Kronk Discloses More Information About Finding Caylee's Remains

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Its off but will repeat at 6:00-
Just to clarify- I am not saying anything about Roy either way- in fact I said this morning I felt he was credible- but I really cant say that until i hear all the facts at the end of the day- after they perform all their investigating on him, etc- You just never know- even tho i do lean towards he is innocent- I was just repeating what they were saying on the show- this case is so upside down i dont know whos credible anymore and who is- and I think we are in for more surprises- And I do reward him for finding Caylee however way he found her-
I heard him say both,without a doubt. What's interesting is that we can all listen to the same thing,and hear different things--also a bit scary-hope the jury all hear the same things!!!

It is very scary to me as well!
That was his choice to go public. He could have stayed in the background only Le had to know who he was for now. He wanted his 15 minutes and oh boy did he get it. IMO

I'm glad he did go public. He's not making a huge deal of himself.
i believe kronk after seeing him this morning on tv. I think people are using too much imagination in thinking hes part of this at all. I dont see it. Im more concerned about the pi filming, now thats fishy!

yes!!!!!!! Ita!
Well thats what i assumed also- that his supervisor was with him on August 13th- in fact that is who called LE- right- unless he called his supervsior and the supervisor called from the office????? Anyway listen to the show at 6:00 and listen to what Mike Brooks says-about the 2 people with him on that day-
Look, some people are incapable of going about things in a discreet manor. They "put it out there" because that is their personality, they don't deal in . Who knows who this guy is, maybe he is an a-hole. SO WHAT! As long as what he has said about his discovery is the truth who cares! If we only accept the discovery of Caylee by a sinless, guiltless, mistake free, immaculate creature, she would have remained lost to us forever.
He has said he had a hunch, he works in the area of the A home, he saw something that provoked his interest, he tried to check it out, he tried to call authorities. Something wouldn't let him forget this spot, (I chose to believe it was a higher power). He was persistent in spite of being rebuffed. In the end, despite what must have been an inner battle, knowing that his life would be explored, his past defamed, he chose to reveal what he had found. Thank you Mr. MR.
I for one will not discredit him or his testimony on the info we know so far, nor on his hope that he will be able to collect some kind of reward or obtain benefit. Many people, esp those who have had financially difficult lives, would hope that they could benefit financially from this, even though doing right was the first priority. I would guess the majority would hope it in secret, he chooses to be frank about it. JMHO
The defense and some of the media are willing to make this guy seem suspicious. This is not an uncommon thing. Often those who find a body are scrutinized as possible suspects and thus, it makes some nervous about reporting a finding. Regardless of whether it is the defense or the media's job to scrutinize this guy or make him seem suspicious, the result is the same: His public reputation is sullied. He felt the need to counteract that and that is understandable to me. The only way this guy could have avoided his reputation being sullied is to not have reported his findings because the 911 calls alone as well as the timing of his calls and the ultimate discovery were already creating a stir, even here, about this guy, the believability or probability of his find, etc. Again, from my own experience with clients and my law partners criminal law clients, I am aware that expunged records can be found by a background check or other means. That's likely why he reported that. As far as his wife dying, maybe he is trying to get a bit of sympathy from those who may suspect him. It's hard for me to understand the anger at this man. He's just an average joe, no hero, but who persisted in following his gut instinct and getting someone to listen, which was the right thing to do.

I do not have any anger toward this man.I am very glad he did do the right thing I just wish he was more persisted the first time he called.
theres so many contradictions in this case anyway- nothing surprises me no more on the changes in some stories- maybe Patty can send a transcript of the show for those who miss it. I would if I could
I think we represent a wide cross-section of America...what "untrue" stories have we told about him. We've looked at the discovery as it should have been looked at. So who's telling these "untrue" stories? Sorry, at this point IMO he's trying to make himself more marketable. He's lost my interest.

I didn't say you have told untrue stories about him, I said he said untrue stories are being told about him, I have no idea what stories he is thinking of, probably the kidnapping, for one, if I had to guess.
YUP Bottom Line- he found Caylee and she deserved that after all this time-
I thought all along that Kronk called 911 on 8/11 and 8/12 while he was at the wooded area. It wasn't until this mornings GMA show is when Kronk said he called 911 at 8:30 or 9:30 PM on both days from his home. This doesn't make sense to me why he didn't immediately call 911 right from the area.

There is a lot missing from these tapes and I sure as heck would like to know who "we" is!

I am pleased he found Caylee but there is something that just doesn't fit right.
I thought all along that Kronk called 911 on 8/11 and 8/12 while he was at the wooded area. It wasn't until this mornings GMA show is when Kronk said he called 911 at 8:30 or 9:30 PM on both days from his home. This doesn't make sense to me why he didn't immediately call 911 right from the area.

There is a lot missing from these tapes and I sure as heck would like to know who "we" is!

I am pleased he found Caylee but there is something that just doesn't fit right.

Youre darn tootin...Ive have ben saying this from day one..he doesn't say..I,,,its "WE"..who is WE?
I thought all along that Kronk called 911 on 8/11 and 8/12 while he was at the wooded area. It wasn't until this mornings GMA show is when Kronk said he called 911 at 8:30 or 9:30 PM on both days from his home. This doesn't make sense to me why he didn't immediately call 911 right from the area.

There is a lot missing from these tapes and I sure as heck would like to know who "we" is!

I am pleased he found Caylee but there is something that just doesn't fit right.

I agree. That is yet another bad smell. As is his supervisor being a neighbor of the Anthonys and Kronk just happening to be a former bounty hunter.

(give me a break)
I agree. That is yet another bad smell. As is his supervisor being a neighbor of the Anthonys and Kronk just happening to be a former bounty hunter.

(give me a break)

Can you put 2 and 2 together for me, I don't know where you are going with this?
There is a lot missing from these tapes and I sure as heck would like to know who "we" is!

It was reported this morning that he was with a co-worker on Aug 11. They were both on Suburban together seeking shade as they had an hour to kill before returning to the station.
WOW I was just about to question the times of the calls and read Pattys post- he went home and called LE at 8:30-9:30 at night. I also thought all along he called right from the wooded area in the day when he got there- Now this doesnt make any sense to me- why did he wait? that means if he called LE at 8:30 pm on the 11th- LE either went out there in the pitch dark or waited till the next day? and the same thing on the 12th???????
I thought all along that Kronk called 911 on 8/11 and 8/12 while he was at the wooded area. It wasn't until this mornings GMA show is when Kronk said he called 911 at 8:30 or 9:30 PM on both days from his home. This doesn't make sense to me why he didn't immediately call 911 right from the area.
There is a lot missing from these tapes and I sure as heck would like to know who "we" is!

I am pleased he found Caylee but there is something that just doesn't fit right.

bold by ~always~

Mr. K admits on GMA----He wanted to remain ANONYMOUS. I can certainly understand why.

I can't get mad at him.
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