Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #16 *Arrest*

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I think the time frame of the 11th eve through the 16th (up until 5:30) is a curious time. Emily said herself that she would send him off to her cousin's-we all know who that would be. Emily bringing JO into the equation on the 14th, shows us that EG was not with Lucas on VD.He probably was at home alone,or with cousins, therefor she was able to do what she wanted to do on VD. IF he was at home, he was probably home alone. Let's think about this a moment.

Motives for lying:
A) She was to be with the kids on VD and do something special with them, she sent him/them off somewhere to do what she wanted to do_Or left Lucas at home to do what she wanted
B) Does not want to get caught doing something JH may not be aware of, and left Luke at home.
C) Setting up an elaborate plan to frame JO by stating she was in the area, and had Luke.
I'm going with Occam's razor on this one-the one with the least competing Hypothetical answers. She lied because she didn't want to get caught doing whatever it was she was doing during a time she was supposed to be in control of the kids.

Set Stage: A lie brought up by her, NOT thought out, Impulsive, she knew it couldn't be corroborated. She knew when she said that, JH would have to take her word for it, or JO's. She knew he would side with her. She does NOT want to be caught with another man, not just a drug dealer, that would be easier to explain (in her world), drugs wouldn't be that big of a deal. It has to be another relationship. She does not want to lose JH and we all know that cheating can be an end all, be all.
So, based upon this, should we be thinking that Lucas knew this person? The days leading up to his disappearance are so crucial. We know the lies started on the 14th. FACT. JO was just a easy cover-up in her eyes. MOO. Whatever happened, happened because she did not want to get caught in her set of lies that started on the 14th-Lucas was the one who could corroborate the VD day story-about the visit with his mom that never happened. He could potentially corroborate a man being around after his dad left on the 9th. She had no choice but to get rid of any evidence of her wrong doings in an effort to save her relationship. It's her. She did it, and she knows where he is. In my opinion, she is not going to want another man to think she is bad mother, (leaving her kids home alone), she definitely is not going to want him to think she is a murderer, or an abuser. In fact, I bet you she told the same VD day story to the other man-Lucas was with his mom. LE probably interviewed him, and she knew that this info was going to come out, it would be relayed to JH in order to corroborate facts. That is why she vaccilated with facts when speaking to JH about this. Getting tied up in her lies, who she said what to, and when, and trying to make sure it all matches up. MOO she did it with no help. MOO, he was in that house by himself (her coming and going) for the two days leading up to his disappearance. She"d put on a movie for him, and put him in his room. Possibly even overnight. JMO MOO

I am thinking a long with your thoughts, EG probably felt like she deserved this alone time without the kids. JH helped her move then left the rest up to EG to unpack and take care of the kids. She might have thought sc*** you and saw someone else on VD. Just thinking this could be a possibility also. imo
I believe JO was an easy excuse that JH would accept without question. She didn’t know her lies would come out within a few days.
I’m not so sure Lucas wasn’t at home on VD Day. My gut tells me that she was partying w someone that night & Friday night (probably many other nights too) either home or at their place. Since her suspected drug of choice had never been identified, I’m going to throw out HGB or another upper that keeps you going til the wee hours.
I think she was dosing LH with a sleeping pill, Xanax, anything that would knock him out for hours. She didn’t want him to see what she was doing and more importantly, didn’t want her party night spoiled by a “needy little boy who didn’t talk right.” I sense she may have lashed out & abused him because he was damaged in her eyes.
I don’t believe his death was planned, rather she literally overdosed him and panicked. Her party pal disposed of his body.
Throwing this out there. There are several bars within walking distance of the house. Possible she met someone there who there who became the party pal. There are a ton of very wealthy people in Wichita with kids around EG’s age. Kids who lived to party, kids who are addicts and kids who hang out in bars. There families have 1000 acre ranches in the Flint Hills, sand pits, lake homes, all very private where nobody would think to look. This person would keep their mouth shut no because if the truth came out they would be ruined.
Just my random thoughts.

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Absolutely agree 100% with your line of thinking on this.:ditto:
Has anyone looked into who might have been arrested around the same time as EG? Possibly on drug charges? I was thinking that it wouldn't do any good because I wouldn't know if they were associates of EG but maybe some one else in this group would know?

