Found Deceased Ks - Lucas Hernandez, 5, Wichita, 17 Feb 2018 #29

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I think the date is off, though, in terms of when the photo was taken. When did she take this photo again?

Unknown date a few days before Lucas was reported missing (From EG’s jailhouse interview) And I keep thinking back to these two people that were outside of my house a few days prior. A black man and white woman," Glass said. Investigator Devon Fasbinder asked if Glass knew these people. "No," she answered. "They were standing outside and talking and smoking a cigarette and it was actually pretty early morning so I went out there to be like hey is everything okay? Do you need to come inside? Are you stranded? They were just like, no and just like looked at me like I offended them or something." She continued, "And I said okay, I'm sorry. It's cold outside and I didn't know if you needed to come in. I was just being nice. They stuck around for maybe another 15 or 20 minutes. I actually did snap a picture of them walking away because I wanted to send it to their dad to say hey this is what's going on. Because I'm at home alone."

Emily Glass speaks from jail: 'I would never hurt my son'
It's Soooo maddening......I feel like something is right there......what is it?

Now - I'm being facetious.....but I can come up with a plausible photo with a simple google search <modsnip>

She covers every move she makes.
Habitual liar combined with "old habits die hard".
This is what I think.
1. Meth dealers?? Perhaps
Say there were srangers on the property in the event thay were seen by the neighbors.
2. Pretend potential kidnappers.
She's killing two birds with one stone.
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Has it ever been proven that the homeless man (Christian Rials) who was killed by a car is black? Maybe somebody could point me to a link.
I can't prove it, but I saw his pic somewhere. Now can't remember where. Sorry.
I'm a little behind, so forgive me if this has already been asked. Could you point me to the article or what-have-you where EG was setting up her sons? I remember her mentioning "cousins" but not her sons. TIA
She mentioned them in her jail interview,along with her nephews. Emily Glass speaks from jail: 'I would never hurt my son'
This is where she claims all those horrific bruises are from, her nephews,and her own sons.
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A LONG time ago, we discussed how there's always some truth sprinkled throughout a story full of lies. Someone mentioned that her story of asking the mystery couple "Are you ok? Are you stranded? Do you need to come in?" sounded more like something a person may have said to HER (EG).

I can't quite put my finger on it....but swirling through my mind is this:

At some point, EG was out either scoping a place to "dispose" of Lucas.....or checking to make sure he was still hidden...something.....and a (possibly) passerby saw her maybe pulled over and asked her THOSE EXACT QUESTIONS. Can't you envision it?
  • "Are you ok? Are you stranded? Do you need to come in?"
Then her weird story of seeing a black man and a white woman
  • Is it possible that she (EG) is the (white woman) and the homeless guy the (black man)? Maybe this was a truth that she sprinkled in her BS maybe she was quick trying to think on her feet when being questioned by LE and used what was on her mind/happened recently
Again, it hasn't quite lined up in my brain....but I really feel those questions may have been asked OF HER, and that in some way she is the white woman with the black man....and she spun these bits into her story.

Please let me know if you can kinda see what I'm saying?????

I was the one who mentioned that scenario and I still believe that is a strong possibility. You and I are totally on the same page.
Unknown date a few days before Lucas was reported missing (From EG’s jailhouse interview) And I keep thinking back to these two people that were outside of my house a few days prior. A black man and white woman," Glass said. Investigator Devon Fasbinder asked if Glass knew these people. "No," she answered. "They were standing outside and talking and smoking a cigarette and it was actually pretty early morning so I went out there to be like hey is everything okay? Do you need to come inside? Are you stranded? They were just like, no and just like looked at me like I offended them or something." She continued, "And I said okay, I'm sorry. It's cold outside and I didn't know if you needed to come in. I was just being nice. They stuck around for maybe another 15 or 20 minutes. I actually did snap a picture of them walking away because I wanted to send it to their dad to say hey this is what's going on. Because I'm at home alone."

Emily Glass speaks from jail: 'I would never hurt my son'

This is off topic of what is being discussed, but the above bolded part of Emily's statement has always bothered me. Why is she not saying she wanted to send it to Jonathan instead of using distancing language by referring to him as "their dad"?
I can't prove it, but I saw his pic somewhere. Now can't remember where. Sorry.

She mentioned them in her jail interview,along with her nephews. Emily Glass speaks from jail: 'I would never hurt my son'
This is where she claims all those horrific bruises are from, her nephews,and her own sons.

Thank you. There has been so much focus on the cousins that I didn't remember her mentioning her boys.

