Kelly Clarkson gets Grammy, omits Idol thanks; Other Grammy News...

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Aug 14, 2003
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Kelly Clarkson gets Grammy, omits Idol thanks

Kelly Clarkson beat out singers including Mariah Carey, Sheryl Crow, and Paul McCartney to become the first contestant from "American Idol" to win a Grammy on Wednesday but she failed to thank the wildly popular reality TV show that made her famous

Clarkson thanked Jesus, God, the radio, her fans and her mother when she picked up, Grammys for Best Pop Vocal Album and for Best Female Pop Vocal performance, but in two speeches she omitted any mention of "American Idol," which aired on Fox against the 48th annual Grammy Awards (CBS) for part of the night.

Whoa!! She really has some sort of beef with AI, doesn't she??
englishleigh said:
Whoa!! She really has some sort of beef with AI, doesn't she??
She must. I brushed it off at first thinking she might have forgotten, but you don't forget something that important twice.
I really don't blame her. Simon loser idiot has said several times that she would not have made it if she had not won the show. How the heck can he think her talent has anything to do with her winning the show? Someone else would have heard her and eventually she would have been discovered.
Most recording artists want to shake off the taint of being manufactured as fast as they can.
I don't give that any credence whatsoever. I don't feel that she has to thank AI...she thanked her fans, most likely many that followed her from AI. I love her and feel that she has a gift. Yes, AI is what put her name on the map, but she earned where she is and that grammy by just being her and doing her own thing..not what AI wanted her to do.
deandaniellws said:
I really don't blame her. Simon loser idiot has said several times that she would not have made it if she had not won the show. How the heck can he think her talent has anything to do with her winning the show? Someone else would have heard her and eventually she would have been discovered.

Right...Simon really is a jerk from hell.
englishleigh said:
Right...Simon really is a jerk from hell.
Simon is a jerk from hell.......
Kelly has came a long way since AI / but AI is her beginning
I was always taught to remember where I came from & how I got to where I'm at today. Momma always taught me thats common courtesy.:slap:
I read last week somewhere that AI had requested use of some of Kelly's songs & she has so far refused. I thought maybe it was just gossip, but now kinda makes you say hmmm...

I don't see what reason there could be for her to act that way towards AI, but I am happy for Kelly anyway.
If I'm not mistaken, Kelly was obligated to AI for a year after her win. It's been well over a year and IMO she owes them nothing at this point. Kudos to her for her wins! I think she's great!
Jules said:
If I'm not mistaken, Kelly was obligated to AI for a year after her win. It's been well over a year and IMO she owes them nothing at this point. Kudos to her for her wins! I think she's great!

I had just read a blurb from Kelly explaining how she was contractually obligated to do that stupid movie with Justin...that she KNEW it was horrible, but she had no choice, she had signed the contract. Maybe there's a lot that she didn't like, and she feels she's given AI what she had to, whether she liked it or not. And now, is doing it on her own.
Yep, DD, I read that too. She fulfilled all her obligations to AI and doesn't owe them anything more. When she released her first album, she was still under contract with them and they helped push that a bit. However, her second album, for which she won, she did on her own. I have both CD's and prefer the second one much more. She should be very proud of where she is! She's done great on her own!
Yes, but remember, American Idol has HUGE tv ratings and is seen in front of millions. She was able to showcase her talent in front of millions in ways that many only wish they could do .... to people who had never seen her before.
I don't think she owes American Idol anything, but everyone pretty much knows that is from where she came and I see no reason not to thank American Idol, the platform that gave her the chance that many, many record companies initially did not.

A simple "thank you" goes a long way. It is even better, though, when it is genuine.
Unless she was physically or sexually attacked on the show and can't talk about it or something, I see no reason to say a short simple "thank you".
She could have mentioned them, but I'm just curious. . . how long does she have to gush over them everytime she gets an award? I mean everyone knows that's where she got her start, but come on. Time to move on at some point, right? :truce:
Well, it's the same thing as some artists thanking their record labels, their parents, God. It's where they came from.
Their parents and God don't have the talent, but they gave her the strength and life to get where she is.

