Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #15 *Arrest*

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I’ve heard from the family that the vigil last night went very well [emoji172]
I wonder what would happen if they let JO or JH visit with EG in jail? Maybe she would "leak" out at least part of her story. idea tho. Probably be high tension in the midst that's for sure.:scared:
So here's what I have for her next hearing:

Monday, April 16th:
*Hearing (@ 9am CT) – KS – Lucas Allen Hernandez (5) (missing Feb. 17, 2018; not found yet) – Emily Ann-Marie Glass (26) (stepmom) charged (2/26/18) with 1 count of child endangerment (of 1 year old, for Feb. 16th, day before Lucas was reported missing; suspected of drug use). There are 2 other charges of Child Endangerment with warrant drawn on booking page; bond stays at $50K, per Judge on 3/14/18.
Originally arrested (2/21/18) for 2 counts of child endangerment.
3/14/18: Glass’s bond will remain at $50,000, and if she is able to post bond, she will be under electronic monitoring if she gets out of jail, O’Connor said. O’Connor said he will leave up to another judge who is handing a child-in-need-of-care case involving the 1-year-old whether Glass can have contact with that child.
This is my updated case reviews on children who die due to child abuse/neglect and parents falsely report them missing. I will warn you, it’s big and I can’t tell on my end if you can see the data via PDF. It’s not complete, I’m still working on it. I can hide a bunch of the informational columns just because I’m looking for patterns, similarities and differences. You will NOT hurt my feelings if you can’t read it or if you aren’t interested in the information at all. I can give a list of the websites I use a lot for picking my cases tho Im trying to finish up what I have before adding anymore cases.

I welcome any questions/suggestions/requests, etc.

I will also warn I’m including very disturbing information, even some pictures but it’s all at the end of the spreadsheet so if you don’t want to see them, you don’t have to.

Thank you, ESO. What a massive amount of work. I scrolled as far as the Ricky Holland case. His case really affected me. I felt guilty at times because I thought all along that it was his adoptive parents who did it. Then when it turned out to actually be the adoptive mother... I felt such anger toward her (and him to for not coming forward).

I noticed how many kids were killed by the parents or mother's/mother's boyfriend but not so many by the girlfriend/step mom.

I'm not sure whether this is in Excel but I believe you can do charts/graphs on the material.

Thanks, again.
So here's what I have for her next hearing:

Monday, April 16th:
*Hearing (@ 9am CT) – KS – Lucas Allen Hernandez (5) (missing Feb. 17, 2018; not found yet) – Emily Ann-Marie Glass (26) (stepmom) charged (2/26/18) with 1 count of child endangerment (of 1 year old, for Feb. 16th, day before Lucas was reported missing; suspected of drug use). There are 2 other charges of Child Endangerment with warrant drawn on booking page; bond stays at $50K, per Judge on 3/14/18.
Originally arrested (2/21/18) for 2 counts of child endangerment.
3/14/18: Glass’s bond will remain at $50,000, and if she is able to post bond, she will be under electronic monitoring if she gets out of jail, O’Connor said. O’Connor said he will leave up to another judge who is handing a child-in-need-of-care case involving the 1-year-old whether Glass can have contact with that child.

Thank you, niner. You are always so awesome with court and legal updates in so many cases. Please know you are appreciated! :heart:
Thank you, ESO. What a massive amount of work. I scrolled as far as the Ricky Holland case. His case really affected me. I felt guilty at times because I thought all along that it was his adoptive parents who did it. Then when it turned out to actually be the adoptive mother... I felt such anger toward her (and him to for not coming forward).

I noticed how many kids were killed by the parents or mother's/mother's boyfriend but not so many by the girlfriend/step mom.

I'm not sure whether this is in Excel but I believe you can do charts/graphs on the material.

Thanks, again.

I actually have it in Numbers on my MacBook and then I export it as a pdf right now. Because of its size, reading it was a challenge in anything but pdf view. I’ve actually started doing some charts and graphs but then I find another type of information I want to track and it throws everything off 🤬 I think I’ve discovered a fix so stay tuned........

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It’s not that I don’t want to find Lucas for anyone else, but Jaime has always been my focus and motivation to keep searching for Lucas. She could worship the devil, secretly have a crush on Adolf Hitler and snort fertilizer to get high (she doesn’t of course) but it still won’t change that she’s a mom who deserves to know where her child is.