I looked at the people arrested the same day and I didn't think anyone appeared like someone EG might have spent time with. I could have been wrong, that was just what I thought. jmo
I am curious as to when was the last time JH spoke with Lucas and how often they talked ,
That is the last time anyone saw Lucas up until the 16th at 5:30- he was probably stuck in that house alone a lot of the time is what I’m thinking

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What a horrifying thought! I would think Lucas would tell his dad if he was being left alone alot. I wonder if she drugged him so he didn't always know when she wasn't there or had company. ahem.
Odd as this train of thought might be I've wondered if she had a little side business.
Didn't EG say she suffered from endometriosis? I wonder of the Dr. prescribed pain killers to her.
I am curious as to when was the last time JH spoke with Lucas and how often they talked ,
Unless this was premeditated and EG planned to pin it on JO all along, which in my opinion is unlikely. I think that saying Lucas was with JO on VD was probably said in the spur of the moment, not planned, possibly in response to something. :thinking:

*All Opinion and Speculation of possible scenarios*

1.To explain Lucas not being with her somewhere. But I keep wondering, why not say he was at his friend's house, or with the cousin? What I am getting at is wouldn't she use a more typical explanation, such as a place he normally goes? Like she said in the interview. "I send him off to my cousin's" (Not saying that he doesn't see JO but it had been awhile.)

2.To explain pull-up. Did Lucas only start needing pull-ups again after JH left on this trip? Perhaps, JH found out he was wearing them and asked why. EG says, I don't know he saw JO on VD wet the bed that night and has needed them ever since. In order to bad mouth JO by saying she traumatized him... when really it was EG who traumatized him. :( This conversation would have to have happened when they spoke on the 16th for this scenario to make sense...or after he was missing I suppose. :sick:

3.Someone else named Jamie. Is there someone else named Jamie that EG was spending time with that she didn't want JH to know about? Either MH or Lucas could have said Jamie, JH asks Jamie who? EG says they must be talking about JO (to cover her *ss), and to explain EG says Lucas just saw her on VD, I forgot to tell you. Of course this story would unravel quickly, Lucas would deny seeing JO and...well he ends up missing. :sick:

I think she may have told someone else that Lucas was with his mom- possibly another man- MOO, I think when/if LE interviewed this person THEY relayed she said he was with mom- that may be how the lie surfaced.

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For what it's worth, I thought I should explain my comment upthread about EG's actions not lining up with someone genuinely trying to get her boys back and my jump from that to her having a child with JH. The connection between the two is that I no longer think she wanted to get back at JH for possibly ruining her chances with visitation. I think her motive all along had to do with Jaime and feeling like she had to compete for JH attention. Based on VI comment that LH and JO had a very loving relationship, I'm sure that spilled over into their own home every day. Innocent comments could have been made by darling little Lucas at mealtimes about how his mommy would make a certain meal that he liked. Comments like these could be an explanation for EG saying bruises could come when in the kitchen. I am speculating that mention of JO came up regularly in the home in a loving way by Lucas and JH didn't stop it because why would he. Maybe this enraged EG because even after having a child with JH she could have still felt like an outsider. Maybe this would have changed as their daughter got older but logistics aren't the problem, her mind is IMO. I hope this is making sense. Jealousy is the simplest possible motive after financial gain and that didn't happen here. Occam's razor says keep it simple which eliminates other people and him being far away. If he was placed in a dumpster that would have been quick and easy for her. I've heard nothing come out about where she was and what she did after OG. This IMO is why we've been told to focus on that timeframe for finding Lucas. IMO she knew the jig was up when JH found out she left Lucas alone and the way he would have known this is Lucas peeking out the window while she was known to be at OG. She may have gotten away with lies before this one but how would she explain this to JH. Her after being caught explanation is he was sleeping and not feeling well. If that's true then any reasonable person wouldn't go to OG. How can you go eat and leave a child home and think that's okay? She knew it wasn't okay so that lie being exposed could have done her in. There's a reason LE let us in on the 2 outgoing calls from her phone in the vicinity of OG. I still think one or both were to JH or one could have been returning a missed call from the LL. I'm speculating again but it seems to me JH was quite the catch for her. All JMO of course.
I think finding out just how street smart she is might be important. We need to learn how she thinks. Her interests, that being science and numbers might hold a clue. I wonder how much she studied about forensics. What is this thing with numbers with EG? Is it superstitious, is it obsessive compulsive? What is it?

