KatieCoolady Holds 'Court' - The Dedicated KCL Thread

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Hello, my friend.
Lifes adventures..at least we can ride it out together.
Grab someone and hold on tight :spinner:
If we can't keep out of trouble,
at least we have someone next to us say,
"That was great!" Let's do it again."

Please stay out of lurkdom and keep peeping. :seeya:
When you live with a brother with "special needs" you get to wake up to words like "I love you very much Kathy. I've loved you all my life. I love dad too and we're going to have a wonderful life up here".

Such positive and beautiful thoughts that John has said to you. Wonderful life, James Steward.. Worked in the garden today so going to open a bottle of wine and cheers to John and you having that wonderful life! Not rubbing in you shower situation but going to pour a glass, light a candle and go soak to relieve these aching bones so can finish the garden tomorrow.
So true Katiecoo! My sweet son with Down syndrome tells me at least 10 times a day how much he loves me, and means it with all his heart (he's 14 and going in to high school next year).

Sometimes, out of the blue, I will ask him why? He gives me all sorts of differing reasons but my favorite is when he says because I am nice and pretty! Those are my two favorites! Lately, he loves anyone who gets him Tuti Fruiti! lol

I am so happy you are getting settled in to your new vacation home with John and that you two are enjoying this adventure together. I love your blog and check in often. What you are sharing is important so keep on sharing... many of us need to hear the deeper messages!

Off to a beach party soon with the family- have a great day- everyone!

Our granddaughter also has Down syndrome and HLHS and is the most loving and thoughtful little girl you could ever meet. She is so fortunate as everyone that meets her can't help but fall in love with her. She just turned 13 last week and were blessed every single day.
My brush with fame..
Dan Haggarty of Grizzly Adams fame,
he and I made a long, soul piercing, eye-contact, full of meaning and depth,
as I stared at him from the other side of the mall..It was decades ago, but I know he still remembers.
Some people have had Beth Karas give them a warm smile..
not jealous or nothin''..< grin> Yes, I am.

sorry O/T, but I used to go out with a friend of Dan's when Dan was into designing and making his motorcycles. GREAT looking motorcycles! At the time he had wolves as pets! And just saw Dan on American Pickers!!
Hi All. I've been so busy with moving and getting back into the post-trial swing of things, that I've fallen so behind on WS. Over lunch today, I've been reading this thread and I love it - I love the direction in which its content is moving toward (more on that below) and congrats KCL on passing 100 pages! Here's to 100 more!

Just to cover a base or two: I sincerely want to thank everyone for your comments on my blog that KCL posted here. I believe that you've all understood that the content on it represents (and has always represented) the lighter side of this trial. I know some of it tip-toes on the line and I am certain that what I sometimes perceive as funny may not come across like that to others. (For the most part) I don't aim to offend anyone and to those who are compassionate human beings, no matter which side of the fence you are on, I apologize if I offended you.

I do want to say - if you find yourself offended by my posts, please contact me and tell me about it, as opposed to posting anything here. You can always PM me or contact me directly through the blog. Most importantly, I PERSONALLY created the blog and its contents and I am solely responsible for it. Just b/c someone recommends it, doesn't mean they are responsible for it. So again, please don't blame the messenger - blame the creator of your source of anger. And it's cool - you can vent it all out to me. Please just do it privately. Thanks.

While I try to inject a bit of humor into our trial lives, I read KCL's blog and I'm reminded why we need to lean on humor. I want to take this opportunity to direct something to you Kathy: Forget how hard it is to put your thoughts into cohesive paragraphs and forget how tough it is to figure out the technology it takes to upload your work to the internet. Forget how difficult it must be to find the courage to share your story, your sisters tragic story, your brother's situation. Forget all of that. I can tell you, Kathy, without a word of a lie, I don't believe I could go through what you have been through and be able to get out of bed in the morning. Every time I read about your experiences I am reminded that even when we are afforded luxuries in life, they can come at a significantly high price. I understand that when you lost your sister, you lost a piece of your soul and it can not be replaced. Kathy, if your blog and your words have taught me anything, it's that the piece of your soul is not lost - it's with your sister. Your sister took a piece of your soul with her so that she always has you there to laugh with and to cry with and to argue with and to sleep with. I also know that she has left a piece of her soul with you as well because you write and talk about her as if you spoke with her an hour earlier. I don't have this type of strength. You do. That's why we all read what you are writing and it's why we listen to what you have to say. Thank you KCL. There are no 2 other words I could better use to sum up my gratitude.