I think if anyone could be key to getting a confession from Emily, it would be Jaime.......not as a direct request, but from a trigger point perspective. I think one of the things that EG has needed the most is to redeem herself as a “good” parent. Lucas being with her gives Emily a legitimization in the public eye, in her mind of course. She thrives on that control of Lucas because she can’t control what’s happening with her older children. She needs to feel like a better mom than Jaime and it would really bother her for anyone to say otherwise. In situations like this, it’s not uncommon to hear stepmom and/or biological moms to say something like “I may not be the best mom but I’m definitely better than her”. What EG fails to realize right now, is that Jaime wasn’t forced to let her son live with his father like Emily was. Regardless of the situation, putting your child’s needs over your own is what real mother’s do. She made a heart wrenching decision that unfortunately went terribly wrong. When I hear negative comments made about JO, I get so frustrated because, for one, it’s uncalled for and very unfair, but for two, it’s exactly what Emily is wanting to hear. So to confess would never cross her mind as long as she thinks the public opinion of JO is so bad. But I’d love to see how Emily would react if, all of a sudden, the support for Jaime would become positive instead. If people were to start praising Jaime for putting her child’s needs above her own (which she should be praised for that anyway), saying it’s proof of a mother’s unconditional love and comparing that to Emily’s lack of doing the right thing, I think it would really get under her skin. She will want to refute that, so pressuring her to prove she loves Lucas unconditionally and give him a final resting place as what a good mom would do, they don’t just want that for their children, they NEED it for them, might motivator her in that direction. Emily taking her chances with a jury if no body is ever found is a risky case to prosecute, but in my research, I’m finding more and more no body child disappearances have a much better chance of getting a conviction. Kids don’t have the right to walk away like adults do and if a child isn’t in their legal home, then it’s a “criminal” situation (runaways, kidnapping, death, etc), reasonable doubt is less of a factor behind a child’s absence. There just isn’t an innocent reason for it. I also think EG would not want to be lumped in with Evan Brewer’s mom as well, she lied about her son’s whereabouts and it took finding Evan’s body to arrest her. That’s what a bad mom does, good moms want their babies safe and at “home”. Good mom’s can’t eat, sleep, grieve, heal, etc when their kids are missing, worrying about them-bad mom’s can’t do any of those things when facing consequences for their own choices, only worried about themselves.

Emily also can’t comprehend yet that this isn’t gonna just go away, it’s going to follow her for the rest of her life. She’s going to have to look into her own children’s eyes and answer to them about their brother one day. She won’t ever be able to repair any relationship with them until she comes clean. I love the quote “People who have nothing to hide, hide nothing” because the longer Lucas is hidden from us, the less likely it is for Emily to claim LH’s death was an accident. His body is her proof and if a cause is undetermined homicidal violence, you can’t differentiate between the two. That’s a huge gamble for her to make and the sentencing will reflect that-first degree murder carries life, normally without parole whereas taking a plea will allow her to have a life outside of prison one day. She only has one card to play here and she’s running out of time to use it. I’m thinking she’s been pretty good about avoiding facing the consequences of her bad behavior in the past. The longer she can’t manipulate or control the situation gets us one step closer to finding Lucas I think. EG is going to hold on to that power as long as she can, but hopefully she won’t want anyone to take that power away from her and will talk.

One disgusting piece of information I’ve learned is how parents in jail for murdering their own child will request permission to ATTEND THE FUNERAL!!!! Can you believe that? I haven’t seen many judges grant that request. Sorry, but my opinion is that the parents already had their child’s funeral when they killed them, now it’s everyone else’s turn to have one.

In case you haven’t noticed, my life philosophy is why say in 5 words what you can in 500. [emoji849]

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ESO, this is genius! I think it would be great for both sides of Lucas's family to show a united front with Jamie. Plan vigils, fundraisers, and speak to the media. I think that would really affect EG. I agree that Jamie needs to show her face a little more.
I am just horrified and disgusted that it's been six weeks since darling Lucas disappeared and there isn't a trace of him found. Where is this poor boy? Everyone is trying so hard to find him, this is just heartbreaking to witness day after day for his mother and loved ones and friends.

Good for JO for getting out there at the vigil and speaking last night. Praying for strength for her.
ESO, this is genius! I think it would be great for both sides of Lucas's family to show a united front with Jamie. Plan vigils, fundraisers, and speak to the media. I think that would really affect EG. I agree that Jamie needs to show her face a little more.

That's a great idea! United front.

Colton's so-called mother (Rebecca Clark) {eventually convicted of his murder}stated the following a few months after Colton went missing in this blog. There are other blogs she participated in, several have since been deleted. I have them stored somewhere.

