GUILTY KS - Dr. George Tiller, 67, shot to death at his Wichita church, 31 May 2009

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WICHITA, Kan. — The attorney for George Tiller says the late-term abortion provider was shot and killed Sunday at his Wichita church.

Attorney Dan Monnat said Tiller, one of the nation's most visible and strident advocates for abortion rights, was shot as he served as an usher during morning services at Reformation Lutheran Church. Monnat said Tiller's wife, Jeanne, was in the choir at the time of the shooting.

The clinic run by Tiller, 67, has repeatedly been the site of protests for about two decades.

A protester shot Tiller in both arms in 1993, and his clinic was bombed in 1985.

Capt. Brent Allred said police were looking for a gunman who fled in a 1993 light blue Ford Taurus registered in Merriam.

No other details about the shooting were immediately released.,2933,523581,00.html
Well, now all the statements of carefully qualified condemnation can commence from the religious right.
I live next door to Kansas- our local paper has published letters to the editor from anti abortion activists, some of them disturbing. When you focus so much on one aspect of something you loose your balance. The president's speech at Notre Dame seems to have brought out all the noise and fury from these people. From the tone of some of them, they wouldn't seem to mind someone killing our leaders.
Sometimes I fear for our country.
The good Dr. goes to church? The Lutherans must me very liberal.
Suspect is in custody, and the alert re: the car has been canceled.
Oh boy.

Snick1946, you are right. When you focus too much on one aspect of something you lose balance. The far right and the far left do this. Terrorists do this.
Statement from George Tillers family:

"Today we mourn the loss of our husband, father and grandfather. Today's event is an unspeakable tragedy for all of us and for George's friends and patients. This is particularly heart wrenching because George was shot down in his house of worship, a place of peace.

We would like to express the family's thanks for the many messages of sympathy from our friends and from all across the nation. We also want to thank the law enforcement officers who are investigating this crime.

Our loss is also a loss for the City of Wichita and women across America. George dedicated his life to providing women with high-quality heath care despite frequent threats and violence. We ask that he be remembered as a good husband, father and grandfather and a dedicated servant on behalf of the rights of women everywhere."
I see this murder as domestic terrorism.
I am glad they have the killer in custody! I do NOT understand how ANYONE can call abortion wrong because it is murder and then MURDER someone doing abortions! I've known of this clinic since the 90s. I am pro-life. HOWEVER, I would have wished the doctor to have changed his mind about abortion - NOT be KILLED! (BTW, I used to be pro-abortion and changed MY mind!)

This lunatic needs to get the death penalty just like any other premeditated murderer!

<jumping off my soap box now!>
Vigilante justice...when the courts fail, citizens will take justice into their own hands. It's sad it ended this way, but at least we won't have precious viable babies dying by Tiller's hand anymore. Just like in Nazi Germany- Nazi lives had to be taken to end the genocide of a people group.
I am glad they have the killer in custody! I do NOT understand how ANYONE can call abortion wrong because it is murder and then MURDER someone doing abortions! I've known of this clinic since the 90s. I am pro-life. HOWEVER, I would have wished the doctor to have changed his mind about abortion - NOT be KILLED! (BTW, I used to be pro-abortion and changed MY mind!)

This lunatic needs to get the death penalty just like any other premeditated murderer!

<jumping off my soap box now!>

Not that I agree completely with this stance but you asked:

Those who kill the abortion docs believe they are saving the lives of others... kill this one guy and save hundreds of lives.

I can understand it from their point of view.

Ever since scientists started claiming there was "life on Mars" whenever they discovered some bacteria, I changed my mind on abortion.

There is no way to say that life does not begin at conception if the scientific community is willing to concede that a minute bacteria is a life form.

Those who support abortion feel that those dividing cells are just tissue. Science doesn't feel that way so why should I? It is life.

I am very anguished over the right of a woman to have an abortion, but I feel that since it's been so acceptable, women have begun to value the life of a baby less and less. JMO.

By the way, there is no real medical need for late term abortion. They claim the "health of the mother" is her mental health. It might be too upsetting. PULEEZE.
This has nothing to do with the abortion debate. A man was murdered in cold blood. His line of work was legal. A faction of the voting population of the US feels what he does is murder while in this country the overwhelming majority does not. Religious belief does not change the FACTS or the reality of this doctors murder.

The murderer will be a martyr to only a few. To the rest of us, he will be a cold blooded killer who deserves punishment to the full extent of the law.
FYI, there is another thread going on his murder in the Political Pavilion. I believe it is hypocracy for those who murdered him at church, who claim to be God-fearing/"doing God's work"!:furious:
We should abide by the laws of the land as citizens of the USA! This man was not working outside of the law, he was providing safe medical care for desperate women, sadly. These overzealous, 'passionate' people should take up their gripes with members of Congress and the Supreme Court if they wish to have Roe vs. Wade reversed. "Vigilante Justice" against someone working within the laws of our land is cowardly and a cop out! This family has suffered a terrible loss.

And ya know what! Those desperate women will still seek unlawful abortions even if it is overturned. It's the same theory that gun control will not prevent criminals from continue obtaining assault rifles on the black market!
This has nothing to do with the abortion debate. A man was murdered in cold blood. His line of work was legal. A faction of the voting population of the US feels what he does is murder while in this country the overwhelming majority does not. This does not change the FACTS or the reality of this doctors murder.

The murderer will be a martyr to only a few. To the rest of us, he will be a cold blooded killer who deserves punishment to the full extent of the law.

How can you say this has nothing to do with abortion when it was exactly his line of work that caused him to be a target?

I don't think we voted on abortion, I think 9 judges decided it.

I don't think the killer is justified but I do see the problem with the abortion debate in this country because it involves the so-called killing, or taking the lives of others as well.

As you are very heated about this man's life being taken, others are just as heated about the lives of the unborn, so who is justified in being heated? Both I assume, but without one we wouldn't have the other, just sayin...
I am very heated about is murder! However, I do not believe that by murdering a man, in his church, who is obeying the law of the land, is going to save any babies' lives. I just don't see how in the world it will! All it did was keep those who are pro-abortion from looking at the facts on the other side because now many will think everyone who believes in pro-life are hypocrites.
Vigilante justice...when the courts fail, citizens will take justice into their own hands. It's sad it ended this way, but at least we won't have precious viable babies dying by Tiller's hand anymore. Just like in Nazi Germany- Nazi lives had to be taken to end the genocide of a people group.

And how many adopted children do you have...???
This has nothing to do with the abortion debate. A man was murdered in cold blood. His line of work was legal. A faction of the voting population of the US feels what he does is murder while in this country the overwhelming majority does not. Religious belief does not change the FACTS or the reality of this doctors murder.

The murderer will be a martyr to only a few. To the rest of us, he will be a cold blooded killer who deserves punishment to the full extent of the law.

PeteyGirl- I agree with you that the assassin is a cold blooded killer and should be punished to the full extent of the law. I also believe that George Tiller should have been punished to the full extent of the law. Some of the children he killed were born...and living outside of the womb when he killed them. His "clinic" also offers funerary services to women- meaning they can have pictures and funerals for the children he just murdered in cold blood.

There has been great debate in my state (Kansas) and around the world about the practice of Partial Birth Abortion and I also believe that the majority of Americans believe Partial Birth Abortion is murder. Here is a link to pictures of babies who were aborted by Partial Birth Abortion (they look just like my children when they were born...clearly not just a "lump of cells" that can be debated in other forms of abortion):

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