KC Borrow's CA's Car

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How do we know GA is incorrect? She never borrowed her car?

GA says in his interview that he KNOWS it was his wifes car. He was very into cars so he probably would not have mistaken a Jeep for a Forerunner.

We don't!

During the interview that GA did with OCSO that was released prior to this (I took notes while listening the interview), he brought up the part about KC taking CA's car he said that he chased her following her up Chickasaw. He said that CA didn't want him to go after KC. KC got off at Hiawassee or Kirkland Road. He lost her because he couldn't exit as he was in the wrong lane. He couldn't remember the exact date but was going to look at his E-Pass records, but he thought it was possibly during the week of June 16th. [NOTE: Someone mentioned that they reviewed the E-Pass records and never saw where both A vehicles went through the toll area.]

Then he goes on to mention finding the shed unlocked, gas cans gone, locks inside on floor of shedand called OCSO to report the theft on June 24th at 1040am.
Ok checking cell pings for the 24th it supports that KC could have shown up that day as GA says re: gas cans in trunk - but it's not the day she borrowed the car - if you go with GA's story that KC brought it back the day she borrowed it. KC pings near A House from 2:42 - 2:49 pm and that's it - didn't leave the area and then go back to the house - there were a few minutes where she pinged near the house and then was out of area of house the rest of the day --- on the 24th thru 27th KC wasn't at the A house and then back to the A House later in the day (per GA's story of she had the car thru afternoon and then returned it and got her car) .
okie dokie!
So now I'm going to backtrack from the 24th

on the 23rd of June she pings near the A House starting at 2:44pm and at 4:01 is just out of A House area and 4:08 back at TonE but didn't go back that day -
for the month of june after after the 24th/ pings only show kc near the a's home on 6/27 and maybe 6/30. No pings by the a's from cell on 6/26.

During that time when the epass shows George, on the 26th, where do the pings show Casey to be?
I recall that GA said CA was home from work that day and gave Casey permission and the keys. He was positive it was Cindy's truck because of the panda sticker.

Somebody is fibbin' :liar:

I really don't think George is crazy enough to make up stories about car chases with his Daughter. If anything, the Anthonys tend to lean toward denying Caseys faults, not making them up. I believe George.
I think the car chase is a lie.. George also lied about seeing in Casey's trunk. there's no way he seen in there and did not smell anything. Absolutely a liar. Lies about one thing will lie about anything. the A's kool-aid
Ok checking cell pings for the 24th it supports that KC could have shown up that day as GA says re: gas cans in trunk - but it's not the day she borrowed the car - if you go with GA's story that KC brought it back the day she borrowed it. KC pings near A House from 2:42 - 2:49 pm and that's it - didn't leave the area and then go back to the house - there were a few minutes where she pinged near the house and then was out of area of house the rest of the day --- on the 24th thru 27th KC wasn't at the A house and then back to the A House later in the day (per GA's story of she had the car thru afternoon and then returned it and got her car) .
okie dokie!
So now I'm going to backtrack from the 24th

on the 23rd of June she pings near the A House starting at 2:44pm and at 4:01 is just out of A House area and 4:08 back at TonE but didn't go back that day -

Okie - see my post above yours....in a previous interview (the one with OCSO not the FBI) GA said that it thought it was possibly June 16th (or around that time) when the "car chase" happened.
This is the thread link that is about the EZPass records and the car chase. This was done before this new interview came out.

We had speculated that Casey had Tony's car and George did not notice the difference hence that is the reason that Cindy denied knowing anything about it. Now George is saying that is was Cindy's car because of the panda sticker in the back. The EZPass records do not show Cindy's car going through that toll on the same day as George's car did that is why we felt that Casey was in Tony's jeep.
I am now wondering since it was Cindy's car that Casey had did Casey have someone else's transponder to get through the toll both. That would be the reason that Cindy's car would not show up on the EZPass record to mirror George's record. The booth does not care what transponder you use as long as they get to send someone a bill. There also does not seem to be a ticket of Cindy's car blowing through the booth if the car went through without the responder. It would have been caught on camera, processed and come back to the A's anyway since the plate would show as being registered to them.

