Found Deceased KS - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #22 *Arrest*

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I was prescribed Zofran for nausea during my first pregnancy in 2014 but by 2016 during my 2nd pregnancy it was no longer being deemed safe for pregnancy. I do occasionally get a prescription for it when the stomach flu hits our house. It has even been prescribed to my toddler in a very very small broken dose.
I am so torn on this, I want her to stay in jail but I feel like this is really just a trumped up charge. If they have evidence that she harmed Lucas they need to charge her with that. Would be different if they had actual physical evidence that she was impaired at the time.

I don’t think it is a trumped up charge at all. If they didn’t have her own confession to the charges, then MAYBE I could see it, but she did what they are charging her with. She didn’t exactly make it difficult for them to charge her with something.

If the police want to get you badly enough, odds are they can find something on you. For example:

Here in CA it is illegal to have anything hanging from your rear view mirror. Is this something that people get pulled over for often? Not at all, but if they are trying to find a reason to stop you and you have something hanging on your rv mirror you better believe they’re going to pull you over for it.

Unless otherwise stated, everything above is MOO[emoji230][emoji5]
I wanted to offer some thoughts on the court proceedings today.

Cell phones were confiscated upon entering the courtroom. Media was present and left periodically to do updates. JO was there in the morning and was with someone, but left after the first recess around 10:30. It is most likely that other parties had family members there, but without photographs, positive identification cannot be made at this time.

For the most part, glass looked straight ahead at the witness. She wore black slacks and a black shirt with a gray sweater. She was not wearing glasses and looked healthy.

A WPD officer was the first witness. He essentially testified that he responded to a call at EG's residence on 2/17 because EG called police. He was at the residence for more than an hour. He wore a body camera. He had access to the garage. Pictures of the garage and of EG's daughter were admitted into evidence. There was an area set up in the garage with chairs and an ash tray. He testified that the house was free from clutter and trash, EG's daughter was clothed, clean, and appeared emotionally happy. He does not recall seeing any cannabis or paraphernalia, and would have reported it if he had.

The next witness was a Crime Scene Investigator which helped process the residence. He said that a lot of manpower goes into processing each case. He arrived around 10:30 p.m. and they worked to process the scene all night. He worked until his shift ended around 6:00 a.m. He took 230 photos of the entire residence and created a diagram of the residence. Some relevant photos presented into evidence included those of the backseat of EG's white SUV showing a car seat and a booster seat buckled in side by side. He testified he "processed" the vehicle. He also testified that an occupant of the home provided a written waiver to process the house. Defense showed that there were food and beverages in the fridge and the house was relatively clean.

The next witness was a homicide detective. He was called to the house around 10:30 p.m. He interviewed EG four times. They are all recorded. The dates are 2/18, 2/19, 2/20, and 2/21. EG requested the second interview and brought up cannabis use.

Detectives obtained all of EG's phone records from her carrier. The limited pings offered into testimony showed the phone near Olive Garden at Rock and Central at 4:53 p.m. and 5:43 p.m. EG's written statement was read into evidence. It is summarized, in short hand form, as follows:

Friday, woke up. Changed the kids. Took LH's pullup off and put on underwear. Gave them pop tarts and fruit. Put on cartoons for them while I did laundry. Lounged with the kids and watched cartoons. Smoked a cigarette. Gave daughter a bottle. Did more laundry.

Around noon, gave kids sphagetti-o's and PBJ. LH's tummy hurt. Gave him Zofran and put him in his room to watch a movie. He asked to. Cleaned up after lunch. Checked on LH every 20-30 minutes. Did more laundry. Took a break from cleaning My hands hurt from working in the flower bed. I smoked pot in the garage and got hungry.

I remembered JH gave me a gift card and I decided to eat quick at Olive Garden. Took daughter. Left LH because he fell asleep. Landlord called at 5:30. Said he needed in the house by six to fix the sewer lines. I had been smelling weird things. I told him I was almost home. On my way home he called again.

At home, I made Lucase dinner and gave the kids baths. I put them to bed and talked to JH by video chat.

