KC's lies/ actions have affected many lives forever. How many can we list?

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According to LE reports she never went back after Caylee was born. The company had changed by then and she never filled out the documents although she had been contacted. She was then dismissed "with cause."

So she had not been working for almost 3 years. GA said in the FBI interview he did not think she had been working for over 2 years. My question is WHY would all of that family go along with such lies? There has to be a reason, and I believe KC "knows" something they are all afraid will come out. It looks as though she was extorting them on more than one level.

NAIL ON HEAD! I have been feeling this for awhile and the more bits and pieces we get the stronger that is looking. Something that we may never know. But then who knows. If the defense can't come up with anythang good then the bus may start rollin down the road. Yummmmmy!
I really feel sorry for Jeff H. The poor guy only went to junior and high school with her. They were not friends, did not hang together, only knew of each other in passing. Casey made up this whole fantasy life for herself using his name which she told to CA for quite a long time. He's been dragged into this by someone he hardly even knew. So sad.


And here she sits in jail-------Do you think that she has any idea to what magnitude of destruction she has caused to all involved?

Not that she would, care if she knew. Would probably give her much satisfaction.
Just to consider ALL of the people that came out to search for Caylee, the money that was involved, the time, when Casey could have very well spared them that search. I don't know how Casey or her family could let that happen, they knew the answer was with Casey and still thought it ok for those massive searches to take place. I don't understand that.
Children who are honestly kidnapped, and their families.

I don't know what happened to Hayleigh, but my husband's first thought was that it was a "copycat" situation. They saw what happened with the Anthonys and decided they wanted some of that money. No, he doesn't believe that anymore.

And, who would want to buy a house near the Anthonys now? It's hard enough to sell a house in Florida these days but I'm sure the values in that area have dropped more than in the rest of the state.
Everyone here and countless other websites have been affected by KC's lies. Including their families by being mesmorized by KC's insanity.
My life :frown: I have grown to love little Caylee from afar. It broke my heart to know her sad and tragic story.
What happened to poor little Caylee is something I'll never forget.:rose:
I am just astounded at how many people's lives have been changed or affected by this woman's actions. I was trying to go over in my head who and how and whether this changes many innocent people's lives forever. I thought i would come here to the experts and ask your opinions.

Whose lives have been affected? How? Do you think it is permanent?

Obviously and most importantly is little Caylee. No life whatsoever.

Caylee is the ultimate victim of Casey. There are many who's lives have been affected and it's dependent on how much they interacted with Casey.

Of the friends we know of, JG has probably been affected the most. He had a relationship with Casey and believed for a while that he was Caylee's father. Even after he knew he wasn't her father, he had a fatherly relationship with Caylee. He's shown more signs of grief than Caylee's family has.

AH, TL, RM had a relationship with Casey that was more short term, but they too have been adversely affected. All have been dragged into a murder investigation. AH has lost financially to Casey's theft of money.

All these friends of Casey have been traumatized in some way for having a relationship with Casey. It's something they'll never forget. They're young, and will go on with their lives once the trial is over. But all are likely to find it difficult to trust others and will be cautious in entering into any sort of relationship with someone.

Christine Chester - Casey's friend who was at the Anthony home when Casey called home on her first night in jail. Christine was very emotional and said, "Casey if anything has happened to Caylee, I'll just die!" It was after Christine's statement that Casey said, "Calling you guys was a waste, a huge waste!" Christine is another friend to add to the list.
The people at Johnson’s Wrecker East who had KC's car in their lot after it was towed

MH, the Marine in California who might always wonder exactly what it was that KC needed to tell him that was so important

ID whose private conversations with KC were released in one of the docu dumps for everyone to read

JPC whose picture was posted all over the place comparing his features with Caylee's; many people speculated that he was Caylee's bio dad. In a document dump, he texted someone about what a shock it was to see that all over the internet

BLW, the tattoo artist who unknowingly memorialized KC's sick satisfaction with her "new life" with the Bella Vita tattoo

BS, the young man KC confronted at a party about a "miscarriage" she had -- she told people he had gotten her pregnant

People who will now be reluctant to participate in missing people searches for fear of having their lives publically scrutinized like the meter man RK's was
Myself, and I am sure, along with many others have been affected in a negative way by Casey Anthony and her mountain of lies. I have turned very cynical when listening to parents of other kidnap victims. I look at people with the wary eye that law enforcement personnel must have when working a case. They are the seasoned veterans who have dealt with the worst of humanity repeatedly. I have been guilty in the past of feeling sorry for people who are under arrest and having questions fired at them like a tommy gun. Well, no longer.

