telling me it's ok kid, don't beat yourself up, I'm ok .. and I love you.[/QUOTE]
Thank You Mollyandme for saying what my Heart always feels for our KCL. I'm glad you're here.
:welcome4: CowWave (2).gif

This is my first post as a member of websleuths and I just wanted to thank you KCL for being you. I was a longtime lurker reading this thread and others and finally decided to join. I watched every day of this trial and the Alexander family is lucky and blessed to have you by their side during this time. I don't really think there are adequate words to express how all of your acts of kindness, advocacy, and simple prayer have affected those around you, including those of us that read this board.

P.S.-Awesome blog, you need to write a book!
May I introduce you to Penelope Cheese (I'll go back and read all your great posts in a bit...been writing):


What wonderful treasures your heart contains! I am so thrilled to be a part of all that you are sharing. I laughed out loud when I read the title-----I adored anything with pockets as a young one, and earned the nickname Penelope Pockets. From one Penelope to another.... may your Petunias continue to bloom.
What a comparison swan...I'm so sorry to read this. How horrific and how utterly mind blowing when you look at the different ways justice gets handed down. That's really quite recent too. How is your sister doing?

My sister is having a tough time and is still finding her way with all this, Katie. Thank you for asking about her. It has been helpful for me personally to hear the stories and the share in the hopefulness of you and many of the other posters here.
Speaking of blogs, I'm hoping it's ok to post here because this is full of utterly hilarious creativity by our poster jayarohh. Mostly about this trial. Just reading his headline story of how he got in to the trial is worth the visit. He's the one who made the Juanism poster that......drumroll.................is being made in to a T shirt (it won't work on a coffee cup dangit) for a fund raising effort for the Alexanders!

He is just so funny...and he's the "wordsmith" I turned to when I needed to come up with a name for my blog. I luv his little naughty sweet heart (in person, I mean on the phone, he's more sweet than naughty though).


THANK YOU!! I needed hysterical fits of giggling!
Speaking of blogs, I'm hoping it's ok to post here because this is full of utterly hilarious creativity by our poster jayarohh. Mostly about this trial. Just reading his headline story of how he got in to the trial is worth the visit. He's the one who made the Juanism poster that......drumroll.................is being made in to a T shirt (it won't work on a coffee cup dangit) for a fund raising effort for the Alexanders!

He is just so funny...and he's the "wordsmith" I turned to when I needed to come up with a name for my blog. I luv his little naughty sweet heart (in person, I mean on the phone, he's more sweet than naughty though).


Hysterical fits of giggling, indeed! Thank you!
I love this place and all the stories! Thanks, everybody.

I don't know if this is old news now, but here's the first line of a story on HuffPo today regarding JA:

"The Arizona Supreme Court on Wednesday declined to hear an appeal on whether a judge improperly allowed prosecutors to seek a death sentence for Jodi Arias in the 2008 stabbing and shooting of her former boyfriend."


some one tweeted me this out of the blue - doesn't know the story :)

Thanks - that was adorable! Have you seen this one? It's the birth of a baby elephant - warning - GRAPHIC - but so endearing and fascinating - e.g. how mama elephant gets the baby to breathe and stand up had me on the edge of my seat - nature really is a marvel.

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