Then the seven minutes of interviews were played. Audio was low and hard to hear. Of note, her weed gets brought to her by a man named Mike. She does not know his last name.

She has cracks on her hands and has for years. She then rolled up her sleeves to show the detectives her arms also. She hurt her hands digging in the garden. Also, it was her first time going to OG from her new house and she does not remember the route she took.

After showing the video, the judge had a bench conference with the attorneys for several minutes and put white noise on the speakers so they could not be heard. During the bench conference, EG looked over multiple times at three people sitting in the courtroom -- a man and woman about 55, and a woman about 35 -- and she gave a thumbs up with a look on her face like she was asking a question. Then, they broke for lunch.

The events after lunch have been reported.

She forgot to say she put a pullup on Lucas while he napped on the 16th when she went to OG and left him because he was sleeping. You know, like she said she always did and on the 17th she did for his nap.
She forgot to say she put a pullup on Lucas while he napped on the 16th when she went to OG and left him because he was sleeping. You know, like she said she always did and on the 17th she did for his nap.

Fair point. She could have said that in a later recorded interview and not the initial written statement. Of the recorded interviews, only seven minutes were played, and there were probably multiple hours on record. In her initial statement, she did say that she changed him out of the pull up when he woke up in the morning.

Mentions of LH were kept from this proceeding as much as possible for legal reasons.
I wanted to offer some thoughts on the court proceedings today.

Cell phones were confiscated upon entering the courtroom. Media was present and left periodically to do updates. JO was there in the morning and was with someone, but left after the first recess around 10:30. It is most likely that other parties had family members there, but without photographs, positive identification cannot be made at this time.

For the most part, glass looked straight ahead at the witness. She wore black slacks and a black shirt with a gray sweater. She was not wearing glasses and looked healthy.

A WPD officer was the first witness. He essentially testified that he responded to a call at EG's residence on 2/17 because EG called police. He was at the residence for more than an hour. He wore a body camera. He had access to the garage. Pictures of the garage and of EG's daughter were admitted into evidence. There was an area set up in the garage with chairs and an ash tray. He testified that the house was free from clutter and trash, EG's daughter was clothed, clean, and appeared emotionally happy. He does not recall seeing any cannabis or paraphernalia, and would have reported it if he had.

The next witness was a Crime Scene Investigator which helped process the residence. He said that a lot of manpower goes into processing each case. He arrived around 10:30 p.m. and they worked to process the scene all night. He worked until his shift ended around 6:00 a.m. He took 230 photos of the entire residence and created a diagram of the residence. Some relevant photos presented into evidence included those of the backseat of EG's white SUV showing a car seat and a booster seat buckled in side by side. He testified he "processed" the vehicle. He also testified that an occupant of the home provided a written waiver to process the house. Defense showed that there were food and beverages in the fridge and the house was relatively clean.

The next witness was a homicide detective. He was called to the house around 10:30 p.m. He interviewed EG four times. They are all recorded. The dates are 2/18, 2/19, 2/20, and 2/21. EG requested the second interview and brought up cannabis use.

Detectives obtained all of EG's phone records from her carrier. The limited pings offered into testimony showed the phone near Olive Garden at Rock and Central at 4:53 p.m. and 5:43 p.m. EG's written statement was read into evidence. It is summarized, in short hand form, as follows:

Friday, woke up. Changed the kids. Took LH's pullup off and put on underwear. Gave them pop tarts and fruit. Put on cartoons for them while I did laundry. Lounged with the kids and watched cartoons. Smoked a cigarette. Gave daughter a bottle. Did more laundry.

Around noon, gave kids sphagetti-o's and PBJ. LH's tummy hurt. Gave him Zofran and put him in his room to watch a movie. He asked to. Cleaned up after lunch. Checked on LH every 20-30 minutes. Did more laundry. Took a break from cleaning My hands hurt from working in the flower bed. I smoked pot in the garage and got hungry.

I remembered JH gave me a gift card and I decided to eat quick at Olive Garden. Took daughter. Left LH because he fell asleep. Landlord called at 5:30. Said he needed in the house by six to fix the sewer lines. I had been smelling weird things. I told him I was almost home. On my way home he called again.

