KS KS - Adam Herrman, 11, Towanda, 1999

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"Towanda, Kan. - A county prosecutor says the adoptive parents of an 11-year-old boy who has been missing for nearly a decade are suspects in his disappearance and could face murder charges.
Butler County Attorney Jan Satterfield says no human remains have been found in the search for Adam Herrman, but there's still a chance for first-degree murder charges, with the underlying crime being child abuse."
was on Nancy Grace tonight. Nothing new but they was talking about the abuse :( His biological mother will be on Dr Phil this week from what they said.
This case, and others like it, really makes it necessary for people to pay more attention to their neighbors. If one day your neighbor has a child and the next day the child is gone, regardless of the excuse the parents give, keep on eye on that and report it if you have any suspicions at all. If your neighbor does not have children, then suddenly a child appears (Sean Hornbeck case), keep an eye on that and report it if suspicious. I guess I'm thinking that many more cases would get solved a lot sooner and children will suffer less pain if people will just look out their window, keep an eye on their neighorhood, and just be observant of their surroundings. Well, I know folks around here do just that, but I wish there was some way to spread the word to people who live in their own worlds and don't look beyond their own property. Sorry, these cases just really get to me.
This case, and others like it, really makes it necessary for people to pay more attention to their neighbors. If one day your neighbor has a child and the next day the child is gone, regardless of the excuse the parents give, keep on eye on that and report it if you have any suspicions at all. If your neighbor does not have children, then suddenly a child appears (Sean Hornbeck case), keep an eye on that and report it if suspicious. I guess I'm thinking that many more cases would get solved a lot sooner and children will suffer less pain if people will just look out their window, keep an eye on their neighorhood, and just be observant of their surroundings. Well, I know folks around here do just that, but I wish there was some way to spread the word to people who live in their own worlds and don't look beyond their own property. Sorry, these cases just really get to me.
No need to apologize Suzet, you are speaking nothing but the truth. ITA with what you say!!
Polygraph I write a blog - a blog about Adoption, it started off all about me, but as I spoke to more and more people I found out more and more about the horrors of Foster Care and Adoption.
I write about those horrors.
I link to other blogs that REALLY Write about those horrors - they are in the USA and have more access to things

But I have brought awareness to others just with my little amount that I do that adoption and foster care are NOT so great and that adoptees and foster kids shouldn't have to feel *grateful*

Polygraph I am so sorry you had to endure abuse :(

No child should

And poor Adam - to be treated in such a manner - all of this is wrong on so many levels...its mind boggling

I totally agree, If you wouldnt mind I would be interested in reading your blog, pm me if you want and let me know where I could read that. I am glad that someone else does understand how warped the system is...for every nice one family you can get 10 bad ones, and now that they 'pay' them for adopting forget it, there will be abuses happening all over the place...I agree that there are some great families that adopt out there, but I think they should make it much more invasive than it is. MOO
Well I just got a Comment on my blog from some one who KNOWS these people knows that the boy was abused BEFORE They stepped in (as in social services)

This person also confirmed how bad the Kansas system is

Polygraph ive sent you the link to my blog - you can read the post I did on Adam and the comment
I would like to read your blog also, The biological family was on Dr Phil today.. Nancy grace was as well she let them have it and did not hold back on what she thought. The biological mom of adam has had 8 children removed from her care ( wow!) and has 2 still in her care. She says she got the children removed because she left a black and blue bruise on her daughter.. Nancy grace said they was not telling the full truth and that she beat her daughter black and blue not just a small bruise.
I would like to read your blog also, The biological family was on Dr Phil today.. Nancy grace was as well she let them have it and did not hold back on what she thought. The biological mom of adam has had 8 children removed from her care ( wow!) and has 2 still in her care. She says she got the children removed because she left a black and blue bruise on her daughter.. Nancy grace said they was not telling the full truth and that she beat her daughter black and blue not just a small bruise.

