Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #15 *Arrest*

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BBM It's not hate that drives an abuser to abuse. Sure, there are some who abuse out of hate but I think it's very few when you look at the entire population of abused children. I think a lot of the time it's frustration, immaturity and, I think probably most common, control issues. For some reason abusers just can't process why the child won't listen to them or do what they are told. I think a lot of times it's also a manfestation of the cycle of abuse. I think some abusers may think to themselves "why won't this kid listen to me and do what he's told, I was such a well behaved child and did what I was told." What they are missing in their memory is that they were so well behaved and did what they were told because they were abused.

What is abuse now, wasn’t considered so 20,30,40 and more years ago. My mom was beat. My dad was abused - and he decided the cycle was ending with him. He had many confrontations with grandparents/aunts/uncles on ‘proper’ discipline of me. I was not a bad child as it was!
My grandparents on both sides believed children should be beat regularly to keep them in line - and many of that generation did.
I’ve had in-laws tell me and my sister in law we don’t beat our respective children enough and I’ve told them to back off and if they ever lay a hand on a hair of my child they’ll be in jail, and I have no issue cutting someone abusive out of my life. One of the strongest things I learned from my dad.
Too many, in my experience, are completely uneducated on any but physical discipline and it is infuriating at times.

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I honestly believed that child abuse cases were isolated incidents because I didn’t really get involved with them. Then I came to Websleuths. That bubble has burst. I....just....don’
If you really can’t or don’t want to deal with a child to the point of abuse, surely there are options for the child and the caregiver. How can so many people hate the children in their care?
It seems like it’s open season on kids. JMO

Oh it’s defining rabbit hole you don’t want to get started down if you can help it. I think I’ve had more sleepless nights researching this topic than I ever have with anything else. What I find most disturbing is the cases where two parents are involved with the abuse, it goes to a level that even prisoner’s of war don’t adult has somewhat of a choice in their situation and it’s not being dished out to them by the people who are supposed to love and protect them. And it’s only the fatalities we get to have the most information about, the numbers of kids saved from their abusive parents are cases we don’t always hear about. I really did think I might want to pursue a career in child protection until I started working towards that. Ultimately, my inner accounting brain did a cost/benefit analysis and I knew, as a newly divorced single mom, I couldn’t do it. I’ve avoided get too involved in any of these cases until two local boys disappeared under two different set of circumstances: one was a relative of someone I grew up with and the other was Lucas. Once this is over, I’m seriously considering becoming a CASA volunteer (special advocates for children in the system), you get a few cases where you advocate for the child to the courts.....not to be confused with a guardian ad litem, which is an attorney appointed to represent a child. I had started the process awhile ago but had to put it on hold for family reasons. Until then, I’m focusing my energy on finding Lucas and trying to understand as much as I can from researching past cases. I don’t know what it is I’m hoping to find because whatever it is, it’s not ever going to be enough. Child abuse has been happening for centuries (the first documented case was 2000 years ago when a body was discovered with the same injuries you’d find today) and will probably always happen but it doesn’t mean we can’t do something about it now.

I think there is a lot that needs to change, I think it’s critical to give parents who are abusing their children a way to get help on their own without having to wait for others to step in. There is so much shame in child abuse, but normal, healthy people don’t abuse their children. Most who do suffered the same abuse themselves and for whatever reason, never got the right help to stop the pattern. Unfortunately, women seem to be most vulnerable in picking an abusive partner who will then allow their own children to be abused even if they don’t participate in the actual act, they don’t stop it either. Those are the cases I struggle with the most, mothers are supposed to give their lives for their children.

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Colton's so-called mother (Rebecca Clark) {eventually convicted of his murder}stated the following a few months after Colton went missing in this blog. There are other blogs she participated in, several have since been deleted. I have them stored somewhere.

I want to thank you for caring for my son Colt Clark. Your postings are kind and concerned for my son. It is now past 4 months and still no word about Colt. Our hearts are broken, but we will not give up hope. Our family and friends will never give up. Our hopes and prayers are that we will find him soon. We believe the biological family has him hid out.Colts brother believes this to be the truth.
Please remember the news papers and media take things out of context, and report what ever they want. The media got the police report and stated that my son's had been in a pornographic ring, and had been sexually abused. This was exploitation of my children for a head line, or top story. They did not get that information from me. I called the editor and complained. I have found this to be true in many of the reports. Nontruths are reported as a fact. This is a great injustice to my children and the public. I contacted channel 9 and the producer and told them that they had lower the profession of journalism to less than prostitution. The media has harmed my family to make a profit.However; it did get my Son's picture on the news and you saw the reports. That is what we wanted. The OSBI gave a excellent professional report. The spokes person stated that this kind of case brings the best, and the worst out in people. We have been helped by many wonderful people, and the OSBI has been working hard. The Missing Childrens Org. have been wonderful and their work is endless. I knew very little about these organizations. They stepped in and told us what needed to be done. We could not even think at that time. I know now that we were in shock. I do not know how we would have made it without the prayers of family and friends. Our community and neighbers have been supportive. I will never be able to thank them enough. People like them helped whe we needed without asking. I hope that no one else has to go through this kind of pain and stress.
The fact is yes my children were abused horrifically. There was child *advertiser censored*, neglect, physical, emotional,mental abuse and prostitution. This was reported to the police by our children and we were told that there was not enough evidence for arrests. The Bio Father and his associates pasted a lie detector test. So has many criminals. The last serial killer caught in Co. had past one, and was release before caught again. However, he had killed more people. Look on the net about Polygraph tests. The Name for it is know as SWAG.. Somebody's wild *advertiser censored* guess. This is stated by many intelligent persons, including members of the CIA. Also, there is much information on how to pass or fail the test.
My son's were shocked and scared after they went to the law enforcement and recieved no justice. We found out the hard way. The syatem works for the criminals extreamly well. It was shocking and alarming to our family.
I tell you this now, because the news stations and medial already told half truths about the abuse, and case history. The internet is full of negative, insulting, slanderous remarks about my family and I. I really am disgusted with it. I could not even reply to such remarks. Those people are so far off from the truth, it is sad. They need to get on the same map that most of the decent human beings use.The lies that are told are incredible.
I talked with Marc Klass, (Polly Klass's father)Brad Dennis, and Tim Miller founder of Equa Search. They stated they had all experienced the same kind of cruelity from the Law enforcement and public. That is why they fonded Equa Search, Missing Children, Beyond Missing, and the National Missing and exploited Childrens fondations. These are wonderful fondations and they all have internet sites. If you have time please check them out.
Once again I want to thank you.
Rebecca Clark
2:55 AM

