Kevorkian to be freed Friday

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My how time flies. I so remember when Dr. K first became popular, how I hated him. I have to say that now, after watching 2 family members practically disappear before my eyes from the ravages of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease, I definitely understand Dr. K and the patients he assisted.
I'm happy to hear he's finally being released. He never belonged there in my opinion.
Agree--He never should have gone to prison in the first place--These are desperate people who are suffering terribly and in a hopeless situation--He is only trying to make their exit easier
My how time flies. I so remember when Dr. K first became popular, how I hated him. I have to say that now, after watching 2 family members practically disappear before my eyes from the ravages of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease, I definitely understand Dr. K and the patients he assisted.

I'm happy to hear he's finally being released. He never belonged there in my opinion.

Agree--He never should have gone to prison in the first place--These are desperate people who are suffering terribly and in a hopeless situation--He is only trying to make their exit easier
could not agree more---
philamena, sorry for what you had to go thru- glad it helps you to understand him
i have always had great sympathy for what Dr. Kevorkian was trying to do, which was to relieve suffering in those with a terminal, hopeless illness. he assisted only those who asked for his help. i was angry that he went to prison and i am thankful that he is to be released, but sad it will be as an old man. i will always feel that in keeping with the Physician's Oath, he did no harm.

i have personal experience with the long final illness of a loved one, and i know the agony of watching that person suffer.
i have always had great sympathy for what Dr. Kevorkian was trying to do, which was to relieve suffering in those with a terminal, hopeless illness. he assisted only those who asked for his help. i was angry that he went to prison and i am thankful that he is to be released, but sad it will be as an old man. i will always feel that in keeping with the Physician's Oath, he did no harm.

i have personal experience with the long final illness of a loved one, and i know the agony of watching that person suffer.

There is nothing harder or more heart breaking.

I have always felt that assisted suicide should be legal. We are kinder to animals than we are to humans. As a matter of fact, technology has kept people exisiting longer and suffering longer. How sad.
There is nothing harder or more heart breaking.

I have always felt that assisted suicide should be legal. We are kinder to animals than we are to humans. As a matter of fact, technology has kept people exisiting longer and suffering longer. How sad.

Wise words! Wise words indeed.
There is nothing harder or more heart breaking.

I have always felt that assisted suicide should be legal. We are kinder to animals than we are to humans. As a matter of fact, technology has kept people exisiting longer and suffering longer. How sad.

Having watched my Father go through painful, terminal illness, I couldn't agree more. For some reason I thought he had already been released.
My how time flies. I so remember when Dr. K first became popular, how I hated him. I have to say that now, after watching 2 family members practically disappear before my eyes from the ravages of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Disease, I definitely understand Dr. K and the patients he assisted.

I can relate. I struggled with this and now feel that I understand in a much bigger way. I recently lost my grandmother and it could have been so much easier for her if the medical profession were more open minded to the reality of dying.
I can relate. I struggled with this and now feel that I understand in a much bigger way. I recently lost my grandmother and it could have been so much easier for her if the medical profession were more open minded to the reality of dying.

Yes, medically assisted death should be an option for those who are suffering and are terminal. It's inhumane to allow our loved ones to suffer.
One problem and doubt that I had about Kevorkian was when he helped a younger woman with fibromyalgia to kill herself. The woman was overweight, depressed, and her husband was in agreement about it all. I know that fibromyalgia is painful and there's no cure at this time, but it's not terminal and there is some good pain and other medications out there that can help somewhat. I really did not agree with Kevorkian helping someone with this disease and was very suspicious about the husband and just what type of encouragement this woman was given to end her life and if she was denied pain killers by doctors back then.
Having worked in the animal medical field in some capacity or another for almost 24 years now, euthanasia has always been a loving thing for those terminally ill and I've always wished it was something humans could do as well. I DO see the risks of that because certainly people have asked to put to sleep pets out of convenience as well (all my vets refused). There would have to be very strict regulations set forth and a review by professionals, but I wish they could figure some way for at least terminal people who have to be kept so drugged they can't even enjoy visits to pass.

I always tell people struggling with putting a pet to sleep that just because medical science can prolong life, doesn't mean it always SHOULD. When the things that make your pet who he/she is are mostly gone, what kind of life are they having? Life isn't the heart, lungs etc working, it's the SOUL.
There is nothing harder or more heart breaking.

I have always felt that assisted suicide should be legal. We are kinder to animals than we are to humans. As a matter of fact, technology has kept people exisiting longer and suffering longer. How sad.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

My mother died of Anaplastic Astrocytoma of the right temporal lobe of the brain in 2002. She lived in my home for her last year.

There are many things worse than death.
WOW!!! i am utterly amazed that he is FINALLY being freed, and that he survived prison.. i really thought that he might die in there. i have thought about him a lot. he deserves a hero's welcome home... he is a saint in my opinion. we here in america are so f*ed up and hypocritical about death (among many other things)... we put our pets to sleep out of mercy but we are not even legally allowed to put ourselves or help put our loved ones to sleep out of mercy... it's illegal and we have to allow them to suffer. yes, of course, some people end up just fine dying naturally and some get perfectly good hospital care.. but as adults, we should have the OPTION of what we want to do, and not be considered a criminal for it!
i can't believe it's the year 2007 and we are still so neurotic about this whole issue. i understand it can be a dangerous slippery slope.. but isn't it already a dangerous slippery slope, the other way...?? i would love to see the day when we as a species become enlightened enough, and start to use our intelligence & technology in the right way, to be able to help ourselves & our loved ones die in peace, with dignity, where & when they want to be, with who they want around them, not in pain, having said our goodbyes properly, with basic human dignity, and knowing we were not a terrible burden on those we care about.

it is a true crime that he was persecuted the way he was, and someday (that is if we don't re-enter the stone age, which it seems is happening).. we will see that he was right, and far ahead of his time.
it is a true crime that he was persecuted the way he was, and someday (that is if we don't re-enter the stone age, which it seems is happening).. we will see that he was right, and far ahead of his time.

Amen, reb, amen!
I don't feel that Dr. K should have ever went to prison. I think as humans, we should have the free will to choose the way we die, if we are terminally ill. After watching my mother die, I wouldn't put my family through that. I would find some other way to go out with dignity. Didn't Geoff Feiger represent him?
WOW!!! i am utterly amazed that he is FINALLY being freed, and that he survived prison.. i really thought that he might die in there. i have thought about him a lot. he deserves a hero's welcome home... he is a saint in my opinion. we here in america are so f*ed up and hypocritical about death (among many other things)... we put our pets to sleep out of mercy but we are not even legally allowed to put ourselves or help put our loved ones to sleep out of mercy... it's illegal and we have to allow them to suffer. yes, of course, some people end up just fine dying naturally and some get perfectly good hospital care.. but as adults, we should have the OPTION of what we want to do, and not be considered a criminal for it!
i can't believe it's the year 2007 and we are still so neurotic about this whole issue. i understand it can be a dangerous slippery slope.. but isn't it already a dangerous slippery slope, the other way...?? i would love to see the day when we as a species become enlightened enough, and start to use our intelligence & technology in the right way, to be able to help ourselves & our loved ones die in peace, with dignity, where & when they want to be, with who they want around them, not in pain, having said our goodbyes properly, with basic human dignity, and knowing we were not a terrible burden on those we care about.

it is a true crime that he was persecuted the way he was, and someday (that is if we don't re-enter the stone age, which it seems is happening).. we will see that he was right, and far ahead of his time.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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