O/T Are these bio folks insane? I mean, why in the world would they put themselves out there in this way??? She has had 8 Children removed from her-who in their right mind would admit to this and then make such a lame statement as to why? My guess is we can expect a lawsuit from them against the DSS system in Kansas-"you lost my boy whom I loved so much..." Yeah right. It was not the bio parents who hunted this boy down and tipped off LE. JMO.
I would like to read your blog also, The biological family was on Dr Phil today.. Nancy grace was as well she let them have it and did not hold back on what she thought. The biological mom of adam has had 8 children removed from her care ( wow!) and has 2 still in her care. She says she got the children removed because she left a black and blue bruise on her daughter.. Nancy grace said they was not telling the full truth and that she beat her daughter black and blue not just a small bruise.
Hi angels, doyou know where i can see this show at? or where i could see the transcripts, I would have loved to see that show...
O/T Are these bio folks insane? I mean, why in the world would they put themselves out there in this way??? She has had 8 Children removed from her-who in their right mind would admit to this and then make such a lame statement as to why? My guess is we can expect a lawsuit from them against the DSS system in Kansas-"you lost my boy whom I loved so much..." Yeah right. It was not the bio parents who hunted this boy down and tipped off LE. JMO.
Right where were they the whole 10 years this child was missing??? if they cared so much....this whole thing is SICKENING!!!!
I would like to read your blog also, The biological family was on Dr Phil today.. Nancy grace was as well she let them have it and did not hold back on what she thought. The biological mom of adam has had 8 children removed from her care ( wow!) and has 2 still in her care. She says she got the children removed because she left a black and blue bruise on her daughter.. Nancy grace said they was not telling the full truth and that she beat her daughter black and blue not just a small bruise.

I was thrilled with NG today! I've been wanting to ask the biodoners the same thing!

The investigation into Adam Herrman's disappearance picks up again this Saturday.
Butler County Sheriff Craig Murphy tells Eyewitness News his crews will again search the area around the Whitewater River, this time about a mile south of 254.

The Wichita Eagle is reporting that the search of the Whitewater south of Towanda has ended with out any clues or findings.
Here's the latest from the Wichita Eagle:

Bathroom at center of search for Adam

In a recent search of the home where 11-year-old Adam Herrman lived when he disappeared in 1999, investigators spent three hours checking a bathroom for clues and used a chemical that can detect blood traces, the current homeowner said.

Butler County Sheriff Craig Murphy said Saturday he couldn't comment on whether investigators obtained evidence but confirmed that the search focused on the bathroom.

"We looked at every inch of that bathroom," Murphy said in Towanda, where search teams Saturday scoured the east bank of the Whitewater River but found no remains of the missing boy. His decade-old disappearance was discovered late last year after a tip to authorities.

Dan McDaniel, the home's current owner, told The Eagle on Friday that investigators focused on a bathroom off the hallway.

McDaniel said he knows the investigators used luminol -- a chemical used to detect tiny traces of blood -- because they provided directions for cleaning up powdery residue left by the forensic tool.

Investigators worked in the bathroom for about three hours but apparently didn't dismantle or remove anything in the bathroom, he said.

They didn't say whether they detected any blood, he said.

The investigators apologized for the disruption, McDaniel said, but it didn't bother him. "That's a minimal disruption if it helps solve a case like this," he said.
Have the foster parents been charged yet? :furious:
Three cheers for Dan McDaniel-the current homeowner cooperating with police.

Man If I were him I would be ripping up linoleum everywhere...

I just emailed the reporter who did the story-I asked him if perhaps there was a local Home Depot type store that might be interested in donating the means for the McDaniel's to change out their bathroom if you catch my drift.

I worked on a case where it was likely that someone was killed in the basement of a house, but there was no definitive proof and the homeowner would not allow LE to search the house. When the house changed hands, the new owner decided to finish the basement. Up marched LE with a request for the old flooring, carpeting and wallboard....pretty smart, huh?? No warrant needed as the stuff was going into a construction dumpster anyways.....
I think that would be where they would find the logical evidence. In between the boards on the floor, nooks n crannies, and under the linoleum where clean up would be impossible. Evidence could remain indefinitely in those areas.

Good idea about the bathroom "redo".
I just emailed the reporter who did the story-I asked him if perhaps there was a local Home Depot type store that might be interested in donating the means for the McDaniel's to change out their bathroom if you catch my drift.

I worked on a case where it was likely that someone was killed in the basement of a house, but there was no definitive proof and the homeowner would not allow LE to search the house. When the house changed hands, the new owner decided to finish the basement. Up marched LE with a request for the old flooring, carpeting and wallboard....pretty smart, huh?? No warrant needed as the stuff was going into a construction dumpster anyways.....

GREAT IDEA Good on you believe x
Police Chief Norman Williams discusses troubling crime trends.


A record nine of the city's 35 homicides last year were children under age 5.
"That is a grave concern for us as a police department," Williams said. "It's the first time in the history of our community that we've had so many of our young children die in a violent way."
Especially troubling is the fact that seven of the nine had been abused before being killed, he said.
If people had reported the abuse to the proper authorities, he said, intervention may have saved the children's lives.
Williams mentioned a case in a neighboring county where relatives saw clear evidence of child abuse and didn't report it -- an indirect reference to the disappearance of Adam Herrman from Towanda in 1999.
"That's unacceptable," Williams said. "We have got to step to the plate... and take responsibility as a community and report child abuse and child neglect.

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