And finally, I had 4 grandparents up until I turned 15, when suddenly I lost 2 of them in the span of 6 weeks. Both being my father's parents. My grandmother passed away first and I remember the night after her burial, I was falling asleep and just before I went under, I felt a kiss on the back of my neck. I opened my eyes and I turned around to find nothing but air. In the remaining time I lived at my parents home, I never felt that kiss again. After moving out and spending years on my own, I found myself spending a night at their home a year ago with my daughter. My parents were going to look after her while I went out for the evening. I looked in on her when I returned that night and she was sleeping as she always does - sideways on the bed with her tush sticking up. I smiled and went off to sleep. In the morning, she came downstairs. I asked her how she slept, etc. and if I woke her up when I came home that prior night. She says to me "I woke up when you came to kiss me goodnight but you weren't there". Before I could tell her she was mistaken and that I didn't kiss her goodnight, I realized that she was in the exact same bed which was in the exact same position in my old bedroom. Very steadily, I asked her where I kissed her goodnight. "My neck" she says as she points to the back of it. And she walked out of the room as if something miraculous didn't just happen, leaving me with an eyeful of tears. Even sitting here typing this right now is causing the same effect.

On that note, I must get back to my boxes. Thanks again everyone for your comments on my work, especially my Juanisms. Once I'm settled in I will work on getting it on a T-Shirt.

Jayarohh- what a lovely, heartfelt post. Thank you so much for sharing. I will say the same to you... you are talented, funny, with a gift for creativity, music and words... keep on sharing with us. Your message is important too!

I feel like everyone here has a message or gift to share. I love reading here and continue to check in, reading and thanking, but not necessarily posting too much.

FaceTheMusic~ Thank you for sharing your granddaughter with us- the love and pride you feel for her shines through in your words. It is so special to me when someone reaches out to share a Down syndrome loved one with me, as it is hard to explain, and I certainly don't like to generalize but they really are of the same 'tribe', so to speak.

I have a 16 year old niece, a darling friend Isobel (the Izzy beverage is named after her), and an adult friend Rafe Day who all share an extra 21st chromosome, and I love all of them dearly! As you said, the love and happiness they exude is quite remarkable, and not to be overlooked.

My son thinks no one has a mean bone in their body and finds good in everyone and everything. He brings a tremendous amount of joy to our family... and everyone he touches, quite frankly! He has taught me what is valuable in a human being... it is not academic achievement, athletic ability, or money making power... it is someones heart.
Just to cover a base or two: I sincerely want to thank everyone for your comments on my blog that KCL posted here.


Respectfully snipped for space.

I think I cracked a rib laughing at the roadside signage for "Michael Kiefer Museum of Envy and Spite." :floorlaugh:
Jayarohh, I read your post then had to walk away for a bit and spill my tears all over my grandfather's antique bed as I scrubbed it down.

Your words mean more to me than you know. I'm glad now everyone here gets to see the sweet soulful man who has touched my heart in addition to the funny, acerbic wit we've been entertained by throughout the trial.

People might not know we first became acquainted over your Juanism poster I saw on twitter which I immediately fell in love with. You arranged to have it printed for me on high quality paper at a kinkos you found near the Palomar where I was staying that wk near the courthouse. (Not sure why I'm using this tense as if I'm telling you this story you already know but too late to back out now...:blushing:). Then because of that poster I was able, the day of closing arguments, to have a private chat w Juan Martinez and Det Flores and quote your email to him and watch his shoulders drop and give a poignant look like "this is why we do what we do". All because of you! I knew from that moment on we would be friends...

People may only know you from your humor but now they get a glimpse of my dear friend who's met my depth in a way that is rare in most men. I appreciate your presence in my life more than you know and am grateful this trial brought your kinship to me. Maybe one of these days I'll get to meet you and your adorable daughter in person! :grouphug::leaf::party:

Thanks for showing the rest of the forum how special you are....loved your :blowkiss: story too.

Oh and you know how much I love your song...