I also have to wonder if Cindy didn’t give Casey permission to take her car and felt she could just deny knowing anything about it since she knows that it won’t show up on the EZPass record. If she said anything about she would then to admit something else that Casey has done. Could that be the reason why Cindy did not want George to say anything?
Cindy has not been telling LE the truth about seeing Casey and she did see her when she borrowed her car. That would mean that Cindy did not tell George either until after July 15th and told him to keep his mouth shut.
Cindy knows that her car will not show up on the records because it was planned that way and it now makes George look like he it lying.
George is lying
George has to know that LE can get these records and he himself volunteered to provide them. Plus he did not want Cindy to know he said anything about it. Why? If you are going to lie about something pick something that cannot be verified so easily.

I think LE needs to check all EZPass records on that day and time frame and see if another car was using a transponder that matches one of Casey's 'friends', Lee or if there has been a change of address on a vehicle registration or EZPass bills.

Something is not right.
The only thing that I can think of is that maybe GA used CA's car to remove/dispose of some evidence that he thinks might show up if LE inspected CA's car. (Maybe they had already checked out CA's car and he was trying to make the "pieces" fit?)

I posted this earlier and just wanted to add some interesting information that I read on another site. Cindy states that she also has a car seat in her truck for Caylee. I believe from reading (not having yet heard the tape) that she also mentions that the seat is on the passenger side. AH states that when CA and KC drove her back home from Tony's place she sat in the back passenger seat because the car seat was behind the driver's seat.

If I am remembering correctly, the car seat (in KC's car) did not provide any significant results from a forensics standpoint.

I'm not 100% about any of this but will try to check when I get a chance!

ETA - I just re-read AH's entire interview and could not find any mention of where she was seated when they were driving her home. :confused:
Nobody in this &*##! family tells the truth! Not one!!! LE has to sort out mass quantities of lies from every single A, not just the accused. It's ridiculous! There's no baseline of truth from any one of them.

/end rant.
We hammered this one out last night. George is incorrect. KC was parked in front of the house or just pulling up on a Sunday, 29th....in TL's car. His car is a green cherokee SUV; Cindy's is green toyota SUV. The theory is that kc saw GA approaching the house and took off quickly; George wanted to know what was going on and took after her, but didn't catch her.

EPass records do not show Cindy's car on Freeway with GA behind it on any toll rd....just George shows up at the exit he spoke about...so we think he was mistaken with which vehicle he really saw, since they were both green and SUVs

Still, TL never mentioned or wasn't asked about his loaning his vehicle to kc. She was also driving it the week of June 16....?? and THAT was confirmed. Chris S said she was at his house and driving TL's vehicle...

I think there must still be unreleased interviews with him. They must have conducted a follow up interview after getting more info, plus, he says they searched his place, but we haven't seen any paperwork about it yet.
The only thing that I can think of is that maybe GA used CA's car to remove/dispose of some evidence that he thinks might show up if LE inspected CA's car. (Maybe they had already checked out CA's car and he was trying to make the "pieces" fit?)
I posted this earlier and just wanted to add some interesting information that I read on another site. Cindy states that she also has a car seat in her truck for Caylee. I believe from reading (not having yet heard the tape) that she also mentions that the seat is on the passenger side. AH states that when CA and KC drove her back home from Tony's place she sat in the back passenger seat because the car seat was behind the driver's seat.

If I am remembering correctly, the car seat (in KC's car) did not provide any significant results from a forensics standpoint.

I'm not 100% about any of this but will try to check when I get a chance!