and her backstory to her alleged nursing degree. ik it was verified that she is not a nurse but where did she even get the idea to post this on linkedin? did she start nursing school? apply and get rejected? aspire to be one? are one of her parents a nurse? aka is there some exposure to medicine where she is "good" at doses, for example drugging a child to keep them quiet regularly and going too far one time....
Can someone point me to the start of posts about VD and EG's new story? TIA.
I know, so why did they "confirm" it with using the cell phone near-by instead of saying she was seen or transactions confirm or....

Maybe the cell record is just the beginning evidence. Something concrete to put on paper while talking to witnesses etc. I do know I'm probably in a minority that questions the visit to OG for food purposes. I'm ok with that.

IMO (not as a VI) she did go to OG and use the gift cert. LE mentioned the time of the calls, as well as the location. This is important to to timeline, because we know that she was not at home when LL stopped by the house.
I think she may have told someone else that Lucas was with his mom- possibly another man- MOO, I think when/if LE interviewed this person THEY relayed she said he was with mom- that may be how the lie surfaced.

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but this doesnt explain why EG would tell JH Lucas was with JO. When our VIs shared EG told JH Lucas was with his mom, I interpreted this to be a direct line of communication, not with LEs involvement. It could have been before or after he went missing but still between the two of them.

i could have interpreted that wrong, in which case you may definitely be right. also, she could have told someone else, such as a mutual friend of her and JH or one of Lucas' teachers, and thats how it surfaced/got back to JH.
What a horrifying thought! I would think Lucas would tell his dad if he was being left alone alot. I wonder if she drugged him so he didn't always know when she wasn't there or had company. ahem.
Odd as this train of thought might be I've wondered if she had a little side business.

I'm losing faith that Dad believed him :(
Also, I want to add that I don't think she is smart, or a mastermind. She will follow the path of least resistance in where she put Lucas. She has been lucky thus far and that is all it is. We searchers and LE haven't found her path of least resistance yet. Oh, we will-the walls are closing in on her, make no mistake. The more information we receive on here gives us a better glimpse of her life-
FLA, don't lose faith.

She is lazy. Everything she does will be in the easiest way possible
LOCALS :) ...

Are any of you able to help with flyer distribution? If so, could you please head over to the flyer thread... :tyou:
but this doesnt explain why EG would tell JH Lucas was with JO. When our VIs shared EG told JH Lucas was with his mom, I interpreted this to be a direct line of communication, not with LEs involvement. It could have been before or after he went missing but still between the two of them.

i could have interpreted that wrong, in which case you may definitely be right. also, she could have told someone else, such as a mutual friend of her and JH or one of Lucas' teachers, and thats how it surfaced/got back to JH.

My thoughts are that she did not tell JH until that “lie” came out. Meaning this- EG told someone (let’s just say another man) that Lucas was with his mom the day she saw this “other man” on VD. This would not have come out UNTIL and IF LE interviewed this “other man”. He tells LE, I did see EG on VD and she said Lucas was with his mom. Then, LE relays the info to JH and JO trying to corroborate the information- when JH asks EG about this, she stammers and vacillates between information concerning Lucas’s whereabouts that day because she knows she told another person he was with mom. She knows she’s caught. It cannot be corroborated- He was most likely left at home on VD alone, by himself-but of course he now cannot tell us this.

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I see that scenario but if LE went to JH and say another man that she was with was told that LH was with JO .. does JH still stand by his woman. After finding out about another man
On one hand I think it’s very possibe that EG left Lucas home alone on VD. People are creatures of habit, and she definitely engages in habitual behavior like drugs. We know she had no problem leaving him home alone. My only question with this theory is baby girl. If she left Lucas home alone to be able to do what she wanted..would baby girl not interfere with plans either? Or could it be that the issue was Lucas was of the age to talk about what he sees whereas baby girl is not...just thinking out loud..
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