At home, I made Lucase dinner and gave the kids baths. I put them to bed and talked to JH by video chat.

Then the seven minutes of interviews were played. Audio was low and hard to hear. Of note, her weed gets brought to her by a man named Mike. She does not know his last name.

She has cracks on her hands and has for years. She then rolled up her sleeves to show the detectives her arms also. She hurt her hands digging in the garden. Also, it was her first time going to OG from her new house and she does not remember the route she took.

After showing the video, the judge had a bench conference with the attorneys for several minutes and put white noise on the speakers so they could not be heard. During the bench conference, EG looked over multiple times at three people sitting in the courtroom -- a man and woman about 55, and a woman about 35 -- and she gave a thumbs up with a look on her face like she was asking a question. Then, they broke for lunch.

The events after lunch have been reported.

Thank you. Can you be our court reporter on every trial? Just kidding but thanks as this is really detailed and helps.

A couple interesting things.

Is this the first we are hearing of her giving LH a bath ?

I think this is supposed to be Friday night. Just had a horrible thought about that bath and how much she keeps saying she had to clean and do laundry and the pull up thing again and after the LL episode. Just scary to me that she mentioned bath and I dont recall that before now.

"At home, I made Lucase dinner and gave the kids baths. I put them to bed and talked to JH by video chat."

And something about this comment bugs me. Notice she never mentions anything about doing any gardening so when actually did she supposedly do all this gardening. I dont buy it.

"My hands hurt from working in the flower bed."
I wanted to offer some thoughts on the court proceedings today.

Cell phones were confiscated upon entering the courtroom. Media was present and left periodically to do updates. JO was there in the morning and was with someone, but left after the first recess around 10:30. It is most likely that other parties had family members there, but without photographs, positive identification cannot be made at this time.

For the most part, glass looked straight ahead at the witness. She wore black slacks and a black shirt with a gray sweater. She was not wearing glasses and looked healthy.

A WPD officer was the first witness. He essentially testified that he responded to a call at EG's residence on 2/17 because EG called police. He was at the residence for more than an hour. He wore a body camera. He had access to the garage. Pictures of the garage and of EG's daughter were admitted into evidence. There was an area set up in the garage with chairs and an ash tray. He testified that the house was free from clutter and trash, EG's daughter was clothed, clean, and appeared emotionally happy. He does not recall seeing any cannabis or paraphernalia, and would have reported it if he had.

The next witness was a Crime Scene Investigator which helped process the residence. He said that a lot of manpower goes into processing each case. He arrived around 10:30 p.m. and they worked to process the scene all night. He worked until his shift ended around 6:00 a.m. He took 230 photos of the entire residence and created a diagram of the residence. Some relevant photos presented into evidence included those of the backseat of EG's white SUV showing a car seat and a booster seat buckled in side by side. He testified he "processed" the vehicle. He also testified that an occupant of the home provided a written waiver to process the house. Defense showed that there were food and beverages in the fridge and the house was relatively clean.

The next witness was a homicide detective. He was called to the house around 10:30 p.m. He interviewed EG four times. They are all recorded. The dates are 2/18, 2/19, 2/20, and 2/21. EG requested the second interview and brought up cannabis use.

Detectives obtained all of EG's phone records from her carrier. The limited pings offered into testimony showed the phone near Olive Garden at Rock and Central at 4:53 p.m. and 5:43 p.m. EG's written statement was read into evidence. It is summarized, in short hand form, as follows:

Friday, woke up. Changed the kids. Took LH's pullup off and put on underwear. Gave them pop tarts and fruit. Put on cartoons for them while I did laundry. Lounged with the kids and watched cartoons. Smoked a cigarette. Gave daughter a bottle. Did more laundry.

Around noon, gave kids sphagetti-o's and PBJ. LH's tummy hurt. Gave him Zofran and put him in his room to watch a movie. He asked to. Cleaned up after lunch. Checked on LH every 20-30 minutes. Did more laundry. Took a break from cleaning My hands hurt from working in the flower bed. I smoked pot in the garage and got hungry.