I want to thank you for caring for my son Colt Clark. Your postings are kind and concerned for my son. It is now past 4 months and still no word about Colt. Our hearts are broken, but we will not give up hope. Our family and friends will never give up. Our hopes and prayers are that we will find him soon. We believe the biological family has him hid out.Colts brother believes this to be the truth.
Please remember the news papers and media take things out of context, and report what ever they want. The media got the police report and stated that my son's had been in a pornographic ring, and had been sexually abused. This was exploitation of my children for a head line, or top story. They did not get that information from me. I called the editor and complained. I have found this to be true in many of the reports. Nontruths are reported as a fact. This is a great injustice to my children and the public. I contacted channel 9 and the producer and told them that they had lower the profession of journalism to less than prostitution. The media has harmed my family to make a profit.However; it did get my Son's picture on the news and you saw the reports. That is what we wanted. The OSBI gave a excellent professional report. The spokes person stated that this kind of case brings the best, and the worst out in people. We have been helped by many wonderful people, and the OSBI has been working hard. The Missing Childrens Org. have been wonderful and their work is endless. I knew very little about these organizations. They stepped in and told us what needed to be done. We could not even think at that time. I know now that we were in shock. I do not know how we would have made it without the prayers of family and friends. Our community and neighbers have been supportive. I will never be able to thank them enough. People like them helped whe we needed without asking. I hope that no one else has to go through this kind of pain and stress.
The fact is yes my children were abused horrifically. There was child *advertiser censored*, neglect, physical, emotional,mental abuse and prostitution. This was reported to the police by our children and we were told that there was not enough evidence for arrests. The Bio Father and his associates pasted a lie detector test. So has many criminals. The last serial killer caught in Co. had past one, and was release before caught again. However, he had killed more people. Look on the net about Polygraph tests. The Name for it is know as SWAG.. Somebody's wild *advertiser censored* guess. This is stated by many intelligent persons, including members of the CIA. Also, there is much information on how to pass or fail the test.
My son's were shocked and scared after they went to the law enforcement and recieved no justice. We found out the hard way. The syatem works for the criminals extreamly well. It was shocking and alarming to our family.
I tell you this now, because the news stations and medial already told half truths about the abuse, and case history. The internet is full of negative, insulting, slanderous remarks about my family and I. I really am disgusted with it. I could not even reply to such remarks. Those people are so far off from the truth, it is sad. They need to get on the same map that most of the decent human beings use.The lies that are told are incredible.
I talked with Marc Klass, (Polly Klass's father)Brad Dennis, and Tim Miller founder of Equa Search. They stated they had all experienced the same kind of cruelity from the Law enforcement and public. That is why they fonded Equa Search, Missing Children, Beyond Missing, and the National Missing and exploited Childrens fondations. These are wonderful fondations and they all have internet sites. If you have time please check them out.
Once again I want to thank you.
Rebecca Clark
2:55 AM

This is my only my second post. I read the rules of websleuths; however I'm not sure if I can ethically post this though she has now been convicted. Moderators, please delete, if inappropriate. I post this as an example of the guilty speaking as somewhat believable at the time; but in reality, guilty language was spoken. Please be patient as I will study to learn your regulations.

Thank you and I send out RESPECT to all of you in your endeavor to find little Lucas. I'm impressed. Thank you for the welcome.
ESO, Colton Clark was once a little boy. Now he is no more. Would you consider placing his name amongst your comprehensive listing? From an invested reader and affected local.

I honestly believed that child abuse cases were isolated incidents because I didn’t really get involved with them. Then I came to Websleuths. That bubble has burst. I....just....don’
If you really can’t or don’t want to deal with a child to the point of abuse, surely there are options for the child and the caregiver. How can so many people hate the children in their care?
It seems like it’s open season on kids. JMO
I honestly believed that child abuse cases were isolated incidents because I didn’t really get involved with them. Then I came to Websleuths. That bubble has burst. I....just....don’
If you really can’t or don’t want to deal with a child to the point of abuse, surely there are options for the child and the caregiver. How can so many people hate the children in their care?
It seems like it’s open season on kids. JMO

BBM It's not hate that drives an abuser to abuse. Sure, there are some who abuse out of hate but I think it's very few when you look at the entire population of abused children. I think a lot of the time it's frustration, immaturity and, I think probably most common, control issues. For some reason abusers just can't process why the child won't listen to them or do what they are told. I think a lot of times it's also a manfestation of the cycle of abuse. I think some abusers may think to themselves "why won't this kid listen to me and do what he's told, I was such a well behaved child and did what I was told." What they are missing in their memory is that they were so well behaved and did what they were told because they were abused.
BBM It's not hate that drives an abuser to abuse. Sure, there are some who abuse out of hate but I think it's very few when you look at the entire population of abused children. I think a lot of the time it's frustration, immaturity and, I think probably most common, control issues. For some reason abusers just can't process why the child won't listen to them or do what they are told. I think a lot of times it's also a manfestation of the cycle of abuse. I think some abusers may think to themselves "why won't this kid listen to me and do what he's told, I was such a well behaved child and did what I was told." What they are missing in their memory is that they were so well behaved and did what they were told because they were abused.
Think of shaken baby syndrome. I am sure every parent here, at one time was at that point with one of their children. The difference between us and them, we stopped, made sure all issues were attempted, then put them down safely on their crib, and walked away.

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And people are happy to listen.

EG does not need that chance.


i cant even begin to imagine. at all. whatsoever. i am so sorry you had to go through that. I have to ask, and you don't have to answer, do you still have contact with her?
I actually have it in Numbers on my MacBook and then I export it as a pdf right now. Because of its size, reading it was a challenge in anything but pdf view. I’ve actually started doing some charts and graphs but then I find another type of information I want to track and it throws everything off 🤬 I think I’ve discovered a fix so stay tuned........

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Would access or a database program work? You would have to create the data tables, and input info into various fields but then You could come back with different reports

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