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I followed the re-emerging BTK, posting at the Wichita Eagle site. People were actively seeking advice on whether to turn in old boyfriends, stepfathers, fathers - because they in their minds imagined them to be probable suspects. Wichita suddenly found itself with dozens, hundreds, of BTKs.

I don't recall of anyone suggesting themselves to be BTK posting though.

Also, I was in Wichita quite often during the original reign of terror. Even though young and indestructible (yeah right) one could sense in the air the oppression and the fear.
JackAMW, This is fascinating. Are you a remote viewer?

I have had my many experiences with RV work, I have decades of affiliation with the Rhine Institute

The BTK poster posted on AMW only twice, he or AMW deleted his posts within minutes. There were several of us watching, lurking and posting behind the scenes, almost everything was saved to a site. I was working with a police officer from out of state behind the postings

However there was also a poster by the name BenTenKen that I felt was BTK that did admit to us that he had killed ten people, which at that time only 8 were known about

When Ken L, the head of the investigation said on camera, that no psychic was behind the capture, he was speaking of me. He was right about one thing, I am not a psychic and never claimed to be. I consider myself a tracker

There were several posters at AMW that witnessed what happened. I only posted at AMW at that time on at no other sites. There were several computers that were confiscated from the church, his home, library and his office. No information has been released from what might have been on them. An agreement was reached between BTK and LE to close the book and not stir the pot any longer as long as Rader could tell his story in court and on TV
It was not a floppy disk that lead to his arrest.
It was his voice on the payphone back in 1974 I believe it was.

Just speculating
According to all reports and the TV shows featuring the detectives, Rader was corresponding with a detective through the personal newspaper ads. He asked the detective if it was safe to send a floppy disc, and of course, the cops lied and told him yes. He sent it in with, I believe the name Dennis, and name of his church on the disc. Then, when interrogated he was all offended that the cop had lied to him. He may have eventually been caught though because he'd been spotted in his son's vehicle at Home Depot where he put one of his clues, but they couldn't make out a face or license number.
According to all reports and the TV shows featuring the detectives, Rader was corresponding with a detective through the personal newspaper ads. He asked the detective if it was safe to send a floppy disc, and of course, the cops lied and told him yes. He sent it in with, I believe the name Dennis, and name of his church on the disc. Then, when interrogated he was all offended that the cop had lied to him. He may have eventually been caught though because he'd been spotted in his son's vehicle at Home Depot where he put one of his clues, but they couldn't make out a face or license number.

That is correct, that is how they got evidence on him
I need to rewind, perhaps. How can the apprehension of Rader be credited to you, Jack?
Still think there must be more victims. How did he curb his urges to kill for so many years? Hmmmm....
Still think there must be more victims. How did he curb his urges to kill for so many years? Hmmmm....

If it correct that he 'stopped killing' during the years the DP was applicable in Kansas, and 'resumed killing' when it no longer was then yeah, I think it's more a case of 'convenient confessing' also.
Rader's last known killing was in 1991. Kansas reinstated the death penalty in 1994, having not carried out that punishment since 1965.
I've been reading up on BTK again lately. Both the DA at the time and profiler John Douglas say there are no gaps in BTK's past where he could have committed other murders. He plotted other ones, but never carried them out.

Make of that what you will.
Oh Wf.....thanks for posting this....I had no idea he died and I'm so sorry to hear that! I read all the info I could find and watched every documentary about BTK years ago and was fascinated! Ken Landwehr was so impressive in catching BTK. I loved his laid back but tough-as-nails demeanor.

RIP Ken!

(This case terrified me!)
BTK describes his own crimes

Editor's note:This article contains graphic and disturbing material.

Dennis Rader's description of his crimes — in letters to police that have just been released to reporters — was far uglier than the emotionless account he gave in court ....

A letter detailing how BTK killed his first four victims portrays a family in terror. ...

Another communication details how Rader developed violent sexual fantasies.

Police caution that he could be lying in both communications....

more at: http://www.kansas.com/2005/07/16/19134/btk-describes-his-own-crimes.html

Take a clue from the editor's note -- this is pretty awful.

This is an older article, but since it seems the BTK thread has not had a lot of activity, thought it might be appropriate to post even now.
New here but have info on the real reason BTK made contact with the WPD after all those years. Not sure if I should post here or on a new thread? I will post on here sorry but this is the first thing that came up in the BTK search. I know why Raider made contact with the WPD, he had contact with the witness that saw him and scared him off all those years ago. Made him leave the house on the West side of Wichita all those years ago. He knew him as soon as their eyes meet that day at work. Shortly after that BTK started making contact with the WPD, if you could of seen the way he locked onto the witness at work that day like I did you would of thought if he could have he would of killed him right then there on the spot.

