Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #16 *Arrest*

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We're in drought so digging would have been difficult.

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Pushing is not hard though.

Especially if it's not pushing something down, but Over.
My brain is all over the place, but I'm wondering IF this took place on Valentine's Day AND she had company that day, could the "little brother" be the child of her guest(s)? As in...the person with a lot to lose who may be involved?


It could be something like that.

Because I really dont think it was the 1 year old girl toddler she saw. The neighbor would have said baby or baby sister if it was the infant.

The article sure made it sound like there was another boy there with him.

This was
"just a few days before he disappeared."

Who was this little brother that the neighbor saw?

“He came over with the little brother,”

It's been talked about in previous threads. But most people think that the woman just mistook the little girl for a boy. In the few pics I've seen of her she doesn't have much hair amd if she was wearing gender neutral clothing (speculation) it wouldn't be hard to think that she was a little boy.
My brain is all over the place, but I'm wondering IF this took place on Valentine's Day AND she had company that day, could the "little brother" be the child of her guest(s)? As in...the person with a lot to lose who may be involved?


Hmmm. Interesting. Because if it was on VD and EG said that Lucas was with JO, this could prove that he wasn't depending on what time the neighbor seen them. The article only said a few days. I take a few to mean 3 and a couple to mean 2 but sometimes few can be used referring to multiple days. But I would guess it would be the 14th or 15th.

Also, has anything ever been said about the guy who was outside smoking with EG on the 11th? We know it wasn't JH because he would have already left for work. I'm wondering if there hadn't been several men coming and going at that house. It seems significant because the neighbor noticed enough to say that he assumed EG was single.
I'm losing faith in JH as far as believing E.G. also. 😐
It's been talked about in previous threads. But most people think that the woman just mistook the little girl for a boy. In the few pics I've seen of her she doesn't have much hair amd if she was wearing gender neutral clothing (speculation) it wouldn't be hard to think that she was a little boy.

Thanks. I thought it may have been discussed already by now.

Not sure I agree the neighbor was mistaken though. Two reasons why I think she may have really saw a little boy.

She said "“He came over with the little brother”

The "he came over" part implies to me that he walked over with Lucas.

And I think she would have used the term "baby" if she was talking about a one-year old infant that was carried over in someones arms or rolled over in a stroller.

I guess we would need the neighbor to confirm how old the other person was that she saw.
Thanks. I thought it may have been discussed already by now.

Not sure I agree the neighbor was mistaken though. Two reasons why I think she may have really saw a little boy.

She said "“He came over with the little brother”

The "he came over" part implies to me that he walked over with Lucas.

And I think she would have used the term "baby" if she was talking about a one-year old infant that was carried over in someones arms or rolled over in a stroller.

I guess we would need the neighbor to confirm how old the other person was that she saw.

My daughter is 1 and nobody carries her anywhere, she walks/runs wherever my older kids go so I could see the baby girl just walking over with Lucas. I dont remembwr for sure but I thought the baby was walking age already , if not then disregard my comment .
My daughter is 1 and nobody carries her anywhere, she walks/runs wherever my older kids go so I could see the baby girl just walking over with Lucas. I dont remembwr for sure but I thought the baby was walking age already , if not then disregard my comment .

I found the video of the neighbor saying this. I listened carefully and now I can see why some think she may have just made a mistake. When she talks about him playing with the dog it was just Lucas she was referring to.

Had there been another little boy his age I think she would have offered both boys to play with the dog.

I now agree it was likely she saw the 1 year old infant and thought it was a little brother.

She talks at 0:44 seconds into this video.
Please do not sleuth EG's family. We have no evidence or indication from LE that anyone in EG's family is involved in Lucas' disappearance.

Too quiet.. explain why the dumpster idea was shot down. And is it impossible to search landfill ?? I live in a smaller community do landfill situation not the same.
Doesn't EG have a court date coming up soon?
JH mailed Valentine’s Day gifts to Emily and the children. One of the gifts was a $15 gift card to Olive Garden.

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Bringing this forward to think aloud. My partner works away and while he is fine if kids busy to talk, he would want to chat with them if he had sent a gift for a special day. He would want to FaceTime or talk on that day.

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B) Does not want to get caught doing something JH may not be aware of, and left Luke at home.

If he was with family, cousins etc...that would have come out I’d think

I'm leaning more and more the way you are -- she did this alone. The regular "babysitters" did not have him on VD or we'd have heard about it. Her lies caught up with her. Speaking of....I wonder at what point she knew the LL had come by? Perhaps sooner than I think, but I wonder if she didn't try to lie about the 16th only to find out from LE that LL had seen little Lucas during the time her phone was pinging at OG...? Just speculating.