Y'all just make me feel so dang good with your posts.
I feel compelled to hug something...
or beep the dogs nose..
Beep beep..:seeya:
I am off to "little India" a well kept secret here in Southern California, about a 10-15 minute drive from my house. It is a quaint little old main street type of place stuck in the middle of a busy, modern shopping district. It boasts the largest Indian population outside of New York, and most locals don't even know of its existence.

They have the most amazing shops full of Indian silks (literally the finest silk in the world), hand carved objects and jewelry; restaurants with the finest- authentic- Indian cuisine. Markets that put "Whole Foods" to shame with their produce, spices, and baked goods- especially the prices. I buy the most amazing boxed spice combinations, fresh ginger, garlic, cilantro and Mango's. Yum!

I am taking our exchange student from Thailand there (finally) because they have the coolest 'Bollywood' video and music shop. I am going to purchase my umpteenth copy of a film entitled "Guzaarish", meaning "The request" for $5 to send to my father-in-law as he recoups from ankle surgery.

If you have never seen a genuine Bollywood film- you don't know what you are missing, and this is one of the best. They have very deep, yet humorous plots and the set design, costumes, and cinematography is/are some of the most beautiful in the world. They are PG and family friendly too (which is a big plus when you have little kids and still want to see a great film). If anyone is interested I can recommend more films or PM me to pick you up and ship you a copy at a later date! I try to make a trip there at least once a month.

Have a blessed day fellow sleuthers~ Frigga
I see that the idea of passing out bags for Travis has taken off, along with doing it on his birthday especially :) This is great!

I haven't been on in awhile bc we are in the midst of packing for a big move. We're looking forward to passing out the bags across the country.

I'm so happy and so glad there are so many people going to do it!

I have enjoyed catching up w everyone here!
KCL , so glad you have such a great retreat from the everyday world there in Sedona!

Tomorrow my heartand prayers will be with the Alexander family....I will remember and do some good in the world..and not just tomorrow but always!

Thank you to all you other sleuthers..I know we hold the light together so that his loss is not in vain! Love surround each of you as we carry on. Knowing that full justice will be here soon!!
Hi All. I've been so busy with moving and getting back into the post-trial swing of things, that I've fallen so behind on WS. Over lunch today, I've been reading this thread and I love it - I love the direction in which its content is moving toward (more on that below) and congrats KCL on passing 100 pages! Here's to 100 more!

Just to cover a base or two: I sincerely want to thank everyone for your comments on my blog that KCL posted here. I believe that you've all understood that the content on it represents (and has always represented) the lighter side of this trial. I know some of it tip-toes on the line and I am certain that what I sometimes perceive as funny may not come across like that to others. (For the most part) I don't aim to offend anyone and to those who are compassionate human beings, no matter which side of the fence you are on, I apologize if I offended you.

I do want to say - if you find yourself offended by my posts, please contact me and tell me about it, as opposed to posting anything here. You can always PM me or contact me directly through the blog. Most importantly, I PERSONALLY created the blog and its contents and I am solely responsible for it. Just b/c someone recommends it, doesn't mean they are responsible for it. So again, please don't blame the messenger - blame the creator of your source of anger. And it's cool - you can vent it all out to me. Please just do it privately. Thanks.

While I try to inject a bit of humor into our trial lives, I read KCL's blog and I'm reminded why we need to lean on humor. I want to take this opportunity to direct something to you Kathy: Forget how hard it is to put your thoughts into cohesive paragraphs and forget how tough it is to figure out the technology it takes to upload your work to the internet. Forget how difficult it must be to find the courage to share your story, your sisters tragic story, your brother's situation. Forget all of that. I can tell you, Kathy, without a word of a lie, I don't believe I could go through what you have been through and be able to get out of bed in the morning. Every time I read about your experiences I am reminded that even when we are afforded luxuries in life, they can come at a significantly high price. I understand that when you lost your sister, you lost a piece of your soul and it can not be replaced. Kathy, if your blog and your words have taught me anything, it's that the piece of your soul is not lost - it's with your sister. Your sister took a piece of your soul with her so that she always has you there to laugh with and to cry with and to argue with and to sleep with. I also know that she has left a piece of her soul with you as well because you write and talk about her as if you spoke with her an hour earlier. I don't have this type of strength. You do. That's why we all read what you are writing and it's why we listen to what you have to say. Thank you KCL. There are no 2 other words I could better use to sum up my gratitude.