This is my only my second post. I read the rules of websleuths; however I'm not sure if I can ethically post this though she has now been convicted. Moderators, please delete, if inappropriate. I post this as an example of the guilty speaking as somewhat believable at the time; but in reality, guilty language was spoken. Please be patient as I will study to learn your regulations.

Thank you and I send out RESPECT to all of you in your endeavor to find little Lucas. I'm impressed. Thank you for the welcome.

Thank you for posting this. I see what you mean about guilty language. Welcome to WS- I am so sorry this happened to you, your family, and to Colton.[emoji171]

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Easter morning and thinking about Lucas. Wishing he was dyeing eggs with those who love him...enjoying jelly beans, chocolate bunnies, peeps of all colors and treats of every delicious type.
We won't give up. The searchers will find you.
We won't let the world forget about you sweetheart.
We promise.
Lucas, you are on my mind and in my heart this Easter morning, as always. :heartbeat:
FLA, thinking of you, Jamie, and all who love and are searching for Lucas.
Easter morning and no Lucas. So sad. Hugging my two babies even tighter today.

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Definitely fits my criteria, I will add him!

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This story was awful. Those poor boys and his brother has to live with that hole now. I couldnt believe that bruise on his arm in the grade school picture and no one said a word.

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The avatar is just so perfect Ms. Pink....thank you for the cheer this morning:)
I believe in the Easter Bunny! I believe Christ has Risen! I believe we will bring Lucas home!
Happy Easter WS’s. So grateful for all of the beautiful souls on this thread so dedicated to bringing Lucas home. Happy Easter, sweet Lucas. You are loved [emoji177]

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:loveyou:Happy Easter everyone.
Prayers for Lucas:heartbeat::heartbeat::heartbeat:
Happy Easter Luke [emoji172]


your post brought tears to my eyes. Lucas should be here hunting for that Green Egg with his name. :tears:
Happy Easter Luke [emoji172]


You’ve done it again my friend. So glad I haven’t put my face on yet. Lol. Happy Easter!

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I have come across a few new cases lately on ID where the deceased was found on a relative's property.
Oh it’s defining rabbit hole you don’t want to get started down if you can help it. I think I’ve had more sleepless nights researching this topic than I ever have with anything else. What I find most disturbing is the cases where two parents are involved with the abuse, it goes to a level that even prisoner’s of war don’t adult has somewhat of a choice in their situation and it’s not being dished out to them by the people who are supposed to love and protect them. And it’s only the fatalities we get to have the most information about, the numbers of kids saved from their abusive parents are cases we don’t always hear about. I really did think I might want to pursue a career in child protection until I started working towards that. Ultimately, my inner accounting brain did a cost/benefit analysis and I knew, as a newly divorced single mom, I couldn’t do it. I’ve avoided get too involved in any of these cases until two local boys disappeared under two different set of circumstances: one was a relative of someone I grew up with and the other was Lucas. Once this is over, I’m seriously considering becoming a CASA volunteer (special advocates for children in the system), you get a few cases where you advocate for the child to the courts.....not to be confused with a guardian ad litem, which is an attorney appointed to represent a child. I had started the process awhile ago but had to put it on hold for family reasons. Until then, I’m focusing my energy on finding Lucas and trying to understand as much as I can from researching past cases. I don’t know what it is I’m hoping to find because whatever it is, it’s not ever going to be enough. Child abuse has been happening for centuries (the first documented case was 2000 years ago when a body was discovered with the same injuries you’d find today) and will probably always happen but it doesn’t mean we can’t do something about it now.

I think there is a lot that needs to change, I think it’s critical to give parents who are abusing their children a way to get help on their own without having to wait for others to step in. There is so much shame in child abuse, but normal, healthy people don’t abuse their children. Most who do suffered the same abuse themselves and for whatever reason, never got the right help to stop the pattern. Unfortunately, women seem to be most vulnerable in picking an abusive partner who will then allow their own children to be abused even if they don’t participate in the actual act, they don’t stop it either. Those are the cases I struggle with the most, mothers are supposed to give their lives for their children.

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CASA volunteer! Thank you. That is what I meant in an earlier post when I said GAL. I'd only heard of them recently...that is something those of us who want to do something could look into for the time & training required.

This thread is full of amazing people, like you ESO. Thank you everyone. I've learned so much.

Now, I'd like to learn that Lucas can come home for Easter please.
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