I remembered JH gave me a gift card and I decided to eat quick at Olive Garden. Took daughter. Left LH because he fell asleep. Landlord called at 5:30. Said he needed in the house by six to fix the sewer lines. I had been smelling weird things. I told him I was almost home. On my way home he called again.

At home, I made Lucase dinner and gave the kids baths. I put them to bed and talked to JH by video chat.

Then the seven minutes of interviews were played. Audio was low and hard to hear. Of note, her weed gets brought to her by a man named Mike. She does not know his last name.

She has cracks on her hands and has for years. She then rolled up her sleeves to show the detectives her arms also. She hurt her hands digging in the garden. Also, it was her first time going to OG from her new house and she does not remember the route she took.

After showing the video, the judge had a bench conference with the attorneys for several minutes and put white noise on the speakers so they could not be heard. During the bench conference, EG looked over multiple times at three people sitting in the courtroom -- a man and woman about 55, and a woman about 35 -- and she gave a thumbs up with a look on her face like she was asking a question. Then, they broke for lunch.

The events after lunch have been reported.

This is huge!!!! So LE did process the house and her car. Lots of new info here. Thanks for posting!!

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Wow, EG gave Lucas Zofran

"This medication is used alone or with other medications to prevent nausea and vomiting caused by cancer drug treatment (chemotherapy) and radiation therapy. It is also used to prevent and treat nausea and vomiting after surgery. It works by blocking one of the body's natural substances (serotonin) that causes vomiting."


I wonder if it was prescribed by a real Dr.or real PA for Lucas. Did she take him to the Dr. or did she just get some and give it to him?
Ooh good point NYVictoria I didn't even notice that. But we have court testimony by LE now about the processing of the house and car. So will the news reporters be holding off publishing details of today's proceedings/testimonies/written statements etc until the case is presumably closed tomorrow?
Thank you. Can you be our court reporter on every trial? Just kidding but thanks as this is really detailed and helps.

A couple interesting things.

Is this the first we are hearing of her giving LH a bath ?

I think this is supposed to be Friday night. Just had a horrible thought about that bath and how much she keeps saying she had to clean and do laundry and the pull up thing again and after the LL episode. Just scary to me that she mentioned bath and I dont recall that before now.

"At home, I made Lucase dinner and gave the kids baths. I put them to bed and talked to JH by video chat."

And something about this comment bugs me. Notice she never mentions anything about doing any gardening so when actually did she supposedly do all this gardening. I dont buy it.

"My hands hurt from working in the flower bed."

The bathing bothers me too. I don’t even want to say what I’m thinking.

Also interesting she mentioned her hands. We were all speculating about her hands. A neighbor saw her digging in the flower bed with her daughter but I’m not buying that as “gardening”

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Thank you. Can you be our court reporter on every trial? Just kidding but thanks as this is really detailed and helps.

A couple interesting things.

Is this the first we are hearing of her giving LH a bath ?

I think this is supposed to be Friday night. Just had a horrible thought about that bath and how much she keeps saying she had to clean and do laundry and the pull up thing again and after the LL episode. Just scary to me that she mentioned bath and I dont recall that before now.

"At home, I made Lucase dinner and gave the kids baths. I put them to bed and talked to JH by video chat."

And something about this comment bugs me. Notice she never mentions anything about doing any gardening so when actually did she supposedly do all this gardening. I dont buy it.

"My hands hurt from working in the flower bed."

I think she was asked specifically to provide detailed information for what she did for a defined time before the disappearance. Without looking, I don’t remember when she claims to of worked in the flower bed. But, it could be beyond the temporal scope of what she was asked to write.
Let's hope it wasn't a nim wit playing doctor..

Or some careless caretaker that decided to give him way too much because she got tired of him throwing up and making a mess for her.
This is huge!!!! So LE did process the house and her car. Lots of new info here. Thanks for posting!!