She says "Um, yeah, um, in the past, you know, there's been times he's being a boy, and um playing with his older brothers, and his cousins, um, he gets bruises, and he has had some falls, um, falls either could be cooking dinner, or at the park, um, this is really hard on me."
She covers every move she makes.
Habitual liar combined with "old habits die hard".
This is what I think.
1. Meth dealers?? Perhaps
Say there were srangers on the property in the event thay were seen by the neighbors.
2. Pretend potential kidnappers.
She's killing two birds with one stone.
This x 1000. I hope we eventually get to see transcripts of the interviews she gave LE. I hope they really are just getting their ducks in a row before bringing charges.
Please don't take this as a criticism but initials can be quite hard for the brain to process in a case where there are quite a few players and a lot of posts to read, EG, MH, JO, JH, DM, CR etc. and it's a tax on the old brain to keep seeing a new one MZ frequently thrown into the mix and having to think who is that.
Ok. Sorry. So hard to hold my contempt so I try to use the reference a Defence lawyer would use for her. Hence Mz.Glass as opposed to Ms. Glass. I don't think she deserve anymore respect than she showed Lucas.
I'll refer to her by her actually name from now on. Ughhhhhh.
In my opinion, this is how it would go.

EG kills Lucas on 11th
Needs to find someone to pin it on.
At some point, see's random people outside the house.
Takes their pic and sends it... all to create a 'plausible' story she can tell later.
Blame them in interview too.

Also...invite random homeless man inside. Blame him.

One thing I noticed....she never mentioned the homeless guy when asked if she could think of anything that could have happened.

At what point was she like..."oh, I'll blame the random people OUTSIDE the house rather then blame the man who she actually invited INTO the house.

Wonder who else she might have tried to pin it on?

I feel sorry for CR the homeless man in all this. May he rest in peace.
I feel like the detail that is important is the the conversation.....that somehow the dialogue was from another time, another place and someone asked EG these questions when she was either disposing of / or checking on Lucas's body. I think it will show that this detail (the smoking couple that she was scared of and invited in) was just BS.
Sorry, I should have clarified- that's what I meant- the actual photo itself not being important. I agree, the conversation could very well be relevant to the timeline. I'm wondering if LE knows who the couple or persons in the photo is, but aren't saying anything until court?
Thank you. There has been so much focus on the cousins that I didn't remember her mentioning her boys.

She says "Um, yeah, um, in the past, you know, there's been times he's being a boy, and um playing with his older brothers, and his cousins, um, he gets bruises, and he has had some falls, um, falls either could be cooking dinner, or at the park, um, this is really hard on me."
How does one equate falling with cooking dinner?
Sounds like she knocked him down in the kitchen when she was cooking.
Sorry, I should have clarified- that's what I meant- the actual photo itself not being important. I agree, the conversation could very well be relevant to the timeline. I'm wondering if LE knows who the couple or persons in the photo is, but aren't saying anything until court?

The things about the photo that could be important:
  • proof that it IS/IS NOT taken in front of EG/JH home (caught in lie)
  • proof of when the photo was taken (sent to JH on that date so say these ppl were outside TODAY)....maybe from a different day or time (caught in a lie)
  • proof that it is even truly a pic that EG it from another source (caught in a lie)
How does one equate falling with cooking dinner?
Sounds like she knocked him down in the kitchen when she was cooking.

I always thought that was another bizzaro detail of truth sprinkled in with lies.....
  • once Lucas was found....could he possibly have had evidence of her burning him somehow? Maybe evidence that due to her daily (potential) neglect, he climbed on the counter and tried to get HIMSELF something to eat because she wasn't preparing him food or ignored plea that he was hungry....and that DID lead to him burning himself or falling?
I suppose it could be anything, but if I was about to drive out of the house with a body in the trunk I would feel very annoyed if I looked out the window and at that very moment there were a couple of strangers outside the house who showed no sign of moving on. Not that I've ever been in that position, of course.
Perhaps dealers came to her house with meth or she drove around with or without kids in the car to a meth house.
One part of the picture that has bothered me, is why did she wait until they were walking away 20 minutes later to finally grab her phone and take a picture? If she was nervous about them, she would've taken the picture right away. I still think she took a picture of a random couple walking down the street. She was setting up her story.

It's amazing that with having that much time to concoct a story, "I fell asleep and when I woke up he was gone" was the best she could come up with. Followed now by, "I woke up and he was just dead in bed!" She's certainly not very creative.
One part of the picture that has bothered me, is why did she wait until they were walking away 20 minutes later to finally grab her phone and take a picture? If she was nervous about them, she would've taken the picture right away. I still think she took a picture of a random couple walking down the street. She was setting up her story.

It's amazing that with having that much time to concoct a story, "I fell asleep and when I woke up he was gone" was the best she could come up with. Followed now by, "I woke up and he was just dead in bed!" She's certainly not very creative.

BBM - if she was nervous about them, she wouldn't have invited the in (but I know, she was "just being nice") my arse
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