ETA - I just re-read AH's entire interview and could not find any mention of where she was seated when they were driving her home. :confused:

I think that's the most likely explanation...I was always suspicious G & probably C knew well before the police were called that Caylee was gone. The more I hear what they have to say, the more I become convinced they know A LOT more than what they are telling.
Okie - see my post above yours....in a previous interview (the one with OCSO not the FBI) GA said that it thought it was possibly June 16th (or around that time) when the "car chase" happened.
Really! OMG now what?
Thanks for that info Bree0372
IMO, Casey's car was not in the A's driveway on the 29th. It was sitting at Amscot from June 26 or 27th till June 30th.
Don't make this so difficult guys...

1) If Cindy had a hand in any of it...she would never have called 911
2) If George had a hand in any of it...he'd never have admitted the smell of death in the trunk

Now they're working right-to-left...trying to rewrite history to paint a more flattering picture of everything that happened pre-7/15.
We hammered this one out last night. George is incorrect. KC was parked in front of the house or just pulling up on a Sunday, 29th....in TL's car. His car is a green cherokee SUV; Cindy's is green toyota SUV. The theory is that kc saw GA approaching the house and took off quickly; George wanted to know what was going on and took after her, but didn't catch her.

EPass records do not show Cindy's car on Freeway with GA behind it on any toll rd....just George shows up at the exit he spoke about...so we think he was mistaken with which vehicle he really saw, since they were both green and SUVs

Still, TL never mentioned or wasn't asked about his loaning his vehicle to kc. She was also driving it the week of June 16....?? and THAT was confirmed. Chris S said she was at his house and driving TL's vehicle...

Which is interesting, because in the transcript of TL's interview, he said KC only used his vehicle one time to go to Target for about 30 minutes. This was before he went to NY. She had his vehicle when he was in NY but she was NOT supposed to be driving it.

Okay - I didn't read all the way through the thread, so someone probably already pointed this out. I'll go read :crazy:

I am listening to part 4 of GA's interview and he mentions that after June 24 but before the tow notice came GA mentions that KC came to the house in her car and borrowed CA's car and left the Sunfire. That day was the day he chased KC.

I find this interesting for several reasons.

If the smell was in the car at that point, it would have been noticed by GA/CA. KC would have never left a dead body in the car at her parents house especially after the gas can incident w/GA.

Possibility GA is lying.

Why would she take CA's car? She obviously wanted to go unnoticed.

GA was not sure of the date but I think this very important. Checked the epass records to see where she may have gone. On June 26 there is toll records from on at Conway and another off from Semoran. This day jives with the day KC took it b/c of the toll times.

What did CA drive that day? Did she drive the Sunfire? It was a work day but I believe she was on vacation that week.

Why would KC risk questions about where Caylee was just to get CA's car unless it was important?
Any thoughs?

Tony's Cherokee is BLACK - not green. There was something about a green truck being there at one time which no one seemed to know to whom it belonged.
I think George did chase Casey, I believe she was in Cindy's car, and I think he just screwed up on the date.
Remember, they swore up and down the last time they saw Caylee was on June 9th.
Don't make this so difficult guys...

1) If Cindy had a hand in any of it...she would never have called 911
2) If George had a hand in any of it...he'd never have admitted the smell of death in the trunk

Now they're working right-to-left...trying to rewrite history to paint a more flattering picture of everything that happened pre-7/15.

Not necessarily - If one of them helped after the fact, they would have "scripts" figured out together about what to tell. That is what I see.
I think George did chase Casey, I believe she was in Cindy's car, and I think he just screwed up on the date.
Remember, they swore up and down the last time they saw Caylee was on June 9th.

Those changed dates have bothered me a lot in this case. I have wondered since the beginning if they downloaded that film (which they claimed was Father's Day) deleted it on the camera, changed the date and then reloaded it to the camera. That is very easy to do.

If they really wanted to fool LE, the best way would be to make LE "think" they had found a different date than the date reported for the last time seen KC and it would throw all the time lines and prosecution off.

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