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I believed this before. But, after listening to testimony today, it is my opinion that Wichita‘s best crime scene investigators, police officers, and homicide detectives, worked all night and more processing everything. There’s been a lot of talk that law-enforcement knows more than revealed. After getting a glimpse behind the curtain with tiny fractions of evidence today, I would bet on it.
Oh brother. EG felt sorry for the strangers too, outside her home in the early morning hours and invited them in. She was just trying to be nice. Why does she say these ridiculous things about just trying to be nice to others when they're just lies! Who invites total strangers in? Who exchanges gifts with someone you say punched you in the face? What odd suggestions. This really makes me think she's a socioapath as she doesn't get how people really behave. She's just putting on a show how she thinks impress others. What a crock!

Exactly! I’ve always said people who truly are nice don’t run around telling everyone that they are nice. Quite the opposite.

That can be applied to many things. Wealth, intelligence, education, etc. Because when you actually are those things, you don’t need to announce it.

Unless otherwise stated, everything above is MOO[emoji230][emoji5]
This is EG's own written testimony. It stands out to me, because it supports the whole LL sighting Lucas on 02/16th reports and also supports the theory that EG may have been upset by LH being seen home alone by LL or other witness. Possible motive for a final beating which led to his death?

Also, what is Zofran? Note the details about Lucas' tummy hurting. Note also her excuses for her hand scratches. I'm sorry but she doesn't really strike me as the avid gardening sort. JMO.

There was a neighbor who said they saw EG gardening, but I think it was on Thrusday which would have been before Lucas' disappearance.
There was a neighbor who said they saw EG gardening, but I think it was on Thrusday which would have been before Lucas' disappearance.

Another good point. Not all of her written statement was read into evidence. Just as only seven minutes of her interviews were introduced into evidence. The focus today was on marijuana use, her daughter, and Olive Garden. We learned a lot, but we do not have a full picture of everything she said in statements and interviews.

In other words, just because it was not read into evidence today does not mean it is not in a statement somewhere.
It bothers me a little bit that there's no mention there of putting a pull-up on Lucas when she gave him the zofran and put him in his room for the nap/movie. Yet she took off a pull-up in the morning and put him in regular underwear, and she alleges she gave Lucas a bath that night, and I would expect a pull-up to go back on after the bath.

And it says another video chat with JH after the OG.

If the zofran had affected Lucas I would think it would start within 20 mins or so as it dissolves into the blood stream (not a medical expert, just a non-expert assumption which could be wrong). But Lucas is allegedly okay when the LL knocked at the door while EG was at OG, at least fine enough to stand and engage in a two-way conversation. If Lucas did have a reaction to something like that, even if it wasn't doctor-prescribed, why not take him to the ER? That would be an accident, maybe neglect or something like that, but not attempted murder.

So if the LL did some work around 6pm (did he observe her feed Lucas? how long did he stay?) and the the bath and bed for the kids, and then video chat with JH...what else happened that night? She hadn't told JH that she went to OG without Lucas, so they didn't have a fight about that.

Could Lucas have puked in the night, all over his bedding, and she just got really mad?
There was a neighbor who said they saw EG gardening, but I think it was on Thrusday which would have been before Lucas' disappearance.

Who lives in the area? Is Mid-February gardening even a thing?!

I’m an avid gardener. I’ve cleaned up horrendous garden beds. Today I was even tramping in the woods pulling invasive species... wearing a t-shirt and no gloves and guess what.... zero damage to my hands and arms. And I worked hard. And if I’m around the house working with really coarse material, I’ll maybe grab gloves or be extra careful.

My point being, there’s no way she’d willingly get beat up to work in her own yard without being cautious. My money is put on the fact that whatever she was doing that damaged her skin, she did in a rush and because she didn’t have a choice to be careful. Nighttime wouldn’t be on her side either. But because she said “gardening” and I don’t believe her, I do believe she was in the woods/grassland. This eases my dumpster theory anxiety.

Chemicals will cause my skin crack too. I wonder what she was cleaning with... bleach?

Thank you for the excellent court notes. Im feeling good about this. But I’m also really sad that no matter what, Lucas is gone. 😞
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