The only way I believe she has involved anyone close is if it was after the fact--calling them panicked because he was "sicker" than she thought or there was an "accident"...but given how important her image was to her and how "lazy" she is, I just really doubt it. It's a lot of work to involve someone else and have to constantly worry about them talking.

possibly a married man?

I can imagine anyone with a conscience would be horrified to be associated with this situation--hopefully if there actually is anybody, it's someone with a conscience who will sing to LE. My fear is that if she used an addict, they may completely apathetic to it and fear prosecution, figuring, "What's the point in saying anything now?"

I am thinking a long with your thoughts, EG probably felt like she deserved this alone time without the kids. JH helped her move then left the rest up to EG to unpack and take care of the kids. She might have thought sc*** you and saw someone else on VD. Just thinking this could be a possibility also. imo

Regardless of her motive for doing anything behind JHs back, I think EG just wants what she wants--no one needs to make her angry or motivate her, necessarily, she'll just do what she wants anyway.

What a horrifying thought! I would think Lucas would tell his dad if he was being left alone alot. I wonder if she drugged him so he didn't always know when she wasn't there or had company. ahem.
Odd as this train of thought might be I've wondered if she had a little side business.

I'm on the line with tninth--with the abuse we've seen on that poor boy and nothing coming from his family trying to help him months prior, this little guy probably kept quiet.

Based on VI comment that LH and JO had a very loving relationship, I'm sure that spilled over into their own home every day. Innocent comments could have been made by darling little Lucas at mealtimes about how his mommy would make a certain meal that he liked. Comments like these could be an explanation for EG saying bruises could come when in the kitchen. I am speculating that mention of JO came up regularly in the home in a loving way by Lucas and JH didn't stop it because why would he. Maybe this enraged EG because even after having a child with JH she could have still felt like an outsider. Maybe this would have changed as their daughter got older but logistics aren't the problem, her mind is IMO.

I'm losing faith that Dad believed him :(
Me too, and here's what bothers me. Given their violent history (and the fight about her sexual assault), what were the issues? Did he not trust her? I'm more inclined to believe she didn't trust him. I'm more inclined to believe that she worked him over, made him feel guilty or crazy for questioning anything. Who knows what he thinks or believes about why she doesn't have her own boys? Was she constantly trying to turn him against JO? Did she convince him of many things over the time they were together? Did she make him feel like he could only trust her, nobody else? Did he view anything Lucas said as either mistaken or coached/coerced by their "enemies" outside the home?
Too quiet.. explain why the dumpster idea was shot down. And is it impossible to search landfill ?? I live in a smaller community do landfill situation not the same.

If you search up threads by ESO, there is a lot of explanation why searchers might not be safe as well as the near-impossibility of locating anyone--however, once Lucas was reported missing, I believe ESO said it was standard for LE to alert all waste companies to monitor trucks, transfer stations, and the landfill.
If you search up threads by ESO, there is a lot of explanation why searchers might not be safe as well as the near-impossibility of locating anyone--however, once Lucas was reported missing, I believe ESO said it was standard for LE to alert all waste companies to monitor trucks, transfer stations, and the landfill.
While I agree with you in theory, and have full confidence in LE, I'm just not convinced that he isn't in the landfill. I don't even know why I feel so strongly about it - just a hunch, I suppose. It seems the most simple explanation, IMHO. I know I keep talking about it; my apologies to those who are sick of hearing it ;).

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While I agree with you in theory, and have full confidence in LE, I'm just not convinced that he isn't in the landfill. I don't even know why I feel so strongly about it - just a hunch, I suppose. It seems the most simple explanation, IMHO. I know I keep talking about it; my apologies to those who are sick of hearing it ;).

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I have thought this all along as well and I still haven’t ruled it out. Lucas was very small and would have been very easy to conceal in a trash bag, suitcase, or plastic bin.
While I agree with you in theory, and have full confidence in LE, I'm just not convinced that he isn't in the landfill. I don't even know why I feel so strongly about it - just a hunch, I suppose. It seems the most simple explanation, IMHO. I know I keep talking about it; my apologies to those who are sick of hearing it ;).

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I agree, my original thought was she put him in a moving box and tossed him into a dumpster. If she did that seven weeks ago...How would he ever be found? Makes me sick to think about it.

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