And finally, I had 4 grandparents up until I turned 15, when suddenly I lost 2 of them in the span of 6 weeks. Both being my father's parents. My grandmother passed away first and I remember the night after her burial, I was falling asleep and just before I went under, I felt a kiss on the back of my neck. I opened my eyes and I turned around to find nothing but air. In the remaining time I lived at my parents home, I never felt that kiss again. After moving out and spending years on my own, I found myself spending a night at their home a year ago with my daughter. My parents were going to look after her while I went out for the evening. I looked in on her when I returned that night and she was sleeping as she always does - sideways on the bed with her tush sticking up. I smiled and went off to sleep. In the morning, she came downstairs. I asked her how she slept, etc. and if I woke her up when I came home that prior night. She says to me "I woke up when you came to kiss me goodnight but you weren't there". Before I could tell her she was mistaken and that I didn't kiss her goodnight, I realized that she was in the exact same bed which was in the exact same position in my old bedroom. Very steadily, I asked her where I kissed her goodnight. "My neck" she says as she points to the back of it. And she walked out of the room as if something miraculous didn't just happen, leaving me with an eyeful of tears. Even sitting here typing this right now is causing the same effect.

On that note, I must get back to my boxes. Thanks again everyone for your comments on my work, especially my Juanisms. Once I'm settled in I will work on getting it on a T-Shirt.


Hi! So great seeing your post. Glad to hear from you again. I went to your blog and loved it. You are so creative. And we all need the humor in our lives, no matter what.

Thank you for sharing the story of your sweet grandma. Wow. I believe every bit of it. Take care of your precious daughter and like I told you before, that is a great gift. I'm enjoying my great grandson so much! And your words of encouragement really lifted me. God bless you for all you have done for all of us. Thanks for sharing your talent with us and lifting us up!
Hi! So great seeing your post. Glad to hear from you again. I went to your blog and loved it. You are so creative. And we all need the humor in our lives, no matter what.

Thank you for sharing the story of your sweet grandma. Wow. I believe every bit of it. Take care of your precious daughter and like I told you before, that is a great gift. I'm enjoying my great grandson so much! And your words of encouragement really lifted me. God bless you for all you have done for all of us. Thanks for sharing your talent with us and lifting us up!

You look far too young to have a great grandson ;)
I am off to "little India" a well kept secret here in Southern California, about a 10-15 minute drive from my house. It is a quaint little old main street type of place stuck in the middle of a busy, modern shopping district. It boasts the largest Indian population outside of New York, and most locals don't even know of its existence.

They have the most amazing shops full of Indian silks (literally the finest silk in the world), hand carved objects and jewelry; restaurants with the finest- authentic- Indian cuisine. Markets that put "Whole Foods" to shame with their produce, spices, and baked goods- especially the prices. I buy the most amazing boxed spice combinations, fresh ginger, garlic, cilantro and Mango's. Yum!

I am taking our exchange student from Thailand there (finally) because they have the coolest 'Bollywood' video and music shop. I am going to purchase my umpteenth copy of a film entitled "Guzaarish", meaning "The request" for $5 to send to my father-in-law as he recoups from ankle surgery.

If you have never seen a genuine Bollywood film- you don't know what you are missing, and this is one of the best. They have very deep, yet humorous plots and the set design, costumes, and cinematography is/are some of the most beautiful in the world. They are PG and family friendly too (which is a big plus when you have little kids and still want to see a great film). If anyone is interested I can recommend more films or PM me to pick you up and ship you a copy at a later date! I try to make a trip there at least once a month.

Have a blessed day fellow sleuthers~ Frigga

So what's for dinner? Curry? Mmmmm
Katiecoo! We had curry last night! Chana masala- its a bit too spicy for the little girls but my husband and the boys like it so mac-n-cheese for them and Indian food for us! I am going to put a package together for you as a house warming!
I think Dr Drew is going to have alt juror Tara Kelly and juror #6 Diane on tonight.
where is this little India? I have been in Southern Cali for 30 years and I have no idea where you mean. lol
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