I guess you're right though. It isn't a big deal. But it was her first grammy ever. I don't think she would have to thank them every year, but this is huge. I mean, sure she is talented. All of the people she went against are talented! She didn't write the songs or the music. She didn't produce the song. So that is why you thank the writers, the producers, the musicians. Without them and those who push and promote you, you are just a voice.

Look at all the people who come out to try out for those American Idol auditions. Granted, we only see most of the crappy ones that get cut before seeing a handful of good ones, but there are a lot of good ones you never see on that show. They could benefit from the publicity that American Idol brings, I'm sure.

I agree with the poster who said, you never forget your roots.
I think a simple thank you once during the evening would've been enough and would've kept her from scurtiny. Personally, I love that song and love her talent! I do not dislike her for not saying thank you to AI. But I can definitely see that she wouldn't have gotten where she was without it.
When she first joined AI, she admitted how she was working odd jobs, tring so hard to make it, wanted to lose weight. They totally made her over.
Yes, she has the talent. No, one man or woman is not an island.
IF you get too big for your britches and forget from where you came, it's a quick and hard fall from grace. Because no artists stay on top forever. Someone better always comes along.
deandaniellws said:
I really don't blame her. Simon loser idiot has said several times that she would not have made it if she had not won the show. How the heck can he think her talent has anything to do with her winning the show? Someone else would have heard her and eventually she would have been discovered.
I cant stand Simon, hes a jerk!!
Jeana (DP) said:
She could have mentioned them, but I'm just curious. . . how long does she have to gush over them everytime she gets an award? I mean everyone knows that's where she got her start, but come on. Time to move on at some point, right? :truce:
I agree.......
Jeana (DP) said:
She could have mentioned them, but I'm just curious. . . how long does she have to gush over them everytime she gets an award? I mean everyone knows that's where she got her start, but come on. Time to move on at some point, right? :truce:

Exactly! If everyone got up there and thanked everyone along the way, the shows would never end!
PrayersForMaura said:
Yes, but remember, American Idol has HUGE tv ratings and is seen in front of millions. She was able to showcase her talent in front of millions in ways that many only wish they could do .... to people who had never seen her before.
I don't think she owes American Idol anything, but everyone pretty much knows that is from where she came and I see no reason not to thank American Idol, the platform that gave her the chance that many, many record companies initially did not.

A simple "thank you" goes a long way. It is even better, though, when it is genuine.
Unless she was physically or sexually attacked on the show and can't talk about it or something, I see no reason to say a short simple "thank you".

i agree completely....i truly don't think she'd be where she is today w/o AI...she doesn't "owe" them, but saying a simple "thank you" wouldn't have made her look like a wannabe diva either....not mentioning AI makes her look bad, quickly we forget the "little people" :rolleyes:
PrayersForMaura said:
Well, it's the same thing as some artists thanking their record labels, their parents, God. It's where they came from.
Their parents and God don't have the talent, but they gave her the strength and life to get where she is.

I guess you're right though. It isn't a big deal. But it was her first grammy ever. I don't think she would have to thank them every year, but this is huge. I mean, sure she is talented. All of the people she went against are talented! She didn't write the songs or the music. She didn't produce the song. So that is why you thank the writers, the producers, the musicians. Without them and those who push and promote you, you are just a voice.
Look at all the people who come out to try out for those American Idol auditions. Granted, we only see most of the crappy ones that get cut before seeing a handful of good ones, but there are a lot of good ones you never see on that show. They could benefit from the publicity that American Idol brings, I'm sure.

I agree with the poster who said, you never forget your roots.
I think a simple thank you once during the evening would've been enough and would've kept her from scurtiny. Personally, I love that song and love her talent! I do not dislike her for not saying thank you to AI. But I can definitely see that she wouldn't have gotten where she was without it.
When she first joined AI, she admitted how she was working odd jobs, tring so hard to make it, wanted to lose weight. They totally made her over.
Yes, she has the talent. No, one man or woman is not an island.
IF you get too big for your britches and forget from where you came, it's a quick and hard fall from grace. Because no artists stay on top forever. Someone better always comes along.

i couldn't have said it better....i agree SO much w/you on this one...

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