They both knew who each other were my friend told me about scaring off the intruder from his house and how his family thought that it was BTK. They gave a report to the WPD, and how they were completely blown off by investigators. He also gave me several other bombshells, like how he had seen Raider at the former Wichita Public Library extension in the old Westlink mall. It was closed years ago when the new library was built stalking one of the Women he BTK killed. He talked about cords from blinds that were left out to dry disappearing from the church behind the same library and talking to someone in the police telling them that a man matching Raiders description was seen by the children stealing them? Again blown off by the police as if they didn't want to find this guy or take what was being said by the witness as real.

Finally me and my friend both have tried contacting the FBI, KBI, WPD, several crime investigators about what my friend knows about the case and no one will even bother to return a call or a simple email. They could of stopped BTK/Raider all those years ago, my friend the witness doesn't want to become famous but does want to know why no one bothered to do any follow up or care? Raider came to his house and was going to murder him and his family that day he was scared off due to him and the number of loaded guns in the house. He picked the wrong house to talk his way into that day he would of never left it alive that day if he would of tried anything. I am holding back the details of what happened that day until my friend tells me that he is cool with my posting the story of what went on in the house on West Wichita, and at the Wichita Public Extension Library.

This is not the only serial killer he has come into contact with over his life so he wants to keep his privacy. He knows that there are some that follow BTK are not the right kind of fans. Also feels like there are issues with the investigation by the Police dropping the ball in a big way. Lets call it the witness that is inconvenient to the WPD others. I left out a lot of facts and info to this to give people a chance to ask questions about what happened and if someone wants to know what really happened the day BTK came to kill my friends family, his connection to them, the stalking, my friend leaving town and then coming into contact with Raider all those years latter.

Maybe people don't care now that BTK is in prison, but this could've been taken care of a lot sooner if someone would of taken some time to listen. They still don't have all the fact, then again people don't seem to care about things like that, they seem to get in the way of things phony heroes and egos, lies about shoulda, woulda, couldas, by the WPD, others. Feel free to ask any questions this is not the only one I will be commenting on. I have info on some of the others I have been investigating. Missing persons, and happy to help is I am able so are my friends if we can. Again new to the site so sorry if I should of started a new string for the new BTK info to get people interested. CP
Am very curious to know how one could be unfortunately enough to come in contact with not one but two serial killers if one was not in LE.
Kerri Rawson, the daughter of BTK serial killer Dennis Rader, broke the family’s nine-year silence Thursday and talked about her father’s 10 murders.

An interview by writer Stephen King about the upcoming movie “A Good Marriage” prompted her to break the self-imposed silence, she said.

The movie, adapted from one of King’s short stories, is about a wife who suddenly discovers her husband is a serial killer. Rawson, 36, learned on Wednesday that the movie was inspired by her father and her family.

“He’s exploiting my father’s 10 victims and their families,” she said.

She said she, her brother and her mother didn’t know that her father was BTK until the FBI told her in February 2005, shortly after Dennis Rader’s arrest.

Read more here: http://www.kansas.com/news/local/article2251870.html#storylink=cpy
Feature article on Kerri, discussing her life as the child of a serial killer:


Kerri asked friends: “Don’t tag our children” on Facebook. When friends asked why, she didn’t know how to answer them. She told some of them that “my dad did something terrible.”


“Just Google me.”

And they would. And then: “Oh.”

There are two kinds of friends, Darian said later. “The kind that when we told who Dennis was, they’d just say, ‘That’s super-weird, but it doesn’t change the way we think about you guys.’

“And then there’s the other kind... who perhaps think this thing defines you.”
Good article here about Rader written by a criminologist.

How psychopaths hide in plain sight – a psychological analysis of serial killer Dennis Rader
David Wilson
Tuesday 24 February 2015

‘Geographically stable’, as opposed to ‘transient’ serial killers, are usually caught quite quickly but, despite the fact that Rader killed entirely within Wichita and its environs, he escaped justice for over 30 years. He also took long breaks between his murders so that, for example, there was almost eight years between his murder of Nancy Fox in December 1977, which he described as his “perfect hit” and Marine Hedge – his next victim - in April 1985.

This too is unusual for serial killers - they don’t usually switch on and then off again their desire to kill. Killing is a compulsion for them, propelling them ever onwards to more victims and often in increasingly bizarre circumstances. This might make it appear that they want to be caught. Nothing can be further from the truth although, by the time that justice finally catches up with them, they have become so divorced from reality that they often simply don’t realise how strange their behaviour has become. They therefore take risks and impulsively throw their plans – their modus operandi, their criminological “signature” out of the window because they believe that this is no longer going to deliver a kill.

(continued at the link with interesting discussion following in the comments section.)

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