I feel that Casey Anthony has stolen the warmth and generosity from many people who otherwise would be good samaritans. I don't want to be this way, but I simply am. As Casey herself said on her MySpace "Trust No One".

It's sad.
This is emotionally harsh to say but I feel all of KC's lies have raped the people surrounding this case to their souls. KC was very good at holding people emotionally hostage. Even now we sluethers are still trying to understand and make sense of pure born evil to lighten up our own souls.
kagey as a newcomer I am with you on this one she did suck the life out of the good guys .....Thank God for the good guys they have come to my rescue before don't stop
believeing.Some people are just evil and you just do not see it coming really. A victim is
just that a victim.Do you see it coming ? No Trust me on this one.
Yep - her lies pretty well bankrupted that fine organization. I'd say any kids that could have been found while they were looking for Caylee (because of Casey's lying) rank high on my list. So many resources tied up when so many truly deserving people went without. She'll have an awful lot to answer for someday.:furious:
You're right! What an awful thing to do! Casey knew exactly what happened to Caylee and she knew also exactly where she was, and yet she allowed Tim and his team to come to Orlando, to search and waste all of that manpower and all of that money!
Yes, Casey has reserved herself a place in hell! That's for sure!:furious:
I believe that the former Sheriff Beary is one of her victims.

I remember when they had the press conference to tell all that the remains were of little Caylee, he choked up.

I am quite sure he will never forget her little body thrown out like trash with duct tape wrapped around her mouth so tightly.

For those that saw little Caylee that way, will have an effect on LE always.
The list of people affected by KC's evil is huge, and growing. For every person affected, there are those peoples families and friends who are also affected, to a greater or lesser extent.. can you imagine the worry it has caused to whoever Ami's mother may be, knowing her daughter was somehow caught up in this nightmare, and might possibly have become a victim herself in time?

If some good could come out of such a horrible situation, it might be that people, especially young people, might be more aware, more careful, who they choose to let into their lives, who their roommates are, who borrows their cars, who they lend or give money to, who they party with.

and maybe some of us will learn to look more closely at out own families, pause for thought before we turn a blind eye to some problem with a family member. Take the time to find out where our 'second cousin once removed' has moved to .. locate and make sure they and their family are okay.
Certainly the whole case will be riding along in the back of our minds long after the judge has brought the gavel down at the end of the trial.
I remember what my Grandma used to say about such people as Casey Anthony:

"That little gal is gonna bust Hell wide open when her day comes."
I'm hoping that with everything that's come to light about Casey and how she got away with so much for so long, there are other families who will become better educated in how to deal with someone so devious. Maybe some families will better understand adoption is a better choice when there's an unwanted pregnancy.


And here she sits in jail-------Do you think that she has any idea to what magnitude of destruction she has caused to all involved?

Not that she would, care if she knew. Would probably give her much satisfaction.

Thank you for the warm welcome MAMABEAR.

Casey does not have a clue how much her actions affect others as she has no ability to empathize, in my opinion. And you are right that she doesn't care. The only one she cares about is herself.
I just realized reviewing the list of lies.

In the police statement she said Caylee's hair was pulled back in a ponytail when in fact it was NOT as it had DUCT TAPE that was across the mouth and on her hair.

She WAS CORRECT about the pink shirt but not the blue jean shorts.
I was trying to get a list together of just how many peoples lives have been changed and/or ruined forever because of KC. There are just so many people who have been dragged into this mess and it is truly sad. Just imagine that because of a "friend", or your job, your life has been completely changed forever. Your name is being splashed all over news stations, internet searches etc. Your life is being picked apart and dispayed for the world to see,and all just because of the ACTIONS OF ONE COLD AND CALCULATING MOMSTER I am going to start the list and if you have others please list.(ps other than Caylee these are in no specific order)

1- Caylee (first and most important):angel:
5-Amy H
6-Jesse G
7-Rev Grund
9-Tony L
10-Tony R
11-Brandon S
12-Rick P
13-Shirley P
14-Roy K

sorry mods, I did try to search it and as usual I failed
She has ruined two lives-Caylee's and her own. Everyone else can live out the rest of their lives, even the Anthony's, and return to some semblance of normalcy with a ton of good counseling. It becomes their choice if they decide to let this ruin their lives. CA and GA have a hard working son who is going to be married and give them grandchildren someday-They do have something to look forward to, even though it looks bleak for them now.
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